Pilgrim People: A Scriptural Commentary

Pilgrim People—Video Lectures

Daniel's message is one of hope for a people living under severe oppression during and after exile. Carvalho is professor of theology at the University of St. Paul, Minnesota, and director of the University of St. Thomas Luann Dummer Center for Women. He is also the author of The Human and the Divine in History: Herodotus and the Book of Daniel.


These books, from what are often called the 12 prophets, continue to recount the story of the return from Babylonian exile. They speak with immediacy and power to the generation that was responsible for writing down and organizing the Hebrew Scriptures and founding Judaism as a religion, not just an ethnic identity. These post-Exillic prophets affirm the many traditions of the people of Judah and Israel, who are still reeling from exile, offering them hope and direction. He has published widely on the subjects of apocalypticism, wisdom, Hellenistic Judaism, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Every culture finds ways to pass along its wisdom from one generation to the next. Old Testament Wisdom literature—comprised of the books of Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Sirach, and Wisdom—raises the big questions for the people of Israel: Why do the righteous suffer? Why do we die? What is the meaning of life?

The book of Proverbs organizes memorable sayings that lead to insight and understanding about the world that can inform the way we live. Speaking universally of the human condition, it paints a poetic portrait of wisdom as it guides members of the community, especially the young, in how to get along in life. Since , she has also taught at St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers, New York.

She is author of "The Earth Mourns": Prophetic Metaphor and Oral Aesthetic and articles and reviews in a variety of scholarly and pastoral publications, including Catholic Biblical Quarterly. The book of Job is a vivid testimony of pain, a plea for justice, and a wrenching theological debate. Central to this debate are questions about the roles that God and humans play in causing human suffering and whether divine-human relationships can proceed in the midst of overwhelming anguish.

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In the book of Wisdom, we find the literary voice of Solomon, the model king and seeker of wisdom sharing his meditations. Concepts from Greek philosophy are integrated into Jewish tradition to present new insights into how wisdom can be both a quality of God and a human characteristic. Three affirmations in this lyrical book especially resonate for modern Christians: He is engaged in human history and dwells with the human race. His doctorate is from Harvard University. He was general editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly and is a former president of the Catholic Biblical Association.

As well as teaching and lecturing in scholarly circles, he is active in adult education in various New England dioceses. The book of Sirach praises the study of the law, the wisdom of the men of old and their prophecies. Its author is well read and rearticulates traditional Jewish wisdom for his generation, centering it on fear of the Lord, and clearly asserting that wisdom is a gift from God. He encourages his audience to remain steadfast in following the law of Moses rather than following the ways of the dominant pagan Greek culture.

The book of Psalms plays a significant role in the public and private prayer of both the Jewish and Christian communities today, helping to shape the minds and hearts of modern believers. Dianne Bergant examines the theological and historical circumstances from which the psalms originated. She reveals how the psalms were intended for instruction as well as prayer, and helps us experience their lyrical nature. Witherup , superior general, Sulpician Order. She has also served as the Old Testament book reviewer for The Bible Today as well as a member of its editorial board, and its general editor.

Among her numerous works are the three volumes in The Word for Every Season series. The five books abound with vivid stories of faith. The Song of Songs, dedicated to Solomon, celebrates the wonder of human love. The book of Ruth, a masterpiece of storytelling, tells of two valiant women who move from emptiness to fullness, desolation to redemption. Lamentations, telling of the destruction of Jerusalem, recognizes that the Lord has struck and that only the Lord can heal. Ecclesiastes teaches the futility of vanity and storing up riches.

The book of Esther tells the story of a Jewish woman and her uncle who, by their courage and wit, deliver the Jews from threatened genocide. These three colorful books offer gripping stories of how God shows his mercy and accomplishes his will through human actions. In the book of Judith, a simple and courageous widow, rather than an army, saves her people from destruction by a powerful enemy.

This rich commentary explores the significant themes of each book, showing that God is intimately involved with the destiny of humankind. Concise and accessible, this one-volume edition of the New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament allows readers to explore any or all of the books with just one resource alongside their Bibles.

