This Will Not Look Good on My Resume

Todd didn't know most of them. And he didn't like any of them. And he was afraid of some of them. Now, I don't know anything about doing a kid's birthday party. They didn't ask about that at the interview.

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Maybe the first eight times. You can spend days in the Louvre. This inability to find fulfillment in the here and now is shared by those who set their sights instead on some heaven. Right beside the asshole everyone wants to just sit down and shut the fuck up. May 28, Angela Holtz rated it liked it. Along with the other infants and small children. A dog usually gets spayed and neutered before it reaches puberty.

They asked if I had a drivers' licence, they asked about my hobbies, and they were very impressed with the fact that I was university-educated. But I hadnt taken Birthday Parties I hadnt even taken Child Psych. I had taken Criminal Psych. So if Todd, or Jenny, had had a criminal record, that I would've been able to handle And I d taken Abnormal Psych. Which, actually, turned out to be oh never mind. I did, however, bake him a birthday cake. Turned out I invented a pudding-in-the-middle cake. Where was Steve when I needed him? Anyway, the boys wanted to play cops and robbers or cowboys and indians or missionaries and natives, but whenever I hear gunshot sounds, I imagine people dying.

So I said no and suggested they listen to a piano concert instead. My Bach needed work. Well, no one but Todd wanted to do that. I'm so glad I was able to read this book. There are really no words to describe how funny this book is. I loved reading about someone elses experiences in the work force. I was beginning to think I was the only person absurd things happened to.

I enjoyed how the chapters were labeled by type of job, I really looked forward to reading the chapters about types of jobs I've had. It made it funnier being able to relate to the stories sales was my favorite! Jan 25, Mayara Arend rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jass Richards wrote the funniest book I ever read. I laughed and people came asking me what was happening and I told them and they laughed too. Or they were Mary Margaret.

She heard a voice in her head. So the staff thought she was crazy. I thought they were jealous. Or just as crazy.

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And I told them so at the next staff meeting. Nods and murmurs of assent all round. But hey, at least she has fun.

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"Ya made me snort root beer out my nose!" - Moriah Jovan, The Proviso " Wonderful read, funny, sarcastic. Loved it!" - Charlie, Smashwords "Let me just say I. Editorial Reviews. Review. Ya made me snort root beer out my nose! Moriah Jovan, The This Will Not Look Good on My Resume by [Richards, Jass].

She has the most awful jobs, on the weirdest places - but's not because she can't get a better one, she's got a double degree in Philosophy and English But her personality sort of won't let her be quiet - and that gets her fired continuously. My favorite job was the one I quoted above, the psychiatric facility At least that one she was good at, no people. The least favorite was the Europe trip, it got a bit repetitive eventually. Brett is a feminist canadian stubborn woman who doesn't hesitate in telling people her opinions - about anything and everything.

This Will Not Look Good on My Resume

Sure, Brett WAY overreacts all the time. She exaggerates on her opinions, but's just for comedy's sake and to illustrate things we can't usually see if it's not overreacted. Her remarks about life and the stupid things we do on a daily basis without noticing are really funny, the way she says those things that we are desperate to say and our "shoulda said or shoulda done" just puts a smile on your face.

While it is highly recommended for people with a dark sense of humor, feminists, guys who like to laugh at themselves or people who just enjoy life laughing at and with it, it is REALLY NOT recommended for people who take life seriously, get offended at things or, for some unknown reason, can't understand irony. I can't describe how hilarious this is, so I'll leave you with a few quotes: Even if the little green man in the light says it's okay to cross.

Actually in Paris the little green man says "Okay-you can try-" Florence is rather like Paris in its attitude toward pedestrians, because in Italy there are no sidewalks at all. Well, there are - but apparently they're for the cars. At another company, temping as a lobby receptionist, I replaced all the goldfish in the ellegantly labelled 'Corporate Pond'. Though strictly speaking, I guess, 'replaced' isn't quite accurate Dec 20, Grace Krispy rated it liked it.

