Prämissen der Servicephilosophie (German Edition)

The company, one of the leaders in secure mobility, today announced a new set of products and platform transition services to ensure continuity of mission-critical secure messaging services inside enterprise and government organisations that are making the transition from BlackBerry platforms.

Good Technology employs a similar architecture to BlackBerry without having to compromise on existing security policies. Its approach does not require additional investment in costly VPN hardw. The release of iOS 7 created an online traffic jam: For appliances where Apple. Latest news and slideshows on Apple"In at least one case, Apple. With over million iOS devices on the market, and 93 per cent of those running iOS 6, Andresen said it was no surprise that Apple's servers got a workout during the launch of the new firmware.

While sites such as YouTube and other streaming video sites are no stranger to heavy bandwidth demands, the difference with Apple. It's time to recognise female excellence in ICT once again. They close a fortnight later on October Last year, the inaugural awards were launched with resounding success and more than ICT professionals attended the event. This year, there are six awards that recognise and celebrate female excellence in the ICT channel, rewarding professional achievements and outstanding results in the industry. They recognise the very best in the channel, celebrating the achievements of a talented crop of female front runners who have made it through to become influential figures in Australia's ICT industry.

The awards also recognise the 'rising stars' in the industry, women who are quickly growing in stature in the ICT industry. The opening speaker at yesterday's CIO Summit in London, where well over of the UK's top CIOs and IT executives were in attendance, Scott spoke about the year-old newspaper's mobile strategy, but was dubious how much responsive design had to offer the media industry, which has seen advertising revenue shrink by hundreds of millions of pounds in the last decade.

The former general manager of future media and technology at the BBC,. Gold second-gen iPad mini with Touch ID? A Chinese site has allegedly leaked photos of a gold second-generation iPad mini. There have been conflicting reports on whether or not the new iPads will use Touch ID, though Dickson tweeted that the second-generation…. Microsoft will Xbox One ein Jahrzehnt am Leben erhalten.

Nein, wir haben uns nicht verschrieben: Schwitzen mit Xbox One und Kinect. Videoworkout ist an sich nichts neues. Turning the lights off on innovation. According to market research firm IHS iSuppli via CNET , production levels for the expected upcoming iPad mini with Retina display indicate that the device may not ship alongside the upcoming iPad 5, which looks to be "on schedule" for an October release.

Specifically, it is estimated that Apple's Asia-based supply chain of manufacturers have begun the start of Retina iPad mini display production, but have not entered a mass production stage of the upcoming tablet. Jetzt auch in Spacegrau: Mozilla working on Chromecast-like mirroring for Firefox Android browser. Maybe this is Mozilla's retort to Google's Chromecast, maybe it isn't. Either way, the end result certainly looks similar. Netzpolitik soll zentrales Thema der Regierung werden. By loading the free [MLB. Kleine Updates hier und da und neuer Hummingbird-Algorithmus. Software Google feiert 15 Jahre nicht gerade mit einem Paukenschlag, sondern mit ein paar kleinen Updates.

The list is based on a survey of senior execs across a range of industries, with five criteria applied: Intel Capital throws money at Recon Instruments, hints at wearable war with Google.

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If you thought that Google Glass was the only wearable backed by one of tech's mega corporations, think again. Intel's investment arm has now ponied up a "significant" investment into Recon Instruments, make. Was hat das alles mit Montessori zu tun? Mit erstaunlich wenig Auswahl. Wir werden uns dem Thema noch widmen.

Motorola und Samsung am einfachsten zu reparieren. Die Reparatur-Webseite iFixit hat Smartphones auseinandergenommen und sie danach benotet, wie einfach und preiswert sie zu reparieren sind. Apples iPhones liegen im Mittelfeld. Wie viele Keynotes wird es in diesem Jahr noch geben? Wir gehen fest davon aus, dass Apple noch in diesem Jahr das iPad mini 2 vorstellen wird.

