Carbon Taxes: An Opportunity for Conservatives

Those interested should contact AMS directly using the contact information below.

In addition, applicants can include supplemental information such as CV s or examples of relevant research. Preference will be given to projects that can be completed in , though all submissions will be considered.

The deadline for submission is October 1, , but early submissions are encouraged. Review will occur as proposals are received. Awards are anticipated to be announced by November 1, The Conservative Case for Carbon Taxation vs.

Why a Carbon Tax Policy Is a Conservative Approach

Regulation May 21, Purpose The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified researchers for original essays and empirical research on a revenue-neutral carbon tax as a policy solution to address carbon pollution, enhance economic welfare, and promote macroeconomic growth.

About the Alliance for Market Solutions The Alliance for Market Solutions AMS or Alliance is a c 3 nonprofit educational organization that aims to create a conversation among conservative policymakers and thought leaders on the benefits of market-oriented solutions to reducing carbon pollution while improving economic growth. Background As a major part of fulfilling its mission, AMS is sponsoring new research and analysis to encourage an open dialogue among conservatives and build a foundation for greater understanding and future action on clean energy and carbon pollution.

Evaluation of Proposals Proposals will be evaluated by AMS staff and outside reviewers using the following criteria: The importance or magnitude of the results or outcomes likely to be attained by the proposed project.

Tax and dividend

Carbon Taxes: An Opportunity for Conservatives - Kindle edition by Irwin Stelzer. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Dems and conservatives alike want to help Trump cut taxes — by charging say their American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act of could do.

The dividend would be paid to all Americans, via the social security system. They are certainly sensitive to the political unpopularity of new taxes. The carbon-pricing scheme introduced in Australia under former prime minister Julia Gillard was also revenue-neutral but returned money to consumers partly through income tax relief, which is less visible than a direct dividend.

Challenging a pro-carbon tax conservative

The high visibility of a carbon dividend to the consumer arguably makes this a more politically palatable policy. As they put it:.

First, it is a market-based solution to the problem of climate change which maximises freedom to consumers and producers. Second, it will facilitate the rollback of Obama-era regulations such as the Clean Power Plan , which conservatives regard as the epitome of heavy-handed regulation. As the Congress has discovered with relation to Obamacare , it cannot simply repeal unwanted Obama legislation without replacing it with something widely seen as better.

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Finally, they argue that the repeal of heavily bureaucratic regulations would eliminate the need for a bureaucracy to enforce them. This would facilitate smaller government, one of the abiding aspirations of conservatives. Apart from these matters of principle, the group points to several other political advantages — not least the chance to bring the Republican Party back into the mainstream on climate change:.

For too long, many Republicans have looked the other way, forfeiting the policy initiative to those who favor growth-inhibiting command-and-control regulations, and fostering a needless climate divide between the GOP and the scientific, business, military, religious, civic and international mainstream. A carbon dividend policy would enhance the appeal of the Republican Party to all of these groups. They acknowledge that it may be an uphill battle to win over the anti-establishment Trump White House.

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Back in Australia, many conservative politicians such as Senator Cory Bernardi — who this month defected from the government so as to promote more freely his conservative principles — still decry carbon pricing. This is hardly a conservative response given the ramifications for our climate. Conservatives like Bernardi continue to equate carbon pricing with socialism.

Yet for these establishment US Republicans, taxing carbon is entirely consistent with their conservative principles.

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Bernardi and his like-minded colleagues in Australia would do well to consider the possibility that there is indeed a conservative case for a carbon tax. Being Well Together — Manchester, Manchester.

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