How To Become A Professional Con Artist

The same could be said of legitimate entrepreneurial pitches, insists Clay. Tangible objects and real-world actions cement a target's investment in an idea way more than lofty speeches and PowerPoint slides.

1) Forget Silver Tongued – Have Silver Ears

Mandeep Dhillon rated it it was ok Oct 29, Engineering Professional Paperback Textbooks. It's no wonder that many startups lean on a tried formula of 'Zipcar for puppies' or 'Grinder for fights' fictitious examples. A simple business card. Dress nicely, reference mutual friends and similarity, and convey social proof markers like affiliations with impressive institutions. Published on January 30,

That's why con men reel in their victims with forged documents and expensive props. Entrepreneurs should borrow a bit of this wisdom and understand that "a prototype is worth one thousand words. An experience is far more meaningful than an elevator pitch," Clay contends.

2. Hook people with collateral.

Clay tells the story of a fraudster who paid down-on-their-luck celebrities to pitch his scams. This con artist understood a truth entrepreneurs would do well to learn -- piggybacking on other people's good reputation to take you very far indeed. It's no wonder that many startups lean on a tried formula of 'Zipcar for puppies' or 'Grinder for fights' fictitious examples.

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How To Become A Professional Con Artist [Dennis M. Marlock, Dennis Marlock] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A fool and his money are . How to Become a Professional Con Artist has 66 ratings and 8 reviews. David said: If you're interested in learning about Confidence Tricks, widely availa.

Creating a link between established enterprise and something new gives others a metaphorical bridge into your idea," advises Clay. Also, cash in on the social capital of your mentors, parties, organizations, or even university, to get a borrowed legitimacy bump.

How to Become a Professional Con Artist by Dennis M. Marlock (2001, Paperback)

Clay offers another great story of a con man who successfully sold the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal to illustrate this example this tale, along with the other tales of successful cons Clay relates, is well worth a read in full but beyond these colorful details, the basic takeaway for legitimate business people is powerful: Take stock of how others see you and then work to dislodge any negative assumptions they might be carrying. Sometimes they are difficult or impossible to beat. Always they merit the scorn and contempt of the con men.

How To Pickpocket (Learn from the Experts!)

But we need to understand what works at the highest level: This is what Bob Cialdini did in his groundbreaking book about influence: So what four ethical tips can we take away from a study of the scams and cons of grifters? You think of con men as smooth talkers but just as the psychological research recommends , they bond with others by listening.

The Art of Human Hacking:.

  1. 4 Powerful Things Con Men Can Teach You About Persuasion - Barking Up The Wrong Tree!
  2. See a Problem?!
  3. Masked Intentions.
  4. How To Become A Professional Con Artist - Dennis M. Marlock - Google Книги.
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Probably not one skill exists that can be as encompassing as listening. Listening is a major part of being a social engineer. This is how hackers fool people into giving up their passwords. The idea is to really listen to what the other side is saying and feed it back to them.

2) Confidence

Never permit yourself to be bored. If you gander around you will always find some mark you can trim. But some heel-grifters think it is smartly sophisticated to appear languid or condescendingly wise. That is really stupid. Tie into any mark. Be a good listener and he will immediately conclude that you are a young man of some note. More on effective listening here.

They exude confidence, gain your confidence and then exploit that trust. Afraid of asking your boss for a raise? Research shows confidence — real or not — is extremely powerful. We all need to overcome our irrational doubts and fears to be our best. And here is how to be more confident. What got him out of it? The only difference was that I had given him a business card. How did Frank Abagnale fly around the world on Pan Am planes while only in his late teens? He got a uniform.

1. Understand how people really make decisions.

What if I were a pilot? Not an actual pilot, of course. Why, I thought, I could walk into any hotel, bank or business in the country and cash a check. Airline pilots are men to be admired and respected. Men to be trusted.

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