Theres No Crying in Pocket Pool

“Cushion shot” coming to 8 Ball Pool

Last pocket eight ball is a variation on the very popular game of eight ball. Last pocket eight ball is played the same way as regular eight ball throughout the game, with a slight variation at the end. In last pocket eight ball, the requirement is that you must pocket the eight ball in the same pocket where your last object ball was made. For example, if you are shooting solids and you made your final solid ball in the far left pocket, then that far left pocket is considered your last pocket, and is the pocket in which you must make the eight ball. If your opponent pockets your last ball by mistake, your last pocket is still the pocket in which that ball was made.

This puts a significant spin on the end of a game of 8 ball, and can dramatically change one's strategy. Most last-pocket 8-ball rules say that you can not have the same last pocket as your opponent. The first player to take a pocket as their last pocket is considered to "have that pocket". If the opponent pockets their last ball in the same pocket, the first player gets to nominate any other pocket for the opponent's last pocket.

In conclusion, the last pocket 8 ball rule can make the game of eight ball more interesting, and perhaps last a little longer. If you have any questions about Last Pocket Eight Ball Rules, please post them in the pool rules forum. Apparently, last pocket eight ball was created by players to slow down the tail-end of the 8-ball game on coin operated and other billiard tables where table fees are paid per game rather than by the hour.

Pocket billiards is a class of cue sport game commonly referred to as pool. What happens when the opposing player puts their last ball in your last pocket? Where is their last pocket? I have found that the game of "last pocket eight ball" is usually played by half drunk, poorly talented individuals who want to greedily hoard the use of a public pool table.

What happen is I make the 8 ball in the pocket is corresponding but after do it the wite ball go in too?

In last pocket 8 ball rules, if the last object ball is sunk, and only the 8 ball remains, but they sourred sinking there last ball, do they lose? Puerto Rico is a place in which last pocket 8ball is played a lot. If the shooter sinks his last group ball in your pocket then you in turn choose his pocket, it will still be his shot. In a game of last pocket if your opponets ball is blocking your last pocket can you knock in his ball first so that your 8 ball can fall in the same pocket? I guess you can call it a kind of follow the leader type shot.

It was realy no help to me. I was trying to to find out when playing last pocket billiards, if I shoot my last 2 balls in one shot, do I get to choose which one is my last pocket or is it the last ball that went in? Willie - Last pocket a ball went into is the way to go. I've played lots of variations including "8 ball straight in", "call your pocket for the 8", and "8 ball in the last pocket", and 8 ball in the last pocket is the way to go.

Get some talent behind your cue first, then open your mouth. The practice IS gambling. He loves it when his opponent looks at him like a perfidious lover when it dawns on them that they have been had, and that their money is in his pocket. During the pinnacle of his power, Efren languished in lucrative obscurity, and only turned to international tournaments as a last resort. He suffered the worst fate the game can deliver to a hustler, fame. He tried to stay ahead of the curve by trying his hand in variations such as carom ball , until he became too good at those too to find any takers. They all know me.

Even in the mountains with no electricity. He is truly, a magician. Not very impressed, Reyes, waves his hand in a slight show of annoyance.

THE MAGICIAN – The Ballpoint

Efren Reyes was born on August 26, in Pampanga, Philippines. His father, a barber, and his mother, a market vendor, struggled to support such a large family with their meagre income. Growing up dirt poor in a place like Pampanga presents a child with countless ways to go awry. But when he was five, he was sent to live with his uncle in Manila, who owned a popular pool hall called Lucky Working as a billiard attendant, Efren taught himself the basics of the game, such as positioning, how to draw, how to put an English on the ball by watching all the good players.

But he also did something unbelievably astute for a kid his age, he watched all the weak players too. Because it was these players, who would unintentionally make the brilliant shots. He had mastered the game in his head even before he finally picked up a pool cue at the age of eight.

  1. Southern Exposure.
  2. Last Pocket Eight Ball Rules!
  3. Last Pocket Eight Ball Rules?
  4. The Verdict.
  5. Going Jesus.

He was not yet tall enough to see the top of the table, so he stacked up empty cases of Coca Cola, and at the same time struggled with a cue stick longer than he was. After a shot, he would move the cases around the table for his next shot.

He played two hours in the morning before the hall opened, and two hours at night after it closed, and at the end of a long day of work and play, the pool table also served as his bed. At 12, he was befriended by several rich Chinese kids, who would take him to vacations all around the Philippines, and finance him against some of the best players in the country.

Once, he beat the number two guy in the country. By 15, he dropped out of school to support his family. He would often roll up to the nearby Clark Air Force Base, and hustle American GIs out of their dollars, until they stopped playing with him too. Out of opponents, he taught himself how to play three-cushion billiards, an extremely difficult variant that is played on a table with no pockets.

But he got so good at this that he ran out of opponents, again. He was just too damn good. And he was still a teenager!

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Unable to hustle, he decided to take up a job at a comic book printing press. He would work there for a year, earning 90 pesos a month, something he could earn playing a single match. So, he went back to pool. Since none of his countrymen would play him, he decided to tour Asia. Like a vengeful bride straight out of a Tarantino movie, he kept a notebook with the names of the best pool shooters in the region, and proceeded to beat them one by one.

The game requires three basic skills. The ability to make shots. The ability to control the cue ball to set up the next shot. And the intelligence to read the balls spread out on a table to determine the order of successive shots. And then there are the different variations, each requiring its own distinct set of skills. Whether it was eight-ball, nine-ball, ten-ball, one-pocket, straight pool, bank pool, rotation, balkline, snooker or three-cushion…Efren kicked ass in all of them.

His penchant for picking up games quickly and incorporating newfound knowledge into all his games is legendary. When he won his first World Eight-Ball Championship, he had never played an international level eight-ball tournament before. He also won the first straight pool tournament he attended.

Last Pocket Eight Ball Rules

Stories are abound about Reyes learning to play one-pocket and almost immediately winning a tournament. Efren in his own words: The Philippines team was going to play a tournament in Jakarta. I was picked to play English billiards, three-cushion and snooker. I played the best player in Singapore for two days to learn the moves. Then I went to Jakarta and won the English billiards and snooker competitions.

A glimpse into the world of Efren “The Magician” Reyes. A winner of over 70 international titles

To fulfil the promise, the year-old Fisher bought a one-way ticket to Las Vegas then secured an invitation to a tournament at Mother's Billiard Parlor in Charlotte, North Carolina. Please tell me why he got banned? Then he regained his composure to add a final thought: Third, you are shortlisted for Stonewall's Sports Award of the Year. This allows players to keep playing for longer periods of time without straining their eyes. Deflection is an undesirable effect from the use of sidespin. Raymond Ceulemans from Belgium has won an unmatchable 21 three-cushion billiards world-championships.

I have a natural intelligence to understand things. We generally tried to hide. He made the shots. I thought no one could do that accurately and consistently. But he knew what he was doing, and I never realized how important it was until I studied his game. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable, but I learned a lot about moving, kicking and breaking out balls from watching Efren. And when he has to switch hands, he plays better left handed than anyone I have ever seen! We are more basic.

He takes one glance and sees it all. This was taken from an earlier word, karambal , from the Marathi language of India, [1] [2] [3] also known as starfruit. The accuracy of the fruit origin has been questioned. It has been said to be just a legend , because the fruit does not look very similar to the big red ball that is used in carom games, and there is no direct proof for the fruit explanation. Cloth has been used to cover billiards tables since the 15th century s. In fact, the company that became the most famous maker of billiard cloth, Iwan Simonis, was formed in Baize cloth provides a very fast surface allowing the balls to travel easily across the table material, called a "bed".