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Schon jetzt kursieren viele Fotos, Berichte und Mockups im Netz, zwei davon haben unsere Aufmerksamkeit geweckt. Die Angreifer hatten wohl ein Langzeitziel im Auge. BlackBerry mit fast einer Milliarde Dollar Verlust. Smartphones Die Quartalszahlen sind da. Wie hoch war auch schon angedeutet worden. Ford-Chef Mulally neue Microsoft-Spitze? This release of the virtualization software addresses half a dozen issues, including one that caused Fusion to crash when opening.

This firmware update for the just-released iMacs "addresses an issue which may cause a black screen to appear when installing Windows 7 or Windows 8 using Boot Camp Assistant. The web page menu builder gains five new flat skins, six new flat icon sets, updated Google Web Fonts, support for new web site languages, and other changes. Rogue Amoeba's audio transmitter gets full compatibility for sending to Apple TV 6.

The Mac App Store edition of the OpenOffice-based application suite adds fixes for not releasing memory after use, a crash when importing certain PDF files into a Draw document, and other issues. The Internet telephony application adds support for sharing the whole screen or a specific window, toolbar search field improvements, support for more languages, a fix for chat messages not always appearing, and other changes.

Blackberry verliert Kunden vor allem in Amerika. In Lateinamerika brach der Quartalsumsatz um 62 Prozent ein. Fotos zeigen goldenes Modell mit Touch ID. Generation, iPhone 5s, Fingerabdruckscanner, iPad 5. Es stehen zwei weitere Software-Updates auf dem Programmplan. Zum anderen steht Skype 6. Doch dem ist nicht so. By loading the free app when you get […]. Google's Open Project mirrors Android apps on any connected touchscreen.

Sure, Google already has Chromecast for throwing websites and media to big screens. The company's engineers believe they can go one better, however, with something called the Open Project framework. It's an effort to find a standardized way of mirroring not only content, but also touch inputs on a suitably equipped touchscreen or connected TV.

Setting it up is simple: Berlin steckt Geld in zweifelhaften Staatstrojaner. Und der Meeresspiegel soll schneller steigen als gedacht. Netflix has announced that it is rolling out "Super HD" videos to all compatible devices, including the third-generation Apple TV. The Super HD higher bit rate stream applies less compression to the p image, so the image looks crisper and sharper than a typical p image.

In a blog post announcing the move, Netflix said: This means that the great TV shows and movies on Netflix will look even better on HD screens with a higher bit rate stream, Super HD, that applies less compression to the p image. We initially rolled out Super HD in January o. Aufgenommen wurde nicht nur der Tunnel, in welchem sich der Teilchenbeschleuniger befindet, sondern auch die grossen Detektoren, mit welchen die Forscher das Higgs-Boson finden wollten. Moritz, Arosa und andere. HTC wieder ohne Beats: Partner bleiben sie dennoch.

Internet war wichtigere Informationsquelle als Radio. BlackBerry loses almost a billion dollars, blames it on the failed Z Fotos zeigen goldenes iPad mini 2 mit Touch ID. Oktober startet Nokias Hausmesse in Abu Dhabi. Derlei Fahndungen gerieten zum Standard, monieren die Linken. Concept photos and outright hoaxes are commonplace in the run-up to an anticipated product launch we debunked one of these just yesterday , so there is no telling whether or not these are the real […].

Nissan treats new Leaf owners in Texas to one year of free charging. That's because the company's taking a leaf out of Tesla's book and giving new owners in Dallas, Fort Worth and Hous. Ende August wurde das Internetportal von Sachsen-Anhalt angegriffen. Bei ersten Versuchen mit Patienten konnte man bereits positive Effekte feststellen. Seht ein Video dazu nach dem Break. Die Kleinbrauanlage "Brewbot" einer nordirischen Firma soll mit einer Smartphone-Steuerung den Brauvorgang weitgehend automatisieren.

