Getting the Old Testament: What It Meant to Them, What It Means for Us

What Value Is the Old Testament to the Christian Life?

The first thing to say is, when Jesus Christ came into the world as the long-expected Messiah of the Old Testament, a profound and dramatic change happened in the way we handle the Old Testament.

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For example, Jesus was the fulfillment of all the Old Testament animal sacrifices, which were offered as a temporary way of pointing to the way God covers sins. The entire sacrificial system comes to an end in Jesus. He also is the high priest — the final, decisive, finish-it high priest, who mediates between man and God so that the sacrificial system and the priestly ministry of the sacrifices go away. We have a high priest that takes us right into the throne of grace, personally. That means that the ceremonial laws surrounding that entire system also undergo a dramatic change.

The Law

When the gospel spills over the banks to the Gentile world, and not just ethnic Israel so that the Gentiles are now included in the Abrahamic people of God , that ethnocentricity and earthly, political, theocentric approach of the civil government in the Old Testament undergoes a dramatic change. The church today is not one ethnicity with an earthly homeland and its own form of civil government.

Old Testament | Definition & History |

Instead, the church is a scattered people who are exiles and sojourners among all the nations of the world, functioning as refugees in all kinds of alien political systems as representatives of the true heavenly citizenship. You can see from just those few examples and there could be others that when we read the Old Testament, we are, by its own intention — as Jason DeRouchie showed me so well a few days ago — making the necessary changes of application for our day. All of them — all of them — are useful. Not just a few scattered, nice points like Isaiah All of it is profitable.

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God has not changed. Therefore, wherever we rightly understand his character and his ways in the Old Testament, we are learning something true about the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who loved us and sent Christ to die for us.

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Getting the Old Testament: What It Meant to Them, What It Means for Us [Steven L . Bridge] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. As readers of. Generally speaking, the Old Testament is still very valuable to us That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.”.

When Christ died, his blood secured for us a joyful participation, a full participation as Gentiles in all the promises of God in the Old Testament. This is one of the most important truths that Sarah, in asking this question, should take hold of with all her might. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. That is an absolutely glorious, amazing, wonderful, stunning, precious sentence. Paul says in Galatians 3 that as the seed of Israel, you benefit from all the promises made to Israel.

Which Old-Testament Promises Apply to Me?

You become part of the Abrahamic hope of the world. This is what we do.


Paul is arguing that Christians should not return evil for evil. How does he argue? My limited, but I hope significant and helpful, suggestion for Sarah is that two glorious uses of the Old Testament today are these.

Mercy in the Hebrew Bible

We would not even know the difference between good and evil, he says, without the law telling us what to do and what not to do. The law tells us the kind of life that our love for God and our neighbor would require. Obviously all those laws about sacrifices are finished in the one and complete sacrifice of Christ.

Nor can the keeping of any set of laws give us eternal life.

Is the Old Testament Relevant?

In fact, we have a great motive for obedience to God. That motive stems from the fact that every believer is a new person in Christ.

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The timeless law of God is written in our hearts now and obedience is our joyful adventure. Disobedience to God is our rotten failure. This style of conduct, this law of our new life, we still find in the pages of the Bible. Here are some verses from just one chapter But our High Priest offered himself to God as one sacrifice for sins, good for all time.

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So the Old Testament Scriptures add yet another detail about the birth of Christ. Christian Preaching as Worship. The purpose of this study is to examine those scriptures in context to determine if they really can be used for that purpose. Thank you for your eloquent words, I truly appreciate them. And that was exactly what I had. If one is following the way tithes were presented in the Old Testament, it is a far more complex issue than I think is taught in churches these days. I really appreciated this article.

I will put my laws in their hearts so they will understand them, and I will write them on their minds so they will obey them. Do you have questions about the Bible?

How to Love God When You Don’t Feel It

Visit our FAQs page for in-depth answers to important questions. We are committed to providing the Bible in accurate, contemporary translations and formats so that more people around the world will have the opportunity to be transformed by Jesus Christ. We do this through translation and publishing, by making the Bible accessible, and with innovative Bible engagement programs like Community Bible Experience.