From Karma to Grace: The Power of the Fruits of the Spirit

From Karma to Grace

With these we were to come to know ourselves to be ourselves, and yet choose to be one with the Whole God, others, and ourselves. Yet, these powers are often compared to a two-edged sword, because they can lead us towards heavenly oneness or towards hellish selfishness. But learning implies mistakes, and mistakes with the mind and will can be very harmful. Therefore, before the two great gifts were given consciousness and free will , God established a simple but universal law: The law is intended to help us appreciate the effects of our individual thoughts, words, and actions upon God, others, and even ourselves.

This is the law of action and reaction, cause and effect, the law of karma. The law is unavoidable and immutable.

Jesus teaches that not one jot will be erased from it. How then can any of us recover from mistakes? How are we to learn, if every misuse or abuse brings reactions?

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Are we now trapped in a tangled web of karmic backlash to our past actions, words, and thoughts? Grace is that wonderful spirit that imbues every fiber of our being when we practice the fruits of the spirit: Against such there is a law.

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From Karma to Grace: The Power of the Fruits of the Spirit and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. From Karma to Grace: The Power of the Fruit of the Spirit Paperback – June 15, Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You by John Van Auken Paperback. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. John Van Auken is a director at Edgar Cayce s A.R.E., and.

I desire mercy, not sacrifice. The law is absolute, right? Therefore, what we do or think comes back to us. Then, if we begin to understand mistakes by others, the law — always at work and never compromising — reacts with understanding toward our mistakes! If we begin to forgive others, the law reacts with forgiveness for us.

And, best of all, if we forget the misuse or abuse by others, then ours is forgotten, too. The law is absolute.

From Karma to Grace: The Power of the Fruits of the Spirit by John Van Auken

Therefore, jots of understanding, forgiveness, and forgetting come back upon us as we give them out to others. What we give, we receive. The law is filled with latent grace waiting to be released. Do we seek forgiveness? Then, we must give forgiveness. Then, give understanding to another. If we want our sins forgotten in the Mind of the All-Knowing, then we need to forget what others have done to us. Let it go; release it.

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