Willing, Wanting, Waiting

You typically indicate your willingness to do something which somebody else wants you to do or which is a precondition to your achieving something which you do desire. You dislike washing dishes, but you are willing to do the dishes if your friend will make you his famous weeping leg of lamb with roast potatoes. You don't much care for jazz, preferring the gloriously intricate music of Bach, but you are willing to go to a jazz club to entertain your significant other who absolutely worships Wynton Marsalis. You can't imagine a dinner without large quantities of red meat, and you really haven't got the money to spend on books; but you are willing to live off of potatoes and cabbage for two months in order to buy your own copy of McCawley's Syntactic Phenomena in English , which has transformed your understanding of English grammar.

Want actively indicates desire or immediate intention. If you say you want to do X, you are going to do it. If you are willing to do X, there's an external condition implied or specified that you are waiting for before you do X. You may end up not doing X. You are saying you are going to wait. There may be a reason, but that reason has happened or is happening now. This strongly implies you are not doing something until whatever you are waiting for has happened.

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Practically there is only a slight difference in meaning, but one may say the frequency of the two expressions is different. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Is there any difference between the words? Any situation where you would just use one of both?

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So I did some research about it, still I'm confused about it. StoneyB k 10 Zerotime 1 1 7. StoneyB I just added some further information. I hope that is what you wanted me to do. If I go to the movie theater for a 1pm showing of 'the Hobbit' and tickets are sold out for that showing, but there are still tickets for the 3pm showing, then a friend of mine might want to wait for the next showing 3pm. You want to do something which you actively desire because it benefits you in some way: You want to go swimming because it refreshes you and tones your muscles, making you irresistible to whichever sex attracts you and maybe the other one, too.

You want to go to the University of the Southwest Ozarks because only there can you study with the celebrated costume historian Prof. No doctor or teacher could really state her full potential with "facts" because in this world where we can help the sick, people are continually seeking to discover things about our bodies and about diseases.

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There is always the possibility of a cure. It is only in a world where suffering is considered unacceptable, life expendable, and death preferable that nothing will be done to improve it. We have a choice. We can go with the current flow and accept the "truth" that suffering is unacceptable and that there are certain people who disrupt things by their flawed existence, or we can stand against it by holding those who are suffering and learning together what true love really is.

Yes, the world is broken, but it is God's Truth that it will be made new, and in a small, faithful way, we can be a part of that restoration. Culture , Keren , Living in Christ , Trisomy Sunday, November 06, Finding the Light Side. Written Sunday, October 30, Here we are back in the States and once again on the verge of Halloween. Buckets of candy are looming, costumes, and today--carving pumpkins.

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We ended up skipping costumes which was fine by me and per a friend's suggestion we gave each kid some money to choose their own candy from the store. Last Halloween, our second year in Guadalajara, our friends the Smiths lived in a gated community where trick-or-treating happened. The kids cobbled together costumes and we went out with the Smith's son, Luke. It was Luke's first time ever trick-or-treating and it took us a house or two before we realized there was a song we were supposed to sing in order to get candy.

Mexico is happy to take on other countries' traditions, but they're going to put their own twist on them. Whatever the case, great enjoyment was had by all. Because of this the kids were thrilled to get pumpkins this year, and this afternoon we had a carving party. The kids are definitely growing up because I didn't have to do much beyond cutting off the top of the pumpkins and digging out the final bits of the innards. I did end up helping Jon, but mostly because the concept of negative space was new to him and he almost cut his pumpkin's giant mouth in reverse.

Willing, Wanting, Waiting

Written Saturday, October 29, We've done certain things to make this house homey. The kitchen is in order and functioning, the dining table accessible. The family room and library are inviting. All of the books are at hand--this is extremely important. Decorations are, on the other hand, a little random. Of course, I suppose they always have been.

My mom likes to say she decorates in "Early Eclectic" and I've taken after her in that. Our couch is a hand-me-down originally from my mom's mom.

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Willing, Wanting, Waiting [Richard Holton] on donnsboatshop.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Richard Holton provides a unified account of intention, choice. Richard Holton, Willing, Wanting, Waiting, Oxford UP, , pp., $ (hbk) , ISBN Reviewed by Carl Ginet, Cornell.

The dining table was a wedding gift from my grandmother and actually new when we got married, twenty-one years ago , but the chairs were from my dad's side and are probably going on years old. We have paintings painted by Kraig's grandmother, kids' art projects, garage sale finds, and lots and lots of trinkets from around the world. Right now the trinkets are a complete hodgepodge. They are primarily the items I came across first when unpacking and actually had a place for.

Since a lot of the house isn't organized yet, and even the core isn't completely put together. Many things are still packed away. So right now our fireplace mantle has a set of shi shi dogs from China, an angel figurine which was a gift from our neighbors in Michigan, a candle holder from Guadalajara, a pot Ev made from clay at Guachimontones in Mexico, a china plate from Kraig's grandparents I think , a mini pumpkin Clare got at a fall festival last week, and a carved turtle--probably from Kenya. Don't even get me started on what's in our China cabinet.

Sometimes I look at the hodge lodge and wonder if it will ever come together in a harmonious whole. I see those home design programs and wish I could have a room or two with that kind of unity. But then I look at the things we have and all the history, places, and memories attached to them and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

There's always room for improvement. Saturday, October 29, Zoo Trip. Today we visited Caldwell Zoo which is in Tyler, Texas, a little less than an hour from us. We met up there with my new friend Jenn and her two kids and spent a productive few hours socializing and discovering certain animals from different parts of the world. Jenn's kids have just finished a biology unit on animals and she'd made up a animal scavenger hunt which my kids were able to join in on. Great excitement on all sides. The Caldwell Zoo isn't a big city zoo, but it's pretty and well-kept and the right size for a few hours.

I that a good selection of animals, especially birds. Their macaws are magnificent as well as chatty.

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It's an impossible weight to carry, and at times it seems like the world is fracturing under the stress of it. We were transformed by her existence. Holton argues that weakness of will is best thought of as failure to stick with one's resolutions when one should: By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Practically there is only a slight difference in meaning, but one may say the frequency of the two expressions is different.

Friday, October 28, International Flavor. The problem with events that happen in the evening is that we aren't at home. And home in the evening is a haven. We had nighttime events for all of us Monday and Tuesday this week, and this evening Clare had practice for a Christmas musical.

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Evie came with me to drop Clare off, and then the two of us ran some errands And now it's past bedtime for the kids. So much for the evening. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night since we'll be home. Perhaps it's my introvert side, and Kraig's too, that we prefer home to going out and about. The two events this week were great, but I wouldn't want to make a habit of it. She gave us all sorts of tips about things to do and see in and around Longview. An active night life is that last thing we've ever pined for.