Who Speaks to Your Heart?

Can New York’s bold plan to close its jail on Rikers Island build a more just city?

We can call on others to make a difference or start a fight. We can soothe a soul or stab a heart with our words. In fact, wounds from sticks and stones will heal, but wounds from words fester, haunt, and can last long into the future. How someone receives our words, or translates them into a different meaning is not in our control. However, consciously aligning our words, thoughts, and actions with our values and our desired outcome is in our control.

We simply want to move in the direction we want our relationships to go, the direction we want our lives to go, aiming for the results we want. I often hear couples say they want to create a healthier, more harmonious relationship, but say or think mean and judgmental things about their partners.

This is an example of the action steps being out of alignment with the goal—rocking the boat, so to speak. We all think a lot of things that probably should not even be thought, much less said. Your opinion may not be purposeful to anyone else and it may be completely inaccurate. When you speak your mind without forethought, you back yourself into a corner that does not allow you the freedom to easily retract or change your mind.

It also gives others the freedom to have a different opinion. Remember, too, that consciously or unconsciously we teach with our words. Our children are watching us.

Want to build deep connections with your audience? Keep these methods in mind.

When we simply say what is on our minds without any editing for kindness, truth, compassion, purpose or clarity, we teach them that inflicting their words on others without forethought is acceptable behavior, too. My opinion is that rather than unconsciously speaking our minds, we should reinforce responsible communication as an admirable quality and imperative relationship skill. In Real Love with Eve , she shares skills, principles, and tools for creating healthy, harmonious relationships—with friends, family, lovers, co-workers, and the world at large.

Speak to My Heart, Lord Jesus

When the chatter around or the voices of others may drown out what you may want to say. In life as it is. Enter Word Verification in box below. The most persistent ones? As appropriate, open to and encourage the other person speaking from the heart, too.

Her uncommon approach to common sense will help you sail away from ego battles and into the calmer waters of real love. Learn more about Eve's Heart Path retreats at sacredmauiretreats. A Time for Silence: To continue my example, I would next explain to my audience that I told the story about the boy to inspire them to think of their employees, customers, and coworkers not as businesspeople but as people-people.

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I would explain to my audience how to focus on the individual by using examples aligned with who they are as a person. Next, tell another story to send your message home. This concluding story needs to draw on the same theme as your opening story, but with a new and different twist. Again, be sure to tell a personal story that gives your audience insight into who you are.

In my coaching, I am always applying the lesson I learned that cold, rainy day in Montreal.

Speak Your Heart, Not Your Mind

Recently, I was preparing one of my clients for his media interviews at Davos. The mood was serious, intense. I knew I had to change the tempo and get beyond the official. I needed to help him bring out his engaging personality, not his data points. Are you enjoying the ride?

How Usman Peerzada Met Samina Peerzada

I went to college on a scholarship, and last week I had dinner with the prime minister of India! I could now begin to help him in a meaningful way.

Your Answer

To help him break through, I had to see him as a real person. At the conclusion of your story, end your presentation by taking the message back to your audience. Summarize your main point, making sure your audience leaves with a clear understanding of what you wanted to get across. By following this process, you will be able to open yourself up and share your experiences.

You will be able to make deep connections, achieving new levels of authenticity and new levels of impact. And most importantly, you will be able to truly speak from your heart without losing your head. By Anett Grant 4 minute Read. This was the moment I learned how to be a coach. Message Connection Your next step is to connect your story to your message.

  2. The Accounting (Mike Browning Thrillers Book 1).
  3. What does "speak from the heart" mean? | Learn English at English, baby!;
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Concluding Story Next, tell another story to send your message home. Wrap-Up At the conclusion of your story, end your presentation by taking the message back to your audience. To finish my example, I would say: