Woman in the Glass

I hated having to put it down when I was forced to do something like sleep, lol. These characters were a train wreck I couldn't look awa Initial thoughts: These characters were a train wreck I couldn't look away from, and I was so anxious to see what they would do next that I flew through the pages. The dynamic between them was so tense, I felt it could snap at any moment, and while none of the characters have redeeming qualities, they're definitely interesting to read about.

At first glance, Alexandra Alex seems like a typical, normal young woman, but I quickly recognized her for what she truly is - a sociopath. As awful as she is, she does pull it off well, I've gotta give her that.

The Girl in the Glass Tower by Elizabeth Fremantle

This woman's thought processes are scarily skewed. She does a weird personality-mirroring thing that isn't obvious right away but puts her victims at ease to where they don't question her true motives. It even took me a little bit to catch on to it. As much as I didn't like Alex, I was fascinated by her. The way she hurt others to benefit herself boggled my mind. I have no idea how she sleeps at night.

I also have no idea why so many men fell all over themselves to have a chance to be with her. What's so great about her? Is her aloofness a turn-on because she isn't emotionally needy? Alex's past is revealed slowly throughout the novel, which I liked because knowing her history is essential to understanding who she is in the present and how she got to where she is. It was also annoying how full of herself she is and how she kept describing herself as so gorgeous and so in shape and blah blah blah. Get over yourself, girl!

Then there's Noreen, the girl who placed the ad looking for roommates. Unlike Alex, I could see right away that she has so many issues it isn't even funny. I doubt I would have stayed after the crazy stunts she pulled, but then again, Alex is also unhinged, just on a different level. Instead of advertising for two roommates, Noreen should have been honest and asked for the instant boyfriend and best friend package she actually wanted, people who would be completely okay with the fact that she's unstable and clingy.

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I truly believe Alex still would have responded to that kind of in-your-face-honest ad. I felt bad for Jared at first, knowing he had no idea what kind of women he was shacking up with, but then he fell for Alex the instant he saw her and my sympathy for him went out the window. He's supposed to be practicing Buddhism and freeing himself of earthly ties, yet he wanted to tie himself down to Alex. He was way too smug about his meditation and yoga practices not to mention the fact he gave up a high paying job for a less complicated, less materialistic life. Dude, give up your flashy car and expensive clothes, then come talk to me.

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The Woman In the Glass By Unknown. When you get what you want in your struggle for self. And the world makes you Queen for a day, Just go to the mirror and. When you get what you want in your struggle for self and the world makes you queen for a day, just go to the mirror and look at yourself, and.

I did think that Noreen's behavior toward him was unacceptable. She wouldn't take no for an answer and insisted on throwing herself at him every chance she got. She's guilty of sexually harassing him! While not as aggressive as Noreen, Jared did become obsessed with Alex, and I couldn't understand why.

I suppose he didn't want to face facts.

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I know it sounds like I didn't enjoy this novel, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Part of The Woman in the Mirror's appeal for me was how awful these characters were. It was entertaining and interesting, especially from a psychological perspective, to dissect their faults and behavior, plus wonder what awful thing they'd do next.

This is an exceptionally well written novel but may not be for everyone, depending on whether you're able to read about characters you don't like. If you're okay with characters who aren't redeemable, then you'll likely enjoy The Woman in the Mirror. According to Goodreads, this appears to be the first book in a series. Is there more story to tell about Alexandra?

She isn't someone you root for, not really, so I'm wondering what the next book will be like if there is one.

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Feb 12, Jayne Catherine pinkett rated it really liked it Shelves: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here The idea that marriage, our parents or our own, defined her rather than confirming her is a struggle from time last to present. If I learned one thing from making myself vulnerable to so many people it is this: Much of this book reads like a VCR instruction manual. The Best Polish Restaurant in Buffalo.

I do think there's more story about her that can be told, and I'd definitely read it. Jul 28, Karen rated it really liked it. Woman in the Mirror by Cathryn Grant When Noreen Palmer rents two rooms out of her house to Alexandra Mallory and Jared Wellington they don't know the craziness they are getting involved with.

