
The staff at Skinny Me is always available to help with your meal planning. Please remember we will provide you access […] Read More. I have lost 50 lbs. I used the nasal spray for 42 days and followed the calorie diet with no hunger. My wife is going crazy over me! Everything was explained to me.

I have lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks. My blood sugar went from to 95! My blood pressure went from 98 to 85! I feel unbelievable and have twice as much energy! I have lost 40 lbs. I love them all. I would recommend this program to anyone. I look like myself again and feel great. I have lots of energy for my grandbabies. I am so excited and have never done anything that was this easy.

Call us Today Send SkinnyMe a Message. Call SkinnyMe Now Medical Weight Loss Clinic. Our staff are also patients. Inga has lost pounds. This novel is beautiful boring harsh the only thing that's harsh is Jenn's attitude and truthful in its characterization of a woman who is flawed a bitch So maybe that's a bit harsh on my part, but anyone who feels no remorse about trying to steal their cousins boyfriend not to mention that the cousin has been extremely caring and supportive is beyond sympathy.

Just to clear things up, I'm aware of course that there's more to this story than Jenn's weight loss. Give me a book with the sub-plots from Skinny Me, and it would receive a much higher rating. But, as it so happens, Skinny Me is supposed to be an intriguing story of an obese woman's journey towards a healthy body, and it failed to be intriguing.

So it was painfully boring. The only thing that saved this book from sailing straight into the garbage bin was Carr's writing, which was quite nice. All I have to say about this book and the series, in general is to avoid it. Oct 10, Maiko-chan rated it really liked it Shelves: The book opens with a scene of Jennifer ripping her pants in public and enduring the ridicule of those around her, an example of the way people have typically treated her throughout her life.

Jennifer constantly challenges herself to do better than she ever has before, to not lose her resolve as she has in the past to lose weight and change her life with the hope of transforming herself into a new person, someone she perceives to be better. In doing so she makes some good choices and maintains this new direction she has taken, such as getting a new job, finding blogs that motivate her to eat healthily and going to the gym for proper fitness training.

The downside is that she makes many significant poor choices based on bias from personal experiences and her expectations. She considers everyone around her from a perspective that focuses on weight, her own and theirs, and imagines negative reactions, causing her own actions to reflect this mindset. Jennifer is convinced that everyone looks at her and only sees her exterior, that no one could possibly want her as she is and consequently refuses to see the truth in front of her, the positive demeanor of some people around her, believing that other girls cannot be happy with themselves if they are not perfect.

In becoming obsessed with her physical appearance and having accepted the ideal female form society views to be desirable Jennifer fails to grasp that this image is simply an ideal, one that is in fact unattainable by its very nature and due to social beliefs of perfection. She becomes fixated on reaching this ideal by any means possible, pushing those closest to her away as she allows herself to think poorly of them while ultimately neglecting her own health in the process. In the end Jennifer may not have met her ideal weight, a number that, like her original weight at the start of the book, is never given, but she does begin to find inner peace, to change the way she looks at herself and how she interprets reactions directed towards herself, seeing that perhaps what were once viewed as derogatory remarks may have been given that dismissive tone from her own unhappiness, self-deprecating thoughts, and self rejection.

Skinny Me challenges societies views on beauty while showing the importance of being positive and is ultimately a book meant for anyone who has experienced self-loathing. We look into a past that no longer exists, looking as if it's real. We hold onto things in our life that there's no reason to hold onto anymore because, unlike the stars, they don't bring us beauty, they bring us pain. It was all the moments leading up to that moment.

All the moments that made me feel like nothing. For so much of my life I felt hated and judged when, ironically, it was probably because I spent so much of my time hating and judging others. View all 12 comments. Jul 06, Lynndell rated it really liked it Shelves: Skinny Me by Charlene Carr involves a young woman who has battled her weight her entire life and is dealing with the feeling of hitting rock bottom. She feels that her weight is out of control, she's unemployed and her mother has passed away.

She picks herself up and focuses on what she can do to improve her life and relationships. Little by little, Jenny makes changes starting with a new menu and beginner exercises and a job acceptance. She tries to socialize more and also pushes herself to run Skinny Me by Charlene Carr involves a young woman who has battled her weight her entire life and is dealing with the feeling of hitting rock bottom.

She tries to socialize more and also pushes herself to run. Jenny meets with a personal trainer and sets a possible goal and continues to work on her relationships. She realizes that losing weight isn't going to stop her insecurities and internal struggles; she has to work on her self esteem also. Per author request, I voluntarily read and reviewed this book.

This was a powerful read. I wasn't sure what to expect after reading the synopsis, but I was not disappointed. This is more than a story about a young woman losing a large amount of weight, and how it changes her life. It's also about what a young woman thinks about herself, and how she thinks other people see her. As a person who's been 'not exactly skinny', myself, I was ashamed to realize that there was a lot of me in Jenn. Feeling angry that I wasn't good enough, or that others were judging This was a powerful read.

