Hide in Plain Sight

hidden in plain sight

While the use of camouflage is only helpful when you're trying to hide from a distance, it's the best-known way of truly hiding in plain sight. Special camouflage clothes are only recommended in instances where you have a chance at being completely hidden, and not just inconspicuous. Leave the accessories at home. Accessories, like watches, pins, jewellery and patches, exist for the sake of making a person's appearance more distinctive.

If you want to avoid attention, it's a good idea to avoid these little add-ons completely. If you're in close proximity with people, wearing a watch or necklace will make you more interesting to look at. Avoid anything large, chunky, blingy, or shiny. The reason you want to avoid accessories, especially shiny ones, is because the sparkle will catch the eye and thus earn you attention. The one exception to wearing accessories is when you are in an environment where everyone wears an accessory for religious purposes, such as a hijab. Groom yourself without style. While being unkempt will attract its own sort of attention your way, a distinct hairstyle will draw eyes to you.

If you want to hide in plain sight, keep your hairstyle plain and vague. Avoid anything aesthetic like hair gels or dye. Just make sure your hair is relatively clean. If your hair is completely natural, there won't be as much that stands out. If you have distinctive hair and don't want to lose it for the sake of hiding, wearing a hood or hat will cover it up for you.

An uncommon hair color usually light-colored or texture i. Nothing attracts attention like breaking fee of the norm. This is especially true if you are breaking laws. On top of risking criminal charges, you'll draw all sorts of eyes in your direction.

While this applies to obvious felonies such as assault, it also encompasses things you may do innocently, such as jaywalking, or treading upon park grass. Train your situational awareness. A good part of hiding from someone is knowing where your seekers are looking. Even if you're trying to be inconspicuous to everyone, it helps a lot to know where people are looking, and what they're occupied with. Follow the behaviour of people around you. Losing yourself in a crowd means adhering to all of the crowd's norms. If there's ever a point where you're not sure about what to do, look at the people around you for an example.

Is there a common mood around? Are the people around you walking fast or slow? All of these details can be used to help you blend in. The most inconspicuous place to be is halfway between the center and the fringe. Although silence isn't always possible in some situations, it is a major part of keeping a low profile.

For however long you're trying to hide, avoid unnecessary conversations and interactions with others. Make as little sound as you can, even if you're in a relatively busy environment. Even something as innocuous as a cough or sneeze can draw attention to you if left unchecked. When you have to use your voice, make an effort to be only half as loud as normal. This quietness should still make it capable to communicate when you need to, but you won't attract attention of anyone you don't need to. A foreign accent will immediately set you apart from the crowd.

Act agreeable in conversation. In some cases, you won't be able to avoid conversation with other people. If this happens to you, you should make an effort to be pleasant and agreeable, without necessarily trying to advance the conversation anywhere. Smile, nod, and agree with what's being said. Don't ignore the person, as this will only bring unwanted attention your way. The word "Yes" will be your best friend if you're trying to go unnoticed in a conversation.

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It can be applied as a response to questions and answers alike. If you're in a stressful situation and feel anxious as a result, try to keep your movements casual. Be conscious of the pace and style you're moving in. Keep your movements fluid, without coming across as hurried or nervous. This can attract curiosity and attention.

If you have time to prepare in advance, it often helps to practice in front of a mirror. That way, you'll have a better idea of the ways in which others will perceive you. Eye contact is an important way for two individuals to acknowledge each other. Avert your gaze from others around you. A good trick is to keep your eyes fixed on the ground ten metres ahead of you.

Although you should keep your head down, you don't want to make it look obvious that you're intentionally avoiding eye contact. Aim to be in the middle of a crowd. If you're hiding in a populated environment, don't be afraid to use other people as a tool. Placing yourself in the middle of a crowd will make it more difficult to spot you.

In the end, they find them hidden among the serial numbers of the miners' ship's and its components. The rescued Indian princess travels with the heroes in the guise of a common whore, while the bad guys scour the entire country for her. At the time they're traveling in a caravan with the bad guys.

Belisarius pulls off similar stunts throughout the series: In the first book, his wife hides the meetings of their fellow conspirators by insinuating they're guests at orgies she's supposedly having. Belisarius conceals the fact he's got an entire unit of Kushans formerly prisoners who change sides by having them wear different uniforms but otherwise traveling with him. The characters know that it couldn't have been removed from the room, since it is the very machine whose presence maintains the Place's continued existence, but it's nowhere to be found even after they ransack the entire room.

It turns out that one of the characters had turned it inside-out, using one of the medical machines, and hid the resulting unrecognizable object among a gallery of equally abstract-looking alien art pieces. The narrator of Born Again accidentally opens an anniversary card that acknowledges that her parents had sex before marriage. Knowing she'll get in trouble for seeing it and that her mother regularly searches her room, she hides it on her desk, under a newspaper. She says she saw MacGyver do it. In Bridge of Birds , the main characters are searching for a lost goddess kidnapped by the Duke of Ch'in at one point and Li Kao says that the duke could have asked the Man of the Mountain to transform her into a single petal in a field full of flowers or something else of a similar Needle in a Stack of Needles nature.

Of course, it turns out to be much simpler than that: There's a John Dickson Carr story where a killer hides a glass knife by dropping it into a jug of water. This was referenced in a Three Investigators mystery where a glass statue is hidden in a swimming pool. Jupiter Jones figures it out by remembering the Carr story. This might not work with water and glass, which have an index of refraction of 1. Diana Wynne Jones ' Chrestomanci: In The Magicians of Caprona , the true words to the hymn Angel of Caprona that will solve everything are just the old words in Latin, carved onto humongous angelic statues in plain view.

Agatha Christie loved this trope, and often lampshaded it. In The ABC Murders , the mastermind behind the titular crimes is the brother of the "C" victim, with that particular death as his goal all along; he deliberately murdered three other people with matching initials to create the illusion of a nutty serial killer and thus disguise his motives. In "Miss Marple Tells a Story", the culprit behind a murder turns out to be a woman disguised as a chambermaid; Miss Marple herself points out that no one really notices maids, so even eyewitnesses who saw the woman enter the victim's room wouldn't be able to provide an accurate description.

In "At the Bells and Motley", one of the Harley Quin stories, a group of clever antique thieves disguise themselves as a married couple and furnish their new home with their spoils; when the husband mysteriously "vanishes", the distraught wife immediately sells the house, including the furniture, to an overseas buyer.

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setting that masks presence. I have satisfied myself that she is alive, and apparently well, and hiding in plain sight. Prudence prevents me from saying where. English[edit]. Adjective[edit]. hidden in plain sight (not comparable). (idiomatic) Seemingly hidden, but actually not hidden and easy to find.

No one questions her actions, because they're totally in line with those of a grieving widow. In "The Sign in the Sky", another Harley Quinn story, the murderer insists on winding all the clocks in his mansion himself; on the day of the crime, he secretly places the clocks back an extra ten minutes, then goes about his day, thus creating an alibi for himself at the supposed time of the murder.

In "The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim", a Poirot short story, the titular character finds the perfect place to hide: He robbed his own safe to frame a visiting businessman for the theft and his own murder, disguised himself as a petty thief, and got himself arrested, thinking nobody would look for a missing man in prison. In And Then There Were None , Justice Wargrave disguises himself as his own corpse, then secretly moves about the mansion when no one is watching, figuring that the dead are above suspicion.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd , the novel that established her as a master of the crime genre. Who is the murderer? The man narrating the novel! The entrance to Underland in C. Lewis ' The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair is hidden in the ruins of a Giant city, under the remains of a slab engraved "UNDER ME" in lettering so enormous that the protagonists actually traverse it, taking the letters for oddly-dug trenches, without realizing what it is.

Since he's a licensed firearms instructor, he simply crosses the channel with his guns as normal luggage, having filled out the requisite forms. In Feet of Clay , the patrician is being poisoned by arsenic from his candles. It wasn't worked out for such a long time because they are what allow you to look, not something you look at.

As Vetinari himself says in a possibly poison-induced rambling, don't put it in the last place they will look, put it where they will never look at all. Just to show how badass he is Vetinari actually figures it out much earlier, he would cut the candles down, light them for a few minutes, and hide the cut off part. He faked the illness afterward.

The villain of the story meets his downfall this way; as he hid the murderer in plain sight: He didn't think that Vimes would be intelligent enough to notice. Sam Vimes later uses the same trick to give himself the advantage in a fight with Dragon, by earlier replacing his candle order with ones that had their wicks soaked in holy water.

