Angels to Help You

Angels Defined & How They Can Help You

Angels must wait until you ask because you have free will. Your angels will help you to be safe, to find a parking space, to reach your destination at the correct time, to find something, to heal a relationship and many other things. Your Guardian Angel is always by your side if you need him. He may leave you for a few moments if his in on a mission for you.

For example, he may flash off to fetch some pure energy for you from a waterfall or the moon. He may go to speak to another Guardian Angel on your behalf to bring about a better relationship. I received a text to say that she had been safely born then went into a meeting. I noticed that my Guardian Angel was not by my side and immediately he came whooshing back. Communicating with angels If you want to communicate with angels, think, read or talk about them for this helps you to be on their wave length.

Most people do not hear a voice or see a golden being. Angels usually communicate telepathically, so you have to learn to differentiate between your thoughts and their messages. As people become more clairvoyant they start to see the light of the angels but this does not always happen. Most people just sense their presence or know they are there. So start your communication by knowing they are with you. Then talk or think to them and trust the angelic thoughts that drop into your head in response. They will always be positive and good. Archangels Archangel Michael Most people know Archangel Michael who is the warrior and protector angel.

You can ask him to place his deep blue cloak of protection round you and sense his angels putting it in place. It is wise to do this every night and morning. New Light on Angels and Angel Inspiration share many stories of how he has helped people. You can see his exact blue colour in his Orb in Ascension Through Orbs. He is in charge of Canada and America and his etheric retreat can be found in Banff, Canada. His twin flame is Faith. Service work Ask Archangel Michael to place his deep blue cloak of protection round you.

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  • How Angels Can Help You!

Then direct him to place his deep blue cloak of protection around people and places, known and unknown to you. Your prayers may be the intercession needed to save someone from harm. Archangel Metatron I am particularly linked to this illuminated being who is in charge of the Stellar Gateway chakra of the planet and of individuals.

His colour ranges from magnificent orange to gold and he is leading and guiding the ascension of this planet. His twin flame is Archangel Sandalphon who is in charge of the Earth Star chakra of the planet and of individuals. Archangel Gabriel Archangel Gabriel and his twin flame Hope are working particularly hard at the moment to purify the world and individuals. If you want clarity about a situation or personal problem sit quietly and ask Archangel Gabriel to help you find that clarity. Then you can take decisions and move forward.

He will help you to see the light side of what is happening and be joyous. He is in charge of the development of the base, sacral and navel chakras of the planet and humanity. Archangel Uriel This wondrous golden being is in charge of the solar plexus of humans and the planet. In and Beyond I discuss his role in charge of the planetary solar plexus chakra which is South Africa. It takes in the fear of the world and transmutes, then radiates out magnificent golden energy.

However this chakra is so overwhelmed with negative energy that it rarely manages to shine with its true fifth dimensional light. Are you excited, fearful, enthusiastic or horrified? Then go on to the second option, then the third, forth and so on, each time fully experiencing your emotions and thoughts. Trust your intuition and your inner knowledge to guide you, as your angels are whispering advice and directions to your constantly.

Ask which way takes you closer to your divine life purpose if even you are unsure of exactly what that may be Ask which option is for the highest good. Again, listen and take note of any impressions, feelings, thoughts and even direct words. And yet again, trust your intuition.

Jo's Angel

God blessed the world with His angels so that they could help each of His children. Archangel Michael is a great one to call upon if you’re in fear and in need of some protection. Next time you are walking in the dark, ask Archangel Michael to put a bubble of angelic protection. When you do ask for help, angels have powerful support to give and can help out in any area of your life and the lives of those you care about So ask!.

Tuning-in to and communicating with your guardian angels can be done at anytime and anywhere you wish. The angels wait for us to ask for their help and guidance, and revel in the opportunity to assist us, with unconditional love. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. My husband and I work hard for many years.

I am 61 years of age and still living pay cheque to pay cheque. I just need a little help in the luck department and guidance. How do I ask for it, I have been trying for years but obviously I am not doing it right. Hey I'm a 28 year old from New Zealand umm I've had a long experience with abduction and stuff like that as a kid, sleep paralysis but the last two years I've had bright orange orbs like playing keep away and follow me home from towns miles away the funny thing is, is that they seem to be like alive as an individual they sort of swim through the night sky it's out there and it's weird but if I try to think real hard thoughts for it to come closer it will but it only ever plays with me it never gets close enough to get a good look at it.

The border I come see other people or things all lying flat and hiding and stuff but this orb thing was like devine a sign from god or something then tonight it Happend again beautiful bright orb I crossed the n Message truncated Has anyone had horrifically heartbreaking results from requesting and trusting angelic guidance? I requested help from the angels Chemuel, Donquel, and Raphael the matchmaking angel in finding a lifemate about a year ago. I followed instructions on a website and began to get signs about San Francisco.

Also about this time I got a vision of a woman in a wedding dress never had any sort of vision before. I foolishly thought that this meant I could meet my partner to be in San Francisco and actually took a trip there with no results except seeing a huge sign at a business that said "Raphael".

I was disappointed, spent more money than I should have, and came home to keep trying. Back home I got more visions, including the face of a man, a man and a woman making love, and two small adorable children.

Angels Defined & How They Can Help You

My request for a partner did not include children. There was also wedding synchronicity and references to California. And I kept getting the thought, "You're moving to San Francisco. You may be aware that the angels often communicate by license plates. Doreen Virtue mentions this. So I have become very aware of license plates. I knew instantly intuitively that the possibility of the man in California had been taken away, and asked for confirmation and received it.

