The Best Policy is Honesty (Tuck Me In Book 28)

Hey, Betsy, a couple of these links send you to the wrong book. You can read more about Botchan in my book The Fictional , where this character is ranked 95 out of Thanks for your wonderful list—a great project!! Remember that for a lot of these posts they were in groups of five. I notice that on several lists J. I am astounded that the Wizard of Earthsea plus sequels by Ursula Le Guin does not appear in this list. These books are vastly superior to Harry Potter in terms of narrative, literary quality and issues raised. The Snow Spider trilogy by Jenny Nimmo is a beautifully told series based on Celtic mythological tradition.

Follow my link if you are curious see my selections. No mention of any of C. I guess I can just attribute this list to the recency effect in memory. Since both The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and The Hobbit are on this list I will assume that you are objecting to the fact that there are not more Narnia and Middle Earth titles here. As for the other Narnia books, some of them are perfectly peachy but few would argue that books like The Last Battle would have any place on this list.

I hated the Hobbit as an 11 year old. Then I discovered the book and adored it.

The fact that Percy Jackson beat out The Golden Compass by twenty places makes the order of this entire list a little suspect to me. My disagreements with the ranking aside, this is a lovely nostalgia-filled post. Ah, but did you vote? That is the problem with polls.

You are thinking of the movie version of the book. Or so I have been told. Certainly this list will take a bit longer, but I hope it will familiarize me with even more […]. The outcome was fun and interesting, as polls […]. That time, I made the mistake of things like voting for the third Harry Potter book, since it was […]. May 18, , Picture Book Rowling 87 The View from Saturday by E. Best Books , Polls. April 13, at 3: April 13, at 5: April 13, at 6: April 13, at 7: You are awesome, thank you.

April 13, at 8: April 13, at 9: Lisa Von Drasek says: April 13, at Still, my feelings are: My Boaz's Ruth says: You could compile those suggestions on your blog, too. April 13, at 1: April 13, at 2: Oh, the Enola ARC.


Summary This story shows children why honesty is important. Publication Date [ n.d.] Languages English Contributor Boston Public Library - United States. Why you would even need to lie in a paradise like this is beyond me, but it happens. This is the greatest trick that both kids and adults pull: the “almost” truth.

Kudos for the idea, DaNae. April 13, at 4: April 14, at 1: April 14, at 7: April 15, at 7: April 17, at 1: April 17, at 2: Hi Kate, Are you sure? April 18, at 7: June 22, at 3: I think the era of Pan-love may be past. July 26, at 8: September 8, at April 15, at April 16, at 1: April 20, at 7: About 80 books on this list are old and new favorites of mine. May 12, at July 3, at September 28, at 8: September 30, at 1: November 2, at 3: February 9, at August 7, at 2: June 7, at 2: June 19, at June 22, at July 2, at 8: July 11, at 4: July 17, at 2: July 26, at 9: July 27, at July 27, at 3: August 10, at August 12, at 1: August 19, at The Best Chapter Books?

August 22, at August 22, at 7: August 30, at 3: September 5, at 2: September 15, at 3: September 20, at 1: September 21, at How many of these have you read? October 20, at 2: October 25, at 1: March 15, at Best Children's Books says: April 12, at 5: August 30, at 5: A mother, a daughter and books says: January 3, at 6: They must have gotten lost in a save or something. At any rate, thanks for the suggestions! Another great one I forgot to add to the list seriously, where is my brain? I JUST finished reading this one with my kiddos.

And all of the Thornton Burgess animal books are great as well, especially for younger children just starting to sit still for chapter books! What a great list! Reading over it felt almost like visiting with long-lost friends. Thanks for such an inspiring post! There are just so many that I enjoy reading for myself and to the kids. I read these aloud with 3 different kids, and they are such a feast of sheer laughter…so fun! Lemony Snicket is brilliant at connecting with kids. These are dark tales but so incredible, and so funny. His vocabulary lessons are also very funny.

If you just give one to a youngster and let them read it, you will miss all the fun. Where the Red Fern Grows is so good, it will enchant and even make you cry. Jumped over here from the Equipping Women in Business Page! Thanks for creating this book list! So many my children have read but so many we need to check out of the library still left on the list!

I am always looking for a good book for my kids to read. Many of the books have been read by my girls. Many great choices thank you. It has some excellent lessons. Each book contains a collection of stories, — fairytales, fables, and true stories, of GIRLS being the heroes in unique circumstances. I LOVE this series!! For younger readers, about the same level as Number the Stars I need to read a lot of the books on this list..

It is about a young boy who escaped from a s labor camp, explores the world around him, and finds God through a unique series of events. It is well-written, has lifelong lessons, inspiring characters, and a thrilling storyline! There are so many wonderful titles! They are bored and looking for a place to cool off. The brother picks one of the flowers and they are chased out of the gardens by the groundskeeper.

The girl gets a headache from the smell of the flower in the close space and crushes the flower against the glass. Have you tried this site. Although I have never posted a query on here I do use it to find books that I can remember but not the titles. If you use your find tab and type in some words you might find the book you are looking for: Bookmarking this post because sadly there are a bunch of books on here that I have never read, Peter Pan being one of them. Thank you for sharing this list Tara.

Your information on The Secret Garden is a little off. Also the garden is not within the walls of the house, it is a locked, walled in garden outside among many other walled in gardens left unlocked.

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I am so grateful for your hard work. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Vivid scenes depict Daddy, nightly, tucking his children into bed, and hours later, Momma waking them for a beating. July 26, at 8: I would also add Frindle and Wrinkle in Time.

