Masked by Moonlight (Mills & Boon Historical)

Masked by Moonlight (eBook)

Las atenciones del mayor lograron que Hebe floreciera, y su madrastra empez a albergar la esperanza de que se casaran. Luego, el mayor Beresford recibi una carta. La mujer a quien le haba propuesto matrimonio antes de conocer a Hebe aceptaba su proposicin. Alex no poda echarse atrs, pero deseaba casarse con una persona. Y no era precisamente su prometida. A sparkling Regency Christmas in a sleepy English village! Guy Westrope, Earl of Buckland, was not a gentleman used to encountering opposition to his will.

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But the quick-witted, stubborn and delectable Miss Hester Lattimer was proving to be more than a match for him Local ghost stories would not scare Hester from her new house-especially not at Christmas! Though her heart told her to trust the mysterious earl, she knew she had to be wary.

Even if Guy was not behind the strange events, letting him get too close would inevitably reveal her scandalous past! Whirl into a Regency ballroom with these six super, witty, delightful romantic Regency anthologies by bestselling authors: The stagecoach was the travel wonder of its age: Though coaches first appeared in the sixteenth century, stagecoach travel reached its heyday between about and , leading to great improvements in British roads, which in return encouraged faster and expanded services.

This book details the routes, proprietors and coaching inns, the customers and why they chose to travel, and also the perils of early road travel, including highwaymen. The legacy of stagecoach travel is also explored, making this an essential introduction. Having loved Kit for years, she's learnt to carefully hide the pain of knowing that she is no more to him than his friend's studious little sister. But should she now put her research skills to good use and try some experiments in love? At turns kissed, flirted and argued with, Kit doesn't know whether he is more amused, annoyed or -dare he admit it?

Suddenly he's wishing that their pretend engagement could become the real thing! From prize-winning historical novelist Louise Allen, this book presents eight walks through both the London Jane Austen knew and the London of her novels! Follow in Jane's footsteps to her publisher's doorstep and the Prince Regent's vanished palace, see where she stayed when she was correcting proofs of Sense and Sensibility and accompany her on a shopping expedition - and afterwards to the theatre.

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I must be sleepwalking. He had only just met Rowan and had already tried to kiss her! I enjoyed reading Innocence Unveiled very much, and strongly recommend it to those who like the Medieval setting and a character-driven romance. Will Renard give up his celibate future? John Charles Chicago Tribune.

In modern London the walker can still visit the church where Lydia Bennett married Wickham, stroll with Elinor Dashwood in Kensington Palace Gardens or imagine they follow Jane's naval officer brothers as they stride down Whitehall to the Admiralty. From well-known landmarks to hidden corners, these walks reveal a lost London that can still come alive in vivid detail for the curious visitor, who will discover eighteenth-century chop houses, elegant squares, sinister prisons, bustling city streets and exclusive gentlemen's clubs amongst innumerable other Austen-esque delights.

Cumplir con su deber era negar su corazon Anusha Laurens estaba en peligro. Hija de una princesa india y un influyente ingls, era el pen perfecto en las conflictivas y opulentas cortes de Rajastn. Pero a pesar del peligro que corra, no quera volver con el padre que en el pasado la rechaz. El mayor Herriard, un arrogante ingls, haba recibido el encargo de llevar a la seductora princesa a su nueva vida en Calcuta. La misin de l era protegerla a toda costa, pero la atraccin inicial bajo el sol ardiente de la India fue dando paso a una tentacin prohibida.

La hermosa e imposible princesa pondra a prueba todos los lmites del sentido del honor del oficial ingls. Eran iguales pero tan diferentes La vida de Sophia Langley se vio inmersa repentinamente en un torbellino. Cuando se entero de la muerte de su prometido en un naufragio, lo ultimo que podia esperar era que Callum Chatterton, el hermano gemelo de este, le propusiera matrimonio. Su romanticismo innato protest ante la idea de un matrimonio de conveniencia, y el apenado Callum dej muy claro que eso era lo nico que poda ser.

Sin embargo, las necesidades econmicas de su familia y el carcter arrollador de aquel hombre tan distinto de su prometido, pero que fsicamente era igual, la empujaban a aceptar. Lady Rowan Chilcourt agrees to masquerade as a simple lady's maid to help her friend avoid a bad match. But working below stairs introduces her to handsome Lucas Dacre. As Christmas approaches, Rowan begins to fall for Lucas, until she discovers that she isn't the only one masquerading under the mistletoe Tras el naufragio llegaria el escandaloEl barco que la conduca a Inglaterra haba naufragado y Averil Heydon estaba aterrada.

El mar la haba arrojado a una isla y que fuera el misterioso Luc d'Aunay quien la rescatara no calm precisamente sus temores. La virginal Averil saba que enamorarse de Luc era peligroso, pero la intensidad de su atraccin sexual resultaba deliciosamente irresistibleTras probar por primera vez el deseo en brazos de aquel aparente rufin, Averil debera volver a la sociedad y sus convenciones. La trama que desarrolla en Enamorada de un rufin no es trepidante pero resulta de lo ms entretenida. No se apoya en relaciones sexuales a diestro y siniestro, pero atraccin, tensin y deseo se hacen patentes.

Y sus protagonistas presentan una imagen atractiva, sin tener que caer por ello en lo manido. El ya no era un joven sonador El joven soador que una vez conoci era ahora un calavera endurecido, que haba olvidado por completo la apasionada noche que pasaron juntos, unas horas que a ella le quedaron grabadas a fuego en la memoria. Ahora Dita tena la oportunidad perfecta de recordarle la qumica que herva entre ellos. Provocarle debera ser un juego delicioso, teniendo como tena todas las cartas en la mano hasta que Alistair sac el as que tena escondido en la manga!

