City of Bones

It felt like he really meant what he told her. The two Herondale Mamas have some interesting parallels and characteristics, especially in the choices they make. Jem symbolizes a chance both of them lose. Valentine was a manipulative person, as we know from the fact he exploited and manipulated a lot of people to join his hate group.

City of Bones

Valentine was very ready to hurt Jocelyn, whom he loved. In the letter it says 'I loved her, in my fashion, just as in my heart, I was faithful to Amatis. They did live together as a married couple for a time, so it would be hard not to have some feelings for her, especially as she always tried to be good to him.

But he was in love with Amatis. And Jace would never have been born. Instead she makes the choice to pursue Stephen, who loves someone else, with the help of someone evil. In all her interactions with Stephen, she tries to be whatever he might want—and thus tries not to be herself. She did turn away from the possibility of real love. There will be books, there will be swag, there will be cover reveals and special guests like Leigh Bardugo and Diana Gabaldon!

When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder — much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. And the delight I should have felt at finding money just wasn't there. These funny bits of dialogues and scenes filled me with just as much inner turmoil as my five-dollar-note dilemma, and even though I know that maybe, perhaps, it could be that these are all Cassandra Clare 's own words, I still couldn't shake off the icky suspicions out off my gut - did she "draw inspiration" from some other unknown source, here?

In the end, it just ravaged me with too much guilt and suspicions that what originally would have been a five-star scene was reduced down to three stars and a really, really sad face. Also a part of the inconsistent writing, was the inconsistent narration. I know 3rd person omniscient gives the narrator the power to sift through characters' thoughts and emotions as they please, but this is what made the narrative sound forced and contrived.

We would normally follow Clary as the novel progresses - until it is convenient for us to see things from another character's perspective, in which case off we'll jump into another person's head. These conveniences are just one example of what I mean when I say that the narrative lacked subtlety. Rarely are people in real life so honest and self-aware as the characters in City of Bones.

Isabelle will cut out his heart and walk all over it in high-heeled boots. That's what she does to boys like that. You want to know what it's like when your parents are good church-going folk and you happen to be born with the devil's mark? When I was ten, my father tried to drown me in the creek. I lashed out at him with everything I had--burned him with everything I had--burned him where he stood. And Jace is so much better when you're around. This is why I say the writing was lazy and lacked depth. And how Cassandra Clare tried to show us that her characters have background and troubles and are oh such damaged goods was more or less through self-testimonials such as the second quote up above, where Magnus Bane so conveniently gave away his entire childhood to three random teenagers.

The chapter The Werewolf's Tale was another one of these self-testimonials for another partially-important character. This is a whole new level of telling-instead-of-showing. Where unimaginative writers just unload all these information through descriptive prose, Cassandra Clare was at least creative enough to hide it into her dialogue. But the same underlying problem is still there - we see none of this "damaged goods". I didn't need Sweeney Todd to tell me his past to know that he was a damaged, troubled man. His actions spoke it for me. As for information being handed to us on a silver platter -- all you need to do is take a look at the entire ending scene with Valentine to see my point.

The whole chapter was an infodump session. Rarely do I read villains who are so eager to reveal their past and provide explanations to their potential victims. The Harry Potter novels were slightly guilty of this - especially in the earlier books - but I believe a lot of other things about the books redeemed itself from this one fault. Jace was also a bit of an infodumper , but I don't take away points for this. I mean, I get it - it's hard to get on without one character at least explaining what the blazes was going on.

Many reviewers despised Jace because he was such an asshole. Clary herself accuses Jace of being an asshole plenty of times. But I've lived a fair amount of years, and I was friendly with quite a few assholes during my own teenage years. And let me tell you one thing: Jace is no asshole. He's a guy with daddy issues, trying to act tough. And that is as deep as any of the characters get. I guess, he would be my favourite character out of the whole lot - not my favourite character as in the one I liked the most, but the character whom, in my opinion, was the most developed, without self-testimonials or other characters telling us about him.

