Postcards from Paradise: Romancing Key West

Schooner Man

It is the story of a washed-up rock star who returns home to Key West to reclaim the heart of his estranged wife, hoping to restore calm to his life. American Tropic is an eco-thriller that tracks the growing body count of a crazed killer who calls himself Bizango.

The murders are gruesome, as are the sins of the victims. Wesley Sizemore Tropical Quests: Feisty heroine Loxi Claiborne returns home to the island after a trip to Charleston, giving the reader a unique look at how wealthy Key westers of the 19th century connected with the mainland. During a tumultuous time, she is pursued by both the captain of one of her salvage ships and by a lawyer who followed her from Charleston.

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The book is famously known for the Cecil B. DeMille film of the same title, which features John Wayne as the hunky wrecker captain and a walk-on swim-on? By a giant squid. Since publishing her first in the series, An Appetite for Murder in , she has published seven Food Critic Mysteries. Her latest, published just this month, is Killer Takeout. Isleib lives here, so she knows of what she dishes out. Tom Corcoran The Mango Opera: An Alex Rutledge Mystery St.

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He was here long enough—and he experienced enough adventures of his own—to provide ample fodder for his Alex Rutledge series of mysteries. The Mango Opera began the series; his eighth and most recent novel, Crime Almost Pays, is a spinoff featuring two new detectives. Hall Under Cover of Daylight W. Does Thorn have a last name? You have 14 books from which you might find out. His most recent, The Big Finish, was published in A Mick Murphy Mystery Vol. Stairway to the Bottom. Hiaasen had the inside scoop, as he also helped lead an investigative series about it for The Miami Herald.

The hero is a cop-turned-restaurant inspector in Key West. This is appropriate for a couple reasons. He quickly became one of the most popular crime writers in the comedic vein; gentler than Hiaasen but still skewering the foibles of New York transplants and pretentious locals alike. His usual method is to place New York mobsters on the island and watch them try to navigate the social and financial networks of Key West.

Key West Luck is the 11th and most recent. He steals a cache of emeralds from his boss in order to save her and her home. Warner Rock Bottom Self-published, Are you ready to get lost in the underworld of Key West, a world inhabited by pedophiles, drug traffickers and the Cuban mafia?

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If so, follow Dr. But Palmer has problems of his own—alcoholism, three ex-wives, homophobia in a town full of homosexuals—and when he meets up with Dave Cameron, a bisexual veteran, Palmer is put to the test. How will Key West cop Amy Diaz handle these vigilantes? Will she help or hinder the rescue they have planned? A wild futuristic Floridian romp. But a trip to Key West got his imaginative juices flowing again—and before long, the fairies, aliens and talking dogs that populate his books were living here too.

June Keith

These two books are the result of that trip. McElderry Books, From the best-selling author of Star in the Storm and Thunder from the Sea comes a gripping story of strength and determination in the face of uncontrollable circumstances.

Now Noah is determined to succeed where his dad failed. Rhythmic language guides children through the passage of both a single day and the four seasons while saluting the distinctive aspects of the Florida Keys. Good Night Florida Keys is part of the Good Night Our World series, which focus on a multicultural group visiting attractions in various areas.

Tutu dreams of becoming a Key West Hemingway Cat. But not everybody on Livestock Island wants Tutu to succeed, and she quickly learns the ups and downs of being different and the importance of pursuing her dream.

Hitching a ride on the wings of a friendly pelican, Tutu finally reaches Key West. Her books ar e filled with comprehensive articles and photos of the many plants that oxygenate our lush subtropical air.

Flesh for lulu - Postcards from paradise

The pamphlet extolled the natural beauty and varied history of the island, with the intention of luring visitors to revive the economy. The military wound up performing that service, but tourism had a foothold. Peter Bacle Trapped in Key West: On the Back Side of a Tourist Island Self-published, Peter Bacle grew up in the world of Key West commercial fishing and watched as the island morphed into a major tourist destination. This book tells his stories, based on the lives of the native families, the schools, churches, ball fields and surrounding sea are where these things find their pleasures.

Bacle, who went to sea at the age of 15 and founded the family fishing business, is central to many of the stories in the book. Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop: But her essays describing an isolated, bankrupt Key West during the Depression are gems.

Her letters from Key West, collected in One Art and the Library of America volume, are even better, more like candid dispatches. But while she was here, she obviously appreciated the place on its own terms, and not just as a warm winter retreat for bohemian artists. She even left her own visual record of the island in a book of her watercolor paintings, Exchanging Hats. Bolen packs a vacation into a paperback that reminds tourists and locals why they chose this little speck of land that exists somewhere between America and the Caribbean—in hearts, souls and suitcases.

In , he spent six weeks alone on a houseboat in the Marquesas, the uninhabited mangrove islands between Key West and the Dry Tortugas. The book is gorgeously illustrated by artist A.

Frances Watson Clark Key West: Through the rest of the decades to the present, festivals, celebrations and revelries have drawn tourists here year-round and provided livelihood for native Conchs, as well as more recent immigrants. The vibrant community, people and places, military presence and significant historic sites make Key West one of the most interesting places in the nation. Marjory Stoneman Douglas The Everglades: Between and But Douglas recognized that the Miami River was just a small chapter in the story of how water moved through the Everglades in South Florida.

This is more a memoir than anything resembling a postcard, of the people who the author has come to know and their relationships with Key West during the 20 years she has lived there. My own permanent move to Florida was the summer of I still haven't been to Key West, but will get there eventually. This is a big state. I might try to find a copy and read it too. May 16, David rated it really liked it. This is a collection of columns June Keith wrote for the Miami Herald, focusing on the colorful residents and personality of Key West.

It's like sitting down over a cup of espresso and having a friend tell you about her town. With the short chapters and many illustrations, it's not a deep book, but it is delightful throughout and at times touching and poignant. Pat O'donnell rated it really liked it Nov 28, Chris Campbell rated it liked it May 22, Apr 18, Robin rated it really liked it.

Beverly Deal rated it it was amazing Mar 26, Kathy Herne rated it it was amazing Jul 07, Gillian Doyle marked it as to-read Mar 05, Sherry added it Feb 14, Emilie marked it as to-read Apr 03, Jeannie marked it as to-read Feb 01, The essays in this book are both hilarious and poignant parables that delve into the history of a place where the sun shines every day.

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