Trading Pairs: Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies (Wiley Tradi

Mark recently worked as the Editor in Chief for a respected financial newsletter and was a guest analyst on a nationally syndicated radio show. He is the key developer of pairstrader. He has contributed to a market show on AM in the Denver area , and writes a newsletter, The Pairs Trader pairstrader. Permissions Request permission to reuse content from this site.

Trading Pairs: Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies

Table of contents Downloads Acknowledgments. The Nuts and Bolts. How Do Pairs Work? Mindset of Reading This Book. How Fundamental Analysis Relates to Pairs. Growth and Growth Ratios. Tying It All Together. Chaikin Money Flow Oscillator. Spread, Differential, and Ratio. Importing Data into Excel.

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Applying Statistics to Pairs.

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The Wiley Trading series features books by traders who have survived the market's the advice and strategies needed to prosper today and well into the future. For a list of Trading pairs: capturing profits and hedging risk with statistical .. So what exactly is pairs trading and/or statistical arbitrage?. Trading Pairs: Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies 1st Edition . Algorithmic Trading: Winning Strategies and Their Rationale Hardcover: pages; Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (July 29, ); Language.

Taking a Step Back for a Moment. Moving Averages and Normalized Standard Deviation. Psychology of Money Management. The Reality of Pairs. In Section 2, we review existi ng definitions. In Section 3, we report a survey of. In Section 4, we identify the key. We combine th e findings. The company developed co mplex SA str ategies for fixed income. However , in , as a result of. Reserve Bank of Ne w York to organi ze a bai lout in order to avoid a wider fina n-. Neverthe less , SA continued to grow in popu larity with applications.

S A has become one of the main i n-. Tec hnological develo pments in co mputati onal. In more recent years , SA has seen renewed inte r-.

The literature on the limits of arbitrage i s quite broad and provi des some in-. Mou [28] reports how arbitrageurs have to. Duffie [31] desc ribes the risks ari sing from inattentive. Finally , behavioral effects c an generate addit ional risk and asset bu b-. On the one hand , these risks create S A opportunities. On the o ther hand ,. In this section , we review all definitions of arb itrage available in literature.

Ou r analysis enc ompasses both alt ernative. Lexical defini tions use simple ter ms for a wide audie nce. Conceptual de f i-. Abstract definitions are used wh en the meaning cannot be measured e m-. Finally , operati onal definition s provide a clear and concise meani ng of.

Operational d efinitions clearly spec ify. We find that existing defi nitions can be cat egorized. Lexical Definitions of SA. Some lexical definiti ons tend to be vague and l ack formalism becaus e traders , for. Pole [13] for example writes that SA uses mathe matic al models to gene rate r e-. Accord ing to Avellaneda. Montana [3 5] defines SA as an investme nt strat egy that exploits pat-. Burgess [36] defi nes statistical arbit rage. Other d efinitions are centered on the co n-. Thomaidis and Kondakis [37] define SA as an attempt to. Do , Faff and. Hamza [38] claim that SA is an equity trading strategy tha t employs time series.

Burgess [3 6] also d e-. In using d e-. A general definition of SA strategy should de scribe what SA is and its o bje c-. We find instead th at some definitions f ocus on specific impleme ntations. In particular , in a br oad range of pape rs , SA is associated with. Conceptual Defi nitions of SA. Another set of defi nitions can be classified as co nceptual as they can be ass o-. Stefanini [1 2] uses the expected value in noting that SA seeks to c apture.

For Saks and Mari nger [53] , SA accept s negative payoffs as lo ng as the. Focardi , Fabozzi and Mitov [5 4] focus on uncor related returns repor t-. Operational Def inition s of Arbi trage. We next discuss the var ious extensions o f arbitrage availab le in the literature.

(PDF) What Is Statistical Arbitrage?

