Goodbye to You

It’s So Long And Goodbye To You

It can relate to so many people and you can tell in her voice she really feels what she's saying. No Replies Log in to reply. There was an error. General Comment "Goodbye to you. Goodbye to everything I thought I knew" Because you were all I knew.

119 Songs About Saying Goodbye

Or so I thought General Comment I listened to this song the day after i told my best friend that it was too painful to be friends with him because he could never love me the way i loved him. He argued with me for hours that he really didn't want to lose me and the whole thing ended when i turned and walked away.

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Catherine - You have no idea how many times I have the wrong artist and have to double check myself! Thank you for stopping by! Have a great weekend and thank you for stopping by! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. A temporary parting -- until we connect again. And she said, "How can I help you to say goodbye?

I still cant listen to this song, it hurts like hell lol. General Comment im not sure what else to say about this song besides i love it.. As he says goodbye to a love he knew wouldn't last, the man in this country hit expresses gratitude for what he has gained from their relationship.

He is thankful for what his partner has given him over the years and for inspiring him to be a better man. He claims that he can do things now that he previously couldn't, and he feels lucky to have known her this way. In this song, an year-old girl prepares to strike out on her own. As she loads her Chevy, she's more than ready but her mother finds it hard to say goodbye. She offers practical advice, trying to delay their farewell. Later, as the daughter faces bills of her own and the realities of life as an adult, she recalls all that she misses about the life she left behind.

When you've given your heart to someone, and they won't take it, there's no real choice but to say goodbye. This classic rock song from is about the gut-wrenching realization that the one you love doesn't love you as much as you love them. The song was written as Lindsay Buckingham's harsh response to "Dreams," a Fleetwood Mac song that Stevie Nicks wrote about wanting to end their relationship.

Got a song suggestion for our Goodbye playlist?


"Goodbye to You" is a single by American rock band Scandal. Original release information[edit]. The song was written by band member Zack Smith. It appeared . "Goodbye to You" is a song by Michelle Branch, and was the third and the final single from her second album, The Spirit Room (). It reached #21 on the.

Leave us a comment in the Comments Section! Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Aiden - Yes, I'm reading this, and I've added the song as Thanks for the song suggestion. Have a Happy July 4th. Sally - You're not talking about "Our House" by Madness , are you?

"Goodbye To You" lyrics

If not, perhaps more details genre, key lyrics you recall may help another reader or me remember it for you. Thanks for the comment. There was a song back in I think the 80's where a family was moving and the house was remembering all the good and bad times. For the life of me I can't remember the name.

Dion - That's one sad, bummer of a song. I've added it to both this playlist and the playlist about loneliness and feelings of isolation: Dear Shyron, I have added the song as You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Roshi - Thanks for the suggestion. I added it to the playlist about Missing Someone You Love: Ashley Zientarski - Adding this at Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to leave a suggestion! Is there another that you are suggesting? Larry - It makes me wonder whether I should've subdivided the list. Have a great week.

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Valene - I think that one's on my Break Up Playlist. Thank you for stopping by! Wow, what a great list you've made! I always liked that "I can't make you love me" song by Bonnie Raitt, which I guess is more a break up song than a goodbye song. Catherine - You have no idea how many times I have the wrong artist and have to double check myself! That's why it takes me so long to publish these. You are wonderful just as you are, lovely Catherine! Don't change a thing. Now that you mention it, it probably was Peter Paul and Mary. The airplane part probably caused me to think Jefferson Airplane.

I can't trust my memory anymore. I am glad you included it. Catherine - A number of artists recorded many of these songs.


It does have a very nice appeal, all these years later! Thank you for sharing your trip down memory lane. Goodbyes can be sad, but the alternative not having the chance to say goodbye is so much sadder.

  1. Subscribe to our mailing list.
  2. Michelle Branch - Goodbye To You Lyrics | MetroLyrics!
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  5. Rags-to-Riches Bride (Mills & Boon Historical)?

I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend, Dianna! Frank - I used to limit myself to 25, 35, or other round numbers but then found quickly that with new releases there would always be additional songs so why even start out with such a number? It'll only change as people make good suggestions and all. It doesn't take much on my part to go ahead and offer greater content in the form of a table either.

Hope that answers it. I hate good-byes but they are part of life. Some of the songs are sad but others give one a brighter hope of reunion. Thank you for commenting.

  1. Goodbye to You;
  2. Patty Smyth & Scandal - Goodbye To You! Best Of The '80s Live - MVD Entertainment Group B2B;
  3. Ocular Therapeutics: Eye on New Discoveries.
  4. The American Medical Money Machine.
  5. Rádios que tocam The Used.
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Have a great week! This seems like an exhaustive list of goodbye songs. I've heard some of these songs over and over again and didn't even realize the lyrics were about this theme. I plan to look up some of the unfamiliar songs. Shyron - Thanks so much for faithfully following!

Blessings and hugs right back! Nell - I do as well. I'm not sure how he went through with it, being a personal friend and all. Gives you a lump in the throat to hear it. Peggy - Thank you for your kind kudos! I enjoy researching them and listening to them. Sometimes the lyrics which I thought I knew haha end up surprising me. Thank you for commenting! I enjoy these song lists of yours because you always introduce me to some sometimes many!

Nice job as always. I remember Elton Johns song so well, watching Princess Dianas memorial, its one of those things that sticks in the mind. Linda - Thank you for taking a look even though you only knew one! I appreciate your readership.

Cover versions

I only know one song that you've reviewed, but it's a song that I love. I always find "Candle in the Wind" very moving. Thanks for another interesting and useful playlist article, Flourish. Carb Diva - Thank you.

  1. Goodbye To You Songtext;
  2. Tribe.
  3. How Karin met her best friend;

I am so sorry about the loss of your dear feline friend. I would definitely agree with you about the importance that pets play in our lives and the grief that their passing involves. I have six cats now, have always had multiple cats but recently lost the one I referred to as my "Jesus Christ Cat" because he was such a benevolent and gentle soul.

First Played

His name was Shepard and he oddly had a neurological disability that mirrored my own MS. We were in the struggle together. The video was directed by Francis Lawrence. The remixed version of Goodbye to You is known as the "Radio Remix". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 10 May Archived from the original on Retrieved June 16,