Auf den geraden Weg zur Mittagspause? Was da alles in Zeichen […]. Fotografiert und hochgeladen sollen sie bei Evernote automatisch nach Farbe klassifiziert werden. Diese Kooperation hat vor Weiter lesen. Google will mit direkten Antworten. RED sent out a tweet on Thursday that reads: Looks like the rumors were true. It's quite a bit of cash for HTC, after it took a Diesmal enthalten sind insgesamt sechs Spiele des deutschen Spieleunternehmens Kalypso Media sowie weiteres Zusatzmaterial. Mitarbeiter spionierten Ehepartner und Liebhaberinnen aus. Bundesnetzagentur wird gegen Routerzwang aktiv.

If you were sincerely hoping to buy an Intel set-top box this year, those dreams are looking a little more unlikely. The chip giant may scrap its not-cable product if it can't find a backer to help fund and distribute it, according to. Die Google-Suche wird 15 Jahre alt. Dass sich Google in dieser Hinsicht selbst nicht ganz sicher ist, zeigen die Geburtstage der vergangenen Jahre.

Dropbox und Clipitto wollen eure Bildschirmfotos weitergeben. Bildschirmfotos am Mac lassen sich verdammt schnell erstellen. Doch kein Retina-iPad-mini in diesem Herbst? Apple fixes Lock screen bypass bugs in iOS 7. Apple has released an update for iOS 7 that fixes security bugs found in the new mobile operating system for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Apple says that the update: It was a trick. Neuer Suchalgorithmus bei Google.

Apple scheitert wegen Steve Jobs mit Patentklage. Geburtstag mit Doodle und neuem Suchalgorithmus.

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According to ZeptoLab's estimates, players are now cutting ropes at a whopping 42, per minute. A case maker's design drawings In a way, it reminded me of an interactive version of. Intel may ditch OnCue IPTV service project if it can't find an investor If you were sincerely hoping to buy an Intel set-top box this year, those dreams are looking a little more unlikely. Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Any international postage is paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. Nachdem in der Vergangenheit einige Spiele verschenkt wurde, gibt es jetzt erstmals ein eBook.

Google feiert den Geburtstag seiner Suchmaschine mit einem Update des Suchalgorithmus — und verschenkt in einem Google-Doodle virtuelle Bonbons. Oracle Java auf dem Raspberry Pi. Wer hat das letzte Wort? Unser aktuell laufendes Gewinnspiel ist im vollen Gange. Wer noch nicht teilgenommen hat, kann dies noch bis Sonntag tun.

Oktober als Datum im Raum, anlaufen. Auch zum neuen iPad 5 und iPad Mini 2 ranken sich entsprechende Spekulationen. Android Wer bei Facebook einen Status meldet musste bis dato immer achtsam sein. Bayerischer Pirat erzwingt Ermittlungsverfahren. Wow, an diesem Wochenende wird euch definitiv nicht langweilig. The Fall App Store-Link sichern. Nachdem in der Vergangenheit einige Spiele verschenkt wurde, gibt es jetzt erstmals ein eBook. Apple warnt bei iOS-Aktivierungsproblemen. Mit der Nummer 2. Mehr Infos und Downloadlinks findet ihr hinter der Quelle.

In Lila und in Violett: Die Fehlerberichte zu den lilafarbenen Aussetzern der iPhone-Kamera erreichen uns bereits seit der ersten Vorabversion des am Und aufgepasst, wir meinen nicht die Lila-Lichtreflexionen bei starker. Voltaic Switch solar bag powers your tiny tablets with sunlight. Voltaic's solar bags sure can be useful, but not everyone likes lugging a laptop or a.

Die meistgelesenen Artikel der Woche [27 September ]. Gold-Version wohl extrem beliebtGoogle: Nachdem die ersten Hands on Tests jedoch gelaufen sind, relativierte sich die Meinung zum neuen iPhone 5c. Von einer hochwertigen Verarbeitung ist nach wie vor. Apple verliert Patent wegen Steve-Jobs-Video. Patch auf iOS 7. Seitdem wir auf die grandiose Mediathek. Auf der Suche nach dem Ballmer-Nachfolger: Doch inzwischen soll es auch einen aussichtsreichen Bewerber aus der amerikanischen Autobranche geben. Deutsche Telekom startet Ankauf von gebrauchten Smartphones.

