The Making of British Socialism

The Making of British Socialism

He gives detailed accounts of the Marxists, Fabians, and ethical socialists, including famous authors such as William Morris and George Bernard Shaw. By showing how socialism combined established traditions and new ideas in order to respond to the changing world of the late nineteenth century, The Making of British Socialism turns aside long-held assumptions about the origins of a major movement.

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Mark Bevir shows that British socialists respond The Making of British Socialism provides a new interpretation of the emergence of British socialism in the late nineteenth century, demonstrating that it was not a working-class movement demanding state action, but a creative campaign of political hope promoting social justice, personal transformation, and radical democracy. The movement developed in this way from the early s so his categories make sound historical sense. To a degree Bevir has written a book of synthesis and interpretation rather than original research. That aside Bevir has made a useful contribution to what should be considered a historical work in progress. His treatment of Webb is an altogether more satisfactory one. If you would like to authenticate using a different subscribed institution that supports Shibboleth authentication or have your own login and password to Project MUSE, click 'Authenticate'.

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Socialism and History pp. The Victorian Context pp.

The Making of British Socialism

Ernest Belfort Bax pp. Henry Mayers Hyndman pp. The Social Democratic Federation pp.

Theories of Rent pp. George Bernard Shaw pp.

Additional Information

Bevir shows that those steeped in republican radical traditions remained advocates of thoroughgoing democratic reform of society and state, while those emerging from radical liberal traditions tended to accept the existing mechanisms of representative government and had much less faith in the people as agents of progressive change, let alone socialism. So far, so good; this is clearly an important intervention in the history of British socialist political thought.

It corrects many misconceptions and simplifications about the various strands of early socialism, strands which for heuristic purposes Bevir organizes under three main headings: Marxist, Fabian, and ethical socialist although he is at pains to stress that actual socialists often drew promiscuously from each strand, in the process generating many vibrant new cadet traditions of socialism.

Indeed it is striking how little the book engages with literature on the politics, rather than the ideas, of early socialism, and how little it has to say about why people flocked to the cause at particular moments, and abandoned it at others.

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Bevir does address the question of why some people began to turn to socialism s from the s, but it is a rather broad, even mechanical explanation that can offer few clues to the periodicity of socialist enthusiasm across the late Victorian and Edwardian periods. These dilemmas recur throughout the book, almost like a Greek chorus, but it is far from clear whether they were as pressing for the thousands of activists drawn to socialism as they were to the small If you would like to authenticate using a different subscribed institution that supports Shibboleth authentication or have your own login and password to Project MUSE, click 'Authenticate'.

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