Carrot shoots down his theory by pointing out that the museum's replica Scone is marked on its underside to distinguish it as a fake.

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Grayle Marlowe's employer for his second, seemingly irrelevant case is actually a disguised Velma, and was responsible for framing Moose, murdering Lin Marriott, and attacking Marlowe previously; in other words, the book's damsel in distress was actually the villain disguised as the moll. The only one around is Faffy, Dave's pet, so after failed attempts at using magic and teaching self-defense, Fang who doesn't want her hero to see what a wimp her dragon is sensibly tells Faffy to HIDE. That was all part of the plan. Hide in Plain Sight is a American drama film directed by and starring James Caan with storyline based on an actual case from the files of New York attorney Salvatore R. Fortunately for them, another student spotted it on her way to go sign up for the club. In The Pink Motel the kidnappers left a note on the bathroom mirror. Played straight in the sense that the Sontarans are all wearing their helmets, and there's no way they can have good peripheral vision in those, regardless of what they're doing with visual sensors being displayed inside.

Vetinari seems to love these. In Night Watch , he hides a book describing the secrets of camouflage by putting it in his library. With the cover "Memoirs of the Great Accountants". Even moreso, when he's using just simple coloration, and other simple techniques like standing perfectly still in a dimly-lit area to give off the appearance of.. Vetinari is so good at hiding that his Stealth Instructor insisted he had never attended a single class. In Men at Arms Talking Animal Gaspode claims that Big Fido won't mess with him because he has "the power", though he won't specify what that is.

Later in the book, the audience learns that "the power" is speaking Human, which invokes a dog's natural instinct to obey which is the first thing about Gaspode they knew. The whole concept of hiding in plain sight is subverted in the later book Raising Steam , where a footnote on the Battle of Koom Valley notes that a Troll general used Fridge Logic to get around the fact the Dwarfs always knew where to find an army of Trolls was that they'd scout for hidden Trolls in amongst the rocks and boulders.

Rocks hiding as rocks. Therefore he had the whole Troll army stand motionless out in the plain on the valley floor, while the Dwarfs would fruitlessly search for them in the foothills and boulder fields. We are told this worked perfectly until the morning mist lifted. Then both sides claimed each ambushed the other, simultaneously. In Witches Abroad , Granny Weatherwax is imprisoned within a mirror.

Inside the mirror, she sees an infinite number of reflections of herself, as Death asks her to pick the one who is herself. She asks "Is this a trick question? Death smiles and Granny is freed. Sadly, her now-evil sister, Lily will be running forever through the infinite reflections trying to find herself. Harry Dresden is at one point given Fidelacchius , one of the Swords of the Cross aka Kusanagi , for safekeeping. He promptly sticks it, cane-like sheath and all , in the popcorn tub he uses as an umbrella stand.

It remains there, undisturbed save for his maintenance, for upwards of five years, through home invasions, all sorts of guests, even his brother living in the same room it's a small apartment for almost a year. Divine providence is probably to blame.

Dresden suspects a few different characters throughout the book. The REAL killer is in fact one of the Ordo Lebes themselves, the woman always wearing just enough clothing to cover up her being an effeminate White Court vampire who has been infiltrating groups like this for months now, never being suspected as he acted like "one of them". They're mentioned multiple times, and takes a bit of a more active role in the story towards the end, but not until the very end around when Dresden himself figures it out would you have thought them to be the killer.

In Earthborn , Shedemei decides to come down from the colony ship and mingle among her descendants, having had an inkling of brewing conflict. She takes a guise as an itinerant school teacher, under her real name. Most people who know her simply assume she's an oddball with Shedemei's name , spelled and pronounced in the old way. Raymond Chandler 's Farewell, My Lovely contains a case where Moose Malloy is looking for his red-haired sweetheart Velma, who either died or skipped town while he was in prison after being framed.

Come the finale, it's revealed that Mrs. Grayle Marlowe's employer for his second, seemingly irrelevant case is actually a disguised Velma, and was responsible for framing Moose, murdering Lin Marriott, and attacking Marlowe previously; in other words, the book's damsel in distress was actually the villain disguised as the moll.