Wie haben uns zum Test einmal. Sicherheit rechtfertigt keinen Polizeistaat. Wie Techcrunch nun […]. Leider wurden nur 1. Partially automated Nissan Leaf prototype approved for use on Japanese roads. Looking forward to Nissan's autonomous vehicle push? Nissan has been issued a license plate to use with a. Deutsche telefonieren 9 Minuten am Tag. Nokias Windows-Tablet kommt doch noch. Nokia will im Oktober sein erstes Tablet vorstellen - es wird mit Windows laufen. Zudem werden neue Lumia-Smartphones erwartet, unter anderem eines mit 6-Zoll-Touchscreen.

Apple muss Strafzahlung wegen Patentverletzung beim Click Wheel leisten. Eine der im Click Wheel verwendeten Technologien. Another week, another iOS update: Apple's pushed out iOS 7. The update fixes a few security vulnerabilities and a bug. Among the security flaws in question is one reported on last week, where a little bit of manual dexterity lets you bypass the lock code on the homescreen. In addition, the update brings back a Greek keyboard option for passcode entry. The Apple TV's home screen is getting right crowded. And on Thursday, Apple squeezed two new channels into its roster: A subscription also gets you access on iOS devices.

As with similar professional sports services, there are blackout restrictions that will prevent you from watching your local team assuming there is one or any nationally televised games. Watch Disney Junior gives your little ones or you, no judgement here access to shows such as Special Agent Oso the unique stuffed bear voiced b. After a week, iOS 7 runs more than half of Apple's mobile devices.

That was a significantly higher percentage than 's iOS 6 or 's iOS 5 after the same length of time since their public releases. Meanwhile, mobile advertising company Chitika of Westborough, Mass. Mixpanel, a San Francisco-based mobile app analytics vendor. As sure as hammers fall into a bag of stupidity, you knew that some member of the collection of animatronic clown shoes that Forbes calls its contributor network would be coming along to tell us how disappointing the new iPhones are. Apple announced the new iPhones recently. And mostly, nobody cared.

Except for 9 million people. But those were probably all members of the "Apple faithful. Uh, yeah, it was just last weekend. You probably should have waited a couple of days to post this. But the new iPhones, and the underlying new iPhone software called iOS7, has almost nobody. But inevitably, at some point, you're going to want to watch streaming content from a Web site that none of your devices support.

That calls for a real television. Apple's iCloud service has had its share of outages and issues, but the latest problem, while apparently limited to a subset of accounts, just might be the most frustrating yet for those affected. Starting on or around September 18, some iCloud customers found that apps that use iCloud to sync data between devices could no longer do so--they either would no longer sync or appeared to have lost their data completely. The apps otherwise functioned normally, but simply didn't show any saved information or could not update or sync existing info. Fotos in Gold und mit Touch ID.

Orientieren sollen sich die beiden Tablet-Neuerscheinungen am iPhone 5s. Sonny Dickson hat am Morgen zwei neue Fotos […]. Beim Nifty MiniDrive handelt es sich um e. Microsoft reportedly close to unifying its app stores across Windows and Windows Phone. Microsoft is apparently far closer to bringing together its disparate stores than many thought.

The company has reportedly already demoed a single app portal for both Windows and Windows Phone behind closed doors at its annual company meeting in Seattle, according to ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley. Her source tell her that a new unified store will likely launch alongside the next iteration of Windows, version 8.

Es war ein sehr Weiter lesen. Post-its wandern in die Cloud. Selbsthaftende Notizzettel von 3M soll es aufgrund einer Kooperation bald mit einem Elefantenkopf-Aufdruck geben. Bier brauen mit dem Smartphone. Welch ein leidiges Thema: Man hat auf die Schnelle eine Statusnachricht bei Facebook gepostet und sieht nach einer Stunde, dass man gleich drei Tippfehler gemacht hat. Wer schon einmal mit dem Flugzeug unterwegs war, kennt das Vorgehen. Kraftwerkskonzern gegen neue Klimagasregeln in den USA. Technology Review veranstaltet Innovationskongress: Wizard mit Trail of Death oder auch Chilla mit Neuland.