The green color of cloth was originally chosen to look similar to grass. Green has been the common cloth color since the 16th century s. However, the color also serves a useful function. Human eyes more easily see green than any other color. This allows players to keep playing for longer periods of time without straining their eyes. Modern billiard balls are made from "phenolic resin ", which is a type of very strong plastic. The size of carom billiards balls is normally While UMB, the International Olympic Committee -recognized world carom billiards authority , permits balls as small as The three standard balls in most carom billiards games are a completely white cue ball, a second cue ball sometimes having a red or black dot on it to help people in telling the balls apart , and a third, red ball.

In some sets of balls, however, the second cue ball is solid yellow. Billiard balls have been made from many different materials since the start of the game. For example, they have been made from clay , wood , ivory , plastics including celluloid , Bakelite, crystalate, and phenolic resin and even steel.

How to Play Last Pocket Eight Ball

Ricky Byrd, a pool-hall owner from the Southern state of Alabama, The variation would be One Pocket, $ a game. There was no Tiger Woods- esque upper-cut fist pumps. he cries, throws back his head and laughs. Pool strategic do's and dont's . There's no crying in pool! . Shop Billiard Factory's various instructional aids such as training cue balls, pocket reducers and.

The most common substance from until the early- to mid-twentieth century was ivory. The search for a substitute for ivory use was not for environmental reasons but based on how expensive they were and fear of danger for elephant hunters. The first usable substitute was made from a material called "celluloid". Celluloid, which is an early form of plastic, was invented by a man named John Wesley Hyatt in There was a problem with the material though.

Celluloid was unstable and highly flammable, sometimes exploding when people were making it. The stick used to hit billiard balls, called a billiards cue, is different in some ways from the typical pool cue. Compared with pool cues, billiard cues are often shorter, with a shorter end cap called a ferrule , a fatter bottom portion where the back hand grips the stick called a butt , a wooden screw in the middle rather than one of metal or plastic, and a smaller tip diameter.

These features make the billiard cue stiffer. This stiffness helps players in striking the larger and heavier billiard balls as compared with pool balls. The stiffness also acts to reduce an effect called " deflection " sometimes called "squirt". Deflection is an undesirable effect from the use of sidespin. Sidespin is spin placed on a ball by striking it not at its center but off to one side of its center, causing it to spin as it travels down the table. Deflection causes a ball to travel not in a straight line in the direction it was struck.

Underneath the cloth of billiard tables is a very hard rock called slate. A heated table is required under international carom rules and is an important requirement for the games of three-cushion billiards and artistic billiards. Heating table beds is an old practice. Queen Victoria of England — had a billiard table that was heated using zinc tubes, At that time, though, the reason for the heating was different.

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The heat was used to keep ivory balls from going out of shape warping. The first use of electric heating was for a tournament in the game of " Welker Cochran and Jacob Schaefer, Jr. Straight rail, sometimes called carom billiards, straight billiards, the three-ball game, the carambole game, and the free game in Europe , is thought to date to the s. No exact time of origin is known though. It was called French caroms, French billiards or the French game in early times, taking those old names from the French who made the game popular.

The object of straight rail is simple: Winning is achieved by reaching a certain number of points, agreed to between the players to be the winning number. When straight rail was first invented there was no restriction on the way points were scored. However, the technique of crotching , meaning to have two balls right next to each other on the area of one of the table's four corners where the rails meet—the crotch —made scoring a lot easier.

This resulted in an rule which allowed only three counts before at least one ball had to be sent away from the corner in order to legally score another point. Techniques continued to develop which increased counts greatly despite the crotching ban. One of these techniques is called "nursing", and made scoring much easier. A "nurse" is a series of shots where the balls are kept very close together, allowing a player to score off of them with very soft strokes without changing their positions much, so the scoring can continue.

The most important of these nurse techniques, called the rail nurse , involves nudging the balls down a rail, moving them just a few centimeters on each score and keeping them close together and positioned at the end of each stroke in the same or near the same arrangement so that the rail nurse can be repeated. Professional straight rail in the United States was only seen for six years, from to It was followed by a game designed to reduce the use of the rail nurse so that spectators would not be bored by watching it.

How to play Carom Billiards & 3 Cushions?!

Today, straight rail play is not very common in the U.