When I saw this license plate I had been on the way to the grocery store, and when I got there a minister was shopping in produce, and once again I knew intuitively that he had been placed there to comfort me in my disappointment.

  1. Angels – Diana Cooper.
  2. Tiw Fenrir.
  3. 11 Things You Can Call on Angels to Help You With.
  4. 5 Ways to Ask For Help from the Angels -

Some time later, in October, I saw the license plate FEB 15, and knew the angels were working on my behalf. However, when February 15 came around, nothing happened with the exception of seeing a man with the name tag Raphael which indicated to me that Raphael was once again on the job, and a license plate which said "CAN'TDOU".

I believe our angels are wonderfully loving beings with our best interests at heart. However, after these experiences I do not believe they can always make things happen for us in the way expected or promised. There are misses and mistakes, and frankly I think they have their limitations. I see that I mistakenly trusted too much, put too much emphasis on signs and synchronicity, and really did believe that the angels had the power to arrange a meeting in San Francisco with a man who could turn out to be a life partner.

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When nothing happened over a year after various communications including songs, magazine ads, and license plates, I felt foolish indeed, and as though I had been duped. I would just like to caution others to rely on their own God-given common sense and fully understand that although angels are heavenly beings with powers we do not have, they can make mistakes resulting in the best laid plans falling away.

Guardian Angels ...

Anne on July 18, at 3: Be blessed along your path Light is Love. The Lord loved us all so much that He sent down His angels to help guide us. A few moments later I walked into my bedroom and there on top of my bedside table was a box. My only question i would like to ask before i try to reach my angels is in what way do they come to you?

What a wonderful hub Joanne on how to contact our guardian angels. I hate when other people spam it with their own information to comment IMO. Real useful and inspiring. Any innersight or suggestions would be a true lifesaver. Been struggling with my life from past 6years,.. Nothing seems to b going right,.. I was dating someone and she had got Caner boneMarrow and we made sure we fought with it! I made sure we get engaged and our plans were to get married this year..

Twice she had to go through the Transplant but last year Dec22 she passed away and i have lost my life Her and my dream was to work in movies she have always supported and motivated me to work on it but coz of the situation i neva got a chance to travel and get it in real.. Now im at point of my life that i stay with my mom-dad and trying to get a job and make sure i stay around them and keep them happy,..

But at the same time i cant stop thinking about my dream of getting into movies!!! Another note that i would like to bring is i have been coming across a lot, weather its time or bills or token or car number plate and now when I googled i found u guys,.. I recently wrote a letter to the archangels. How should I deliver this letter.. Thanks Joanne for motivating me through a learning chapter within this lifetime and for also mentoring my direction so that i can fulfil my life's purpose in this lifetime Thank you Jay for sharing this lifetime gift with me.

I will always be appreciative. Thank you, thank you for passing messages of faith and spirituality. I so needed to hear all that you have posted. Interesting enough I have been going through a lot of changes in my life and this morning when I woke up my instinct led me to your teachings.

Ask for Angelic help

I have been visited by one of my angels, she's an old woman, it was more like a vision Hi Joanne, me and my husband have been contemplating moving to Australia, but are still very confused whether it would be the right thing for us to do. I have been seeing repeating 3s 3, 33, , everywhere lately. I saw their meaning on your blog and it guided me to call upon the angels and ascended masters. I did the same. After that I followed a link to this page and the first thing I saw was an ad saying - Australia is waiting for you! My heart just skipped a beat!

Can this be really a message, or am I reading too much into it? Can my angels communicate with me in concrete way, to let me know they hear me?

“Angels Help!” How to Ask the Angels for Assistance!

Hi Joanne, I have sensed my angels and guardian spirits around me all my life. My question pertains to my fear. I am worried that if I open a channel to the presences that I feel I will channel a negative spirit with ill intentions. I always call upon Archangel Michael to surround me in his protective armour only letting in the light and love of Holy Spirit before I start a meditation, but I'm more referring to sensing presences or when I feel I'm being watched. Is this a necessary concern?

I've been putting out a request to the universe for a guide or teacher on the physical plane someone to help guide me in this area until I feel comfortable with understanding the nature of different presences. I refer to your index guide daily as I constantly see repeating number combinations, the messages have helped so thank you kindly for the dedication you put into enlightening others. It is different for every person and circumstance With practice you may be able to differentiate between the energies as you become familiar with them.

The importance is that you receive the message, whatever it may be. Is there some way to find out if it is a spirit guide or angel or guardian angel and is there any importance in differentiating between them?

5 Ways to Ask For Help from the Angels

I am relatively new to this subject. I have been having dreams where there is someone or some "character" standing behind the right side of me telling me things such as info on some nerve ending Could that possibly be a guardian angel? The dreams started early this year, by the way. Hi anne91, thanks for your comment and question. Often during meditation, if you ask, your guardian angel may present themselves to you. If not the very first time, keep at it and eventually you will be shown an image or two.

Invoking Angels! How to Invoke Angels and Spirit Guides... Instantly!

Listen to your intuition Joanne in order to 'hear' the messages from your angels, and you will never be led astray. Faith and trust is the key. Hi Joanne, can you help me believing in Angels, there are thousands around me and I run away from their messages all the time. Feathers are messages and signs, and white suggests the energy of angels and positive energies, and brown suggests nature, grounding, practicality and being 'down to earth'.

Your hub is really beautiful.