September 5 News erschien zuerst auf appgefahren. Gelobt wird insbesondere die Einfachheit des Betriebssystems, welche insbesondere unerfahrenen Nutzern helfen soll. We were pretty impressed with what Roli showed off at SXSW back in March, and now the company's rubberized keyboard is up for pre-order. The instrument is built in a standard piano configuration, with a soft surface that allows you to directly bend pitch and add vibrato and other effects to the notes as you're playing them -- sort of like bending guitar strings. Apple darf den Namen iPhone verwenden. Sehr interessant war diese.

Recall that silent rage you get when you're told to switch of your Kindle, iPod or laptop for take-off and landing, even when there's nothing wireless going on. Well, the FAA could be approaching a change in the rules. Specifically, users who still have iOS 6 installed are experiencing self-starting over-the-air OTA downloads for iOS 7 to their devices when connected to AC power, averaging around 1 GB per download and occupying 3. While the update does not automatically install itself and requires user authentication, the download does not show up in the storage submenu within settings.

The issue is especially problematic for users with little space on their existing devices, as filled s.

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Krank durch iOS 7? Guten Morgen, wir hoffen, euch geht es gut! Macht iOS 7 krank? Die vielen Zoom-Animationen in Apples neuster […]. Twitter focuses on photos in embedded tweets. Some say that a picture is worth 1, words, but regardless of how you do the math, it's fair to say that a good photo can say a lot more than characters.

With that in mind, Twitter is giving greater emphasis to photos. Dish Hopper DVRs open up to home automation control, we wonder what's next. The Federal Aviation Administration advisory committee has recommended that electronic device restrictions on commercial aircraft be relaxed. According to the committee, airline passengers should be permitted to use smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and other personal electronic devices during taxi, takeoff and landing. The member committee agreed on the recommendations during a closed-door meeting, the officials said.

The recommendations will be included in a report to be delivered to the FAA early next week, they said. Current rules prohibit the use of electronic devices such as the iPad or the iPhone below 10, feet, which means airline passengers are instructed to power off their devices as the plane ascends and descends. Pilots and crew, however, are allowed to use iPads during all phases of flight and many airlines have.

Vanished is a unique and compelling iPhone game. I'm not much of a gamer, but every so often one comes along that grabs my attention. Vanished for iPhone has a unique premise, clever execution, and until Oct. You awake in a dark room and hear some noises. To make the effect complete, you close your eyes, and the game requires headphones so you can hear the directional clues. The game depends on your built-in compass. I heard a siren and walked toward it by moving my iPhone horizontally until the sound was centered, then tapped the screen to walk forward.

As you move the phone, you can hear the sounds change. You may have to do a lot of walking. Around me were some low rumbles and a hint of some evil-sounding entity. FAA committee recommends allowing use of some electronics during takeoff. Amusing Twitter feed this evening from domestic entrepreneur Martha Stewart on the dropping of her iPad and the subsequent hushing she got from Apple PR.

It's been a while since ever popular VLC has seen a major update, and today's debut of version 2. Internet streaming service Netflix has announced today that it is rolling out its Super HD video quality to all Netflix members and additional devices, including the 3rd-generation Apple TV. The viewing option is of a higher quality than a standard p image due to a higher bit rate stream and reduced compression, and was previously only available on select ISPs with a direct connection to Netflix. This means that the great TV shows and movies on Netflix will look even better on HD screens with a higher bit r.

