Retribution! (The Champion Chronicles Book 1)

Highland Retribution

If the series has an order, add a number or other descriptor in parenthesis after the series title eg. By default, it sorts by the number, or alphabetically if there is no number. If you want to force a particular order, use the character to divide the number and the descriptor.

So, " 0 prequel " sorts by 0 under the label "prequel. Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such see Wikipedia: Like many concepts in the book world, "series" is a somewhat fluid and contested notion.

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  • Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning: Volume 2: Volume 3;
  • Skins: The Novel (Skins series Book 1)!
  • Series: Dragonlands?

A good rule of thumb is that series have a conventional name and are intentional creations , on the part of the author or publisher. For now, avoid forcing the issue with mere "lists" of works possessing an arbitrary shared characteristic, such as relating to a particular place. Avoid series that cross authors, unless the authors were or became aware of the series identification eg.

Also avoid publisher series, unless the publisher has a true monopoly over the "works" in question. So, the Dummies guides are a series of works.

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But the Loeb Classical Library is a series of editions, not of works. Home Groups Talk Zeitgeist. I Agree This site uses cookies to deliver our services, improve performance, for analytics, and if not signed in for advertising. Your use of the site and services is subject to these policies and terms.

Common Knowledge Series Dragonlands. Dragonlands Series by cover. The Sanctuary Series, Books Driving home from work, I watched the temperature soar past and then ! So crank up the air conditioner, boot up the e-reader, and enjoy a romantic tale. The buy link at TWRP: Good News to share! It was beautifully written, emotional, and hard to put down. This is a writer to watch!

Part of being an author is promotion, and then, more promotion. I'm thrilled to announce the following happenings - and all in the span of two days! Nixon asks some tough questions. Drop in and see how I do! Blogtalk Radio interview with the lovely and gracious Daria DiGiovanni.

Born of Legend Sherrilyn Kenyon Book Trailer

Here's the promo for the link. The interview is slated for 11am. She's done a terrific job on all three covers in The Champion Chronicles Trilogy and I was thrilled to find out that she delivered Shela's cover as well. The setting is Yule, also kno. I've joined my good friend and paranormal author for a joint blog. All future postings will be there, so come visit when you get a chance: It's entitled The Vampire's Touch, and if you've enjoyed Retribution! She's already gone through the edit process and is waiting for a release date.

My good friend, M. Flagg, and I will be sharing this new exciting place in cyber-space! More info to follow soon, but in the meantime, here's my good news: The Vampire's Touch has been contracted and is already in edits. It's a sensual paranormal romance between a good witch and a heroic vampire called a legend. It takes place during Christmastime, the season of Yule. A few weeks ago, I received an email from my editor, the fabulous Callie Lynn Wolfe. She congratulated me on completing my third and final novel in The Champion Chronicles Trilogy. I felt full of bittersweet excitement, having worked so closely with Callie since I signed with The Wild Rose Press in I can't believe it.

I'll forever be grateful for her guidance, patience, and support. As a new writer definitely not a young one the opportunity to work with th. On the heels of a title change, His Soul To Keep has a cover. So far, the blurb is as follows: Destiny is rewritten for Michael Malone, a mystically enhanced vampire, with an outcome so unexpected that everyone in his world is stunned—Michael most of all. Lukas, his rebellious human son, is just as curious.

My editor warned me that I might have to change Book Three's title.

See a Problem?

Friday the Thirteenth Visit: The Sanctuary Series, Books Once again, her fabulous writing draws you into the story and makes you fall in love with the characters. Keira' s books are never a disappointment. The Champion Chronicles - 3. March ing right along.

The edit pass is done. We're ready to go to the next step. Then the email comes. We have to change the title of Inheritance! At first, panic set in along with but that's the title in my head and it's written in stone! It ends the Trilogy and maybe even provides the segue for another series. Then I thought about it. My editor and I br. Butterflies - Part Two. I really appreciate all your great comments on butterflies. Since the post, I've learned so much from so many sources about the gorgeous creatures, legends attached to different cultures, and interesting facts about the tiny beauties.

Friends of mine who don't blog even left messages through my website and in emails. One suggested maybe the little guy was too drunk on nectar to fly away. What did I do? Have you ever pet a butterfly? Someone said the butterfly was an angel. I tend to agree. And the feeling gave me such comfort, I won't even try to put it into words. My vacation is at an end. I don't fully know what awaits Monday morning, but I'm sure it won't be pretty. With the unpredictability issue weighing heavily on my mind, I accepted a writer friend's invitation to spend the afternoon at her house.

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She's very earth-friendly, and as soon as I stepped onto her deck, the calm atmosphere had me. I stood by a. This release has been a long time coming, but it's finally HERE!!! This was the first book I contracted, second in the series of course, I do things backwards. Callie gave The Champion Chronicles it's name. Book One debuted in March When I wrote Consequences Book Two, the story was solid, the characters like old friends.

I am so looking forward to this release, but I also have other news to share. I've signed a contract with TWRP for the third book in this paranormal romance series. Inheritance continues Michael Malone's story of redemption and then some. Questions are answered, a new threat looms for him and Alana to battle, and Lukas discov.

The Reviews

Retribution! (The Champion Chronicles Book 1) - Kindle edition by M. Flagg. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Retribution! has 2 ratings and 0 reviews. Dreams often reflect Retribution! (The Champion Chronicles, #1) Rate this book. Clear rating. 1 of.

I'll admit to neglecting my own blog for the past months. My days are very busy, filled with so many urgent issues. So I'm making a promise to post more this summer. I thought a good way to get back into blogging would be to share what I had to say over at The Black Rose Blog. And if you want to hear what other paranormal authors have to say about current good reads, that's. March ing right along. I haven't blogged much lately, but I've sure seen a heck of a lot of snow. It's not that I don't have something to say. I'm pretty talkative most of the time.

M. Flagg Book List - FictionDB

Perhaps my muse has taken a vacation to where it's sunny and warm, not slushy and chilly. At times, this break from writing worries me. The days are very busy right now, and I can't complain. As my son said the other day, "It'll come. Your intellectual curiosity is saturated lately. But I've been busy Life get's busier by the month. I've been remiss with promotion, keeping up with blogs, posting updates, etc.

Nothing bad; all good! Inheritance is now in the hands of my goddess of an editor. I finally let it go after many, many revisions. Now the wait begins - again I feel very blessed to be an author who can say this. The Halloween Book signing was a hoot! For all the pictures, visit http: Linda's speech was so very poignant and straight from her heart. We will be together in costume, of course for a book signing on October 31st from 10 - Noon. The Fine Grind is located on.

October is looking good to me. I usually love September, but October looks to be filled with loads of paranormal fun! Come read the free short story: Friday the Thirteenth Visit: The Backstory to Retribution! One very interesting interview with Sharon Donovan and Oliver http: Just who on earth checks these people?