Die Unerträglichkeit der Stille (German Edition)

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Your name Your email Friend's name Friend's email Message. Please select an option. Please wait, fetching the form. Get our weekly newsletter. We also get a strong sense of her relationships as we learn choice tidbits of information about her team members.

Instead, a large portion of the midsection of this book feels like a treatise on the psychology of serial killers and the elements of conspiracies. For a majority of this story, I was actually bored. Yes, McFadyen gives us what he always does — graphic portrayals of bloodshed, torture, sexual perversion, and psychological cruelty.

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And, to be fair, he also balances that with tender moments, especially those of Smoky with her family. More than ever, we see the concern of Tommy and Bonnie as Smoky does her job and puts herself in danger — and her concern for their safety as well. Her team of experts — Alan, Callie, James, and hired gun Kirby — each has a personal connection to Barrett as well. Always an enigma, the one member who related to others with sarcasm and aloofness, James finally responds to Smoky, who reaches out to him with understanding and empathy.

It is a defining moment, and it seems to solidify his place of honor and respect on the team. The emphasis seemed to be more on the intellectual understanding of what makes serial killers tick. Some readers may find that fascinating; I did not. Oh, it chilled; I will say that. For now, it seems to be, as the world has seen nothing new written under the name of Cody McFadyen. View all 3 comments. Smoky heads a team of FBI agents who hunt down the most horrific of criminals.

With a past filled with pain, violence and death Smoky has become an intensely shrewd and talented leader. As the story begins, a very pregnant Smoky and her team travel to a suburb of Denver where once a small, quiet neighbourhood has now become a baffling scene of grizzly murders. The killer has left a bloody message for Smoky which leads to gruesome discoveries that will have your heart pounding. Although this is a dark, detailed and disturbing read, full of graphic violence, it is a remarkable addition to the Smoky Barrett series and I highly recommend it.

Cody McFadyen is one of my all-time favourite authors and I look forward to where he takes us next. View all 8 comments. Let me begin by saying that the Smokey Barrett series is one of the best I have ever read My qualifier is that the series should have stopped after Book 4. The book reads more like a textbook on psychology than anything else.

Yes, Smokey is featured.. Her team gets a very small mention here and there, which is a real shame. It's Smokey AND her team that make reading this series so interesting. There is very little mention of her new husband or her adopted daughter, Bonnie. Again, it was these characters that brought the previous books alive.

Because this author seemingly disappeared for years makes me wonder if he actually wrote this book. If you haven't read this series, I would not recommend starting with this one. View all 12 comments. Oct 30, Anne Goldschrift rated it it was ok. Abgebrochen auf Seite ! Der erste Teil war absurd, aber okay, aber der zweite Teil Three houses, three dead families.


The killer also left a couple things for Smoky…. The hits just keep on coming as it becomes clear a complex, insidious plan has been in the works for years.

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Those responsible have a simple goal. They just want you to tell the truth. I was a quarter of the way through before my heart rate returned to normal. There is a mountain of information to sift through with tentacles that stretch in surprising directions. Real life events of the past 30 years figure into the plot which adds an uneasy truth to the story. This entry has a different, less linear format than previous books in the series. Hence, the following warning. I have to give Mr. Despite many scenes that made me squirm, I kept reading because I HAD to know how it would all play out.

Do people like this exist? God, I hope not. But in the end, after so much darkness, there is hope beaming out of the final pages. View all 19 comments. Not my favourite of this series - certainly waited long enough for it to be published! To say I was disappointed, would be correct. Would have liked less sermon and more action like the other books. Extremely wordy book - am wondering if it was all Not my favourite of this series - certainly waited long enough for it to be published! Extremely wordy book - am wondering if it was all just filler which it seemed to be for me for a preset number of pages in a book.

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Oct 09, Sebastian rated it liked it. Hochschwanger in den Wahnsinn Fangen wir mal ganz von vorne an: Smoky und ihr Team werden nach Denver abkommandiert, wo eine Familie brutal ermordet und auf bizarre Weise in ihrem Haus zur Schau gestellt wurde. Nur so viel sei gesagt: Droht Smoky Barrett zu zerbrechen?