It is a really beautiful story about choosing love and life over fear, anger and hatred. My daughter really loves to read and has easily read half of these. I would add to it the Box Car Children. We are book readers so you can imagine that many books on your list were on their shelves.

Also, you might try the Emily series by L. Such a wonderful list. An author I never seem to see on lists like this, but I really think should be is Zilpher Keatley Snyder. She wrote the Egypt Game and my very favorite, the Velvet Room. Many of her books are no longer in print, but I awhile back, I managed to special order many of the titles for my own kids and I have them all on a shelf, waiting for my grandson.

My daughter is into the Ramona books right now, and she also just read Logic Lotty and really liked that one. There is a very happy ending to this one, and my boys never wanted me to stop reading! A great one i would include is the Girl Who Could Fly, wonderful and unexpected. I just found 3 Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books at a yard sale that Seth is enjoying.

They kind of remind me of the old Uncle Wiggily books I read growing up. Piggle Wiggle is awesome.

Will Jordan sit, too, or just Seth? Stone Fox is another great chapter book. I read it to my second grade class this year and they loved it. I also love the author Andrew Clements. Thanks for the list from this mom and 3rd grade teacher! I was a fifth grade teacher, and Andrew Clements is also one of my favorites! Definitely recommend Frindle and Extra Credit as amazing reads! Thank you, thank you for recommending Ella Enchanted. Thanks for the list!

Thanks for letting me know about the bad link. The one you were looking for is here — https: What a fabulous list and brought back so many memories. I left that one off on purpose.

101 Chapter Books to Read (or Hear) Before You Grow Up

Thanks for the recommendation! This is a great list and I love the additional suggestions as well. I taught upper elementary school for 12 years and this was my favorite read aloud. It is such a fantastic book. I am a big fan of this author in general but this book is my favorite. I thought I was the only person who really enjoyed this sweet book. The book is absolutely fantastic. Makes you stop and think twice about the person that you see that is incredibly physically handicapped.

And my favorite, still of all time: This is an awesome list! I have been scouring the web for good books for my 5th grade daughter and this is going to be a very helpful list. I am wondering if you know of a resource that alerts parents to possible conflicts to family beliefs? Like if a book would be suitable for a child raised in a Christian home?

It would be tough to write because every Christian family has different preferences. For instance, I allow fantasy stories with magic, but not anything with sexual themes. Some families in my church have much stricter guidelines. I think your best bet is to read the book before you let your daughter read it.

I agree with the suggestion to read it yourself first if you think you might have concerns about a book….. I love this list. Perhaps an additional hundred could be added with all the suggestions! The story of a glass rabbit and his journey from owner to owner. LOL, you had me at hating the fairy series. I KNOW of which you speak. My kids love the Mr. Putter series by Cynthia Rylant beginning readers and the Boxcar Children. Which fortunately has a ton in that series.

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I have a little secret. I let my daughter get one of the fairy books out of the library — I told her she could have her dad read it to her at bedtime. That is my favorite book ever and my daughter loved when I read it to her as well. I concur with your librarian that Bunnicula is good. Some of them are good, but the quality is uneven. Like the Hardy Boys books, the early ones were better than the later ones, and the new series are plain awful.

What a fantastic list. Glad to see so many of them on the list that I enjoyed as a child. I would also recommend The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall. Charming stories about a charming family. Thank you for this great list! My daughter and I are looking for some new reads.

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We or she have read a lot of these books and I we have loved them too. We also really loved The Chronicles of Narnia by C. Lewis I read them to her, and they inspired such great discussion! And some of my favorite reads have been the American Girl History Mysteries stand-alone books, there are 22 in the collection—not the ones associated with the Historical Character dolls , those were such a great way to discuss the history of our country.

Honesty is the Best Policy

American Girl History Mysteries? I think my daughter would love them! I noticed lots of classics that I read when I was younger and which my own children have enjoyed reading. My girls loved it! Thank you so much for this list. My 4 year old and I are heading to the library this week to start our reading adventure. I would like to recommend The Giver by Lois Lowry. It is an emotionally deep book that opens discussion on a myriad of social topics. A must for reading with older children. I read it in the 5th grade without a parent but did not fully begin to comprehend many of the issues discussed until much older.

I would also add Frindle and Wrinkle in Time. Thank you for all of your time putting together such a wonderful list! My mother read many of these books to us 7 children when we were young. I am trying to do the same for my sweet kids. We are starting The Swiss Family Robinson this week! I am so grateful for your hard work. It has helped me to increase our book list of must reads. I could not remember several of the titles of the books Mom had read to us, but I remembered the stories. You helped me find many of them!

This brings back some memories. I was excited to see Nancy Drew on here and was surprised not to see the Hardy Boys, I loved both of them. Hitty is a very small wooden doll with a perpetual smile who was carved in the early s out of mountain-ash for good luck by a kindly peddler and given to the young daughter of a New England sea captain. This charming story is told in the first person by Hitty. During her first century as a toy she survives incredible dangers, countless owners not all nice little girls, either and numerous narrow escapes.

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Such a good book. I actually first read this as an adult and loved it! My third graders loved it all six years I taught! But how many ever dream that the game is a race around the world no flying allowed in just forty days?

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As the player for the Magellan Voyage Project, he competes against others for a four-million dollar prize! This is a great list! It is an incredible story of a porcelain rabbit and the people that love him. This book always ranks as one of my 4th graders favorites. We stopped reading it.