The individual commentaries collected here are written by respected scholars, and they break open the biblical texts in a lively fashion. Readers will be able to engage Scripture more deeply and reflect on its meanings, nuances, and imperatives for living a Christian life in the twenty-first century. He still writes homily hints and daily reflections for the Loose-Leaf Lectionary and is the founding editor of Abbey Banner , the magazine for the relatives, friends, and oblates of the monastic community.

Faithlife Your digital faith community. Logos Powerful Bible study tools. Faithlife TV A Christian video library. Faithlife Proclaim Church presentation software. Chapters 3 vols. The Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible 43 vols. Proverbs John Phillips Commentary Series 27 vols. Products New Collegeville Bible Commentary 25 vols. New Collegeville Bible Commentary 25 vols. Bergant, Dianne Hayes, Katherine M. Corley, Jeremy Harrington, Daniel J. Durken, Daniel Niskanen, Paul.

Pay Monthly Customize the length of your payment plan in cart. Overview Dig deeply into each book of the Bible, drawing wisdom and insight from even the most obscure texts. Key Features Provides a thorough analysis of both Old and New Testaments Offers fresh scholarship on each biblical text Includes aids for group study and discussion.

Praise for the Print Edition Solid, pastorally sensitive, user friendly, portable—this original series served the needs of thousands of ordinary folks in the pews who wanted to read the biblical texts with the aid of a helpful guide. This new series is a very welcome update to its renown predecessor. An Online Journal This is a fine series that will be a great help to the Catholic community and deserves to have a long shelf life. These attractively printed materials laced with maps and illustrations are wonderfully suited for personal and parish study group use. New Collegeville Bible Commentary Series: Introduction to the Bible by Gregory W.

Dawes New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Genesis by Joan E. Cook New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Exodus by Mark S. Smith New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Joshua, Judges by Roland J. Faley New Collegeville Bible Commentary: First and Second Samuel by Feidhlimidh T. Magennis New Collegeville Bible Commentary: First and Second Kings by Alice L. Laffey New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Endres New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Ezra, Nehemiah by Thomas M. Bolin New Collegeville Bible Commentary: First and Second Maccabees by Daniel J. Harrington New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Isaiah by Leslie J.

Hoppe New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Jeremiah, Baruch by Pauline A. Viviano New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Dempsey New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Ezekiel, Daniel by Corrine L. Collins New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Proverbs by Katherine M. Hayes New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Job by Kathleen M. Wisdom by Richard J. Clifford New Collegeville Bible Commentary: New Testament by Daniel Durken. New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Introduction to the Bible Author: New Collegeville Bible Commentary Publisher: Liturgical Press Publication Date: This highly readable guide to the origins of the Biblical writings and to the history of how the Bible has been interpreted provides a rich context for our own informed reading of Scripture.

The book is wonderfully well written and greatly helps us to understand the way the Bible has been and is used in the Church, and the way that theology has developed. Readers of Scripture will greatly benefit from this excellent book. He not only communicates a great deal of information in a short space but also invites the reader on a journey of discovery, which concludes with a sympathetic but not uncritical account of post-modern developments.

His concise writing style, logical organization, and helpful format devices make this a work suitable for individual and group use. With deep knowledge of the ancient Near East and its customs, and with sensitivity to the contours of the biblical stories, Sr. Joan Cook opens up the book of Genesis, passage by passage, in stimulating terms.

She shows how Genesis invites us into its narratives of puzzlement, of unbearable pain, and of joyful amazement in living in relationship with God. She highlights the character traits of these pioneers of our faith, follows the threads of various themes throughout the book, and relates the details to ancient Near Eastern culture.

Just as Moses guided the people through the wilderness, so Mark S. Smith guides the reader through the biblical story that describes this adventure. The questions that lead into the various sections help the reader focus.

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The blend of scholarship and spirituality is flawless. An excellent commentary on this significant biblical book. He consistently links Leviticus with the whole of Sacred Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, and with the way faith is embodied in worship and living today. Hayes, professor of Old Testament, Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, New York In this commentary on Leviticus, Edward Owens takes a difficult and antiquated book and makes it brilliantly accessible to contemporary readers.