Noreen has a lot of secrets and is lonely for a companionship arrangement. Noreen seems like she is trying to create a family with her roommates and neither Alex or Jared want that. The narrative is mostly from Alexandra's point of view and she has plenty of secrets of her own. Alex and Jared are suspicious Woman in the Mirror by Cathryn Grant When Noreen Palmer rents two rooms out of her house to Alexandra Mallory and Jared Wellington they don't know the craziness they are getting involved with.

Alex and Jared are suspicious of Noreen because she can't stop telling lies. Alex and Jared have sex one night and Jared becomes completely obsessed with Alex. Noreen wants Jared to be her boyfriend but he is not interested. Meanwhile the story goes back and forth in time with Alex telling her story for why she does the murderous things she does. To say Alex does not have a conscious is putting it mildly. Alex soon finds out Noreen's history. Noreen scratches all the glass out in the bathroom mirror because she keeps seeing the face of a woman in her past.

Noreen places a dead rat under Jared's bed. The book could have been shorter. I was riveted on the edge of my seat but it seemed to drag on a little to long. Alex has a hang up about male chauvinist men and doles out her own brand of punishment, always hiding right under the radar. Why does he keep watching Noreen's house? It all comes out in the conclusion. Joe has ulterior motives for striking up sexual liaisons with Alex that have far reaching consequences. The ending was not what I expected and somehow felt a bit flat. Recommended for fans of psychological suspense.

Three point five stars. This had a promising beginning and middle part to the story but somehow by dragging it out to far the ending doesn't deliver. Thank you to Cathryn Grant and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. View all 3 comments. Aug 15, Susan Angela Wallace rated it it was amazing. The woman in the mirror by cathryn grant is a mystery and thriller and general fiction adult read. Everyone knows someone who deserves to die. When Alexandra Mallory and Jared Brady rent rooms in her precariously situated home, the danger of falling over the cliff i The woman in the mirror by cathryn grant is a mystery and thriller and general fiction adult read.

When Alexandra Mallory and Jared Brady rent rooms in her precariously situated home, the danger of falling over the cliff is the least of their fears. This started off slow but soon picked up. Very cleverly written with brilliant characters. I loved the ending too. Thanks to netgalley for the arc. I received this arc from Netgalley. I wish I had chucked this earlier in the game. Just ridiculous and senseless. I don't recommend this one at all. Aug 06, Krystal rated it liked it. This book fell solidly in the middle of the road for me. I didn't love it - nor did I hate it.

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It was just kind of MEH. On the plus side, it was a quick read I read it in under 2 days. Yes - the story jumps around between the past and present day, but I didn't have a problem with that. Even the writing was ok I just couldn't become invested in these This book fell solidly in the middle of the road for me. I just couldn't become invested in these characters. Alex has her secrets - and those secrets alone should have made for a very intriguing story, but instead of finding her to be the "strong" female lead I think the author was intending I just found her She uses everyone for her own ends, and she is so self-absorbed that it makes it hard to like her.

The Girl in the Glass Tower

Jared was no better - he was a weak minded male who sleeps with a girl once and becomes basically obsessed with her. And don't even get me started on Noreen. I honestly still don't know what the heck was up with her. Her character flip-flopped around to the point where I just gave up and sighed every time I read her name. Overall, I am certain that this book will appeal to people who enjoy a more young-adult oriented "thriller" loose on the thriller label story. It did have its moments, but it just wasn't for me, and at this point I am unsure as to whether or not I will continue on with this series.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. Jul 01, Michelle Jenkins rated it really liked it. Every psychological thriller with a female main character is now, fairly or unfairly, held up to the Gone Girl standard. Alex is her own woman. You had hellish roommates at one point in your life. You enjoy stories Every psychological thriller with a female main character is now, fairly or unfairly, held up to the Gone Girl standard. The Woman in the Mirror gives you several to work with: Alex is too pretty and confident; Noreen is annoyingly needy; Jared falls in borderline obsessive insta-love.

At least, I hope not. Ok, that's all fine and good, but did I like it? I have to admit, and it's only a little disturbing I identified with Alex's detached confidence. Not because I'm beautiful or a runner, but because I know about mirroring, reflecting back what people want to see, rather than what's actually there.

Can anyone really know Alex? Doubtful, but I'm interested to see who tries next. Sep 05, Candy rated it it was ok. Woman in the Mirror by Cathryn Grant Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Woman in a Glass Skin

This book started out well enough. Also, did we really ne Woman in the Mirror by Cathryn Grant Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Also, did we really need to know in detail all the outfits and accessories Alex wears and she changes three to four times a day? There is also a third-person narration thrown in on occasion, which just adds more strangeness to the fluidity of the story.