All definitions can b e classified as opera-. Here , w e provide a description o f the. We first introduce the classical definition of ar bitrage , defined as a zer o - cost. A first attempt to provide a new de finition of arbitr age is made by Ledoit [5]. A using the Sharpe ratio [5 5] [56]. Ledoit [5] de fines. A as an investment strate gy having a Sharpe rati o above a constant and str ictl y. In the context of incomplete markets , C hochrane and Saa - Re quejo. If returns are not normally distributed s trategies can have. Instead of usi ng the Sharpe ratio or.

AO is defi ned as an in vestment strat egy having a non - nega tive. In other words , AO is an investme nt opportunity acce pt a ble to. In the literature , there are two definitions of Statistical Arbitrage SA which. K ey in the definition is t he introduction of. According to this definition SA satisfies four conditions. The fourth conditi on only applies when th ere always. As a summary , we provide a high - level descriptio n of all the revi ewed arb i-. M ost of them are intended to descri be only specific. Literature Review of Strategies.

The existing literat ure on SA includ es a small number of reviews of ar bitrage. In fixed inc ome , Duarte ,. SA is a framework for identifying. SA is an investment opportunity arising from the choice of models for hedging. SA is an equity trading st. SA is an attempt to profit from pricing discrepancies that appear in a. SA uses mathematical models to generate returns from systematic. SA encompasses a variety of strategies characterized by: SA is an investment strategy that exploits patterns detected in. SA seeks to capture imbalances in expected value of financial.

SA accepts negative pay. SA strategies aim at producing positive. Is a strategy with a Sharpe ratio above a constant and positive. Consists in buying selling securities whose market price lies. Is a strategy whose gain. Is a strategy with a non. Consists in buying selling those derivatives strategies whose price.

Is a strategy with expected positive payoff and expected non. With time the strategy has positive expected payoff.

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Longstaff and Yu [15] conduct an analysis o f the risk and return ch aracteristics. In equity , Do , Faff and. Hamza [38] analyze different appr oaches to pairs tr ading: Again , focusing on equities , Pole [13] elab orates on pairs tra d-. There are no r eviews for. In our review , for the first t ime , we look at SA acros s all as set classes to id e n-.

We r eview the existing lit erature. We identify art icles in literature discussing SA strategies sp a n-.

The surveyed studies focus on equities. Just two a r-. We categorize the various strategies based on the classification pro posed by. Duarte , Longstaff and Yu [ 15] who identify five different ty p es of SA strategies. We add equity pairs trading to the cl assification for fixed. The ter m SA is used very frequently in. Pair s trading is predom i-. Capital structure arbitrage is t he se cond most.

Term structure strategies are documented o nly in eight studies of. Swap spre ad arbitrage and mortgage arbitrag e are. Studies on arbitrage strategies. The table repo rts the breakdown by asset cl ass of. Pairs trading 6 1 2 Uhlenbeck is a model used to describe the multivariate dynamics of financial variables.

We next describe the six identified trading strategies. Pairs trading is a SA stra t-. In its simplest formulatio n , pairs. When the spread between the two components of the pair signific antl y. This strateg y relies on the assumption of a l ong - term equilibrium in the. Long and short positions ca n be. The u se of pairs tradi ng is not l i-. Ther e are applications to other areas su ch as spreads between. Pairs tr ading can also be us ed to model the s pread between.


The principle behind calculating an MA is so that we can gain additional statistical confirmation when entering a position. As an example of a verbal Excel function, when we type in AVERAGE before our designated numbers, the spreadsheet will know to automatically total all numbers in the specified period and divide by the total amount of cells read. The midpoint of all data when it is arranged in numerical order. However, even though I took a huge loss, I did the right thing. On Thursday, July 31, , we received a question from one subscriber inquiring whether China. Thus, the statistics are telling us that that 95 percent the data falls within our present range.

