Unfriendly Skies: 20th & 21st Centuries (Number 1 in the Defrauding America series.)

Prostitution in Las Vegas. Torching houses and restaurants in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Gambling practices and secrets. Insider information on the "four-on-the-floor" murders in Hollywood. High-level protection of underworld figures. Police and political corruption in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Table of Contents for Underworld Secrets: Jimmy Hoffa to Las Vegas.

The nearly pages details a half century of arrogance and corruption within the government's aviation safety offices, the cover-ups by every government and non-government check and balance, and the deadly consequences.

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Highly detailed and documented, information known to virtually no one, written by a former government aviation safety agent who had to act in the role of a David versus Goliath to attempt to halt these activities. Starting with the world's worst air disaster at the time, the United Airlines DC-8 crash into New York City Flight , the same deep culture of arrogance and corruption is shown in numerous other brutal air disasters. Table of Contents for Unfriendly Skies: This is the story, presented in novel form, by and of a former pilot for United Airlines, turned drug smuggler, and his intriguing world with Columbian drug smugglers.

This novel is based upon the exciting and dangerous life of Richard Pitt, the author. Some of his actual experiences are revealed in Drugging America, written by Rodney Stich.

Unfriendly Skies: 20th & 21st Centuries (Number 1 in the by Rodney Stich PDF

More information available about the author, Rodney Stich, a former federal agent, international airline captain, and Naval aviator in World War II. Any comments or suggestions--especially favorable one--are always welcomed. There are several reasons for making these e-books available: Make insider information available to as many people as possible. Maybe, then, there will be enough informed and courageous individuals that will focus on the real hardcore corruption in government offices, and do something meaningful about addressing the corruption that continues to inflict great harm upon countless numbers of innocent people and upon many national interests.

Make people familiar with e-books. Stimulate an interest in other books written by insiders that detail and document corruption in other areas of government virtually unknown to most people. These type of books, written by insiders, are rarely found on the shelves of most bookstores.

Politics of aviation safety and a history of related airline disasters.

All of these books have been written by former federal agent Rodney Stich, based upon the hardcore corruption that he personally discovered, starting as a federal agent, and based upon 15 years of continual information and documentation from large numbers of insiders, including agents of the FBI, CIA, DEA, ONI, FAA, Customs, Secret Service; former drug smugglers carrying out assignments for government agents; former Mafia figures, including those working closely with personnel of the CIA and other government entities.

There is no known book written by and with the input of dozens of government insiders, some of whom have been killed, found dead under mysterious circumstances, or falsely charged and sent to prison--to silence or discredit them. The readers of these books will definitely have a better and more accurate understanding of the intrigue in the three branches of government. More information is available about the author. In order to continue providing this information, it is requested that donations be made to pay for the expenses so that these efforts can continue.

For small donations, consider using PayPal. For those who want to really help in fighting the cancerous spread of corruption in government offices and operations, or who want to make donations other than via PayPal, suggest going to www. Send those donations to: How to Obtain the Books. Help fund our continuing attempts to expose corruption in the three branches of government by ordering any product from Amazon.

There is no extra cost in doing this: This site will periodically make available full-length books for no-charge downloading.

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This is done in an attempt to get insider information known to as many people as possible, with the hope that enough will have the backbone and character to help fight the corruption and cover-ups that are endemic in the United States. Unless this reaction occurs, the pattern of expanding corruption and its cover-up by members of Congress and media shills, the arrogance, corruption, and consequences will continue.

Go to Defrauding America home page.

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Go to Drugging America home page. Go to Unfriendly Skies home page. Go to IRS c 3 donation page. Good bye, old pal, you've been my closest and most faithful companion for the past ten years, sticking with me through very difficult times. I will always remember my German Shepherd, Midas. Your loving friend, Rodney. Nearing the end of his life, he continues the fight against the arrogance and corruption in government, and the legal attacks from the legal fraternity that continues its efforts to silence him.

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He faces an uglier enemy than any he faced in World War II. More information on these legal attacks and the termination of all legal rights and protections can be found at one of the many legal pages on this Internet site. The judicial attacks upon him, to silence his reporting of corruption in government, can be found in the various books and material on this and related web sites. Stich had a multiple bypass operation in for nearly total blockage of several coronary arteries.

