Il Vangelo di Matteo (II) - Paul C. Jong La Crescita Spirituale Serie 2 (Italian Edition)

Il giubetto di protezione gli ha salvato la vita. In omaggio al valoroso Capitano Motorola, pubblichiamo un servizio a lui dedicato, che abbiamo tradotto con i sottotitoli in italiano. Le Forze Armate svedesi hanno sbugiardato i media nazionali, che avevano denunciato la violazione dello spazio aereo della Svezia da parte di un aereo militare Russo.

Questa mattina il servizio stampa delle forze armate svedesi ha dichiarato che si trattava di un aereo francese. La Russia ha successivamente risposto smentendo tali accuse ed affermando che nessun aereo russo era entrato nello spazio aereo della Svezia. Il presidente oligarca Poroshenko ha ordinato la preparazione di norme speciali per fare il punto sulle forniture di energia per alcuni territori del Donbass e presentare un progetto di legge al parlamento ucraino entro un mese per cambiare le relazioni tra il bilancio dello Stato ed i bilanci dei governi locali.

Rispondendo alle accuse di diserzione, Babay ha detto che di non considerare se stesso come qualcuno che ha tradito il suo giuramento: Ma non era un addio.

Secondo Babay ci sono tantissimi volontari dalla Crimea e da altre regioni della Russia che vorrebbero unirsi alla Milizia popolare del Donbass. Secondo Babay, il regime di Kiev sposta liberamente le sue truppe e occupa posizioni convenienti. Il governo americano ed i loro tirapiedi in Europa hanno trovato in Ucraina tanti utili idioti per riuscire a compiere questo autentico disastro. Fort Rus 17 novembre 16 Novembre Ha aggiunto di voler solo la pace, ma purtroppo serve tener conto gli scenari peggiori nello sviluppo degli eventi nel Donbass.

I nostri soldati stanno dimostrando di poter difendere il nostro Paese. Si potrebbe dire che qualsiasi commento sia superfluo. Dalle parole dello stesso Poroshenko oligarca, ex membro e cofondatore del Partito delle Regioni di Yanukovych, il presidente ucraino deposto da Maidan, ministro dello Sviluppo Economico del governo di Mykola Azarov Partito delle Regioni emerge ancora una volta chi alimenta il conflitto e lo scontro e rifugge dagli accordi di Minsk sulla de-escalation del conflitto.

Queste sono alcune di quelle che ci vengono prima in mente.. Il massacro di Kirovsk del 5 Novembre. Visione non consigliata alle persone sensibili. Tra questi, ci sono: Secondo alcuni rapporti i loro corpi sono stati rimossi e distrutti a Dnepropetrovsk nel forno crematorio locale, o sepolti sui campi di battaglia e poi dichiarati come dispersi. Tra il 23 agosto ed il 4 novembre, dalla Russia sono partiti sei convogli di aiuti umanitari per Donetsk e Lugansk, consegnando oltre 7.

I golpisti ucraini devono cessare questi crimini contro le popolazioni civili. Soltanto ieri, 14 Novembre, la piccola Tania aveva partecipato ad una recita tenutasi nella scuola materna che frequentava. Si prevede che il prossimo carico di merci per la popolazione delle aree di Donetsk e Lugansk arrivi la Domenica mattina del 16 Novembre. Si tratta del settimo convoglio umanitario mandato dalla Federazione Russa.

In un certo senso, si tratta di perdite virtuali. Sebbene sia vero che abbiamo subito dei danni, ci sono anche alcuni vantaggi: Anche parecchi parenti delle vittime sono stati li a titolo personale, senza alcun problema.. Riducendo il popolo alla fame, privando i pensionati dei soldi che si sono guadagnati onestamente in decenni di duro lavoro, portando la popolazione civile alla disperazione tramite continui bombardamenti. Klimkin, come mai a Donetsk continuano a piovere le granate? Vergognoso il silenzio dei benpensanti di Bruxelles. Sarebbe bello chiedergli cosa pensano di questi morti.

Dal blogger The Saker: Dato che io sono abbastanza sicuro che i russi avevano anche un sacco di radar militari nella regione, sono altrettanto sicuro che, proprio come gli Stati Uniti e la NATO, i militari russi abbiano la prova schiacciante, sotto forma di tracciati radar, della colpevolezza degli Ukies. Immagino che dipenda da quello che dice la propaganda AngloSionista. Gli esperti confermano che molto probabilmente la Lewthwaite si trovava in Ucraina dove partecipava insieme a gruppi di islamisti radicali alla guerra contro i popoli russi http: Diversi camion e due blindati BMP sono stati distrutti dagli uomini di Givi.

Ha raccontato che i nazisti fumavano nervosamente e ai miliziani inizialmente avevano iniziato a tagliargli i diti indici, per poi torturarli con finte esecuzioni. Con questo sistema era costretto a stare in punta di piedi. Se si rilassava e scendeva dalla posizione allora i nodi della fasciatura alle vertebre del collo si stringevano fino a romperlo. O anche del caso della ragazza prigioniera di 18 anni che cucinava e dava da mangiare alle milizie separatiste, dopo due giorni di stupro alla fine semplicemente le spararono. Accendevano davano gas e dopo pochi minuti al posto delle mani si ritrovavano dei ceppi carbonizzati.

Una delle nostre spie dopo essere stata catturata dai militari ucraini, dopo alcuni giorni di torture, venne legata per le gambe col fil di ferro ai mezzi blindati e trascinato per vari villaggi attraverso le case dei civili. I media tradizionali recentemente si sono focalizzati sul braccio di ferro tra Mosca-Kiev sulla questione gas. Annuncio contenuto in un video diffuso da Boko Haram in cui il gruppo nega il cessate il fuoco e qualsiasi prospettiva di negoziazione.

Non draco sit mihi dux, Che il dragone non sia il mio duce, V. Vadre Retro satana, Allontanati satana! Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. This is Faith that give the victory it has conquered the world; the Our Faith! Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V.

Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. Sono mali le cose che mi offri bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Il Nuovo Testamento non annulla i 10 comandamenti. Negli ultimi giorni si diceva preoccupata per il futuro del loro figlio. Tra le ipotesi che si fanno, si va da possibili problemi salute a un gesto disperato contro la crisi. Anche se, io sono un cristiano orgoglioso, a livello personale, tuttavia, sul piano politico: Benjamin Netanyahu — [ By your coward: Hagel ad Ankara anche: Gli Usa premono su Ankara: Hello my bro how are you?

Lord Jesus, in your name and the power of your precious blood, We sealed all person, acts or events through which, the enemy wants us to do damage. With the power of the blood of Jesus, We sealed all destructive authority in air, Earth, water, fire, under the Earth, in the satanic forces, nature, into the depths of hell, and the world in which we operate today. With the power of the blood of Jesus We break all interference and action of the evil one. With the power of the blood of Jesus We seal our House, all who live in it name to each one of them , the people that the Lord will send her, as well as food and goods He generously sent us for our livelihood.

With the power of the blood of Jesus We sealed Earth, doors, windows, objects, walls, floors, and the air we breathe, and in faith we place a circle of blood around our family. With the power of the blood of Jesus We seal the places where we are going, to this day, and persons, companies or institutions with whom we will try to, name to each one of them. With the power of the blood of Jesus. We sealed our material and spiritual work, all our family businesses, and vehicles, the roads, the air, the way and any means of transport, that I must use.