Term structure arb itrage is a commo n SA strategy whi ch typically in volves. Positions are held until the trade. Term st ructure arbitrage i s particularly. Term structur e arbitrage in commodi ties uses models. An implement ation of term structur e arbitrage in commod ities is. In credit , SA oppor tunities in the. Volatility arbitr age is a popular and widel y used strategy [76] [7 7] [78] [79]. Its implementations are structured to be pure bets on volatility and should. Similarl y to other. Ga mma trading plays the. If the re a-. Realized Variance - I mplied V a-. Volatility su rface arbitrage is a relat ive value strategy trad ing the implied.

Arbitrageurs identify anomalies in implied volatilities across different strike.

Trading Pairs + CD: Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies

Cross - asset volatility tr ading plays the. Finally , dispersion tr ading also known as. Greater correlations translat e into less diver sification. Decorrelation i s traded by selling inde x variance. Swap spread arbitr age is another po pular fixed income strategy which bet s on.

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It is structured in. On the one ha nd , the arbitrageur enters a par interest rate swap pa y-. Entering this part of the trade the arbitrageur earns the treasury rate. The overall cash flow of the tr ade is. The strat egy generates a positive income as l ong. Swap spread arbitrage is immu ne.

Mortgage arbitrage consists of buying mortgage - backed securities MBSs. The strategy provides a posi tive carry as the yield on MBSs is typi cally higher. As the spread ear ned is generally small ,. Mortgage a rbitrage strategies can. A popular implement a-. Capital structure arbi trage involves taki ng long and short posi tions in the. This includes a variety of strategies b etween equity , d ebt and credit instruments. Some of the m ost popular str ategies are cred it arbitrage and.

Credit arbitrage also known as c apital structure arbitrage. Arbitrageurs use the information on. The t heoretical CDS is then compared with the level quoted in the. If the market s pread is higher low er than the theoretical spread , then.

Convertible Arbitrage is one of the most popular capit al structure strate gies. Intuitively , if the stock increases in price , the bo nds. In some ve r-. In addition to credit arbitrage and convertible arbitrage , other capital structure. In partic ular Schaefer and Strebulaev [89] show that structural models. Other strategies instead foc us on. This review allows us to id entify the defining featu res of the different st rat e-.

They are summar ized in Table 3. In this section , we define SA strategies. We identify those featur es which are.

We compare them w ith the availa-. Strategies Key Featur es. All strategies aim to exploit relative value opportunities t hrough the impleme n-. Pairs trading invests in the spread between two. Term structure models the spread between yields or future prices. The table reports the d efining features of th e. Plays mean reversion in the spreads of two securities. Plays the spread of implied vs. Profits from the spread between a fix and a floating leg by entering a.

Buys MBS hedging the. Volatility arbitrage identifies relative value opportunities between volatilities. Swap spread plays a fixed spread v ersus a floating spread. Capital structur e arbitrage profits from. However , not all strategi es need mean reversi on. Pairs tradi ng and term. If spreads narro w these strategies are le ss profitable and can tur n into a. In addition , not al l strategies are z ero - cost. This is not only due to market. For example , pairs tra d-. It is not possible to clearly define whether SA strategies are market - neutr al.

All stra tegies invest in some risk fact ors while hedging other s. For example , term. Volatility arbitr age hedges against movements of the und erlying but not of t he. Swap spread ar bitrage hedges ag ainst changes in t reasury. Mortgage ar bitrage hedges again st. Not all strategies gu arantee gains but rather offer positi ve exp ected excess r e-. Arbitrageurs require a positive ex-. The potential l oss. Although not all the academic literat ure reports it , trades a l-.

The tak e profit identifie s when a. A take profit is trigg ered. The stop loss quan-. From the previous analysis , it is possible to conclude t hat three key factors d e-. Definition of SA Strategy. From the review of strategi es and definitions , we find that both in the de finitions. Surveyed fe atures of statistical ly determined arbi trage strategies. For each tra d-. Mean reversion Yes Yes - No No -. Market neutral - - - - - -. Zero cost - - - Yes No -. Definitions focus primarily in str engthening the c oncept of arbi trage introdu c-.

In some case s , they use tools common to practitioners , such as the. In other cases , instead the focus is more on the theoretical.