The First Apostle

The first disciples of Jesus

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The apostle John records who were the first five people called to follow Jesus. John and Andrew were the initial two people called to be disciples by Christ John 1: Then came Peter also called Simon or Simon Peter, verses 40 - 42 , followed by Philip verses 43 to 44 and then Nathanael Bartholomew - verse The book of Matthew then records that James a son of Zebedee and brother of John was called Matthew 4: It is Biblically unclear in what order the remaining five of the first twelve disciples were specially called.

Jesus seems to have called the twelve apostles disciples in at least seven distinct time periods. Andrew and John were called together.

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The First Apostle has ratings and reviews. Mike said: I'm giving this book a so-so score because I never got over the “it's okay, but ” feeling. The first of the 12 apostles to follow Jesus were the two mentioned in John The next day John was there again with two of his disciples.

Peter was then called after his brother Andrew told him about the Messiah. Philip was called to be a disciple the day after Peter.

Who was the first apostle?

Nathanael Bartholomew was called after Philip told him about the Lord. James son of Zebedee and John's brother was called as he was mending nets inside a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Matthew received his calling as Jesus was leaving Capernaum. The remaining disciples were called at another time.

APOSTLE Trailer (2018)

It was about four in the afternoon. So Andrew was one of the first two. The other is unnamed but is usually thought to be John, the author of the gospel.

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This event took place about six months before Andrew and John were called to follow Jesus Mark 1: The selection of the 12 apostles took place about a year later Mark 3: Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.

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