With your precious blood, we sealed the acts, the minds and the hearts of everyone, and leaders of our country to Your peace and your heart at last prevail in it. We thank you Lord for your blood and, by your life, because thanks to them, We have been saved and we are preserved everything bad. If you will not be given a homeland in Saudi Arabia to all Jews? No one you can save! This is the decision of God! I m running Nathans Welfare Trust in pakistan we r working on churches developments as well as christian;s Nathans Welfare?

Un nazi, will not be condemned! We do harm only to: We can resume the political project of: Jesus and the Apostles to unite the 12 tribes of Israel: Jesus promised his Apostles that, he have will restored the Kingdom of Israel.. I have humbled the Nwo youtube, and all its None of them could resist, against me!

We can make this work! Unius King, then, nuclear war will be inevitable. Why is this, that they conspired: I love every person who love the God and his son Jesus Christ and holy spirit. If we want to honor the word of the Lord Jesus! We do not have a rape, or an injustice to bring! We must say that, like all other peoples, too, all the Jews of the world have the right to their homeland! Lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri russo, Serghiei Lavrov.

I militari ucraini bombardano di nuovo i centri abitati nel sud-est. I militari ucraini nelle ultime 24 ore hanno violato la tregua attuale almeno 12 volte. Ci sono vittime e feriti. Secondo i dati delle milizie filorusse, le forze ucraine accumulano sulle loro posizioni nuovi mezzi corazzati, tra cui carri armati e veicoli da combattimento di fanteria. In tutto il Paese si terranno comizi, manifestazioni, marce. Questo tema difficile rappresenta un problema non solo politico, ma anche sociale e psicologico. Il problema deriva in particolare dal fatto che pur essendo nate in Europa, molte di queste persone si sentono emarginate.

Cominciano a percepire i difetti del sistema come una perfidia del sistema diretta contro loro personalmente. Allora si mettono a cercare nuove utopie politiche. Ci sono due aspetti da prendere in considerazione. Per capire la differenza occorre essere specialisti, ma in Europa sono molto pochi. Bush , Satan , began shutting to me, mine, 3: What I hate me? In accordance with these terms, we have removed the blog and the URL is no longer accessible. Hi, your blog at http: In accordance with these terms, we have removed the blog and the URL is no longer accessible.. Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: I admit to be: Benjamin Netanyahu — quello, che, io penso, circa, i veri motivi, per cui la CIA, ha ordinato la chiusura, dei miei bloggers, e i canali di youtube..

Entonces, vaya al infierno, no hay esperanza! Rothschild non mi vuole restituire, il signoraggio bancario, che, mi ha rubato! Ma i contratti devono essere adempiuti. Ministero degli Esteri russo: Eih merkel troika bush rothschild bilbenberg: Gli autori del documento distorcono i fatti riguardanti la situazione al confine russo-ucraino.

Come in precedenza, uilizzando informazioni provenienti da fonti dubbie. Nuova minaccia al simbolo del cristianesimo nella rivista Daqib, 22 novembre New threat to the symbol of Christianity: Islamic State, from Egyptian Sinai: Santa Clara, ilumina os passos Daqueles que buscam a claridade! Curta Cantinho Franciscano www. Rothschil Bush, erano troppo disperati, ed ordinarono a tutti i sacerdoti di satana, ed a tutte le streghe voodoo, del NWO di fare qualcosa, di magia nera, contro, di me!

De fato, fez todo homem um rei! Mas, qual era a pergunta? Nwo em todo o mundo! Jair ritmo e bene: Tutte le persone che non erano cittadini della Somalia, sono stati fucilati subito. Nuovo video sulla strage nel centro commerciale in Kenya 19 ottobre , Lo riferisce il New York Times. La mossa garantisce che le truppe avranno un ruolo diretto nei combattimenti nel Paese devastato dalla guerra. La situazione provoca una seria preoccupazione in Russia e in Cina. Il diplomatico ha osservato che non serve proporre le condizioni preliminari inaccettabili.

Perdonatemi se, io mi sono abbandonato a qualche eccesso verbale! Almeno 18 morti e 50 feriti si contano in un centro commerciale nella parte est di Baghdad dove uomini armati hanno fatto irruzione e hanno preso in ostaggio passanti. Lo riferisce la tv panaraba al Arabiya citando fonti locali. Secondo indagini su notte di San Silvestro. Un missile saudita ha colpito un ospedale nel distretto settentrionale di Razeh, nella provincia di Saada, in Yemen, provocando 4 morti e una decina di feriti.

In Arabia Saudita proseguono le esecuzioni capitali. Nelle scorse settimane, migliaia di polacchi erano scesi nelle strade di Varsavia in segno di protesta contro la nuova normativa, che mette nelle mani del ministro delle Finanze il diritto di nominare i nuovi vertici dei media di stato e di cambiarne gli statuti. Pakistan pronto a riammettere i clandestini. Nella capitale kosovara, alcuni manifestanti hanno dato alle fiamme il palazzo del parlamento, servendosi di bombe Molotov.

Ebreo aggredito con machete a marsiglia, Ferito lievemente. Ebreo aggredito con machete a Marsiglia: The terrorist, Nashat Milhem, opened fire at a bar on a busy Tel Aviv street on January 1, killing two people and wounding six. Security forces patrolling the streets of the Israeli Arab village of Arara in northern Israel on Friday. Milhem was hiding in a building in his hometown of Arara in northern Israel, said police spokeswoman Luba Samri.

As the special forces closed in on him in the residential area late Friday afternoon, he came out shooting, she said. Milhem fired at police Friday with the same gun he used in the Tel Aviv shooting, Samri said. A large number of security forces had entered the town earlier and told residents to stay in their homes, he added.

Milhem shot a police dog that had entered a building as part of the search, he added, which exposed his location, prompting troops to close in. The terrorist had been hiding there all week. Every day he slept in a different place. They brought him food and took care of him. Several more suspects were brought in for questioning after he was found. A whopping 57 percent believe that the Islamic Movement represents their views, and half say they are either supporters or active members.

The family reportedly set up a mourning tent and is refusing to speak to media. A low-profile funeral is planned, sources indicate. Meanwhile, the body is being held by police. All those who would murder Israelis should know that sooner or later we will find them, inside and outside the borders of the State of Israel. No one is immune. We will continue to choose life, even when in pain, even when the price we pay is heavy and so very difficult. Government bodies in Tehran have seized a church of the Christian Assyrian minority in the country, under the pretext of building a Shiite shrine.

In a speech to the parliament last week, Bet-Kelia criticized the actions of the Iranian government towards his community, highlighting the suffering, discrimination and legal restrictions his community and other religious minorities are subjected to. Younesi is a former Minister of Intelligence and Security and is personally responsible for ordering numerous arrests and assassinations of dissidents.

The Iranian parliament allocates five seats for minorities, but these members of parliament complain that they are essentially ignored by Tehran. Gli organi di governo a Teheran hanno sequestrato una chiesa della minoranza cristiana assira nel paese, con il pretesto di costruire un santuario sciita. Bet-Kelia anche criticato Rouhani a causa di discriminazioni e restrizioni a reclutare minoranze religiose agenzie governative e la loro esclusione dalle posizioni militari e di sicurezza e reparti diplomatiche e corpi. Il parlamento iraniano assegna cinque seggi per le minoranze, ma questi parlamentari lamentano del fatto che essi sono essenzialmente ignorate da Teheran.

