Fight Fire With Fire

fight fire with fire

Or, Glimpses of Western Life written under the pseudonym of Mrs. The more experienced of the neighbours declared there was nothing now but to make a "back-fire! The flames only reached our stable and haystacks the sooner,.

Metallica - Fight Fire with Fire (BANJO cover ft. Leo Moracchioli)

The method has continued to be used however and foresters now routinely create roads or unplanted areas to act as fire-breaks in woodland that is at risk of fire. The term 'backfire' is now more often applied to plans that fail in a way that weren't intended. This might be assumed to derive from the faulty ' flash in the pan ' tendency of early flintlock weapons.

Fight Fire with Fire Lyrics

That isn't the derivation in fact. Smoking was universal among the men; generally cigars, not fine Havanas, but made of Dutch tobacco, and to me not very agreeable.

fight fire with fire

I had some Havanas with me, and so I lighted one to make an atmosphere for myself: Home Search Phrase Dictionary Fight fire with fire. Browse phrases beginning with:.

Definition of 'to fight fire with fire'

After her opponent had spent several weeks slandering her, the candidate decided to fight fire with fire. When evangelists would come to our house and try to convert us, Mother would fight fire with fire and try to convert them to her religion.

Combat an evil or negative circumstances by reacting in kind. For example, When the opposition began a smear campaign, we decided to fight fire with fire.

Although ancient writers from Plato to Erasmus cautioned that one should not add fire to fire, this warning is not incorporated in the idiom, which was first recorded in Shakespeare's Coriolanus. If you fight fire with fire , you attack or criticize someone with force after they attack or criticize you with force. The military were not afraid of fighting fire with fire.

Other verbs such as meet or match are sometimes used instead of fight. Sometimes you just have to meet fire with fire.

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After all, the biotechnology industry is not averse to misquoting people when it suits them. To combat one evil or one set of negative circumstances by reacting in kind. References in periodicals archive?

Farrell's fireworks warning; Aussie Test will be fierce. But the thing is, we have to fight fire with fire and on a couple of occasions we have done it this year.

The meaning and origin of the expression: Fight fire with fire

Yanks for Colorado warning. Those kind of strokes will be more risky on Australia's bigger grounds, according to Ponting, but Pietersen hit back by warning England will fight fire with fire.

Pietersen hands out 'bouncer' warning.