Desperate to escape the respectability of English high society, wealthy widow Lady Morvall runs away to Constantinople. And finds herself with the decidedly improper Andrew Fenton - an enigmatic man who is very keen to teach her all the sensual secrets of the East! London, Innocent Laurel Vernon is living a nightmare after being kidnapped and put up for auction in one of London's most notorious brothels. Only the memory of private enquiry agent Patrick Jago gives her strength.

Even though she only knew him for a few days, Patrick made her feel both protected and weak with desire.

Latest Historical fiction romance books from Mills & Boon

When Laurel sees Patrick among the brothel's clientele, she isn't sure if he has come to rescue her or to satisfy his own lust. But she is certain that he intends to bid on her! Pero quien iba a querer a una mujer larguirucha, pecosa y sin gracia como ella? Cuando se entero de que la iban a exhibir una vez mas delante de un caballero soltero, Decima huyo apresuradamente de casa de su hermano. Y se encontro con Adam Grantham, vizconde de Weston, el primer hombre al que habia conocido que era lo bastante alto para llevarla en brazos Seria posible que ese apuesto libertino la encontrara atractiva?

La senorita Bree Mallory no tenia tiempo para aristocratas consentidos. Estaba demasiado ocupada dirigiendo la mejor compania de transporte de viajeros en funcionamiento! Pero un encuentro accidental con un conde, lo cambio todo. La bella Bree no tardara en hacerse un hueco en los crculos de la alta sociedad, pero esperaba que nadie descubriera que en una ocasin haba tenido que conducir un coche de viajeros desde Londres hasta Newbury y haba regresado sin la vigilancia de una carabina con el libertino conde de Penrith.

Celebrate the Regency Bicentenary with lashings of high society scandal and seduction! Clemence Ravenhurst, sola y en peligro, tuvo que huir de su adorada Jamaica y fue a caer en las garras de uno de los piratas mas despiadados del Caribe. Nathan Stanier, navegante y oficial de la Armada encubierto, protegio a Clemence durante la peligrosa travesia. La pasion fue repentina, pero el honor y su corazon cauteloso forzaron el que Nathan resistiera la tentacion. Aunque ella parecia decidida a que su aventura fuera todo lo asombrosa y apasionada posible.

Set in Regency England, this beautifully packaged continuity sweeps you from glittering ballrooms, to a smuggler's cove in Cornwall, to the wilds of Scotland, a Romany camp, and back again.

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  • Louise Allen - Author.

Hidden behind a mask, Jonathan Kirkland, Lord Redcliffe, has disguised himself as a highwayman to win a wager: With only one kiss left, victory seems easy. Distraught and desperate, the last thing Sarah needs is to run straight into the arms of a highwayman. But his heart-stopping kiss gives Sarah an idea-to lose her virginity in order to break her engagement. And the surprisingly gentlemanlike thief is just the man to teach her the art of love. But as Jonathan and Sarah's passion grows, all pretense must come to an end.

Mayor with a past Faced with her son's father! Teaching Sunday school at her brother's church in the Bay area was supposed to help former champion athlete Esther ''Essie''… Meer. The aspiring restaurateur has far loftier goals than running… Meer. Alle prijzen zijn inclusief BTW en andere heffingen en exclusief eventuele verzendkosten en servicekosten. Alle artikelen van Allie Pleiter. Allie Pleiter Yukon Wedding.

Fler böcker av Allie Pleiter

Allie Pleiter Masked by Moonlight. Allie Pleiter Jean C. Allie Pleiter Snowbound with the Best Man. Reserveer een exemplaar, beschikbaar op Allie Pleiter A Ranger for the Holidays. Allie Pleiter Homefront Hero.

Allie Pleiter Small-Town Fireman. When he tried to tuck it beneath her wimple, the strands slipped through his fingers like silk. At his touch, she woke, brown eyes weighed down by a thicket of lashes and a sleepy smile touching her lips. A matching smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. He spoke softly, the Flemish rough in this throat.

I will do anything I must to keep it. If she had one. Suddenly, it seemed important to know. He had negotiated with kings. He could certainly force the truth from a simple weaving woman.

historical romance

He was certain in that moment she had no husband. The rush of blood throbbed in his loins before he could summon his control. No man possesses her. Denial struggled with hot, sweet desire. He clenched his jaw and felt his eyelid flinch, but he refused to break his gaze, glad to be safely towering over her again. A delicate flush--anger or shame? She bit her lower lip with small white teeth, inflicting enough pain to steady her resolve. He had seen a knight in battle try the same trick, slashing his forearm to create a new, superficial wound to distract him from the mortal blow.

Staring back at him, her defiant eyes did not waver, but he heard the whisper of inheld breath, as if she had recognized the fire in his eyes and was burned by it. What he would ask had no words, only the vision of wild joining. He fought the image. Even if he permitted himself careless pleasures of the flesh, he was hiding in the belly of a country that might soon be at war with his. One unmeasured word uttered in passion could be his death.

He gritted his teeth against the feeling. He would not let her. People are more respectful of a married woman. He had thought to keep her off balance, yet he was the one who felt dizzy.

Featured books by Louise Allen

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense. Pris: 24 kr. E-bok, Laddas ned direkt. Köp Masked by Moonlight (Mills & Boon Historical) av Allie Pleiter på

He donned a mask of disdain to blot out all traces of attraction. She must not know his weakness for her. For a moment, was sorry of it. She had recovered faster than he expected. He had thought her a simple burgher mistress but so far, this woman was nothing that he had expected. If it were easy, you would not need me. I have no patience for sloppy work or I will have nothing fit to sell.

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