Unito con Israele Staff http: Naturalmente, deve trattarsi di uno straniero, possibilmente arabo e musulmano, meglio ancora se negro. Disposizioni alla polizia tedesca: Ha ricordato che lo scambio commerciale tra la Russia e la Germania si attestava sugli miliardi di dollari ed erano stati creati migliaia di posti di lavoro in Germania grazie ai progetti comuni di business: Due in ospedale, in altro episodio aggredito un siriano.

La polizia indaga per lesioni corporali. DAlla mia posizione non domestica, prima, non si vedevano i miei commenti di Ansa! Forse siamo ancora in tempo… Altro tema di forte impatto, la difesa della scuola libera: Ogni volta che Chiesa o qualche stato premiamo i Palestinesi avvallando le loro mire espansionistiche , aumentano gli atti terroristici contro Israele….

In this provocative video, the silence of the UN Council in the face of the recent reign of terror in Jerusalem is hard to bear. La battaglia del Monte del Tempio. La nuova campagna religiosa lanciata da Abu Mazen, punta infatti, con molta decisione sulla corda della fede islamica, punta a rendere il Monte del Tempio, un luogo unicamente musulmano. E se oggi tocca agli ebrei cosa ci dice che, domani non tocchi a noi cristiani?

Ve lo dico io. Sarebbe un precedente gravissimo, qualcosa che, voi non potete nemmeno immaginare. E lo hanno sempre fatto in maniera violenta. Li lascereste fare oppure, vi opporreste con ogni mezzo a questo sopruso? Hanno costruito una moschea, su una chiesa costruita su un tempio ebraico e hanno detto che quella era roba loro. Non accettano che ebrei e cristiani, nonostante abbiano lasciato la mosche abusiva dove si trovava, vadano a pregare nei loro luoghi di culto.

E secondo voi, cosa impedisce ai musulmani di fare in Europa, quello che stanno cercando di fare i palestinesi a Gerusalemme? Nessuno ha mai impedito ai musulmani di andare a pregare nella loro moschea abusiva, ma loro vogliono impedire a noi di andare a pregare nelle nostre chiese, nelle sinagoghe e nei nostri luoghi santi. Articolo inviato da Antonio S.

A masked Palestinian distributes sweets in Rafah as he celebrates with others an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue on Nov. When I saw thousands of Palestinian civilians celebrating the cold-blooded murder of four rabbis praying in a synagogue, I had to ask myself: Could I ever imagine thousands of Jews celebrating the murder of four Muslim sheiks or four Christian priests? I was sick to my stomach the day that a fellow Jew, Baruch Goldstein, murdered Muslims praying in a mosque.

Of course, the vast majority of the Jewish world condemned the murders unequivocally. The public celebration of murder is a medieval moment, a sign that things have gone over the edge. Of course, behind these celebrations are decades of Jew-hatred that has marinated Palestinian society. It is a museum of Jew-hatred and glorification of terror officially sanctioned by the Palestinian Authority. So-called moderate leaders like Mahmoud Abbas routinely glorify murderers of Jews.

So why should we be surprised when so many of his people rejoice at the atrocity of four rabbis being slaughtered while they were praying? Just like any country, Israel has its share of haters. I choose the latter. I can only imagine if Mahmoud Abbas did something similar, if he were to stand up to his people and say: They are a sickness. There is no grievance that should ever justify the celebration of murder. We must stop hating Jews and find ways to live with them in peace, security and dignity. That is the only way we will ever reach peace and the creation of our own state.

One wonders how Israeli President Reuven Rivlin would have reacted to the sight of thousands of Jews celebrating the murder of Muslim shieks. Is there any doubt he would have gone ballistic? Has any Palestinian leader ever even criticized the Palestinian celebration of murder?

The minute a society uses its grievances to justify its hatred — whether this grievance is occupation or terrorism— is when a society loses. When the teaching of hatred comes from the top, as it does all too often in Palestinian society, you can only feel sympathy for the children whose hearts are being poisoned. After the attack on the synagogue in Har Nof, I received this email from a friend in Jerusalem: A few hours later I also learned that among the dead was Moshe Twersky, a distinguished Rosh yeshiva in the Haredi world but also my friend and hevruta from Maimonides days.

I just returned from his funeral, where one could see all of his worlds converge. Given the circumstances, it was telling that the thousands who gathered were totally silent, with not one cry for revenge. Thank G-d we have not followed in the footsteps of our enemies. What really matters are the values that are being taught.

And on that front, I can tell you that if you teach Jew-hatred in your schools, media and mosques, you will create an extremist society. In nome di che cosa sono state fatte continue concessioni a queste bestie non hanno niente di umano? Separiamo religione e politica. Eppure, anche nel nostro infelice e disgraziato paese, i loro covi spuntano come funghi.

I grandi assenti sono coloro che dovrebbero far rispettare le Leggi. Bando alle ciance, smantellare la moschea sulla Spianata e ricostruirla a Ramallah, sopra la sede di Abu Mazen. Casa e bottega, come si diceva una volta Guido nov 6, alle Speriamo che, quel coglione di obama cambi atteggiamento con israele, dopo la mazzata che ha preso! E uno si chiede: Se fossero state le statue di Budda si sarebbe mobilitato il mondo intero, dei luoghi santi ebraici non gliene frega niente a nessuno. Il Presidente turco fa questa assurda affermazione durante il primo vertice tra i leader latino americani e i leader islamici avvenuto nei giorni scorsi in Turchia sostenendo anche che la prova di questo sarebbe nel diario di Colombo dove si vedrebbe con chiarezza il disegno di una moschea.

Non dico una cosa nuova. Oggi rivendicano Gerusalemme nemmeno mai nominata nel Corano , domani rivendicheranno Roma e adesso sembrano puntare direttamente alle Americhe. TUTTo quello, che, tu avesti potuto fare ieri? SE, le bestie di satana vogliono parlare? In this video, just the opposite seems to be the case. So, who picks on who at the central bus station in Jerusalem? Ieri sono stato nuovamente censurato e bloccato da Facebook. Si potevano inserire dei commenti ma non era possibile aggiornarlo inserendo dei post, articoli o immagini.

Il governo della Russia ha apportato le relative modifiche alle leggi. Inoltre, i deputati della Duma di Stato studiano modifiche che elimineranno dal Codice penale la nozione dei limiti della autodifesa. Molti si sono subito immaginati il quadro quando per le strade girano persone con la doppietta a tracolla. Possono essere trasportate dal punto? Altrimetri rischi di finire dentro tu stesso. Tali casi non sono rari. Ed ha proposto di concedere ai cittadini il diritto di difendersi con qualsisi mezzo capitato sottomano, comprese le armi acquistate legittimamente.

Nondimeno un gruppo di parlamentari russi sta preparando adesso un nuovo progetto di legge che estenda i limiti della autodifesa. But Open Doors began to rethink its strategy in and decided to close Compass Direct and associate its reporting more closely with the Open Doors brand, Thomas said. But former Compass Direct editor Jeff Sellers says such news efforts are limited by their ties to particular aid agencies. Independent news organizations, like those in the mainstream press, face fewer limitations in gathering and disseminating information, he said.

But because of their common mission—to raise awareness of persecuted Christians—neither sees the awareness work of others as competition. He even maintains an open dialogue with the other editors in cases where collaboration might be possible. In this way, Thomas said, the new Open Doors initiative can fulfill its obligation to increase support for the cause of religious freedom without squeezing anyone else out of the arena. Shahzad Masih and Shama Bibi were bonded laborers seen by many as a modern form of slavery at a brick-making kiln who lived in a small Punjab town named for the first Anglican missionary to Pakistan.