Xbox Fitness official, brings famous trainers, personalized feedback to living room workouts. Microsoft's initial Kinect sensor might not have been awesome for first-person shooters, but it rocked for fitness games. Redmond is taking this one step further for its next-gen console with Xbox Fitness, a subscription-based service for the Xbox One. Xbox Fitness promises "instant, personalized feedback" on heart rate and form thanks to the new. Apple has updated the backend of the iBookstore, adding new features for authors like enhanced versioning, larger pixel limits for in-book images and more, according to a letter to authors from Apple obtained by AppleInsider.

Apple notes the addition of the following features and updates: Apple and Staples have agreed to a deal to sell various iPad and iPod models on the Staples online store in the U. The deal will potentially expand to Staples' retail stores as well if the company is able to sell a certain amount of iPads per week. The source says that if each Staples store refers one iPad sale per week in October, two per week in November, and five per week in December, Apple will be willing to sell iPads in physical Staples locations.

Lehrbuch Psychotherapie (German Edition) Wolfgang Lutz

Title: Prämissen der Servicephilosophie (German Edition). Author: Lutz Breunig. USED GD Der Vulkan German Edition by. USED VG Der LuftionenFaktor. Prämissen der Servicephilosophie (German) Paperback – 19 Feb Start reading Prämissen der Servicephilosophie (German Edition) on your Kindle in.

If Staples is able to meet Apple's sales goals it could see its brick-and-mortar stores selling iPads and iPods by early , according to 9to5Mac. It would also be the second successful Apple test for Staples, as it appears that Apple and Staples'. This morning, a video hit the web that purportedly showed off a slew of new Apple Smart Covers designed for the upcoming fifth-generation iPad.

While we were skeptical this morning, many viewers of the claimed leak believed that the covers were authentic. Sure the quality looks fine and the covers fit the size of the […]. EverDock Kickstarter universal dock blasts by funding goal, looks great. With rare exceptions, I prefer not to write about Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects until there's a good possibility that the project will be funded.

The idea is that too many times, smartphone owners purchase a dock only to have their needs change in a couple of years. For many iPhone and iPad owners, the advent of the. Apple and Staples have struck a deal for the United States office supply retail chain to sell both iPads and iPods beginning next month, according to a source with knowledge of the deal. This person says that several versions of both the iPad and iPod will be available via the Staples Online Store in the […]. The Rakuten-owned, web-based Wuaki. Following what the company's calling a successful beta launch earlier this year, which helped it lure in "tens of thousands" of new subscribers, Wuaki.

You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news.

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Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy. Touch ID im iPhone 5S: Apple updates iBookstore capabilities for authors. Today, Apple has notified authors in the iBookstore of some notable changes to the way books could be managed. Some additions include the ability to notify customers of new versions of books, improved author support in Europe, improved book samples, and the ability to include larger images.

A helpful look at the troubled Podcasts app. I love listening to podcasts and yes, I do use Apple's Podcasts app. I typically manage subscriptions on my iPhone, but recently launched iTunes and noticed that my shows seemed to be in a random order. They're not sorted by subscription order, or number of new shows or even most recent modification. How did they get this way? It turns out the problem is twofold. I've re-ordered things based on my own preferences as best I could.

I say that because the sort options Apple provides are confusing and seriously lacking. Here's a look at how iTunes New subscriptions By default, these apps do in fact sort your shows by subscription date. If you picked up Chromecast earlier this summer, there's a good chance you've been exploring Google's digital content library. Originally introduced in January, Netflix has rolled out its Super HD video quality option to all devices and users. Originally, the ability was restricted to certain devices connected to only a few internet service providers, but now it is accessible to anyone with the right internet speed.

All Netflix members, regardless of their Internet service […]. Say what you will about Apple's business practices, but its philanthropy work is hard to discount. Adam Lisagor on how an expensive video could hurt your Kickstarter campaign. It takes up eight minutes of your time, instead of 30 seconds. Former iPod engineer designs kinetic desk. Former iPod engineer JP Labrosse has unveiled his company's first product: The desk has a small touchscreen in the corner that you tap twice to activate standing mode. The desk rises so you can stand at it and do your work, instead of sitting through your day.