But remember my five-dollar-note dilemma? Jace was, without a doubt, a direct cut-and-paste of the Draco from Clare 's Draco Dormiens trilogy - who, by default, is a creation of JK Rowling 's. So forgive me if I "can't separate the book from the author" because frankly? If I enjoyed this book simply because of Jace, that doesn't say much about the rest of the book, or the quality of writing, because Jace is not even Clare 's original character. Further illustrating the inconsistencies of Clare 's writing, though, was the sudden and drastic change in Jace's character during the scene with Valentine.

There is no way one person, in such a short amount of time, could thoroughly convince and change Jace into such an No matter who the person claimed he was, or what evidence he brings to the table. Even if Jace believed in everything Valentine told him, there is no way it would have drastically changed him in such a manner and such a short time. Just as unlikely, was the way Jace was ready to walk the ends of the world with Valentine, build a new life with him, and in the next moment - after a few words from Clary - was ready to throw that all away once again.

The double inconsistencies astound me. Clare simply does not understand human psychology or even human nature enough to make solid characters. The other characters were forgettable, to say the least. They all sounded the same, I'm afraid. Witty, dry sort of humour. It gets tiring after a while. Also, the Magnus-and-Alec thing? Can I just say, ew? Magnus is like, what? Even Valentine the Villain was He didn't frighten me, or even daunt me. I kept reading how Clary was disgusted at how manipulative he was during his scenes, but reading the pages myself, reading his words, his actions? He wasn't particular conniving or ingenious - really, it was just that Jace was so ready to have a family back, he was willing to lap up every bit of contradicting information he heard.

Plot progression and twists were unsurprising. No, wait, they were inspired. By Star Wars and Harry Potter , to name a few. Perhaps even a bit of Buffy in there. And this is where my final dilemma lies. To like, or not to like? That is the question. For light fluff, it has entertainment value enough. But what little entertainment value there was , was lifted off other, better, pieces of work out there. I'll let you decide if it's fine to like a book filled with other writers' characters, other authors' plot twists, other screenwriters' dialogue.

Perhaps I'm being too uptight, but here's how I see it. New York with Potterverse and Star Wars. Take that away and what are you? Mar 05, Heather rated it it was amazing. I was instantly enchanted when I first read City of Bones , and that enchantment still holds four years, and at least half a dozen re-reads later in sptite of the fact that I'm older, wiser, and should know better.

I've also read countless reviews, both adoring and loathing and have come to the conclusion that this book does not garner any type of middle ground, you either love it or you hate it. I'm glad that I get to love it. What else can I say? You found yourself immersed in a world where demons roam the night, weres run a bar, vamps occupy abandoned hotels, warlocks cast spells while rockin glitter in their hip hugging jeans, and the law is upheld by Shadowhunters, a race of humans blessed by the angel Raziel. Rockin like a unicorn adorned bike?

Even the setting, NYC, was so palpable; it became another character in this vibrant story. I thought the Shadowhunter world was funny, sleek, dark, sexy and hopeful. More importantly, the characters came so alive for me that they jumped off the pages. I felt as though I were in the story with them as opposed to merely following along in their journey.

Regardless of the types of books you prefer to read, or the characters that endear themselves to your heart, I think we all read to for some type of enjoyment. What evokes that enjoyment varies from reader to reader, but I still find excitement within these pages. To me, that is the mark of a fantastic book. View all 56 comments. Dec 01, Katerina rated it it was amazing Shelves: I still remember that day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing It was during my first semester in Law School and I had to study History of Law, which was a complete waste of time because seriously, who is ever going to ask me whether women in Byzantium could get a divorce?

In case you are wondering, they could only if the husband was impotent or possessed. Aaanyway, I wanted a break and I grabbed this beautiful book and started reading until I finished it, bleary-eyed, disoriented and obsessed. A typical day in Kat-verse. So what's the story? Shadowhunters ninja warriors with angel blood fight demons and co-exist with vampires, werewolves, fae and warlocks while a former Shadowhunter with nazi tendencies threatens to destroy them. City of Bones is a fast-paced, action-packed paranormal book that keeps you invested in the story and the characters since page 1.