We must promote religious and ethnic diversity in our society as a virtue. Eventually a mob formed. Shahzad was still alive when he was shoved into the fire. Instead, blasphemy accusations remain common. In one case, Christians seeking land to bury their dead attempted to work with a local politician to secure property only to have Muslims argue that their own dead were already buried there. The plight of Christians finding burial sites was also chronicled last month by the Washington Post. Last year, four Christians were acquitted of blasphemy charges.

Christians are not the only victims of blasphemy. Since more than 50 people have been murdered on charges of blasphemy, over half of them Muslims or other religious minorities. Everybody is scared of this law. Dan Bigelow If French atheists rarely become evangelical Christians, how much rarer it is for one to become an evangelical Christian theologian. Hearing the facts may help you decide for yourself. I grew up in a wonderfully loving family in France, near Paris.

We were Catholic, a religious expression that seemed to arise more out of tradition and perhaps superstition than conviction. It allowed me to do well at school, learn to play the piano, and get involved in many sports. I studied math, physics, and engineering in college, graduated from a respected engineering school, and landed a job as a computer scientist in finance. On the sports front, after I grew to be 6 feet 4 inches and discovered I could jump 3 feet high, I ended up playing volleyball in a national league, traveling the country every weekend for the games.

An important part of young male French atheist ideals consisted of female conquests. Here, I was starting to have enough success to satisfy the raunchy standards of the volleyball locker room. All in all, I was pretty happy with my life. And in a thoroughly secular culture, the chances of ever hearing the gospel—let alone believing it—were incredibly slim. One day, returning from the beach, we decided to hitchhike home. A car pulled over. Two young women visiting from America were lost and needed directions to their hotel. Incidentally, it was right next to our house, so they gave us a ride.

They were attractive enough that my radar went off immediately, and we started flirting. The one I was interested in happened to mention she believed in God—by my standards an intellectual suicide. She also said she believed that sex belongs in marriage—an even more problematic belief than theism, if that were possible. Nevertheless, once the vacation ended, I returned to Paris, she to New York, and we started dating. My new goal in life was to disabuse my girlfriend of her beliefs so we could be together without antiquated notions of God—or sex—standing in the way.

My new goal in life was to disabuse my girlfriend of her beliefs so that we could be together without antiquated notions of God—or sex—standing in the way. What good reason was there to think God exists, and what good reason was there to think atheism was true? It was more a reasonable life assumption than the conclusion of a solid argument. But of course, if I was going to refute Christianity, I first needed to know what it claimed. So I picked up a Bible. At the same time, I figured there was at least one experiment I could carry out. I thought, If any of this is true, then the God who exists presumably cares greatly about this project of mine.

So I started to pray into the air: Es posible que en estos contextos hasta la palabra cristiano conlleve fuertes connotaciones de cultura occidental, y con ella el imperialismo y el colonialismo. Y no se trata de algo menor: El debate actual Los movimientos internos plantean preguntas importantes acerca de la naturaleza de la fe en Cristo. La historia oculta de los movimientos internos Durante generaciones, el islamismo y el hinduismo han tenido creyentes en el interior de sus comunidades. El espectro se presenta de la siguiente manera: Estos creyentes se denominan cristianos.

Estos seguidores de Isa permanecen legal y socialmente dentro del islam. Adoran secretamente a Cristo. El debate en curso se ha concentrado largamente sobre los creyentes C El debate actual sobre los creyentes C-5 gira en torno a cinco asuntos clave. En medio del debate, algo queda claro: Lo andiamo ripetendo da anni. Ma per fermare il disastro occorre reagire in tempo utile. Un disastro a vantaggio, per ora, di chi? Una miscela micidiale di complottismo criminale e di criminale incompetenza. Aveva una foto della rivolta violenta di immigrati a Rosarno, mentre il testo era ripreso dal sito di Il Tempo con una mia analisi in cui chiedo di rimandare a casa loro i clandestini.

Stefano Padovan Sono solidale e concordo su tutto. Finito, niente razzismi o ovvese pesanti. Ho dato della cretina ad una che lo dimostra ogni volta che parla. Ma anche una guerra relativista. Mettiamo gli imprenditori nella miglior condizione possibile per svolgere il ruolo di protagonisti dello Sviluppo. Tuteliamo le imprese e i prodotti italiani in Italia e nel mondo. Ne conquisteremo i figli. Ha la demografia, il terrorismo, il denaro del petrolio. Non aggiungiamoci il nostro vittimismo! Storicamente le dittature crollano con la fine del dittatore tranne nei casi in cui si incardinino in un solido sistema di potere in grado di auto-perpetuarsi non solo sul piano del consenso ma soprattutto sul piano economico.

Ha dei combattenti stimati tra oltre 30 mila secondo la Cia a circa mila secondo le fonti ufficiali , di cui 15 mila sarebbero i terroristi stranieri provenienti da tutto il mondo, di cui almeno 3 mila con cittadinanza europea. Si deve agire prima che il disastro avvenga: E tentino di metterli in pratica. Prima che sia tardi.

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Le ripetizioni possono giovare, ma ogni pazienza ha un limite. I mercati festeggiano, le borse salgono ed i beni rifugio crollano. Partiamo confrontando il debito italiano con quello giapponese ed il costo del debito stesso. Vorremmo tutti essere giapponesi. Tornando al QE della BOJ, pare davvero che questa abbia preso il testimone, in una sorta di staffetta delle banche centrali, dopo che la FED col suo tapering riduzione degli acquisti di titoli di stato e cartolarizzazioni stava innervosendo i mercati.

Questo intervento, consiste in uno scambio di riserve bancarie create al momento dalla banca stessa con titoli di Stato. Attraverso questa pratica, i titoli vengono rimossi dalla circolazione e scambiati con riserve ecco il motivo per cui la base monetaria aumenta. Attraverso il Quantitative Easing: I mercati invece sono assai sensibili alle politiche di QE per una serie di motivi che ora andremo ad analizzare. Il fatto che i vari QE siano operazioni di tipo deflazionistico, spiega anche il collo dei corsi dei metalli preziosi e dei beni rifugio in generale.

Le politiche di QE adottate, sebbene abbiano impedito il prodursi di una catastrofe finanziaria ed economica come accadde nel , sono ben lungi dal poter essere considerate le migliori strategie possibili. Essi rappresentano un costo insostenibile per famiglie ed imprese. La Cina ha prodotto uno stimolo monetario pari a Chi se ne preoccupa?

Este es mi reino: El Nuevo Orden Mundial, etc… Frente a todo esto? Los hombres son impotentes! YHWH y se produjo en 70dC. Illuminati Rothschild fariseos Spa: YHWH, para tomar todo con mi fe. He tenido todos los derechos legales de reino de YHVH. La guerra es el mayor negocio de todos los tiempos. Antes de que sea demasiado tarde: Pero, desde entonces, nos perdimos. Ceci est mon royaume: Les hommes sont impuissants! YHWH et est produite dans 70dC. Illuminati Rothschild pharisiens Spa: YHWH, pour prendre tout avec ma foi. Qui la baise donne vraiment Peace a Chance Si: La guerre est le plus grand entreprise de tous les temps.

Ceci est une extermination contre, tous les peuples, qui font et sa FMI: Dies ist mein Reich: Die neue Weltordnung usw… Mit all dem konfrontiert? JHWH und ist in 70dC aufgetreten. Wer wirklich zum Teufel gibt Frieden eine Chance, wenn:? Ja, meine Damen und Herren, das ist Kapitalismus, willkommen in unserer Welt. Dieses System ist faul!

Sie Ihr Geld von der Bank abheben. Aber da, verpassten wir. Bu benim bir krall? That metafizik evrensel karde? YHWH ve 70dC olu? Bir Throne Room t? Evet, bayanlar ve beyefendi. Illuminati Rothschild fariseus Spa: Tive todos os direitos legais do reino de YHWH. Antes que seja tarde demais: Mas, uma vez, perdemos. This is my kingdom: The New World Order, etc… Faced with all this?

This is a demonic power: The destruction of Israel Has Been willed by God: YHWH and is occurred in 70dC. Illuminati Pharisees Spa Rothschild: Hate, will be raised! YHWH, for to take all with my faith. Give peace a chance! Who the fuck really Gives Peace a Chance? War is the greatest business of all times.

W JEW Rothschild satanic. This system is rotten! Jews can not build a Jewish temple, as there is the satanic domain, of the Enlightened Jews that have created a virtual dictatorship: This is an extermination against, all the peoples, who are doing IMF and his: Before it is too late: But, since, we missed. In fact, the Constitution does not expect to be able to give up our monetary sovereignty! La stessa catalogazione per un armadio, e poi materassi, letti, stoviglie, fotografie, poveri giocattoli, altri oggetti, altri numeri, altri nomi… Oggetti comuni che accompagnano lo scorrere di tante vite: Facile prendersela con me.

Avreste il coraggio di guardarli in faccia? In oltre 40 foibe della zona, Leggendo le ragioni di chi ha interrotto lo spettacolo http: Palatucci, che ha coinvolto le scuole cittadine. Hours after a terrorist attack in a Jerusalem synagogue killed five people on Tuesday morning, Hamas is continuing its incitement against Jews. The latest incident is an animated propaganda video, posted on the Facebook page of the Shehab News Agency, and which encourages car terrorist attacks against Israelis.

These include the glorification of Nazism and the lionization of Adolf Hitler, as well as programs on official PA television featuring heavily-stereotyped Jews as villains and encouraging violence against them , and various TV and radio shows which literally wipe the Jewish state off the map. They are saying that the Jews are contaminating the Temple Mount.

They are saying that we are planning to destroy the Holy Places, that we intend to change the order of prayer there — this is all lies. King Abdullah, lui ha detto: Lo ha detto oggi a Berlino Angela Merkel, salutando i risultati ottenuti dal premier olandese Mark Rutte, in visita nella capitale tedesca. Il prossimo Consiglio europeo di dicembre, secondo Merkel, dovrebbe occuparsi della sburocratizzazione e di un miglioramento delle condizioni per gli investimenti.

Kosse aveva la doppia cittadinanza greca e ucraina. Benjamin Netanyahu — tu sei la negazione di tutti coloro, che, hanno lasciato le banche rothschild, per venire a morire in Israele! The minute a society uses its grievances to justify its hatred— whether this grievance is occupation or terrorism— is when a society loses.

Courtesy of Catholic Church in CAR, A Polish priest has been abducted by armed men in the Central African Republic, amidst rising tension which has claimed dozens of lives in recent days. Nothing has been damaged or stolen in the parish compound, he added. The kidnappers demanded the release of their leader imprisoned in Cameroon, in exchange for Fr Dziedzic.

Some medicines, drinking water and personal belongings were conveyed to Fr Dziedzic on Wednesday September 15 , through the kidnappers. Besides his pastoral responsibilities, he runs nursery schools among other social activities. Fr Gazzera, who has a wealth experience of mediation efforts with armed groups in CAR, feared that this affair may drag on a long time. Upsurge of violence On October 10, a group of ex-Seleka rebels attacked the St.

Anne Parish in the northern town of Dekoa, km from Bangui, killing 9 people. According to witnesses, the incident was triggered by an altercation in the market the day before, when several women, believed to be wives of ex-Seleka, were harassed by a mob. The market is located in the courtyard of the parish, which also hosts hundreds of displaced people. Once they found out, their husbands attacked the camp, killing 9 people. About 50 others were injured. French troops intervened and repulsed the attack, killing 6 attackers.

Three days later on October 13 , another priest was attacked as he was about to deliver a refueling to the Parish of Dekoua. Fr Aubert was stopped at a check point by anti-Balaka militiamen, 25 km from the capital Bangui, a Catholic source told World Watch Monitor. All the foods he brought in and a large sum of money were taken away. In Bangui, a series of incidents targeting civilians, aid workers and peacekeepers have been reported since October 7. This outbreak of violence followed a grenade attack which claimed four lives, in the 4th District, say local sources contacted by World Watch Monitor.

The attacker, believed to be a Seleka rebel militia man, was killed by an angry mob, prompting a reprisal attack by Seleka. Despite the deployment of peacekeepers since Sept 15th, tension has escalated in Bangui and other parts of the country, prompting angry reaction from residents, exacerbated by ongoing violence. But this is not the case. The recent violence caused displacement of many who had only recently returned home because they believed it was safe.

Some 6, people were displaced by the latest outbreak of violence but that figure could be much higher, UNHCR reports. Difendo il loro diritto ad esistere, a difendersi, a non farsi sterminare una seconda volta. E mentre noi ci chiediamo se intitolarle una via o una piazza la Sua memoria viene derisa dalle operazioni come Mare Nostrum.

Se i nostri cieli sono al sicuro dobbiamo dire grazie a Voi. Addio, possiate riposare in pace. Anche un euro, un mi piace e un commento possono far molto comodo. Potete donare anche con la carta di credito in piena sicurezza con paypal. Per raccontare quello che accade, provare a risvegliare questo Occidente.

Non abbiamo ancora perso. Io ho donato, e tu? Questa campagna mira a far sapere al mondo e agli Occidentali cosa davvero accade in quelle terre. Smentire tutti i politically correct che invece dicono il contrario, che vogliono il dialogo. Abbiamo bisogno di giornalisti non collaborazionisti che raccontino questi massacri. I primi soldi raccolti saranno usati per andare in Iraq. Ci hanno dichiarato la guerra, siamo in guerra! Una guerra che essi chiamano Jihad. Una guerra che non mira alla conquista del nostro territorio, forse, ma che certamente mira alla conquista delle nostre anime.

E se costruissero una moschea nella vostra chiesa? La nuova campagna religiosa lanciata da Abu Mazen punta infatti con molta decisione sulla corda della fede islamica, punta a rendere il Monte del Tempio un luogo unicamente musulmano. E se oggi tocca agli ebrei cosa ci dice che domani non tocchi a noi cristiani? Sarebbe un precedente gravissimo, qualcosa che voi non potete nemmeno immaginare. Li lascereste fare oppure vi opporreste con ogni mezzo a questo sopruso? Hanno costruito una moschea su una chiesa costruita su un tempio ebraico e hanno detto che quella era roba loro. E secondo voi, cosa impedisce ai musulmani di fare in Europa quello che stanno cercando di fare i palestinesi a Gerusalemme?

Casa e bottega, come si diceva una volta…….. Speriamo che quel coglione di obama cambi atteggiamento con israele, dopo la mazzata che ha preso! Troppo spesso negli ultimi tempi le Organizzazioni Non Governative ONG si sono trasformate da difensori dei Diritti Umani in veri e propri complici dei terroristi. In ambo i casi le critiche sono andate completamente contro i governi israeliani ed egiziano ma mai rivolte nei confronti dei gruppi terroristici che li attaccano ripetutamente. Sostieni Rights Reporter http: Bene, ci dica la sig.

Un altro modo per giustificare il terrorismo? Un altro modo per soffiare sul fuoco? Le sarebbe bastato esprimere indignazione per le scene viste a Nablus dove i palestinesi di Fatah festeggiavano il massacro di Gerusalemme, un chiaro segnale che nemmeno a loro interessa la soluzione dei due Stati. E allora, santo cielo, la smetta di essere ipocrita e la prossima volta invece di condannare in maniera ambigua un atto di terrorismo, si congratuli direttamente con Hamas. I media palestinesi gioiscono per la decisione del Parlamento spagnolo di emettere un documento simbolico che riconosce la Palestina ma fanno finta di non vedere le condizioni poste per tale riconoscimento.

Il Parlamento spagnolo ha votato un testo non vincolante che chiede al Governo Spagnolo di riconoscere la Palestina. La decisione del parlamento spagnolo arriva incredibilmente a sole poche ore dal sanguinoso attentato alla Sinagoga di Gerusalemme e non fa altro che gettare benzina sul fuoco della intifada finendo per giustificare indirettamente gli attentati terroristici. Secondo il testo il riconoscimento deve avvenire a due condizioni: Scritto da Sarah F.

With the power of the blood of Jesus, We sealed all destructive authority in , air, Earth, water, fire, under the Earth, in the satanic forces, nature, into the depths of hell, and the world in which we operate today. Near Toledo, Ohio, 20 skeletons were discovered with jaws and teeth "twice as large as those of present day people. Miners in Lovelock Cave, California, discovered a very tall, red-haired mummy In This mummy eventually went to a fraternal lodge where it was used for "initiation purposes.

Indianapolis, News News, November 10, Paul Pioneer Press, June 29, Chicago Record, October 24, Humboldt Star, May 13, In , skeletons from 8 to 10 feet long were found in the Humbolt lake bed in California. His discovery was later backed up by Fred Arthur, Supervisor of the Lincoln National Park and others who reported that each footprint was 22 inches long and from 8 to 10 inches wide.

They were certain the prints were human in origin due to the outline of the perfect prints coupled with a readily apparent instep. Sanderson tells of how his crew was bulldozing through sedimentary rock when it stumbled upon what appeared to be a graveyard. In it were crania that measured from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown nearly three times as large as an adult human skull. Had the creatures to whom these skulls belonged been properly proportioned, they undoubtedly would have been at least 12 feet tall or taller.

In a local newspaper reported the discovery of nine-foot-tall skeletons by amateur archeologists working in Death Valley. The archeologists involved also claimed to have found what appeared to be the bones of tigers and dinosaurs with the human remains. The Catalina Islands, off California, are the home of dwarf mammoth bones that were once roasted in ancient fire pits. These were roasted and eaten by human-like creatures who were giants with double rows of teeth. One of the latest accounts of a race of giants that occupied Europe comes from the middle ages and involves a surprising figure: While modern stories of St.

Christopher simply make him out as an ordinary man, or perhaps a somewhat homely man, those who actually saw him had a different story. According to his peers, he was a giant, belonging to a tribe of dog-headed, cannibalistic giants. A coudee is an antique measurement equal to or larger than the English linear measurement of a foot. According to this ancient account, St. Christopher stood from 12 to 18 feet tall a fact that has become hidden in or even erased from church history.

While Western icons don't picture St. Christopher as contemporary accounts described him, those of the Eastern churches do. Often the suggestion is seen in historic accounts that St. Christopher was the product of a tryst between a human being and an Anubis a demon-like creature based on the Greek Anoubis, which came from the Egyptians jackal-headed god who was believed to lead the dead to judgment In other words, according to the contemporary accounts of his day, St.

Christopher was the product of a spiritual being who mated with a human woman. And once again the result of this union was a creature that matches the descriptions of the Nephilim. One of the many races of giants. When one consider the megaliths proportions, tonnage, and lack of resources in terms of both nature and human; and the lack of technology, the possibility that I am suggesting is not so far-fetched as it may seem. Not a lot is known about the people who would become known as the Celts.

It is known that they migrated across Asia Minor, through northern Europe and into what have become the Celtic countries of Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Most accounts of them include references to the giants that were often found among them. The ancient Greek historian Pausanias called them "the world's tallest people. As these some tribes that comprised the Cimbri or Cimmerian peoples traveled across Europe, migrating and taking over areas and later being driven Eastward by other cultures, the name of the people changed. While they were in Asia Minor, they were known as the Gomarian Sacae; this was shortened and modified to become Celtae meaning "potent and valiant men" similar to the "mighty men" on the Genesis 6 passage.

The Greeks called them Galatai a corruption of Celtae; the Romans further changed this name to become Gauls. Although the Romans 'would eventually devise methods of defeating these giant warriors, attacking long legs that couldn't be guarded by the massive shields these creatures carried, the blue-eyed, blond giants inspired terror among those facing them in battle for the first time. The travels of the giants through the German region also most likely inspired the Teutonic legends of the Aryan race of superhumans with the early name of "Cimmerian" having an obvious resemblance that is probably more than happenstance to Aryan.

The Nazi ideal "superman" was a blue-eyed, blond giant; this is the exact historic description of the Celtae. DeLoach has also made a good argument that the giants ruling the Celtae may very well have been descendants of the Anakim, the giants the Israelites found in the Promised Land.

His argument is based on the Roman poet Virgil's account of the Gauls which describes them: They are resplendent in their striped cloaks,and their milk-white necks are circled with gold. These distinctive gold necklaces have also been discovered in numerous archeological finds, bolstering Virgil's observations. Scarecrow Press, Meuchen, NJ, , p.

This tight gold band around the necks of theCeltae is what ties them to the biblical accounts of the Nephilim. Remembering that the Anakim were one of the tribes that were listed as being giants in the Bible, the clue that links the Celtae to the Nephilim is the Hebrew word which is translated as "Anakim" in English: The actual word is Anaqiy, meaning "a descendent of Anak. Now the word translated as "Anak" in the English version of the Bible is Anaq and was employed as another term for"Canaanite. As noted earlier, this suggests that the culture that ruled much of the Promised Land when the Israelites invaded it was comprised of two classes with the Anakim acting as a ruling elite within a larger human population.

Hebrew names are often based on common words, giving the names special meanings that relate it back to characteristics of the individual or thing being named. The word, Anaq, which was employed to name the Anak, used in other contexts means "a necklace so tight as to appear to be strangling. That same feature was the distinguishing characteristic that Virgil chose to remark on when describing the Gauls. This leads to an important possibility. The Anakim, or giants that adopted their practices, were pushed out of Canaan by the Israelites, going northward and eventually traveling westward over Europe and, with the passage of several millennia, finally settled in the Celtic nations.

Their Religious Practices 9. If the Anakim and the giants among the Celtae were one and the same people, then it's possible to gain an insight into the religious practices of the Nephilim. While the Bible doesn't reveal much about the religious practices of the Anakim, it does hint at human and infant sacrifices and similar horrors. God ordered the Israelites to kill all the men,women and children in many of the cities taken during the invasion of the land by the Jews.

However, more Is known historically from non-Biblical sources about the religion that the Celtae practiced. Ancient historians had a variety of horrors to tell about the Celtae giants, including the fact that they were homosexuals another crime which dictated the death penalty under Mosaic law. Athenaeus states that the giants were accustomed to sleeping with not one but two boys. The historian Diodorus also suggested that homosexuality was rampant among the giants when he wrote: And the most astonishing thing of all is that they feel no concern for their proper dignity but prostitute to others without a qualm the flower of their bodies; nor do they consider this a disgraceful thing to do, but rather when anyone of them is thus approached and refuses the favor offered him, this they consider an act of dishonor.