Tap the touchscreen again to lower the desk into "sitting" mode. But the desk is more than just a fancy mechanical thing with a touchscreen button. It also has a feature called "Whisper Breath" that enables the desk to literally give you a slight nudge to alert you to get up and walk around a bit. The desk also offers WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, so it can talk to your health apps on your iPhone, as well as tracking the number of calories you burn while sitting and standi.

Google is taking Glass on a road trip across the US, try it on in a city near you. It's still not ready to sell Glass to non-"Explorers", but Google is now at least willing to give more folks an opportunity to try it. The company announced today that's its kicking off a road trip across the US, which will see it make stops in a number of cities where you'll be able to meet some of the team behind Glass and try on the device yourself.

That begins in Durham, North Carolina on October 5th, although the company i. Windows app install limit increases to 81 devices starting October 9th Windows users rejoice: If you recall, we learned back at Build tha Cut the Rope 2 will debut before year's end If you've been following the various iterations of Cut the Rope over the past few years, you might have been wondering if developer ZeptoLab would ever treat us to a proper sequel. The company curiously didn't reveal what systems Cut the Rope 2 will debut for, but given Apple's new iPhones, Loewe's Speaker 2go and Steam Machines Each week, our friends at gdgt go through the latest gadgets and score them to help you decide which ones to buy.

A Closer Look at Apple's A7 Chip from the iPhone 5s Earlier this week, Canadian firm Chipworks released some photos showing the interior of Apple's new A7 chip from the iPhone 5s, as well as the new M7 "motion coprocessor" and other components. The CPU itself is not packed the same way as the A6 see below , it looks much more like a conventional automated layout; although Linley Available to order now, the stylus… This year's event has not only a new venue, but an expanded sched Previously, Google was given three months to address CNIL's concerns about centralized data collection that lumps together information from Youtube, Gmai Design, develop, and maintain complex The smooth, genuine cowhide is available in black, tan, brown, or camel colors, and sewn together at the top with a thin… Apple named most innovative company in the world for 9th consecutive year A recent survey of 1, senior executives conducted by The Boston Consulting Group has named Apple the most innovative company in the world nine years running.

Some would dismiss the iPhone 5s as it so closely r Third-party Lightning Dock solutions have been available for a few months, and any docking solution designed for the iPhone 5 will work just fine with the iPhone 5s, but unfortunately… The 20th anniversary of Myst Has it been 20 years? In a way, it reminded me of an interactive version of Just as we'd heard when it first popped up a couple of years ago, that large setup fee buys the Cinema Player, a rack-mountable box loaded with a 2TB hard drive and enough DRM to keep the studios happy, plus a wired fingerprint read In this case, Ste Analysts, pundits try to downplay Apple's record iPhone launch weekend Last weekend, Apple sold nine million new iPhones, blowing away analyst expectations and setting a launch weekend record in the process.

And yet, as Ob die Bilder nun echt sind, oder einfach gut gere And while I plan to make good on my promise to take what we've learned here at Distro and transfer it to Engadget at large, I'm no less disheartened to have to Reminders appearing on multiple iPhones Q: This time, it has the same soft-touch finish, but the rubber has been relegated to the border, and the plastic to the… According to the German court, the fact that Jobs showed off this feature on-stage during the January iPhone debut event constitutes pre-filing disclosure which, in Europe, makes it impossible to patent Apple has been aggressively hiring for its iWatch team in recent months, acquiring a Laut Blogger caschy wird […] Vollgepackt mit der perfekten Dosis an […] Laut den Dow Jones Business News fiel das It's also not a stretch to assume that the company's upcoming Within two years, every Delta pilot will be using a Surface 2 In an unexpected turn, Delta has informed employees that it will be issuing a Surface 2 running Windows 8.