Through careful and detailed analysis, Owens draws out the timeless lessons and values embedded in Leviticus and helps readers appreciate not only the literary artistry of the book but also the many rich traditions of the Jewish faith and culture. Owens argues that since holiness is an intrinsic characteristic of God, and since God dwells in the midst of the people, the people must be holy as well. He shows how Leviticus provides a way of life that can accomplish this. Irene brings a refined liturgical sensibility along with well-honed pedagogical skills to her careful explication of how the sanctuary shapes the identity and experience of the Israelites on their journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land.

Well aware of the book's textual intricacies, Nowell guides readers through Numbers from Mount Sinai, through the wilderness, and to Transjordan. This is a lovely invitation to learn from biblical challenges of life in community and God. Irene accomplishes a compelling biblical invitation. Her clear focus and lucid exposition will allow you to follow the shaping of a people. With clarity and skill, Edward Owens unpacks the book of Deuteronomy and mines the historical depth and rhetorical artistry of an ancient text. Dempsey , OP, professor of theology, University of Portland, Oregon It is a valuable introduction to the complex matters involved in the book of Deuteronomy.

‘Pilgrim People’ explores faith journey in Scripture and life

It is engaging, nontechnical, clearly organized and attentive to the beginning student. The commentary can serve as an introductory textbook for teachers, students and pastoral ministers. Manzo, assistant professor of Old Testament, St.

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First and Second Samuel Author: This commentary combines wealth of biblical scholarship with depth of perception and clarity of communication. First and Second Kings Author: Alice Laffey has produced a completely new commentary that is clear, insightful, and accessible to the undergraduate or nonspecialist alike. First And Second Chronicles Author: This commentary presumes no specialized knowledge and is ideal for anyone wishing to delve more deeply into these important but often neglected books. His clear explanation of the meaning of the long introductory genealogy gives us reason to read these chapters we ordinarily admit it!

Through the rest of the commentary we not only find the history but we realize the significance of post-exilic prayer and the joy that accompanies it. Everywhere Endres gives careful attention to the literary style, the themes, and the relationship of Chronicles to Samuel and Kings. Clearly written in a style that maintains the interest of the reader, this commentary succeeds in making an often obscure section of the Bible a lively, relevant and fascinating text.

History for a Pilgrim People

Highly recommended for clergy and laity alike. First and Second Maccabees Author: Harrington expertly examines these deuterocanonical books, providing the necessary historical information that will open the meaning of the text to those less acquainted with these particular stories. This is a first-rate commentary. Readers of this commentary will find an enriching analysis of this masterpiece of prophetic literature. It is clear, concise and reliable.

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An excellent introduction for church groups. This is a first-rate contribution to the commentary series. She provides useful outlines and study aids, apt characterization, perceptive commentary, highlighting the specific issues of ethics and worship which kept these preachers awake by night and engaged by day. Carol Dempsey brings a critical and refreshing theological perspective to the interpretation of the prophetic messages which provides helpful insights to understand their relevance in addressing some contemporary contexts as well.

Instead, just as it was for people of Scripture, our footsteps are set in the right direction when we discover that God is our companion on the journey. Readers will encounter major landmarks of salvation history, all examined with insightful research and sprinkled with lively reflections on the contemporary call to every Christian to follow God as a faithful pilgrim. Yeary is the associate director of Little Rock Scripture Study, for which he writes and revises study materials and presents wrap-up lectures.

He holds a master? I recommend this guidebook for all companions on life's journey. Clifford Yeary inserts our own sojourn into the inspiring line of biblical ancestors who have envisioned their lives as pilgrimage. He shows how journeying with this perspective offers our lives direction, purpose, and deep meaning.

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Binz Speaker and writer Author of Introduction to the Bible: A Catholic Guide to Studying Scripture. Clifford Yeary takes us on a brisk walk through the Scriptures, highlighting the passages that describe the journey of the people of God traveling together on a pilgrimage of faith.