Not surprisingly, the religion that the Celtae practiced was also savage and brutal. This religion has come to be known best for the blood-thirsty priests who led its unspeakable acts, the "Druids. This came about through the number of conquests of the areas ruled by the Celtae giants by the Romans and later the Norsemen, Normans and Saxons. The spread of Christianity through the region spelled the final death blow for the bloody practices of the Druids, leaving behind only altars designed for human sacrifices and the placement of "magic" stone monuments that have recently been discovered to have been carefully aligned with the stars, planets, sun and moon.

The Druid religion is currently being revived by New Age and neo-pagan groups worldwide another horrifying fact that suggests another assault against the human race might be in place even as we speak. Because Ireland was never successfully invaded by the Romans, it remained the last holdout of the human beings who practiced the religion of the Druids after the last of the Celtae giants had apparently died off. Columcille are generally credited with bringing an end to the pagan practices. Patrick was also credited with driving the snakes from Ireland; one might speculate that these "snakes" might have been serpents similar to the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

If so, these might have been some sort of fallen angels in the form of reptiles. There are a few horrific details that have filtered down to us about the Druids' practices, however. One is that these priests not only placed their blessings on human sacrifice, they often performed the rites themselves. Some of them have enormous images made of wickerwork, the limbs of which they fill with living men; these are set on fire and the men perish, enveloped in the flames.

They believe that the gods prefer it if the executed have been caught in the act of theft or armed robbery or some other crime. But when the supply of such victims runs out, they even go to the extent of sacrificing innocent men. Diodorus had an even more horrifying story about how the Celtae giants attempted to read the future: That groups around the world are now in the process of reviving the Druid and Egyptian practices also speaks volumes about where many in our own times are headed, and what they are really trying to accomplish by reviving this depraved religion Julius Caesar, Commentary, 6.

The assertions starts with the burden of proof listed in, "GIANTS I", based on the following statement, and further proved beyond doubt that there were indeed a number of civilizations that were giants: The standard contention is: The new challenging assertion set before you is this: And the entrances to this new homeland: Throughout history and various cultures, this new homeland has taken on various appellations: As fantastic as the assertion sounds, the burden of proof resides in this brief document- tation.

But to save space, and not to try your patiences, I have only chosen select passages from each publications included therein. Nevertheless, let us start from the most ancient documentation, progressing to the more contemporary - Your intellectual foundations are about to be challenged And the women conceiving brought forth giants, whom stature was each three hundreth cubits. And there I saw a great and glorious wonder at the extremities of the whole earth.

I saw there heavenly gates opening into heavens; three of them distinctly separated. The northern winds proceeded from them, blowing cold, hail, frost, snow, dew, and rain Enoch was a distance grandson of Seth; Seth was the 3rd son of Adam. The book in it's entirety contains 45 rare manuscripts. First published in by Alpha House, Inc. Translated by, Richard Laurence, L. The Watchers were angels whom were sent by God to instruct man. Note also that this is an entirely separate publication.

This is an ancient Pharisee text of about BC. I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty Seven. There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! In a world of greed and exploitation of certain of mankind, one can no longer suppress that which is truth.

Altering course for a better examination of this color pattern below, note reddish or purple color also. Circle this area two full turns and return to assigned compass heading. Position check made again to base camp, and relay information concerning colorations in the Ice and snow below. Take bearing with Sun compass, yet all seems well. The controls are seemingly slow to respond and have sluggish quality, but there is no indication of Icing!

They are mountains and consisting of a small range that I have never seen before! Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes.

To this point, Ch. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt! Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft.

They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours six hours, thirty-nine minutes, to be exact.

I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a medical team. It was an ordeal! I am placed under strict control via the national security provisions of this United States of America. I am reminded that I am a military man I must obey orders In further confirmation of Admiral Byrd's discovery are reports of individuals who claimed they had entered the north polar opening, as many Arctic explorers did without knowing they did, and penetrated far enough into it to reach the Subterranean World in the hollow interior of the Earth.

Nephi Cottom of Los Angeles reported that one of his patients, a man of Nordic descent, told him the following story: One summer my friend and I made up our minds to take a boat trip together, and go as far as we could into the north country. So we put one month's food provisions in a small fishing boat, and with sail and also a good engine in our boat, we set to sea. At the end of one month we had travelled far into the north, beyond the Pole and into a strange new country.

We were much astonished at the weather there. Warm, and at times at night it was almost too warm to sleep. Then we saw something so strange that we both were astonished. Ahead of the warm open sea we were on what looked like a great mountain. Into that mountain at a certain point the ocean seemed to be emptying. Mystified, we continued in that direction and found ourselves sailing into a vast canyon leading into the interior of the earth. We kept sailing and then we saw what surprised us - a sun shining inside the earth! Several of the inner earth inhabitants - huge giants - detected our boat on the river, and were quite amazed The presence of the open sea in the Northland is also explained.

Olaf Jansen claims that the northern aperture, intake or hole, so to speak, is about fourteen hundred miles across. In connection with this, let us read what Explorer Jansen 'writes, on page of his book: On to the north steadily north, with a good wind, as fast as stream and sail can take us, an open sea mile after mile, watch after watch, through these unknown regions, always clearer and clearer of ice, one might almost say: It is gazing into the future.

But them is always the same dark sky ahead which means open sea. My name is Olaf Jansen. I am a Norwegian, although I was born in the little seafaring Russian town of Uleaborg, on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, the northern arm of the Baltic Sea. I was in my nineteenth year when we started on what proved to be our last trip as fishermen, and which resulted in the strange story that shall be given to the world, - but not until I have finished my earthly pilgrimage There was a tradition my father explained, that still farther northward was a land more beautiful than any that mortal man had ever known, and that it was inhabited by the Chosen.

My youthful imagination was fired by the ardor, zeal and religious fervor of my good father, and I exclaimed: The sky is fair, the wind favorable and the sea open. The compass, which we had fastened back in its place, in fear of another storm, was still pointing due north, and moving on its pivot just as it had in Stockholm. The dipping of the needle had ceased. What could this mean? Then, too, our many days of sailing had certainly carried us far past the North Pole. And yet the needle continued to point north. We were sorely perplexed, for surely our direction was now south Along the banks great forests miles in extent could be seen stretching away on the shoreline.

The trees were of enormous size. We landed after anchoring near a sandy beach, and waded ashore, and were rewarded by finding a quantity of nuts that were very palatable and satisfying to hunger, and a welcome change from the monotony of our stock of provisions Excerpt from the author's Forward, pg. From this point on, all quotes are from Olaf Jansen, whom is dictating the story to W. It was about the first of September, over five months we calculated, since our leave taking from Stockholm Suddenly we were frightened almost out of our wits by hearing in the far distance the singing of people.

Very soon thereafter we discovered a huge ship gliding down the river directly toward us. Those aboard were singing in one mighty chorus that, echoing from bank to bank, sounded like a thousand voices, filling the whole universe with quivering melody. The accompaniment was played on stringed instruments not unlike our harps. It was a larger ship than any we had ever seen, and was differently constructed The immense craft paused, and almost immediately a boat was lowered and six men of gigantic stature rowed to our little fishing-sloop.

They spoke to us in a strange language. We knew from their manner, however, that they were not unfriendly. They talked a great deal among themselves, and one of them laughed immoderately, as though in finding us a queer discovery had been made. One of them spied our compass, and it seemed to interest them more than any other part of our sloop They must be the select six of the kingdom's crack regiment.