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Editorial Reviews. Review. Unfriendly Skies: 20th & 21st Centuries is a detailed and Unfriendly Skies: 20th & 21st Centuries (Number 1 in the Defrauding America series.) - Kindle edition by Rodney Stich. Download it once and read it on. Read or Download Unfriendly Skies: 20th & 21st Centuries (Number 1 in the Defrauding America series.) PDF. Best aviation books. Download.

The bypass operation was successful, and remained successful for 15 years. In , Stich experienced angina, even while not exercising and was admitted to the hospital. An angiogram revealed that his left main coronary artery was totally blocked and the vein bypass for that artery had failed. Normally, this would have resulted in death.

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He was hanging on to life by the development of small collaterals or arterioles. The medical team told him that a second open-heart surgery was not feasible, and that stents were not possible because of the small size of the available arteries. All they could do was prescribe nitro patch to apply every morning to reduce the severity and frequency of angina. Lying in the hospital bed and being advised of his condition, it looked to Frank that he didn't have long to live.

On his own, Stich learned, not from any doctor, but from another source, that there existed EECP treatments that stimulated the growth of arterioles or collaterals to augment or replace totally blocked arteries. This treatment is medically recognized throughout the world, and used in major medical centers. Strangely, most doctors were unfamiliar with the treatment. The treatment was approved at no cost to him. He also learned that Medicare approved the treatment as well as most health insurance companies and other healthcare providers.

The treatments consisted of 35 one-hour sessions during which he lay on a padded table, with cuffs wrapped around his legs and lower abdomen. These cuffs are something like the cuffs that are wrapped around a person's arm when taking the person's blood pressure. The cuffs are inflated and deflated in synch with the beat of the person's heart, and causes an increased pressure on the blood going to the heart.

This has been found to stimulate the development of little arterioles that augment or replace blocked arteries, resulting in decrease or elimination of angina, elimination of drugs, increase in exercise ability, and improvement in the quality of life. To pass time during treatment, Stich listened via headphones to radio programs that kept him informed on world events.

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Some people listen to audio books, and others listen to music. He found all these benefits to be true. In his case, the improvements were very noticeable. He went from a physical stage short of death, to where he was able to function more like a normal person. He also noticed a significant drop in his high blood pressure, which has been as high as mgHg.

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How to Obtain the Books. Open-heart surgery has its risks, and stents sometimes result in blood clots, which are sometimes fatal. Gambling practices and secrets. The author knows of no other book written with years of input by the heads and other personnel of such CIA operations. Trojan Horse Corruption 4th ed. Devoted over 40 years to addressing crash-causing aviation problems. It is written through the eyes of former government agents reporting on the Trojan horse corrupt activities of people in government offices and the harm done to the American people and government institutions, including national security, and the cover-up of these crimes by most media people.

About two years later, Stich felt that the benefits were slowly eroding, causing him to again request authority to undergo another series of 35 treatments. Again the benefits were felt. Stich felt that accompanying the treatments with almost daily exercise on the treadmill was beneficial. This treadmill exercise also showed him the improvements that followed the EECP treatments. Stich was 80 years of age when he accomplished the first series of EECP treatments and then 82 when he did the second series.

Open-heart surgery has its risks, and stents sometimes result in blood clots, which are sometimes fatal. Within the years after global warfare II, the airline stewardess grew to become essentially the most celebrated symbols of yank womanhood. Stewardesses seemed on journal covers, on lecture circuits, and in advert campaigns for every little thing from milk to cigarettes. Airspace Closure and Civil Aviation: A Strategic Resource by Steven D.

The effect to airways from airspace closure may be as benign as a minute extension on an arrival trend, or as catastrophic as a shoot down from a surface-to-air missile, because the tragic lack of Malaysia airways Flight 17 over the Ukraine in July demonstrates. Airspace constraints are available various kinds, either man-made and actual, yet all bring about operational inefficiencies that erode the commercial energy of an airline. Additional resources for Unfriendly Skies: