Eternal Hell

The teaching that there is an eternal hell in which hordes of mankind will suffer eternal punishment can be a difficult doctrine to accept. We hear so much about God's infinite love and how He desires that all men be saved 1 Tim. However, those who develop their theologies based upon the "gentle" side of God do so with an incomplete picture.

Not only is God loving 1 John 4: God punishes the sinner Jer. Eternal fire is real. Jesus said it was. In fact, Jesus spoke a great deal about hell. It is what Jesus came here to save us from. There will be a Day of Judgment when all people will face God. Those who are not covered by the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross will be cast out into hell where they will undergo eternal punishment. In this verse, the same word "eternal" is used to describe the punishment of the wicked as well as the eternal life of the believer. The punishment is endless as is the eternal life of the believer.

That is why the gospel 1 Cor. Following are a few verses that show the eternality of the hell and punishment. God uses different phrases to describe the same thing.

Is Hell Really Eternal? Does The Bible Say?

The phrase "forever and ever" is used both of describing God's eternal worth and the duration of eternal damnation. The exact same Greek phrase is used in each of the verses in the table below. To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever, " Rev. Eternal Damnation "And a second time they said, "Hallelujah! Her smoke rises up forever and ever, " Rev.

The Greek phrase aionas ton aionon , which is translated "forever and ever," occurs 18 times in the Greek New Testament. In 17 of them, the phrase means without end, extending into infinity. It too is eternal, and it signifies the beginning of the eternal judgment that comes upon her. The Greek in Rev. In the table above, "forever and ever" is translated from the Greek, aionas ton aionon , which is literally "ages of the of ages.

You are special in Gods eyes and your name is written in the Book of Life, as is mine. Keep praying as the Lord hears your words and more importantly your heart. I will pray for you and please pray for me and others that are tempted. God Bless You, Randy. Hi Randy, thank you so much for your advice. Backsliding is certainly something I struggle with a lot. I always regret moving away from God when I do and am not sure why I continue to fall into the ways of the flesh.

However, God is so merciful, loving, and gracious!

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The punishment of the wicked dead in hell is described throughout Scripture as “ eternal fire” (Matthew ), “unquenchable fire” (Matthew ), “shame and. This issue is so simple that it can be summed up in one sentence: Everybody has an eternal destiny eternal life in Heaven with Jesus or burning in eternal Hell.

He is faithful even though we are not. If it helps you or anyone else, I remember a while ago when I had backsliden and was in complete desolation. God truly did fix me. Just like you said, the Holy Spirit is always working in us. Please know, I will definitely pray for you and others.

Thank you again for your advice. I want to clarify that the effect of hell is everlasting not hell its self.

Is Hell Eternal?

So when somebody burns we turn to ash and that state of being dead is what it means as forever. When the wicked are judge they will have to be punished. Could you elaborate by use of the original Greek words Jesus used then? To use your argument or reasoning then is that life in Christ is also consumable and not eternal but only for some time. When Jesus says destruction, this does not mean annihilation.

That is a different word altogether in the Greek and Jesus used destruction. If you had a vacuum cleaner and you destroyed it, does this mean that it ceases to exist? No, it continues to exist like a crop of corn that hailstorms destroyed…it continues to exist but in a destroyed state.

Thank you Jack, I have heard people say the same thing that Charles is saying and it sound very appealing. Thank you for this insight. From what I understand, Jesus said that all who are in their grave will be resurrected to life…some for to eternal life and some to everlasting destruction.

Spirit can not feel pain can it? So we can assume that pain in hell is from physical pain and so there must be some body of flesh and not only of spirit but both but only flesh feels pain. Hi Jack, Your response does make great sense. There is so much drug abuse and single parents etc.. I have suggested that it might be time after 10 years of hard teaching to put together a Sunday night or Wednesday night series on what the Bible says about heaven.

I think that people need to understand the stick…Hell, of course… but also understand heaven, the carrot, to set their eyes on the Glory. Thanks for your encouragement. Any suggestions to break through the darkness. I do not want to see them spending eternity in a lake of fire…. Oh i might mention that while my brother is open to listening my mother and sister get very apoplectic at the mention of Jesus or God.

Paula, I would ask them where did they get their information about that they just dissapear? How can they be sure that is true? And I will raise him up on the last day. This shows the effectual work of God in our salvation. If one reads Ephesians chapter one and two, we can see that salvation is fully the work of God. Even the fact that a person is born again as Jesus said in John 3: Does the baby take part in the decision as to when they are born or to which parents?

I would also pray for only the Holy Spirit can reveal Who Christ is and if you continue to witness over and over again, that will drive a wedge between them and you and you will never have another opportunity to share the gospel.

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We must trust God for He alone saves but He does use us. God can use the worst job of witnessing to save someone but as I told one young man that it takes a man or woman of God, using the Word of God Bible with the Spirit of God to make the children of God.

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Yes, it is God Who does the saving but He gives us the great privilege of participating in this glorious event. That i give my money and my time and my life to such a worthless, fairytale! I was shocked that hse felt so saddened. I have had discussions with many people about this. Most people use the verse that god wants none to perish but all to come to eternal life to say that it is NOT only those HE calls.

I agree with you. I bleieve God knocks and whoever opens and seeks HIM will be saved. I admit that I struggle with that whole concept of pre destination! Why then Jeremiah Thanks Paula…I too will pray for your family. As for John 6: Jesus told the woman at the well that God is seeking after those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth…and that He is seeking after such. As for Esau I hated, this is a contrasting verse meaning that in comparison to the love I have for Jacob, it is like hate in comparison or by hyperbole or extreme exaggeration to make a point.

We all struggle with predestination because the tension between free will and predestination can not be comprehended by the human, finite mind because God is infinite and His mind is infinite, therefore the finite can not comprehend or wrap the mind around Someone Who is infinite.

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As for Jeremiah Who was this written to? Jeremiah will seek Him and find Him because God had plans for Jeremiah and had already called him before birth. It does help Jack. I was looking for a verse to pray over one particularly precocious Youth group child and I felt Jeremiah 1: For instance, I take great comfort from isaiah For example, God will never leave you nor forsake you is also in the New Testament Heb One note is that promises made by God are almost always universally meant for all of us, so the Isaiah I believe you should pray these because praying back the promises to God are what He loves.

I often open with prayer in the church with Psalms or other recorded prayers in the Old and New Testament. OK… Yes, I see what you mean. Got it and phew!! Because I really lean on much of the old testament verses. I was forgetting that Jesus also told us that he would be with us until the end of the age! I Love God… he is so patient with me! Thanks for speaking into my life Jack! See you in heaven one day brother! I look forward to that day….

Thank you Vanessa for your question. Punishment does not mean annihilation. Jesus said that all who are in their grave will be resurrected to life…some for to eternal life and some to everlasting destruction. When Jesus says destruction in some translations, this does not mean annihilation. It would be like a crop of corn that hailstorms destroyed…it continues to exist but in a destroyed state.

The destroyed crops do not disappear or simply cease to exist. Jesus said that all who are in their grave will be resurrected to life…some for eternal life and some to everlasting destruction and not ceasing to exist for eternity. That is not found in the text or the context nor do any of the Greek words allow for it to be temporary.

Why Hell should be Eternal? I think the Idea of eternal hell is to make people to repent and putting Godly fear on them,. Your analogy of the old lady next door and hitler makes absolutely no sense! You say the old lady next door who never hurt anyone will suffer equally, for all eternity , alongside Hitler!

Where is the contridiction??

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Please quote for me where I said that the little old lady next door will suffer equally alongside Hitler? Hitler will suffer more because there are greater degrees of punishment in hell as Jesus insinuated in Scripture. Do you not believe in hell? Do you not believe it is eternal? Do you not believe that each one will recieve the fair justice from God for what we do in this life as it is written that each one of us will have to give an account for our lives? Jesus said that even every idle word and surely, every idle deed will all give an account for what we have done in this life.

Do you not agree? I read and re-read the article and could not find it. Do you not believe in hell or believe that it is eternal? Just curious where you see the contradiction. Hi Mike, I am just really trying to understand your confusion here. So little old lady or Hitler. Neither get to see Glory. When I read Exodus Today we see thru a glass darkly but we must respond to the light that has been given and we are all worthy of eternal separation from God but God provided the cross thru Jesus Christ to bridge that gap so that none should have to perish.

I love the Proverb because it is pride that makes most reject Christ and refuse to bend the knee. Your comments are spot on. Hey Jack, DId you ever hear back from Mike about his comments on contradiction? I was reffering to the comment made by Mr. How is that contradictory? Eternal life is life forever, and eternal punishment is death forever! And then he goes on to say. It sounds like your saying its unfair that the nice lady is punished the same as Hitler!!!

Hi Mike, Oh, I see what you mean now. Jack, are you saying that the little old lady next door will NOT be punished for eternity or that her punishment will be a little less harsh? Even in John 3: The Bible is clear that even a nice, little old lady who was so very kind that lives next door is not going to go to heaven if she, or anyone, refuses to repent and trust in Christ but I never said, nor does the Bible teach, that all receive the same punishment.

Does that make sense. There is no Scriptural support for anything eternal coming to an end and it is eternal punishment not anhilation for anhilation is not eternal punishment but a one-time punishment. What scripture in the bible do you find that says, clearly, that sinners will be tortured forever and ever in a place called hell? Jesus tells us to love our enemies. Jesus commands us to forgive our enemies Matthew Jesus tells us to overcome evil with good. Where sin abounds , Grace abounds much less…hmmmmm?

Mike, where do you find verses that say, in the original text, that hell is a one time event and hell ends? Apparently you believe that heaven and hell have an end for the same Greek words are used for both. What verses do I use to say that hell is for all eternity? For lack of space, I have only included about a dozen;. No, the church, those who are saved. That is not the justice that God will demand Mike. Hi Jack, I absolutely DO believe how could I not that hell is eternal, and that even that little old lady will not enter heaven if she chooses to deny Jesus.

Mike, You ask if there are verses which support the eternal nature of damnation… well here are a few which I believe say exactly that. When Jesus says we are to love our enemies it is for just this reason. You must see that one can love a person but still have to punish them for behaviors. I lvoe my son but if he is disobedient he will be punished.

Why Hell Must Be Eternal

Choose ye this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house , we will serve the Lord. Well, here are some verses I have researched for you. This is the second death. When they shall see how miserable others of their fellowcreatures are, who were naturally in the same circumstances with themselves; when they shall see the smoke of their torment, and the raging of the flames of their burning, and hear their dolorous shrieks and cries, and consider that they in the mean time are in the most blissful state, and shall surely be in it to all eternity ; how will they rejoice!

Hey Jack , when we get to heaven , look me up! Me , you , and Jonathan Edwards can laugh and point our fingers at those losers in Hell!!! Peace be with you!

Unquenchable Fire

God can use the worst job of witnessing to save someone but as I told one young man that it takes a man or woman of God, using the Word of God Bible with the Spirit of God to make the children of God. But, hell is real. After 3 days I had a manifestation and I or better God from within me said: I remember a few months ago a testimony on Sid Roth sidroth. But, always remember as you feel that you have failed the Holy Spirit is still within you working. Are there different levels of hell and degrees of sin?

If He believed that it was like burning up someone in a flash, then why all the eternal, forever, without end, etc. What is there to fear if there is an extinguishing and ceasing to exist? Thanks Anthony…Jonathan Edwards will be one of the first I look up among the brethren. Hi Anthony, Jonathan Edwards was definitely making a point and painting a frightening picture to shake people up. They say that when he was preaching men and women alike fainted. Yes, they will be losers but will I find joy in it?

When I read Malachi 4: He called them his chicks and likened Himself to a mother hen. No, I will not rejoice except in my glory but not in the suffering of others!! Although i am in agreement that there will be eternal suffering and that we should all be doing whatever we can to address that issue now, while it is still day as Jesus says in John I think anyone rejoicing over others misfortunes need a Bible reality check. Folks who think they will have their blue jeans and sneakers on, with their baseball hats on backwards walking down the streets of gold arm in arm with God jumping up and down slapping each other high fives need to read their Bibles.

Of course we will not even want to gloat or make fun of those in hell, once we are in eternal glory, One of my constant thoughts is how will I not be sad that my family and many friends are not with me. Since Jesus says there will be no saddness in heaven i will assume that I will understand to a greater level either that or forget??? It is sad, in itself, to think of those dear memories being removed, but the devastating reality of our loved ones in hell would, I think, be much worse.

We know God will make the best choice, so we trust in Him.