Chesterton 's Father Brown: The Invisible Man is another well-known case: It turns out that nobody had noticed the postman. Many other Chesterton stories use the trope in various ways. In The Haunted Monastery , a missing girl is hidden as one of the statues in a diorama showing the Taoist Hells. She's immobilized and covered with plaster, but manages to move just enough for a spear to make her bleed. Keys to the Kingdom: Superior Saturday uses and references the trope, as the Simultaneous Nebuchadnezzar is kept on a shelf of similar bottles, which is referred to as the 'purloined letter'.

Melisande's plan to escape into La Serinissima in Kushiel's Chosen relied on this trope. Her looks were so striking that anybody looking for her would have an easy time spotting her. She decided to walk out in the open as Prince Benidicte's new D'Angeline wife who wore a veil because of her faith in the goddess Asherat. The short story Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl is about a pregnant woman who, in a fit of rage when her husband announces that he's leaving her, kills him by striking him in the head with a frozen leg of lamb.

The police never find the murder weapon because she cooks it before they arrive, and thoughtfully offers them dinner before they leave. During that dinner, one of the policemen remarks that "the evidence must be under our very eyes". People trying to catch priests would be looking for people trying to avoid being seen; they "wouldn't suspect what their eyes alit upon so easily. In the second book, the main characters trying to establish a stable, non-despotic government learn that it has been infiltrated by a shapeshifter.

The Mole finally turns out to be not the butler or The Big Guy or anyone else the viewpoint characters considered, but the shapeshifter on their own team. Mistress of the Art of Death: You'd think that Excalibur would be locked away in a heavily guarded treasure chest. No, instead it's been slid inside a wooden cross and given to a teenage boy to carry. The point of Nelly the Monster Sitter is that monsters do exist among us, but they don't have babysitters to look after their needy children and therefore cannot leave their homes, which convinces Nelly to become one in her local area.

She is amazed at how quickly the responses were after she put an advert in the local newspaper. It's also surprising that many of the monsters live in the suburban neighbourhoods of Nelly's local area. Unknown to the casino owners, the wheel was one gimmicked to drop inside the table when a hidden switch is hit which is why her client wanted it stolen. Sandra waits till no on is looking, and then hits the switch. She later sends her men in dressed as movers to remove the now 'empty' table. When Field Marshall Erwin Rommel comes for a surprise inspection, Harry decides to kill him to aid the Allied war effort.

But he's naturally thrown when he suddenly hears Rommel uttering a Jewish phrase while in private. Held at gunpoint, the truth comes out: Rommel is meeting with German generals in a plot against Hitler and to cover himself has lookalike Corporal Eric Berger posing as him. But Berger was killed three years earlier with his family in a bombing raid. The man before Harry is Heini Baum, a Jewish actor who was on the run when he found Berger's body, with call-up papers in the pocket.

As crazy as it sounded, Baum sums it up: In The Pink Motel the kidnappers left a note on the bathroom mirror. The detectives spend a good amount of time looking around before someone suggests looking in the obvious places. A blackmailer's home was searched for an incriminating letter. Even though they searched under every rug, in every drawer, for loose paperwork in every book, and for hollow hidden compartments in the furniture, the searchers never found it because they didn't bother to consider and look closely at a torn and crumpled letter, clearly visible in a card rack hanging on the mantelpiece.

In Pearls of Lutra , one of the titular pearls is suspended in candle wax in the main hall. In the Repairman Jack novel Legacies , a spy spends days watching a lamp-lit window where two men keep standing in silent awe, staring at something. The spy assumes they've got something that requires light sitting under the lamp, because they never turn it off.

It's actually the lamp they're staring at, because it's drawing its electricity via a revolutionary new technology and they're amazed that it's staying lit at all. Throughout the Safehold series, an object only known as "the Key" had been referred to by members of the Wylsynn family as an item entrusted to them by the Archangel Schueler. Among other things, it's of such size and shape that it can be easily used as a paperweight, which is how several Wylsynns, including its current possessor Paityr, hid it.

In A Song of Ice and Fire: After Joffrey Baratheon orders the death of her father, Arya Stark escapes from King's Landing by having her hair cut short and dressing like a boy. Littlefinger's illegitimate daughter Alayne is a pretty maid with brown hair, which she must keep dyeing brown since she's really Sansa Stark and her trademark auburn Tully hair screams her true identity. There is in Essos the young son of a hedge knight who dyes his hair blue to mourn his Tyroshi mother or maybe he simply needs to hide his silver-white hair since they scream Targaryen. The Parshendi are a bigger, smarter version of the parshmen that everyone in the world uses as slaves.

