The Rainbow Covenant

A Rainbow in the Clouds: Sign of God’s Covenant

Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being.

Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Ham was the father of Canaan.

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It is not a symbol of diversity. Even though mankind often praises God or bears witness to Him, none of this behavior is demanded by God. Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth. As I looked outside the car window, I saw a rainbow appeared in the sky. There are so many among you who have read the Bible or books other than the Bible.

The covenant with Noah guarantees such an everlasting earth. The Scriptural basis for this is in the ninth chapter of Genesis which details the covenant of Noah. Also in Ecclesiastes 1: Here we find divine assurance that such a dreadful climax to human history from another flood will never be reached. In his own due time, and by the exercise of his supreme power, God will intervene and restrain the forces of evil before they can destroy mankind.

It appears from the narrative that the sight of the rainbow in the clouds after the flood was a new phenomenon. It was a sign from God that he would never again desolate the world by a flood. The rainbow would have had no meaning if Noah had seen it before. Possibly there was no rain as we know it before the flood and therefore no rainbow in the sky. If light from the sun was diffused by a kind of water canopy surrounding earth, no rainbow could be seen even around a waterfall. The rainbow seen in the clouds must have made a tremendous impression on the minds of Noah and his family.

The rainbow is a witness of this covenant. By saving Noah and the cargo of animals, God was making a statement before all the myriads of angels who were watching.

Rainbow Covenant

We are told that we are a spectacle unto the angels 1 Corinthians 4: A rainbow is caused by the rays of the sun reflecting from falling raindrops at a particular angle to the eye of the spectator. A beautiful arch of reflected and refracted light is formed for every eye. Since there is no longer a veil of water around the earth, such a flood will never be repeated.

These may also have spiritual significance. The seven colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. When all the colors of the rainbow are combined together, they give us white sunlight. White is the symbol of purity and the righteousness of Christ, just as black, the opposite of white, pictures sin. Red is the color of blood and represents the shed blood of Jesus given for many for the remission of sins to meet the demands of perfect justice.

It is the color that stands for the ransom paid. We are told that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.

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Yellow is the color of gold. It reminds us of the things pertaining to the divine and its nature. Green is a combination of blue and yellow. Therefore, green could stand for longevity, eternity, or earthly prosperity. Blue could represent faithfulness. As the blue color of the heavens does not change, so also with God: Indigo , the color between blue and violet, is rather a blue with a reddish cast to it. God never uses any deception or creates fake images to make people see that He is lovable. He never uses false testimony to let people see His loveliness, or to flaunt His loveliness and holiness.

At this point, I want to ask you: This is an indisputable fact. These experiences of God and these feelings or acknowledgments of Him—in short, all of these positive things are from God. Has it given you a deeper understanding of God and His heart? According to your views, would it have been unnecessary to communicate these Bible verses?

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  • The Rainbow Covenant;

Now that we have communicated them, do you think it was unnecessary? It was necessary, right? Even though what we read is a story, it is a true record of the work God had once done. My aim was not to let you comprehend the details of these stories or this character, nor was it so you can go study this character, and certainly not so you will go back and study the Bible again. So have these stories helped your knowledge of God? What has this story added to your understanding of God?

Tell us, brothers and sisters from the Hong Kong churches. Tell us, brothers and sisters from the Korean churches. My understanding in the past was that God used a flood to destroy the world because mankind had become evil to a certain extent, and it was as though God destroyed this humanity because He loathed them. It was only because mankind was too disobedient that God had no choice but to destroy them.

I used to think it was because mankind was too evil, so God destroyed them. You can go next. I was very affected after listening. From the time man became corrupted to the last days of now, even though God carries a righteous disposition, His love and care remains unchanged.

I also saw that, no matter if God is creating the world or destroying it after man becomes corrupted, everything He does has meaning and contains His disposition. These were things I indeed did not know about before. After listening today, I feel that God is truly credible, truly trustworthy, worth believing in, and that He indeed exists. This is a feeling I have after listening today. Have you noticed a particular fact from all Bible verses, including all of the Bible stories we communicated today? Has God ever used His own language to express His own thoughts or explain His love and care for humanity?

Is there a record of Him using plain language to state how much He is concerned for or loves mankind? There are so many among you who have read the Bible or books other than the Bible. Have any of you seen such words? The answer is definitely no! Why do I say that? Why do I have to mention this? God created mankind; regardless of whether they have been corrupted or whether they follow Him, God treats human beings as His loved ones—or as human beings would say, the people dearest to Him—and not His playthings. Although God says He is the Creator and that man is His creation, which may sound like there is a bit of a difference in rank, the reality is that everything God has done for mankind far exceeds a relationship of this nature.

God loves mankind, cares for mankind, and shows concern for mankind, as well as constantly and unceasingly provides for mankind. He never feels in His heart that this is additional work or something that deserves a lot of credit. Nor does He feel that saving humanity, supplying them, and granting them everything, is making a huge contribution to mankind. He simply provides for mankind quietly and silently, in His own way and through His own essence and what He has and is. No matter how much provision and how much help mankind receives from Him, God never thinks about nor tries to take credit.


This is why, regardless of whether it is in the Bible or any other books, we never find God expressing His thoughts, and we never find God describing or declaring to humans why He does these things, or why He cares so much for mankind, in order to make mankind be grateful toward Him or praise Him. Even when He is hurt, when His heart is in extreme pain, He never forgets His responsibility toward mankind or His concern for mankind, all while He bears this hurt and pain alone in silence. To the contrary, God continues to provide for mankind as He always does.

Even though mankind often praises God or bears witness to Him, none of this behavior is demanded by God. This is because God never intends for any of the good things He does for mankind to be exchanged for gratitude or for it to be paid back. Moreover, the blessings people receive from God are often beyond their imagination, and also beyond anything human beings can exchange for what they have done or the price they have paid. Does anyone show any concern for how God is feeling?

The precise answer to these questions is: Can any human being, including Noah, appreciate the pain God was feeling at that moment? Can anyone comprehend why God would set up such a covenant? Such a thought hides deep inside the hearts of mankind: Man is the weak one; they need God to look after them in every way, they deserve all the care they receive from God, and they should demand from God whatever they feel should be theirs.

Rainbow Covenant - Somebody Loves You Somebody Loves You

In terms of all the things God has done on mankind and all of the prices He has paid because of them, can people find a passage in the Bible or from anything God has said until now that clearly states that God will demand something from man? When it comes to God, what He has and is, His grace, His mercy, and all His rewards, will be bestowed without reservation upon those who love and follow Him. But He never reveals to any person the pain He has suffered or His state of mind, and He never complains about anyone not being considerate toward Him or not knowing His will.

He simply bears all of this in silence, waiting for the day mankind will be able to understand. Why do I say these things here?