You can switch between the extra protection… Archiving iPhone app workflows For app developers and bloggers, it's very instructive to have an idea of what has changed in the user interface of an app. The site neatly divides the screenshots by app and task, so you can narrow down a search to just one particular task -- like creating, deleting, recording, shari Microsoft, Steve Ballmer Stanford's latest particle accelerator is smaller than a grain of rice video Particle accelerators range in size from massive to compact, but researchers from Stanford University and the SLAC National Accelerator Laborator Valve announces Steam Controller, a gamepad for its game console Valve revealed Steam Controller today, a controller for its living room PC-based game console initiative.

The controller is shaped like a standard game console cont German court rules Apple photo-management patent invalid because of Steve Jobs keynote Germany's Federal Patent Court invalidated an Apple photo-management patent because Steve Jobs showed how the technology worked during a keynote months before the company applied for the patent in Europe. Every iPhone ever compared, choose between iPhone 5s, 5c, 5, 4s, 4 and more Wondering whether to upgrade your existing iPhone to one of Apple's new models the iPhone 5c or iPhone 5s?

You can read all our China reverses 'ban' on videogames, but there's a catch and it involves Shanghai's free trade zone Consider this the somewhat end of China's year old loosely enforced "ban" on videogames. A new policy issued by the country's State Council amends the language of a prior bill from which "strictly limite In dem unten eingebundenen Video von […] As long expected, the next iPad will more closely resemble… Apple and 13 other companies warn that EU patent shakeup may encourage patent trolls Seemingly not a week goes by without hearing some new story about a patent troll mysteriously emerging out of the woodwork, with questionable second-hand patents in hand, and suing a smorgasbord of tech companies for patent infringement.

MacBook Pro with Reti Mal in Folge Zum 9. It offers 95 percent certainty of that assertion, based on "some 2, pages of text andmillions of observations and over 2 million gigabytes of numerical data from climate model simulations," and it cites over 9, scientific papers 75 percent of which are from Rename iTunes Radio stations and find missing podcasts With a new iOS version and new iPhone hardware comes an updated version of iTunes. To do this, click the radio station's icon in the How well will your current iOS accessories work with these new models Heute Morgen haben […] Roli Seaboard Grand Hands-On Design Drawings Purportedly Show Exact Dimensions of Smaller, Thinner iPad 5 Rumors of a narrower and thinner design for the fifth-generation iPad have been circulating for a number of months now, with Apple reportedly taking some design cues from the iPad mini in redesigning the full-size iPad with narrower side bezels, a thinner shell, and more rounded curves.

Alle JustMac-News vom 27.09.2013

A case maker's design drawings The one-sentence summary is that you can think of iBeacon as like GPS for indoor locations, your phone able […] NASA's Curiosity finds two percent of Martian soil is comprised of water We already knew Mars was blanketed in ancient riverbeds, which points to the existence of water in the distant past. A paper recently published in the journal Science revealed that as much as two percent of dirt from the Red Planet cont As for price, Virgin usually offers the iPhone at the same price as Apple does unsubsidized though Walmart and Target both offer discounts […] Virgin Mobile to Launch iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c on October 1 Earlier this week, we noted that a number of regional carriers in the United States and Canada had begun announcing plans to begin selling the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c on October 1, representing a coordinated expansion of availability for the device even as iPhone 5s supplies remain extremely tight.

FAA committee recommends extending in-flight device use A Federal Aviation Administration advisory committee has voted to recommend letting airline passengers use smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and other electronic devices during takeoffs and landings, the Associated Press reports. Noch wichtiger ist allerdings, dass mi Indie-Bier ist a Rdio rolling out custom recommendations based on what you play, who you follow Rdio's been busy making deals, tweaking its player and adding functionality over the past few months, and now it's learning you what to listen to.

The music streaming Its approach does not require additional investment in costly VPN hardw Blue Coat Traffic to Apple. The former general manager of future media and technology at the BBC, There have been conflicting reports on whether or not the new iPads will use Touch ID, though Dickson tweeted that the second-generation… Auf Platz […] Schwitzen mit Xbox One und Kinect Filed under: Turning the lights off on innovation Well faithful readers, the day has come.

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