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Feeling angry that I wasn't good enough, or that others were judging me because of my weight, is something that I've experienced in my life. I'm older now and know that a lot of that wasn't real, but it's very difficult to let go of that mindset. It's easy to get caught up in bitterness and anger, and let it take over your life.

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It's much harder to think positive and just love yourself for who you are. I think most women, and probably men, too, think this way, whether it be over weight or some other imagined 'flaw'. The young woman, Jenn, struggles with her illusions of what others see and think, throughout her entire transformation, and can't wait to show them they're wrong when she reaches her weight loss goal.

Once she's lost almost all of the weight she wanted, though, she realizes that most everyone still treats her the same. She also realizes that she's still not happy with herself. She holds onto a lot of hurt and negativity over how some people have treated her, but mostly over how she imagines she's been treated. Once she starts thinking differently, thinking that maybe it's not just everyone else, but herself, as well, that's when her life truly begins to transform.

Learning to love yourself, is probably the hardest love of all, as Whitney Houston so beautiful sang. This story tells of one woman who's trying to get there but it's really about all of us. Jenn's struggle shows how transforming your body isn't enough to make you love yourself. You have to transform your mind, as well. I can't wait to read more from Charlene Carr. I even signed up for her newsletter to read a bonus chapter of this story. It was wonderful, and I also found out that Ms.

Carr offers writing services, as well as communication and writing seminars. I'll definitely be learning more about from this author. Feb 24, Cathy rated it really liked it. This book was intense, but in all the good ways.

It was the kind of book that made you look twice at yourself and how you judge people, how you treat people and most importantly your self-worth. Everyone is worth something and the sooner you believe you are worth it, the sooner you will be happy. We meet Jennifer who is obese, as well as her mother. They both depend This book was intense, but in all the good ways. They both depend on one another that is until her mother passes away in a way that makes Jennifer look twice at herself and the choices she is making in life.

With lots of work she finally reaches the goal or almost reaches that goal when the realization hits her. This is an eye opener for her and for readers as well. She has unresolved issues with the way her mother died and the beliefs she held about her mom, but when she takes a step back new things come to life.

Those are the words that Jennifer needs to believe in. This book made me depressed and motivated and inspired all in one, a hard task to achieve. Overall it was more inspirational than anything because it helped me to remember to celebrate life, otherwise what is this all for? Feb 21, Angie rated it really liked it Shelves: There was a lot to like about this book.

It seems like I rarely get to say that. Let me say this: It takes balls to make your character become entirely unlikable a little over halfway through the book. Charlene Carr does both excellently. Jennifer goes from sympathe There was a lot to like about this book.

Jennifer goes from sympathetic, to really bitchy and obnoxious, and then back around to being a likable person again. Through her weight loss journey and her journey into becoming a whole new person, we follow Jenn through it all with a voice that rings true to life. She is able to take many of the real feelings that many overweight women feel and put it into words in a way that very authors have attempted to do. She makes her human. She gives her emotion and intelligence and relationships. There are fantastic commentaries on view of self, negative and judgmental attitudes, and what success and failure really means.

Feb 08, 2kasmom rated it really liked it. This is a story of Jennifer Carpenter. She is unhappy with her looks and embarrassed that anyone notices how heavy she is. I love the honesty in this book - we hear from Jennifer's own point of view how damaging a negative outlook on life can be. We see whst can motivate and help us on our journey. In this case, it means seeing her lose the weight and why. Jennifer is surrounded by friends and some family.

She has recently lost her mother and is wondering should she give her estranged father anoth This is a story of Jennifer Carpenter. She has recently lost her mother and is wondering should she give her estranged father another chance to be in her life? He invites her to lunch and other outings and she rarely, if ever, gets together with him.

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Too hurt by the childhood memories of rejection by him and her brother. We see serious character development and such honest feelings, reactions, and even scenarios that a single women with losing weight would live through. I was impressed with the way the author handled it. Not sugar-coating any of it. Her own cousin has it out with her several times. It is easy to relate to such a character like Jennifer, all women feel some kind of negative toward themselves.

Whether it is a personal dislike of a certain feature or weight, we all have something that makes this story hit home. I enjoyed the read - and found it it is a series now with a whole new book coming out soon with more on these wonderfully rich characters. My honest opinion does not reflect Netgalley nor its affiliates. Oct 29, Bethany rated it it was ok. This probably would have been a DNF for me if I wasn't only reading it as my 'waiting in queues etc. Even then, I was pretty tempted to just stop. The premise of this book sounded potentially interesting and promising, but when it came to the execution, it all just fell flat.