Have you ever held a job? Maybe two, three, four, seventeen? Ever been fired from a job for speaking your piece? Or have you ever wished you could say whatever came to mind, no matter the consequence? If so, you'll love this chance to live vicariously through Brett Laramie as she plows her way through a series of jobs, leaving nothing unsaid, but many things undone.

From teaching to waitressing, from manning a phone for a crisis hotline to applying to be a firefighter, she's done it all, seen it Have you ever held a job? From teaching to waitressing, from manning a phone for a crisis hotline to applying to be a firefighter, she's done it all, seen it all, and said it all. And she takes us along for the ride! Jass Richards, a comic writer, has created in Brett a strong-willed woman who alternates between ranting manifestos and persistently asking the questions we all want to ask.

This book is like a roller coaster ride on a stream of consciousness. The writing style very much reflects a speaking style rather than a written narrative, which fits the characterization of the novel rather well. Each chapter reflects one short-lived job experience in Brett's wide variety of careers. Anyone who's ever had a job will easily relate to one or more of the experiences in this story.

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I certainly found a few that hit home for me. Brett easily says things we all wish we could say, and sometimes says things we wouldn't have ever thought to say. At times, this story had me laughing out loud as I recognized myself or others , but at other times, the ranting went from lighthearted fun to serious missive, leaving me a little cold.

There were some very pointed jabs at certain "institutions" for lack of a better all-encompassing term , such as religion and misogynists.

Hilarious at first, but got a little old and just plain bitter-sounding after a while. For the most part, the story flowed along quickly and somewhat hysterically, but some parts seemed more drawn-out, leaving me ready for a change in scenery. Luckily, I never had to wait long for a new chapter, and I was soon delving into a totally different experience. Altogether, a funny, quirky read, good for anyone who is up for a quick escape into someone else's hilarious misery.

Dec 09, Shelleyrae at Book'd Out rated it liked it. Brett Laramie has a problem with keeping a job. Most people settle into a career and do their best to keep it, Brett well, not so much.


Even with double degrees she rarely last more than a few weeks in any position. Her lack of people skills doomed her attempts at as a Crisis Hotline Operator, a waitress and a Halfway house supervisor. Her general dislike of children meant that a career as a Nanny or substitute teacher was never going to take off. But it's Brett's disdain for authority that guar Brett Laramie has a problem with keeping a job. But it's Brett's disdain for authority that guarantees trouble in almost every workplace. You have to admire her contempt for beauracracy and petty rules that we all chafe against in our jobs.

The stories are told in an informal conversational style and mostly for deliberate comic effect. There are some giggles to be had and Richards displays a good sense of comic timing. Sometimes the humor slides into questionable taste drowning children is not my idea of natural selection. There are also some rather bitter diatribes in amongst the stories, particularly about men, that made me cringe once or twice. This Will Not Look Good on My Resume is a light and amusing novel that would work equaly as well as a stand up comedy routine.

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If you are looking for a giggle and hate your job this book is sure to please. I have a rule that it isn't enough to not like a book just because I don't like the main character. So I had to think a while about why I didn't like this book, and I think it's mainly because the unlikable character is only ever shown in one very specific light without any range at all.

I suppose this fits with the whole point of the book these are all the jobs I got fired from , but after about the fifth story, I realized the character wasn't going to do anything beyond provoke and flee, so I I have a rule that it isn't enough to not like a book just because I don't like the main character. I suppose this fits with the whole point of the book these are all the jobs I got fired from , but after about the fifth story, I realized the character wasn't going to do anything beyond provoke and flee, so I lost interest.

It also brought up questions humourous writing, and I guess this really gets into personal taste. I find this with short stories sometimes - an abrupt or "surprising" twist thrown in at the end just left to linger, and I don't really get it. May 28, Angela Holtz rated it liked it. This book really made me laugh when I started it. I mean really laugh. It is a funny, sharp and witty story. However I eventually started getting tired of the heavy feminist angle. Constantly putting down men and also going further and putting down children and women who have them. Still it was full of very funny parts.

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This book is loaded with jokes and even a good point here and there. I really liked the point when she was working with mental patients.