Walking with the Master: Answering the Call of Jesus

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Login to add to list. Be the first to add this to a list. Comments and reviews What are comments? And as an obedient Jewish male, Jesus was going to Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem had several different entrances. The one we're talking about here is by the sheep gate. The sheep gate is considered by many to be the closest gate to the Temple.

It was through this gate that a person's sacrifice would come through. But, before someone's sacrifice was brought to the temple, it had needs to be washed. People were coming from miles around with animals to sacrifice. They would get really dirty along the way. So before these animals could be brought to the temple as a spotless sacrifice they would have to make a stop at the pool of Bethesda.

Here, they were cleaned up. Here All that dirt and grime and whatever else they had on them, was washed off. So as you can imagine, this wasn't a very clean place to be. It probably didn't smell too healthy either. It is this same pool which Jewish tradition states that an Angel comes down and stirs the water and whoever is the first person in the water is healed of their disease. Being that this was probably the time of the Passover, there could have been a few thousand sick people there wanting to get into the water first.

Beginning in verse five we read "now a certain man was there who had an infirmity 38 years. Some scholars say that he was a paralytic, yet textually John uses words like infirmity, and impotent to describe this man. Quite possibly, this man could have been a paralytic or he could've been extremely feeble or very weak in strength.

We are told that he has been with this infirmity for 38 years. Now it doesn't say that he was 38 years old, but rather that he is had this patient for 38 years. I believe that this man was at least in his 40s if not even his 50s. In later verses something Jesus says makes me think that this man had attained some experiences in his life before he was struck with this ailment.

In verse 14 Jesus says "see, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you. If that is the case then this man would've had to have been at least at an age where he could be held countable for his sin when his condition first occurred.

I'm guessing between 10 and 12 years old? And in that society, that would make him an old man. This next section of Scripture describes the exchange that occurs when Jesus meets this man. Beginning in verse 6 we read "When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been in that condition a long time he said to him, "do you want to be made well? He knows him on the inside. He had divine knowledge of this man's condition. And so, with the knowledge that Jesus has this man, Jesus cuts to the heart of the matter and asks him-do you want to be made whole? But the man, he never answers Jesus's question!

Instead he gives Jesus four excuses as to why he cannot trust God! And these are the same excuses that we all have used had some point in our own lives. In this one little sentence that this man says, he makes four excuses as to why he's not trusting in God's provision.

How is this similar to what we do today? How would we express this same excuse in our society today? How many of us have ever uttered the phrase-there's nobody around to help me? And that's what this man's first excuse is. I'm all alone, and there isn't a single person here in this crowd of thousands who is willing to help me.

Who is this man depending on. Who is this man placing his ability to get to where he needs to go? He is depending upon people, not God.

Walking with the Master - Answering the Call of Jesus

Is that something that we do? Before having a problem with our boss at work do we talk to other people about our boss or do we talk to our boss's boss? And hope that somehow they will be able to fix the problem? Or do we talk to God.

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Do we take the time to come before God and say here I am Lord take me to where I need to be? Or do we just say here God hears my problems you deal with them. We need to depend upon God. People will let us down without a doubt, people will let us down. Sometimes it's deliberate, sometimes it's accidental. But not so with our God our God can always be depended upon and he will never ever let us down.

Again this man's focus is not where it should be.

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He is focused on the water. Not only is focused on the water but he's keen for that period of time when the water is stirred up. So how is that an excuse that we would use today? Are we ever so focused on something that we lose sight of who we should be focused on. What the man is really saying here is that the conditions just aren't right for a miracle. Have we ever been in the situation where we need a miracle? And we plot and plan and expect God to move in a way which we ourselves deem appropriate.

Do we ever build ourselves up expecting God to move according to our plan? With all that's been going on in our church family these past few years, have we ever said to God-well I've gone to the doctors and they've given me this treatment so when that treatment is done I'll be healed? I think it's part of our nature to understand or I should say try to understand how God is going to work in our lives. We think that he think's the way we think; therefore if I think that this event plus this event equals complete healing, then God must think the same! But how many times have we heard it said that-God's ways are not always our ways?

I think many of us have a tendency to depend on our circumstances, the things that must happen around us, in order that we may experience a miracle. When in fact all we have to do is depend on God. This excuse of the man again shows how this man was completely focused in the wrong place. How does this man's excuse relate to one of our modern-day excuses? Have we ever limited what God can do? Have we ever said that-this is the wrong place to expect God to do a miracle? Perhaps, because we cannot fully see just how might our God is, we limit him to our own expectations.

When I was on the cruise it never occurred to me that God could heal that boy right then and there. We think of healing as something that happens in a special place at a special time.

Walking with the Master: Answering the Call of Jesus - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - Google Книги

We think that God's work is confined to where our minds say that God should work. For some of us we restrict God to the church building. Others may restrict him to the hospital bed of a loved one. But again our God knows no boundaries he is not limited to where our minds think that he should work. But when he does work; when he does perform a miracle you'll be blown away by it. In April of last year we saw a miracle in the most unlikely place, at the most unlikely, if not the most inopportune time possible to us. As you may recall, a while back I talked about my niece Crystal while I was preaching, and the miracle that ensued in her recovery of some of her memories after a car accident in Last year as my father-in-law was on his death bed we got to see a second miracle right there in the hospital.

We had brought Crystal to the hospital to see my father-in-law. He was comatose and really not responsive. Crystal had had an urgent sense that she had to see him. So as we brought her in there God used my father-in-law while he was in a coma to rekindle in Crystal her first childhood memory since the accident. We would have never expected God to perform a miracle in that place the way he did that day. Our God knows no limits. No one place, no one house no one state no one country can hold him yet we think that he can only work in certain places.

His power has no boundaries. In this excuse the man has put the blame on someone getting ahead of him. This healing didn't come because he wasn't quick enough or because someone cut him off at the pass. Have we ever experienced this excuse before? Have we ever thought that-someone else has gotten in the way or someone else's making life tough? The first thing that comes to mind as I think about this is-have you ever been running late for an appointment?

Perhaps you didn't hear the alarm go off in the morning and now you're going to be late for work? And as your driving in, trying to make up time you realize that every slowpoke is out on the road in front of you and that every traffic light turns red just before you get to it, and then there's a construction site and they stopped traffic, but you don't see anything going on.

You ever had a day like that?