The main character, Jenn, is really, really unlikeable. I like a good flawed, three-dimensional character, but Jenn really didn't have many redeeming qua This probably would have been a DNF for me if I wasn't only reading it as my 'waiting in queues etc. I like a good flawed, three-dimensional character, but Jenn really didn't have many redeeming qualities about her.

She was whiny, selfish, and was really just horrible to all her friends and family, and yet she expects them to be absolutely perfectly behaved to her no matter how nasty she is. There were little parts I could relate to, but it's really hard to feel in touch with a character so constantly bitter and loathing.

All of the prominent male characters are too one-dimensional to actually care about.

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The writing is far from poor, but not exceptional, and dialogue sometimes seems repetitive. The style was appropriate for the type of book it is - nice and simple without being overly basic. The author could have done more with her words to get readers to connect emotionally with her character's struggle, but then, maybe this would have had an effect on those who could personally empathise with the situation.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend this - it's short, but still not really worth the time, and I won't be continuing the series. Sep 30, Sandra rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: All women and some men.

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I have read this book three times now. When I read it as first, I was anxious to read it once more to see how it affected me on the second reading. Even on the third reading, it brought me to tears. At first I really didn't like the main character, Jennifer, and sometimes I just wanted to slap her. If you are a woman or man who has ever had self-esteem issues, you often may feel that the author has gone inside your head and is reading your thoughts. Although this is a fiction book, it is also a self-help book and I feel the author has captured so many of the emotional turmoils which can pull us down in life and prevent us from accomplishing the goals that we set for ourselves, but she has also shown us that we can improve our self-image and be happy with ourselves.

I am looking forward to reading further books in this series and learning more about the progress in Jennifer's life, and in the lives of her family and friends. View all 3 comments. Sep 21, Magda rated it really liked it Shelves: The book, as promised, is about much more than just losing weight. It looks at how people define themselves and others based on physical appearance and how at times, what is outside reflects what we feel on the inside.

The story shows the struggle of putting the past behind you and finding the courage to want to change things and the determination in fulfilling your plans. The novel in a way examines complicated relationships within families and between friends. Overall, the book was a thought provoking read, making you look at what you have with a new appreciation and with a dose of criticism.

Nov 21, Kelly rated it it was amazing. Skinny Me, by author Charlene Carr, details the weight loss journey of a young woman named Jennifer Carpenter.

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The book is told from Jennifer's point of view, and thus gives the audience a perfect look into the mental aspect of weight loss. As many of my blog buddies and other folks out there know very well, weight loss can be and usually is ALL about the mental, and boy does this book hit that nail right on the head! Throughout the book, Jennifer is confronted with real life issues that any pe Skinny Me, by author Charlene Carr, details the weight loss journey of a young woman named Jennifer Carpenter.

Throughout the book, Jennifer is confronted with real life issues that any person who has ever embarked on a weight loss adventure would find familiar. I found myself identifying with her thoughts ALL the time-especially when she gets nervous about being around lots of food at social events. Been there, done that! But what I really identified with throughout the book and found that I was mad at myself for doing so were the very private thoughts of Jennifer throughout the book.

Some of these thoughts were hateful thoughts directed not only toward herself, but toward others. Feelings of jealousy toward women who she assumed were happier because they were thin, feelings of animosity toward friends who didn't feel that they needed to lose weight like she did, and feelings of resentment toward others for how they treated her before she began her weight loss journey. Although these thoughts aren't "pretty," I really found that they are ALL thoughts that I've had in the past and still have occasionally.

It really caused me to take a hard, introspective look at WHY Jennifer had those thoughts, and why I've had them before. It also helped me remember why it is so important to not focus on that perfect "number" on the scale, and to find reasons to love myself as I am and as I have been at ALL of my previous weights. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone who has ever had any kind of weight loss experience, thoughts about starting a weight loss journey, or friends and family who have lost weight or who would like to.

It provides unique insight into what is really happening mentally during what, to many, may look like "just" some hard work with food and exercise. May 21, Amy Paulussen rated it really liked it. I don't think I've ever read a book with a central character that is so self-loathing! And the fall-out of that is huge - for every relationship, every interaction, even.

This book is fascinating and disturbing, but it comes together well in the end. I was terrified that losing weight would solve everything for Jenn, and I'd have to throw my kindle across the room - but the author deals with the subject matter really well. We are properly in Jen Wow.

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We are properly in Jenn's head but also able to see how messed-up her thinking is vaguely bridget-jones-ish, though not funny. This is not a rom-com, not at all. Makes me wonder how many people are walking around, feeling the way Jenn does for most of the novel, reading all-the-world as an attack. And we big WE, including mass-media and every comments section ever, probably reinforce the idea, that perfection of a very painful, expensive, dangerous and specific type is the key to happiness, to the peril of so many relationships and even lives.