When the Parshendi go to war with the Alethi, they easily slip a few moles in among the slaves. We first hear about this in one of Navani's journals seen early in the book, but written after the events of the novel , where she notes that they really should have seen it coming. We choose a form based on what we need, the job required of us. Dullform, one of those forms, looks a lot like a parshman. Hiding among them is easy.

We account our parshmen with precision. Who questions when you find an extra sphere lying on the ground? It's not something suspicious. While not particularly surprising to the audience, the Voidbringers are this in-story from the human perspective. A number of them actually state outright that it was a bit obvious in retrospect, especially since pretty much everything they did know about the Voidbringers was literally a physical description of them.

In the Trickster's Duet , this is how Aly prefers to operate. When the duke and duchess offer her freedom, she actually asks them not to remove her Slave Collar because slaves have an excuse to be anywhere, plus soldiers and nobles don't pay any attention to them. When she's "promoted" to free servant, she becomes Dove's maid so she can listen in on all the palace conversations Dove is a part of.

The Founder's Gallery is a collection of valuable secrets, and can only be found by gathering three particular artifacts. After Kyousuke has obtained all three, he realizes that the gallery is on the floor below Aika's apartment. The same apartment he's in right now, which he's been using as a base for the entire series.

The seventh volume has the White Queen create numerous copies of herself. To defeat them, it's necessary to first find the original White Queen. She's disguised herself as Aoi, Kyousuke's partner for the volume. This is particularly noteworthy because the real Aoi is physically identical to the White Queen and wears the same dress, so the White Queen literally only had to copy her behavior and get the real one out of the way. Though unlike the previous example, Kyousuke actually figures this out before the White Queen reveals herself. There is a mention in the Vorkosigan Saga of a retainer of the Vorkosigan family who did the smuggling gag with pack horses.

Miles uses that historical example to come up with a plan to smuggle used spaceships to a station that needs to augment its war fleet in Mirror Dance. Rock Crabs hide their massive body under a giant shell that looks like a boulder. Since there are no other boulders in the Flood Plains, it makes them really easy to spot The titular artifacts in The Bands of Mourning grant the holder every power in both of the local magic systems.

Where are they hidden? They're the detachable spearhead in the statue right outside the Death Course protecting the fake Bands. In The Wheel of Time , Birgitte — better known as Birgitte Silverbow, Hero of the Horn, eternally reincarnating Living Legend of innumerable generations — goes by her real name and does nothing to hide her astoundingly good archery.

Hidden in Plain Sight

On the rare occasion that someone draws the connection between her and the Birgitte, she pulls some sarcastic variant on Never Heard That One Before. Clues on The Amazing Race are hidden this way all the time, though most notoriously in Season 19, when the clue was a giant flashing sign written in Chinese that many of the teams spotted then disregarded at first. The Titular Aquila a bright red, car sized space craft the main characters are hidden was "hidden" in one of the boy's garages with the cover story that it was a prop from a Sci-Fi movie.

Everyone assumed that it was new equipment that was supposed to be there, until Baltar happened to ask what it was The killer in the mini-series The Bletchley Circle , they originally think he's a guard or ticket taker, but it turns out he's just using one as a patsy. Both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul have Gustavo Fring, who camouflages being one of the biggest drug kingpins in Albuquerque with his legitimate restaurant business and a reputation as a friend to law enforcement.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Key, which is why it was so important that Glory not find out that it was a person. If not for Ben's slip up to one of Glory's minions and subsequent failure to kill said minion , she may never have found out in time. Death in Paradise a murder needed to hide a body so what did he do? He dissolved most of the organs in lime but was left with a skeleton.

Oh and he happened to be a teacher and that the anatomical skeleton in his classroom looks very real The same ploy was used in an episode of Diagnosis: No one ever expects or believes that the battered old blue police telephone box standing on the street corner could possibly be a majestic living time machine that can take the crew anywhere and anywhere in the universe.

