Anatomy of a Dictatorship: Inside the GDR, 1949-1989

And not just poor Sieglinde, but her entire class. This incident — one which we who were raised in western democracies would consider trivial, harmless and maybe even a little bit silly — raised alarms at the highest levels of the GDR government.

Anatomy of a Dictatorship: Inside the GDR 1949-1989

When reading the book for the first time, I considered this opening story to be important because I believe there are many intelligent people out there — particularly now, in — who attempt to minimize the dictatorial nature of the regime. Of course, the title alone, Anatomy of a Dictatorship , had already gone quite far in assuring me that Professor Fulbrook was not one to do so! Yet she hardly takes a purely moralistic approach, which is no doubt tempting to people such as myself. But of course she is that much better as a historian by not dedicating every sentence to a black and white interpretation of the GDR.

As she explains, that would be ahistorical. It would be counter-factual, because the truth of the matter is that many in the GDR did not see their own dictatorship in such black-and-white moralistic terms. In all honesty I find that truth to be somewhat painful, just as it depresses me that many who live in the eastern states of Germany today are actually longing for some kind of return to the GDR. But facts are facts, and Professor Fulbrook reports them, as well she should. I actually read the book several years ago, and I notice now that I had turned down corners of several pages where I found passages to underline.

  1. Inside the GDR 1949-1989.
  2. Anatomy of a Dictatorship?
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Computer technology in the east was behind, therefore everything was kept on paper and cards:. And, as [Erich] Mielke is alleged to have commented, cards and paper have the edge over computers when there is a power failure — an important consideration under actually existing socialism.

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Am I mistaken in finding a subtle bit of humor there? In retrospect, the childlike proliferation of codes and secrets, the guidelines and procedures, and the files of trivial observations couched in the self-important jargon of bureaucracy, could on occasion almost appear quite comic, were it not so tragic for those whose lives and careers were blighted in the process.

If you the history of the East German Communist Dictatorship interests you, you will undoubtedly enjoy Anatomy of a Dictatorship. Photo is mine, available under the Creative Commons license. In combining careful archival research with broader theoretical and historical interpretation, Anatomy of a Dictatorship makes a major contribution to debates on recent German history and the character of contemporary Germany.

Paperback , pages.

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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Anatomy of a Dictatorship , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Anatomy of a Dictatorship. Lists with This Book. Apr 09, martin rated it really liked it Recommends it for: At last, a balanced, informative and very intelligent account of the history of the GDR, neither glossing over its sins nor overstressing them.

It is fascinating to read of the way the country's citizens reacted and interacted with their regime, often supporting some aspects of it while pushing hard for other less acceptable things to change.

Anatomy of a Dictatorship: Inside the GDR, 1949-1989

The first history that is more than just a black and white account of theose 40 years. Add a who's who list to the book.

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It's irritating t At last, a balanced, informative and very intelligent account of the history of the GDR, neither glossing over its sins nor overstressing them. It's irritating to have to go and check Google to find out more about the roles and functions of some of the people mentioned Aug 25, Natalie rated it really liked it. But the books is by Mary Fullbrook not Penry Williams!! Nov 01, Laura rated it really liked it. This book discusses the inside of the GDR and its demise.

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Rob Tanner rated it really liked it May 03, Conformity and grumbling -- Modes of popular dissent -- Challenges to domination -- The fragmentation of political opposition -- The growth of political activism -- The end of a dictatorship: No trivia or quizzes yet. But the books is by Mary Fullbrook not Penry Williams!! The GDR was a repressive state.

Fulbrook attributes much of the crumbling of the GDR to religious groups. Excellent, objective and rare english language view of the East German state without rose tinted left wing nostalgia. Steven Seelig rated it really liked it Feb 16, Larissa rated it really liked it Sep 06, Charlie Pearson rated it liked it May 08, Paul rated it really liked it Apr 07, Kristoffer Eknes rated it really liked it Dec 07, Ben rated it liked it Jan 19, Justin rated it liked it Apr 08, Troy rated it liked it Nov 14, Lee Drewitz rated it really liked it Nov 23, Simona rated it liked it Feb 20, T H Christian rated it really liked it Feb 18, Stian Dalberg rated it really liked it Jan 11, Catharsis rated it really liked it Jun 15, Jonathan Stepp rated it it was amazing Apr 19,