New Concepts of Psychostimulants Induced Neurotoxicity: 88 (International Review of Neurobiology)


  • Psychoactive drugs: Stimulants

    Leather worked as soft as cloth, and upturned toes drawn to a blunt point, and a small, fine pattern tooled in the upper surface, like persian diapering. Bremsstrahlung put down his eating knife and gazed at the boy in despair. Harrington told himself, but it was something to remember, it was a hope to which to cling.

    Abstract Methamphetamine METH is a sympathomimetic amine that belongs to phenethylamine and amphetamine class of psychoactive drugs, which are widely abused for their stimulant, euphoric, empathogenic, and hallucinogenic properties. It is characterized in part by increased expression of glial-specific proteins and morphologically hypertrophied cell body and processes and, in some cases, also cell proliferation and migration [ 60 ]. For years, several molecular mechanisms have been proposed to account for neurotoxic properties of METH, including oxidative stress and apoptosis in dopaminergic cell lines [ 73 ]. METH has been increasingly recognized to impact also the blood-brain barrier BBB , causing the release of inflammatory mediators and astrogliosis [ ]. Mitochondrial damage and endoplasmic reticulum stress have been associated with this METH-induced apoptosis [ 70 ].

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