Keine Sorge, man bekommt zwar einen Abschluss geboten, muss aber nun wahrlich kein Hellseher sein um vorauszusagen, dass dieser Fall wohl in Zukunft noch einmal auf Smokys Schreibtisch landen wird. Auch bleibt durch den starken Fokus auf Smoky selbst leider der Rest des Teams ein wenig auf der Strecke — mit einer kleinen Ausnahme.

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Feb 13, Luke Cumbo rated it it was amazing. I NEED this book when is it available in English and Cody's previous book the innocent bone quite annoyed by the lack of information but love Cody's writing style and Smokey Barrett and team just want to read them!!!!!! Answers please Cody, im an excited fan please let me know when I can read your amazing works of art??????? View all 7 comments. Jan 07, Laura von Eden rated it liked it Shelves: Sehr langatmige Passagen, Smoky ging mir wirklich sehr auf die Nerven.

Nov 01, Patrizia rated it did not like it Shelves: Leider ist diesem aber nicht so und nicht zuletzt hatte ich mich auch noch wahnsinnig auf dieses Buch gefreut. Diese beginnt zu Anfang sogar noch recht vielversprechend, ich dachte mir: Da gab es einfach so viele Konstruktionen, die mir vollkommen unauthentisch erschienen.

Nur um mal ein Beispiel von vielen zu nennen: Mir ist schon klar, dass man sich im 7. Ein bisschen zu viel Risiko, wenn ihr mich fragt. Das Motiv Der Mensch ist des Menschen Wolf ist wahrhaftig nicht neu, aber hauptsache man wirft eine Abartigkeit nach der anderen in den Mixer, um daraus den Cocktail mit dem besonders hohen Ekelfaktor zu machen - Sinnhaftigkeit? Und wo war da jetzt bitte der rote Faden? In Die Stille vor dem Tod erscheint diese Aufarbeitung meiner Meinung nach nur als eine Aneinanderreihung von bereits bekannten Katastrophen, die sie erlebt hat.

Also beschloss ich mir vorlesen zu lassen. Ich bin mehrmals bei Kapitel 20 eingenickt. I received this book through NetGalley. German and english review Es sind vier Jahre her, seit dem ich den vierten Teil in der Serie gelesen habe. Mir zittern immer noch die Knie und mir ist ganz schwindlig von den Wendungen, die es in dem Buch gab. Ich hab die ganzen Charaktere echt vermisst First things first: Ich hab die ganzen Charaktere echt vermisst. Aber ich gebe eine kurze Inhaltsangabe: Schlag auf Schlag, sind Dinge passiert, die ich nicht habe kommen sehen. Und dann alles was zum Ende hin passiert ist?!

Ich komme damit immer noch nicht klar und bin so erschrocken. Now it finally happened and I could experience the fifth book. And what an experience it has been.

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My knees are still shaking and I'm still a bit dizzy from all the twists and turns that the book had to offer. But it was just amazing to read about Smoky, her family and her team again. I really missed all these characters. Overall, I won't say really that much about the story.

It's a thriller and I think they are much more enjoyable when you know nothing much about what is happening and what's in store for you. But a short summary: She and her team have just been summoned to a baffling scene in Denver: In a suburban cul de sac, two seemingly happy families have been slaughtered and carefully displayed. This leads Smoky into an enormous underground bunker and a plot that threads through the entire community. And then…well, this is a crime that will grip the world. Smoky went through some serious stuff in this book.

And not just she did, but I as a reader felt like being there with her every step of the way. That was a rollercoaster ride where most of the time you just keep rushing towards the ground and you can't seem to get a break to catch your breath.

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Buy Die Unerträglichkeit der Stille (German Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - donnsboatshop.com Als sie an einem sonnigen Morgen im August aufwachen, stellen zwei Familien fest, dass ihre Töchter über Nacht verschwunden sind. Die siebenjährige Calli.

Blow upon blow, things happened so fast, that I didn't see coming at all. August pocht auf Bildung.

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