Double subverted in "The Invasion of Time" , the Doctor first attempts to find the Key of Rassilon by figuring "Where would you hide a tree? It turns out to be in even plainer sight, in a desk drawer's keyhole. In "The Five Doctors" , the musical code that will unlock Rassilon's secret chamber appears on a piece of sheet music depicted in a nearby painting. In "Rose" , the Doctor is looking for a transmitter. Must be completely invisible. Donna, working her way through the Sontaran ship, hears a group of soldiers coming. She hides in a shadow in an alcove formed by the doorway they march through.

Played straight in the sense that the Sontarans are all wearing their helmets, and there's no way they can have good peripheral vision in those, regardless of what they're doing with visual sensors being displayed inside. In the end, which of the statues is a Weeping Angel? Played straight in series 6. The first question, the oldest question, hidden in plain sight: In the Elementary episode "Leviathan", the thief hid the uncut diamonds he had stolen in a jar of multicolored glass rocks. In the same episode, they discover the identity of a legendary phantom thief with the priceless coins he had stolen displayed as his cuffs on his suit and the painting hidden in a replica of that painting displayed in his living room.

Hide-in-plain-sight dictionary definition | hide-in-plain-sight defined

In "The Smallest of Things", the killer hides the newspaper that was stolen from the diorama by placing it in one of the other dioramas. How did Ned Stark managed to hide his nephew Jon — the son of his sister Lyanna and the last surviving child of Rhaegar Targaryen? By passing him off as his illegitimate son and raising him as part of the family.

In episode 6 of Gotham , when Gordon was on the run from Falcone, Bullock found him in Barbara's apartment. Bullock even lampshaded it because the mob wouldn't look for Gordon at a place they considered to be too obvious. In Harrow , the key to Harrow's locked case of antique surgical instruments which is central to the first season's resolution is sitting in the key slot of a windup toy that is sitting on his desk. In Hustle , Stacie smuggles a famous picture out of an art gallery by posing as an art student wearing a T-shirt printed with a copy of the picture.

After the real picture is removed from its frame, Stacie attaches it to the front of her shirt and walks out past several security guards. The title indicates exactly where the relocated witnesses are concealed. In one episode of MacGyver , a toy shop owner is questioned by criminals as to the location of some gold they had him smuggle when he snuck across the Berlin Wall some years earlier. The gold is prominently displayed in the toy shop window - as a set of painted model soldiers, which up until that point everyone had assumed to be lead.

In an episode of Magnum, P. Also, the implication that Higgins may in fact be Robin Masters. In an episode of The Mentalist a man hid a fortune in diamonds in the pretty princess "crystal" chandelier in his little daughter's bedroom. From Merlin , Camelot led a genocide of all magic users, but the man destined to become the greatest warlock ever and bring magic back to the land has never been found.

Half the reason for this is that Camelot has little to no knowledge of the prophecies, and what they have they don't believe. The other half is that said sorcerer is living right in Camelot's castle as Arthur's personal manservant. In "The Sleeper Under the Hill", a criminal hides a stolen painting on his wall, claiming that is a forgery of the famous painting. Monk had a similar example in "Mr. Monk and Sharona visit a marriage counselor to keep an eye on Randy's mother whom has recently married a man Randy is suspicious of.

He's actually searching for a cache of gold somewhere around the counselor's estate, reading the 19th century gold digger's journals to find clues. The gold was literally in the journals all along, as the gold digger had melted it down and mixed it into the ink. An elderly criminal hid the money from a bank robbery by buying antiques and placing them around his house. To most people it looked just like 'old people furniture' and no one suspected that the items were worth tens of thousands of dollars. This idea was recycled in a later season when a former KGB sleeper agent still had control over millions of dollars of fund meant to fund Cold War espionage operations in the US.

He bought expensive rare books on the black market and placed them on display in the rare book store he operated as a cover. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film two out of four stars and praised the acting, but ultimately viewed the film negatively, calling it "a frustrating real-life thriller that makes the fatal mistake of being more true to real life than to the demands of narrative.

It tells the true story of a working man's fight against the system, features several poignant moments, and makes a number of political messages in an effective yet unobtrusive manner. But in his directorial debut, James Caan never musters the energy or emotion needed to break the unbearably slow, dismal tone. The film was Caan's passion project, taking him two years to make. It was his intention to release the film without a music score, but MGM executives prevailed.

James Caan - Hide in Plain Sight (1980) With French Subtitle

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