A nerd, a heartbreaker, a jealous friend, a warlock who loves glitter, a werewolf, an artist and a gorgeous warrior introduce you to a world of magic, where nightmares come true, truths are revealed and decisions have to be made. Diving into this world is easy, effortless and so, so enjoyable.

But mind that there is also drama, plot twists and shocking moments that make you question the writer's humanity and maybe sanity. Cassandra Clare has a unique ability, her writing can heal and stab your poor heart. He is the kind of bad boy who makes rude gestures to nuns and loves weapons and treats everything like a joke and is a total badass. You will fall in love with him and swoon and want to have his babies but you're in for disappointment. Because he is mine. So that's the general awesomeness of the Mortal Instruments.

Instagram Twitter Facebook BookNest View all 70 comments. I can totally see why everyone rants and raves over these books; while I'm only one deep so far and hoping to read City of Ashes in the very near future, I feel this is the type of book that teenage Chelsea would have flipped her turds for back in the day.

I'm just glad I can still enjoy them now. While very teen oriented, City of Bones still had a classic feel that surpassed barriers of age and gender, and I have heard from many folks that they wish they had found these books while they were I can totally see why everyone rants and raves over these books; while I'm only one deep so far and hoping to read City of Ashes in the very near future, I feel this is the type of book that teenage Chelsea would have flipped her turds for back in the day.

While very teen oriented, City of Bones still had a classic feel that surpassed barriers of age and gender, and I have heard from many folks that they wish they had found these books while they were still a young, gay teen, as this book was before it's time in it's courageous attempt to feature a homosexual couple before it was popular to do so. I was completely sucked into the action, drama, and mysterious intrigue that sweeps over the reader from the first page; I couldn't tell if I should be embarrassed to be so obsessed with such a cliche, teenage read, but honestly I don't care.

See a Problem?

I unfortunately accidentally stumbled across the movie before picking up these books, so there are a few spoilers I already knew about before starting the books since the movie pulled a bit from the first books? I actually like going into beloved, hyped up series knowing some of the big things before reading them for myself; I found I can enjoy it more if the stress of knowing who to ship is already handled for me so I don't invest in the wrong coupling view spoiler [ I'm looking at you Chaol and Celaena hide spoiler ].

It was very clever and ballsy and I love it. There's not really much I can say here that hasn't already been said thousands of times over the past decade, but I'm so glad I've officially experienced my first Cassandra Clare novel and I can't wait to continue on. I know there's some dissension among which order to read in, but I've decided on reading them: Wish me luck; I have a lot of catching up to do! View all 48 comments.

I was never expecting anything from this but an entertaining and maybe a little bit forgettable book. I was wrong; I found this completely unforgettable. For being a trainwreck. Listen, I'm sorry, I know this isn't everything, but I really Not only do I have ten million problems with the tropey nature and the slutshaming and the etc etc etc, it's also I was never expecting anything from this but an entertaining and maybe a little bit forgettable book. Not only do I have ten million problems with the tropey nature and the slutshaming and the etc etc etc, it's also just I read The Infernal Devices this year and it was fantastic, and books two and three basically emotionally killed me inside.

But this was not fun for me. Our redheaded lead character, Clary Fray, is a slightly stupider version of Ginny Weasley. Harry [again, not a very good one], and Isabelle is Hermione, if Hermione were there exclusively to be slut-shamed by the angelic virgin protagonist. I mostly said this to point out how utterly fucking dull these characters are, but If you match the characters up to her fanfiction [which is not hard], the pairings fit. You know that thing I linked up above?

I mean, fiction doesn't have to be original to be good. But again, it's basically boring, boring, boring, offensive, boring, jace is hot chapter, boring. Although I will point out that the original fanfiction this was based off of got taken off fanfiction. And then there were Sherrilyn Kenyon's plagiarism accusations. I mean, I think fanfiction and original fiction used to be considered very different things in a way they almost aren't today, but I've established at this point that the characters are flat, it's all painfully derivative, and the books themselves are Beyond the issue of Clary's I'm-not-like-other-girls thing, there's also the issue of messily handled lgbtq stuff.