This and punctuation errors, which detract credibility, I'm afraid is probably why I'm not giving 5 stars.

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I'd have liked Jenn to be seeing a therapist or councilor, not just a personal trainer, to deal with things holistically. But I'm no expert. Apr 18, Logan LeDuc rated it really liked it. I was contacted by Charlene Carr and offered a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I've had family that have lost hundreds of pounds and I understood that there is more to getting healthy than the physical side. It's an emotional battle.

And yes, by the end, Jennifer redeems some of her more unlikeable qualities from earlier in the book. But the way she treated people, especially her own cousi I was contacted by Charlene Carr and offered a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. But the way she treated people, especially her own cousin who was nothing but kind to her for the entirety of her life?

That really bothered me. Even when she was trying to be happy with herself she was still jealous of what others had. It seemed very petty and childish and as though she wouldn't be able to flip a switch with those sorts of character traits holding her back. She wasn't the worst character though.

And I enjoyed all the other characters and their diversity. Part of me thinks Jenn was written as a character we were meant to "love to hate.

The plot was sound and wrapped up nicely, though rather quickly. Overall a good, quick read. Just be prepared to not love Jenn. She'll make you roll your eyes and appreciate what you have for how little she appreciates everything she's been granted. But she definitely portrays how extreme the mental aspect of losing weight can be. Apr 26, Christine Grant rated it liked it Shelves: I received an e-copy of this book for free from the author. This was not in exchange for a review, but I am writing a review using my honest opinion. I love to read books about food issues, alcoholism and drug use.

I have not struggled with the latter two, but I have dealt with overcome? Jennifer grew up with a fat mother, and body issues of her own. She has been ov Full disclosure: She has been overweight her entire life. After her mother's death, Jennifer decides that it is time to make some changes. She wants to be the perfect person that she imagines she is inside if only she weren't fat. And so she loses the weight. Yes, she works hard, but it all seems a little too easy. She gets completely obsessed with losing weight, and loses almost all of the weight that she wants. Yet, she find out that being thin isn't always all it's cracked up to be.

There are other aspects to the plot such as Jenn falling in lust with her cousin's boyfriend who turns out to be Jenn's trainer. It's not a bad book, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped I would. I'm not sure if I will read the next book in the series. May 22, Norma Cairns rated it it was amazing. I really liked this story, but honestly there were times that I wasn't too fond of the main character, Jennifer, in the beginning. Sometimes, she just made be mad, and sometimes I thought the author was in my own head, and Jennifer's struggles reminded me so much of some of my own.

However, as I read on, I started to realize that it is often our own attitude that puts us in the difficult situations that we sometimes face. I was really interested when Jennifer met Rajeev and it made me want to de I really liked this story, but honestly there were times that I wasn't too fond of the main character, Jennifer, in the beginning. I was really interested when Jennifer met Rajeev and it made me want to definitely read Book number 2 in the series to find out if something was really going to happen with this relationship.

By the time I came to the end of the book, I liked Jennifer more and wanted to see her happy. The author did a great job of writing about a very common and very difficult situation which faces many women in this day and age. Jul 28, Love Fool rated it liked it. Jennifer Carpenter dreams of being a different person — A person with confidence, a person with beauty, a person who weighs a heck of a lot less. I have weight issues but not like Jennifer, my weight issues are pounds that I lose and gain with different seasons but nothing like the struggles she faces.

I feel for her, with the little problems I have, I have some understanding with food and image. So saying that, I thought the story felt real with regards to that. My issue with Jennifer is I Jennifer Carpenter dreams of being a different person — A person with confidence, a person with beauty, a person who weighs a heck of a lot less. My issue with Jennifer is I felt like she wasn't a very nice person. To wish your kind cousin's boyfriend to break her heart and fall for you didn't win any points with me.

Also, her lack of compassion for her brother made me like her less too. I know he was a bastard but that's her blood, at least visit him in the hospital. In order for me to love a story, I need to at least like the main character. Nov 15, Bea Roberts rated it really liked it Recommends it for: I really enjoyed this book and thought it would be a great help to anyone who has low self esteem. It makes you realize that whatever flaws you have would not be noticed as much if you are happy with yourself.

It is not wrong to work on your problems and to try and improve yourself but you have to do it for right reasons. Thank you Charlene Carr for a great read. Apr 13, Kimberly rated it it was amazing Shelves: Loved the fact that it was REAL. A real look at the beautiful Highly recommend this novel.

Nov 13, Ashleigh rated it liked it. It's tough to rate this one. I almost put it down a few times. Jenn's character is just so full of hate and just an awful person at times in this book. I wanted to empathize with her, because I've had my own issues with insecurities but treating people the way she did just because she was overweight and felt like she was being judged? Maybe that was the point of the book though.