Study No. 29

We crossed mutant females with wild-type males of the Oregon-RS strain in mass cultures. In the present repetition, there were adult virgin females and adult virgin males in 46 small, even-sex ratio populations of either 6 or 10 uniquely marked adults. Twice daily for 14 d, beginning on the day of first eclosion, we collected offspring from culture bottles.

We sexed, genotyped, and scored individual flies while they were under CO 2 anesthetization. Interaction between maker genes sometimes affected our ability to assign parents from the expressed phenotypes of offspring. As Bateman reported, he found it difficult or impossible to unambiguously phenotype some offspring.

In the present repetition, the interaction between Mc and Me or Pm caused identification for eye color in double-mutant offspring to be coded incorrectly, because some of offspring were completely eyeless so that that they would be scored as single mutants rather than double mutants. We were able to identify offspring with the Mc: We held the flies as pairs for 3 d, after which we discarded all of the males and transferred individual females into new vials daily for 8 d.

We counted all flies hatching from individual vials for 5 d and scored the phenotype of each individual offspring.

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We then compared offspring mutant phenotypes in the 25 sets of monogamous pairs with those occurring in the subset of populations that included five females and five males with the same marker mutations as in the monogamous pairs. Neither stochastic nor sexually selected effects on number of mates can create deviations in the expected Mendelian frequencies of offspring characterized in terms of their inheritance of dominant or wild-type alleles from each parent SI Text and Tables S6 — S8.

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Witnesses and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia. Ltd to allegations of child sexual abuse. OCTOBER REPORT OF. CASE STUDY NO. The public hearing examined the response of the Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Bible Tract Society of Australia to allegations of child sexual abuse.

Data and tests for all populations in our series may be found in Table S Tables S9 — S12 show the frequency distributions of offspring genotypes and mutant combination phenotypes in the 48 populations we studied. We used JMP to perform contingency analyses and produce figures. This article contains supporting information online at www.


We only request your email address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it, and that it is not junk mail. We do not capture any email address. Skip to main content. PNAS July 17, 29 ; https: Contributed by Wyatt W. Anderson, May 11, sent for review January 8, View inline View popup. Subjects, Stocks, and Crossing Schemes.


Tests of Marker Neutrality. What We Did Not Do. The authors declare no conflict of interest. See Commentary on page Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.

Arnold SJ Bateman principles and the measurement of sexual selection in plants and animals. A genetic study of sexual selection and mating patterns in the rough-skinned newt.

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Proc Biol Sci Integr Comp Biol Hardy GH Mendelian proportions in a mixed population. Knight J Sexual stereotypes. Thank you for your interest in spreading the word on PNAS. Tweet Widget Facebook Like Mendeley. Potentiating KCC2 activity is sufficient to limit the onset and severity of seizures.

Evolution Human influences on the strength of phenotypic selection. A simple developmental model recapitulates complex insect wing venation patterns. Cellular hysteresis as a principle to maximize the efficacy of antibiotic therapy.


Repetition of Bateman challenges the paradigm. Scopus PubMed Google Scholar. Humans as a model species for sexual selection research. Bateman's principle is reversed in a cooperatively breeding bird. Scopus 35 Google Scholar. You May Also be Interested in. Raw data videos offer a glimpse into laboratory research. Deep subseafloor microbial life.

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