So, yes, it's , and I'm willing to excuse this While it's fair to mention that Cassandra Clare has improved her lgbtq rep - several sapphic friends of mine would like to notify you that The Dark Artifices is awesome wrt this - it's not good in this series. Alec is barely a POV character in the first three books of the series, despite being marketed as a major character, and feels super tokenistic.

  • La Catedral.
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  • The Fight and Other Writings (Penguin Classics).

At one point in this series, his mother, who is a supposedly likeable character, tries to kill him and his boyfriend for being gay, which he forgives her for [how? There is later on a lot of explicit biphobia towards Magnus [who is my favorite. I love Magnus] that is not subverted or criticized at all, and in this book especially, there's an intonation of that slutty bi trope [though the character is allowed to develop beyond that, man, it is there. No, Cassandra Clare would rather focus on something else: It is exactly as terrible as it sounds. But here's the thing; they're still in love when they believe they are.

Do you know how many hours I spent trying to wash my eyes out after reading this? Why, exactly, is sex between two people who literally think they are siblings an enjoyable thing to read about? I guess not everything is bad? The worldbuilding was possibly something cool ten years ago, but it's pretty typical nowadays.

I'll also give Clare a bit of credit - she's pretty great at writing dialogue. The moments where the characters are chatting or hanging out in squad dynamics are a lot of fun. It's full of tropes, there aren't really any plot twists, and it's honestly just boring. I'm sorry, I really don't understand the hype. Like, come on, besides being an example of all the worst bits of YA literature, from the underdeveloped characters to the lackluster worldbuilding, this first book truly takes the cake as one of the worst I've ever read.

Oh, and I'm just going to say it: Jace and Simon have huge crushes on each other. I am NOT giving up this opinion. I don't really give a shit about either of them or care about this relationship, I'm just saying that factually, they talk about each other like they want to have wild sex. I'm ALSO saying that the ending scene of book two reads like shitty vampire smut.

I'm picturing it on fanfiction. This book is terrible.

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I'm somewhat shocked to say that it gets a little better later on , but this one is objectively terrible. Maybe just skip to book two if you genuinely want to read the series [listen, I like The Infernal Devices]. Blog Goodreads Twitter Instagram Youtube Jul 04, Shelley rated it did not like it Recommends it for: Pure and utter crap. I wish there were ways to give negative stars. I certainly want the time from my life back.

I would compare its writing quality to a fanzine, except that comparison wouldn't be fair to fanzines. But I swear to God, it took every single bad fanfic writing cliche and published them. What were her publishers thinking??? Where was her editor?? I would dearly love for a fanfiction author to make good and become a published writer, but I'd prefer one with talent, Pure and utter crap.

I would dearly love for a fanfiction author to make good and become a published writer, but I'd prefer one with talent, thanks. View all 99 comments. A great and interesting books. I manages to combine the infulences from many of top fictional series of our time. It combines hidden magic world of Harry Potter, the teenage drama of Buffy, and a couple of themes from Star Wars as well. The book is very well written and fast paces. We follow Clary Fray, a 15 year old misfit trying to find heself, not quite sure if she is goth, cyberpunk, or just a temperamental teenaged artist.

One night in the local club, Pandemonium, she realises she is a witne A great and interesting books. One night in the local club, Pandemonium, she realises she is a witness to an attack, the strange thing is that the victim of the attack disappeared right before her eyes, and when security arrives, despite the attackers standing right in front of them, she is the only one who can see them. Clary descovers she is part of the world of Shadow Hunters and demons.

Shadow Hunters are demon slayers. She learns stories of Vampires and Warewolves are more truth than fiction. She is attracted to Jace the most accomplished of this group of hunters. Much to the chagrin of her best friend Simon, and Jaces' hunter brother Alex. She learns years ago a charasamitic, powerful, and high ranking Shadow Hunter, called Valentine created his own circle to cleanse the world of all demonic blood.