There is a disconnection that causes the reader to stop and really think about the time period and the characters the author is writing about. Alex is portrayed as cold and calculating, and Jared is a wimp. Jul 27, Zuky the BookBum added it Shelves: She was too arrogant and aggressive to be a likeable MC for this novel.

I had no sympathy for her in her weird housing situation because she deserved it for being such a bitch! There was too much description about her tiny little body, pretty face, sexy hair etc that made this book vom worthy. Jared was a total selfish knob, whose obsession with Alex had me cringing and yawning. Sorry for such harsh words but YA books are just too much!

This book was okay. To be honest I was expecting a book full of mystery and suspense. There was some mystery when it came to figuring out the characters real motives, but not enough of a mystery that I couldn't put the book down until it was done. As far as suspense, for me there was none.

The book was well written, and the story line itself wasn't bad. The characters themselves were not very likable. The main character Alexandra was very self involved, cold, and without empathy or sympathy for This book was okay. The main character Alexandra was very self involved, cold, and without empathy or sympathy for others. The other female character, Noreen is just plain weird, crazy, and obsessive, but what really stands out is how desperately pathetic she is especially towards men. Finally, the main male character Jared was the only character who came close to being likable at all, but as soon as he meets Alexandra, that goes out the window and he turns out to be as pathetic as Noreen.

That is all I can say without ruining the main plot. Seems to me this book would have faired better if it had been labeled women's fiction instead of psychological suspense.

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These things bothered me because they were true. And I took a moment to acknowledge that. I started by acknowledging that for me this was just a performance, just 12 hours of discomfort, but for some people their discomfort due to homelessness is a constant reality, that driving to a warm house and a comfortable bed is not an option for many many people in the Bay Area. I also acknowledged that the businesses that had closed, that I and others were lamenting, had at one point replaced others, including numerous Latino businesses, forcing Latinos out of the very district they had once established.

The next day, I woke up sore and still exhausted.

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My legs and thighs ached like they had been pelted with stones. Seated in a Starbucks in the North Bay because the local cafe had closed last year, I opened the journal from the vigil and read the lamentations of first-, second- and third-generation San Franciscans who knew they would never be able to afford to have their children in the city they loved:.

I am now Beginning at age 4, I started telling people that I was born in San Francisco. My parents would try to correct me, but I insisted.

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But with this rebirth comes the knowledge that it will be nearly impossible for me to potentially raise my own children here. So maybe I will just lie … and tell them they were born here. For me, it was the site of my stint in burlesque. I learned to love and celebrate my body along with others who overcome fears and social boundaries. Thank you for this. I hope I can help repair some of the damage my presence here has caused. I read and I cried.

No one asked if I was alright, but if they had I would have told them that in a society that is so totally unacceptably unjust to so many of its citizens , that ignores their words , their suffering , denies their narratives as legitimate , that demands they quit whining and pull themselves up by their boot straps even when they cannot afford boots , I am so grateful I get to use my voice on their behalf.

If I learned one thing from making myself vulnerable to so many people it is this: It is only by acknowledging our vulnerabilities, by refusing to see our experiences of suffering as unique and negligible, that we become empowered to build a society based on empathy and respect. On that day I made myself vulnerable to San Francisco, but San Francisco also made itself vulnerable to me. And what I saw was a people freed from glass cases, ready to speak up for the city they loved.

Crossposted from Mirabelle Jones. Mirabelle Jones is a writer, performer and queer feminist art warrior born and raised in the Bay Area. There are lots of benefits of using quality window. Energy efficient glasses are considered to be a great saving. Discounts are given when you purchase energy efficient windows. By window mirror replacement your utility bills will come down in an effective way. You can save lot of money at the end of the year.

Seated in a Starbucks in the North Bay because the local cafe had closed last year, I opened the journal from the vigil and read the lamentations of first-, second- and third-generation San Franciscans who knew they would never be able to afford to have their children in the city they loved: I read the memories of the spaces that had closed or were in the process of closing. I have such happy memories. You are not gonna make it.

And the people who were grateful: Old SF is still here.