Weather they were good or bad, their existence was enough of a crime. He was ruthless to the point he was willing to sacrifice anyone and anything human or demon as calateral damage. Now after 17 years Valentine has seemingly returned from the dead to finish what he started. Clary must learn of the ways of the shadow hunters if she is help her friends stop Valentine. Great story, good drama, the characters are ok, the only failing I found in the book were the fight scenes.

I think these are not the writer's strongest area yet. All in all a great book, not as action packed as I expected but the story makes up for this. View all 27 comments. Jul 12, Sasha Alsberg rated it it was amazing Shelves: The Mortal Instruments changed the way I looked a fantasy novels. I am a huge fan now. I defiantly recommend this book for any hunger games, divergent, harry potter, and twilight fans out there.

It is truly a fantastic series. View all 18 comments. People who have the hots for dickhead heroes. I had to do it. View all 25 comments. I originally took down my review because I wanted to re-write a new one in order to make a point, but being my usual absent minded self I promptly forgot that point and so a half-written review has been sitting on my hard-drive for Hera knows how long, while people look at the [[review coming soon]] note and think So I decided on this cool August day that I am going to re-write this damn review and get it over with.

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Cassandra Clare refers to Jace's blonde curls so often I was beginning to wonder if he was rockin' a perm. Mothers were required to think you were beautiful. And let me tell you one thing: He looked less as if he were contemplating the powers of darkness and more as if he were on his way to chess club. He could smell her mortality, the sweet rot of corruption. Edit Details Official Sites: Then the body disappears into thin air.

Cassandra Clare was a writer with a history that I was mos I originally took down my review because I wanted to re-write a new one in order to make a point, but being my usual absent minded self I promptly forgot that point and so a half-written review has been sitting on my hard-drive for Hera knows how long, while people look at the [[review coming soon]] note and think Cassandra Clare was a writer with a history that I was mostly unfamiliar with because being the sheltered little angel I am, I did not have access to the fandom when all the drama went down.

However, the internet never forgets so I found about it after the fact. That and a blurb by Stephenie Meyer kept me from seeking out the series, until a friend of mine gave me Clare's spin-off series, Clockwork Angel and I honestly enjoyed it. So when it came a time for me to read City of Bones I was excited honestly.

No one can say I didn't go into that book with an open mind. And in return for that, it tried to melt my brain. All City of Bones managed to be was a messy accumulation of popular stories that were great in their original form, but were blended together into a low-fat, low-carb pop-culture smoothie that is as uncreative as it is long. We get treated to a book with complete character development stasis despite being nearly five hundred pages long.

When our insipid protagonist, Clary discovers, after meeting a group of mysterious strangers, that there is a whole world of monsters and fae that she was previous unaware of. On top of that an evil Voldemort-like villain called, Valentine, has kidnapped her mother.

City of Bones (Clare novel) - Wikipedia

Clary commits the cardinal sin on any protagonist: Every action she takes, from the very beginning, is done to show us what a "brave person she is" but only serves to inform us that she can not actually use her brain. During the first chapter or so, she comes across a group of people the Shadow Hunters interrogating a "Downworlder" and she thinks that they may be a gang. Instead of going back inside to get help or calling , waiting for her friend to bring help or at the very least staying quiet to ensure her own safety she tried to be a hero.

No, it is a stupid thing to do for many reasons. The main one being they have weapons and she does not. What can she do? If she were to get involved would it actually save that guy's life? If they had actually been a gang she would have been killed, to ensure a lack of witnesses and there would be no chance at ID-ing the perpetrators later on.

Thankfully, it's not an actual gang and the Shadow Hunters are so not a problem that Clary can talk with them for a while before they decided to leave. He is from beginning to end an asshole and there is no nicer way to put it. He is an ass. He treats Clary like a child which while understandable is not fun to watch when that makes her fall for him and had everyone eating out of his hand. As they participate in this journey Clary takes these discoveries of the supernatural with a causal nod and unrealistic clarity, partly because her love interest, Jace, is her mystical estrogen bait-guide.

They are both pretty shallow characters, and upon further analysis are seen to be completely stagnant despite the many things that happen to them throughout the book and things technically do happen. Clary is plunged into a world where there is pretty much a war going on between the Downworlders and the Shadow Hunters. Information is thrown at her from all corners, including the fact that her memories have been erased since the age of two and Clary handles it with the equivalent of a shoulder shrug. There are brief moments of anger and outrage, but they fade unfathomably quickly.

She never grows as a character and despite this book being the first of a trilogy I think it is fair to expect your lead protagonist to at least evolve a wee bit they discover the things that Clary does. Silly me, I am forgetting something. Clary does grow in one respect! She becomes more of a judgey, pretentious, know-it-all.

Clary judges everyone and everything she deems not up to snuff. Mainly Izzy who has the nerve to be beautiful and dress in an attractive manner. I mean the jolly-g, what nerve! And the fact that she and her brother come from money. Two attractive women can not be in the same story and actually be friends without one treating the other like the anti-Christ after all. The comments on class might have been more effective if Clary did not grow up in one of the best areas in NYC. I have no problem rooting for privileged people with corny problems, I watch Gilmore Girls. That is at least better than a character like Clary who has her nose up in the air and looks down on everyone and yet tries to make out as if she is so humble.

The way she treats her family friend once she finds out he's a werewolf--calling him a dirty Downworlder--I just wanted to smack her. Who does she think she is? Okay I have to stop talking about Clary. In terms of just writing it is just very fluffy and silly with metaphors which do not really add anything to the story. Mainly because they are awkward and do not sound anywhere as deep as they are supposed to when read aloud. The Star Wars plot twist was just irritating to read and even thinking about it makes me want to bang my head.

City of Bones is just everything that annoys me about young adult literature. It is not creative and is not fun to read, which is a shame because there is potential in it. When she re-wrote it in Clockwork Angel I thought the story was much better, but then again it had Jem who is delicious and fantastic.

In fact you know what, just read that series instead. If it wasn't for me not wanting to invest any more money into Clare or wanting to spend any more time with her work I might still be reading it. Now back into my dungeon. Jul 08, Maria rated it liked it.

Basically, it left no taste in my mouth. Or if it left a taste, it was like water taste. But let's talk a bit about my history with the Shadowhunter world. But first the plot in italics cause we're classy as fuck. Within twenty-four hours Clary is pulled into Jace's world with a vengeance, when her mother disappears and Clary herself is attacked by a demon. This is the first Cassandra Clare book I have ever read. You would think I knew nothing of this world before and I just starting delving to it now.

And you would be wrong. Many years ago the film "City of Bones" with Lily Collins was the shit.

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Everyone was watching it and I watched it too. I didn't like it. It didn't feel special to me. After that the show "Shadowhunters" started. I started watching it because of a dear friend who is obsessed with it. I watch more than 70 tv shows so it's hard for me to watch something that special. And that's the case here. It wasn't anything special. But I liked it a lot and I loved the characters.

Then, I joined the book community about a year ago. This book was everywhere. So, as always, I joined the hype train and bought it. And now here we are. So, even though I have never read anything related to the Shadowhunter world, I knew about it a lot. And this is important to note here, I'm not just a new fan of everything. Let's start with what I liked. I enjoyed the banter and the humor in this book extremely much. Especially Jace's humor, I felt myself laughing out loud at times.

The only moments this character was bearable. I also enjoyed the immersive world. The author created a very unique and beautiful but also gloomy world that is rich and full and has a huge history behind it. And now the juicy shit. What I didn't like. This book felt so childish, juvenile and immature to me. Even when the plot was getting serious, I just wanted to laugh. It started off better but after the whole Simon-rat-vampires-werewolves-fucking-motorcycles-that-fucking-fly shit, it went downhill for me.

I mean come on, they wasted 50 pages on the Simon-rat situation, which was ridiculous, and another 10 pages on what ride they would get to get to Clary's house! I mean come on man! I hated Clary's perspective. I hated her insecurity, her hatred towards Izzy was unreasonable. You don't hate on someone just because they're prettier than you.

Or because you think they are. She didn't even give her a chance at the beginning. Basically, the reason I think the book seemed childish to me was that we were seeing things from Clary's POV. The writing also didn't help the case, but Clary is a very immature character.

Characters like Izzy, Magnus and Alec, who have been my favorites for years because of the tv show, felt so distasteful to me!

Imagine if I didn't know the characters from before. I would hated the guts out of them. Clary and Jace weren't a surprise to me. I didn't even like them from the show. I don't think I will ever like these two characters. They have been on my black list for years. And it's a pity because we see things from Clary's eyes. To sum it all up, I didn't enjoy this book. I wanted to, I wanted to add a new favorite series to my collection but it didn't happen. My dick was hard for this book series and it fell down real fast.

I'm sorry, don't hate me. I think the show has done a better job with adapting this series. I know it's not the source material and it isn't that good but I prefer it. I will continue to read this series because I have heard the writing gets better, but it won't be a priority. So many books to read, so little time. View all 37 comments. Apr 23, Melanie rated it liked it Recommended to Melanie by: They can exist side by side.

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But I had too many best friends who promised me that reading this series would be worth it for me to finally get to Lady Midnight! And this is the story of how I got roped into finally reading City of Bones in Yeah, the two-thousand vibes were real. We are then thrown into the paranormal world that is hidden from the mundanes non-magical humans. And we also are introduced to the world of shadowhunters, the warriors who are sworn to defeat the demons. And the only people who can help her are the shadowhunters. Not the warlocks, the wolf-men, the Fair Folk, not even the demons themselves.

It was the Shadowhunters. Michael Mando shares how he, Bob Odenkirk , and the rest of the " Better Call Saul " cast don't treat the show like a prequel series. Missed a moment from the Emmys red carpet? We've got it covered. Relive the red carpet now! City of Bones Rose Hathaway is a Dhampir, half human-half vampire, a guardian of the Moroi, peaceful, mortal vampires living discreetly within our world. Her calling is to protect the Moroi from bloodthirsty, immortal Vampires, the Strigoi. A modern-day take on the "Beauty and the Beast" tale where a New York teen is transformed into a hideous monster in order to find true love.

Ethan longs to escape his small Southern town. He meets a mysterious new girl, Lena. Together, they uncover dark secrets about their respective families, their history and their town. When an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking over their bodies and erasing their memories, Melanie will risk everything to protect the people she cares most about, proving that love can conquer all in a dangerous new world. Set in a medieval village that is haunted by a werewolf, a young girl falls for an orphaned woodcutter, much to her family's displeasure.

As a string of mysterious killings grips Seattle, Bella, whose high school graduation is fast approaching, is forced to choose between her love for vampire Edward and her friendship with werewolf Jacob. The Quileutes close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn child poses a threat to the Wolf Pack and the towns people of Forks. Rosie and Alex have been best friends since they were 5, so they couldn't possibly be right for one another When it comes to love, life and making the right choices, these two are their own worst enemies.

Bella Swan, a high school student suffering from social anxiety, falls in love with the school playboy who happens to be a creature from the night. Edward leaves Bella after an attack that nearly claimed her life, and in her depression she falls into yet another paranormal relationship - this time with werewolf Jacob Black. A young girl finds herself in a reform school after therapy since she was blamed for the death of a young boy. At the school she finds herself drawn to a fellow student, unaware that he is an angel, and has loved her for thousands of years.

Set in contemporary New York City, a seemingly ordinary teenager, Clary Fray, discovers she is the descendant of a line of Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of young half-angel warriors locked in an ancient battle to protect our world from demons. After the disappearance of her mother, Clary must join forces with a group of Shadow Hunters, who introduce her to a dangerous alternate New York called the Shadow World, filled with demons, warlocks, vampires, werewolves and other deadly creatures.

Written by Sony Pictures Entertainment. I've seen Jonah Hex and Catwoman at the cinema, yes I paid real money to see both movies , so trust me to recognise a bad movie when I see it. This was worse than Percy Jackson. Go see that instead.

Book One: City of Bones

I've read the books for this, the entire Book 1 and 2 and I've skimmed the key parts of 3. It does not help. People are saying that it might have been better if you read the books? This is a horrible adaptation. It's in the vicinity of "Eragon bad.