Just look at their great size The surprise of my father and myself was indescribable when, amid the regal magnificence of a spacious hall, we were finally brought before the Great High Priest, ruler over all the land. He was richly robed, and much taller than those about him, and could not have been less than fourteen or fifteen feet in height. The immense room in which we were received seemed finished in solid slabs of gold thickly studded with jewels of amazing brilliancy I remember hearing my father remark that the giant race of people in the land of 'The Smoky God had almost as accurate an idea of the geography of the "outside" surface of the earth as had the average college professor in Stockholm Two comes from the north to the sea, there waters flowing into the Erythraean sea, on the east.

And with respect to the remaining four, they take their course in the cavity of the north" Book Of Enoch Nor could you wonder had you witnessed a recent experience of mine when, in the armor of blissful and stupendous ignorance, I gaily narrated the gist of it to a Fellow of the Royal Geological Society on the occasion of my last trip to London The erudite gentleman in whom I confided congealed before I was half through!

It is all that saved him from exploding--and my dreams of an Honorary Fellowship, gold medals, and a niche in the Hall of Fame faded into the thin, cold air of his arctic atmosphere As far as the eye could reach out the sea continued and upon its bosom floated tiny islands, those in the distance reduced to mere specks; but ever beyond them was the sea, until the impression became quite real that one was LOOKING UP at the most distant point that the eyes could fathom -distance was lost in the distance.

That was all - here was no clear-cut horizontal line marking the dip of the globe below the line of vision". A great light is commencing to break on me," continued Perry, taking out his watch. When we emerged from the prospector the sun was directly above us. Where is it now? I glanced up to find the great orb still motionless in the center of the heaven.

And such a sun! I had scarcely noticed it before. Fully thrice the size of the sun I had known throughout my life, and apparently so near that the sight of it carried the conviction that one might almost reach up and touch it When we had passed out of the amphitheater onto the great plain we saw a caravan of men and women - human beings like ourselves-and for the first time hope and relief filled my heart, until I could have cried out in the exuberance of my happiness.

It is true that they were a half-naked, wild-appearing aggregation; but they at least were fashioned along the same lines as ourselves - there was nothing grotesque or horrible about them as about the other creatures in this strange, weird world. But as we came closer, our hearts sank once more, for we discovered that the poor wretches were chained neck to neck in a long line, With little ceremony Perry and I were chained at the end of the line, and without further ado the interrupted march was resumed On we stumbled beneath that hateful noonday sun.

If we fell we were prodded with a sharp point. Our companions in chains did not stumble.

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They strode along proudly erect. Occasionally they would exchange words with one another in a monosyllabic language. They were a noble-appearing race with well-formed heads and perfect physiques. The men were heavily bearded, tall and muscular; the women, smaller and more gracefully molded, with great masses of raven hair caught into loose knots upon their heads.

The features of both sexes were well proportioned As stated in the title, this is an excerpt from the author's Prologue, E. Burroughs; it ends here. From this point forward, the quotes are quoted by David Innes to Burroughs. There are some additional notes I wish to point out before closing. According to the ancient manuscripts, the Watchers not only provoked God by going into earthly women but, they also provoked Him by going into different animals - bestiality.

And they taught man these depraved acts as well. And the results of their offsprings, as you would probably surmise: Even the ancient historian Herodotus circa BC made minute quotes of some of these attrocities sic of nature. But let us quote from another ancient manuscripts that was mentioned by the chroniclers of Joshua And after this they sinned against the beasts and the birds, and all that moves and walks on the earth Unius REI against you: I accuse you of: Treason against the Constitution!

I accuse you all! Allahuakbar [Egypt] you have heard, as the Turks have said: You were been the only one who was not capable of doing the genocide of Christians: Now, those guys of the Copts? Because, where Christians have failed? Bush and His as New World Order? In fact, the beasts are Killed Among Them, but then are Part: One of only jungle! I as a Christian? I am happy to live: Satanists masonry and Share! You have Christ Betrayed? Keep up this hour: In fact, you can not be a servant of Allah!

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If you do not know to have compassion for other people? How, think you have the freedom to be a Muslim, though: Hell is the place of Muslims criminals like you! Then, all the fossils are of: How many innocent Jews: But to make ends meet the State? If you do not want a massacre indiscriminately? But, if, failed the King Solomon: Ethiopia, but, if it is not failed: How can I get me in distinguish between you? For the God of Abraham: JHWH on his Throne: This is decreed in: Satanists Freemasons, bankers, politicians and enlightened I must kill before being considered?

For the blood of Jesus on the Cross: I order in the name of Jesus: Alleluia you will be punished soon your own life is now in danger! God is stronger than anything and its time for you? I always to attack the summit! I go immediately to trample Satan and so in hell is spread: So will in the world of men.

I'm learning to perfect my faith in this recent days. All you have make against Jesus? You can not enter in the Kingdom of God, but so you go to hell. Don't make and worship "things" as gods; 3. Honor the Sabbath; 5. Don't bear false witness; You are already free, if you want to be free: Jesus is already on your side. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected!

I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Know ye not that: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: Inform yourself or stay in: God has programmed me to win: For the holiness of: God of Abraham, 2. But you are not prepared for death, because: If all are farmers of love? I'd enough - alone - to sink all you, in what you all want to give to others.

But he has nothing to lose! But you will lose your soul! Truly God has staked with Christ Himself. But Because Christ is Risen? My position is for Satanists all in: The Holy Spirit, that is inside me, rise up against my enemies: The Bible is not a book to read, as: The Bible is God: You are a reflection of Satan, but I am a reflection of God! I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down, in the drain.

Cancer now for those who have in youtube: He loves you so much That He Gave His life for you. There also loves you. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking all of your sins upon Himself and all of my sins. He Was Judged for Our sins and paid: Therefore Our sins will never be Held Against us. So wherever you are, pause to Reflect on what: Christ has done for you and to say: Your time is near, time to show your extreme loyalty to your Satan. Sons of darkness "lorenzojhwh", tells in the name of Jesus: Woe to you cursed.

Elijah is back and you'll need to get off: I linked you, to the foot of the cross, for to knowledge of your opinion of damnation. As cracks the open is of land, their bones were scattered on: The blood and horror, that they have given, will soon to ricare on their children, blood flow and despair on all their roads. He crowns the humble with victory. This is the glory for all his faithful. I killed him, so I kill also you!

Who dared to overthrow: I love his funeral! Satanism, Freemasonry, intimidation, corruption? Who has allowed corruption and Halloween in all world? JHWH, Jewish lobbies have destroyed: I can do more! Alleluia Begone Satan begone! Drink your poisons made by yourself. If you let Satan you will do again: I can not let Satan in my kingdom: Hallelujah God Gave us men to Our love, Our sense of justice and equality, the universal ability to relieve: In return of my love, I move: Make me evil for good and hatred with love in return. Raises a villain against him.

He is convicted and his appeal is terminated: Few are his days and his place be: His descendants will be devoted to destruction.

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Because he refused to show mercy and persecuted: The order to St. God can close your life now! You snake will live forever under: When I Shall see thee to descend into the abyss? Took possession of Terror: The order at Saint Michael Archangel and to all my angelic divisions to proceed to slaughter of all: I command in Jesus' name, that: You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! Un satanista ha detto a me, lorenzojhwh: Chi ha dato a questi mostri, l'obiettivo di conquistare, tutto il genere umano? Chi ha dato un corpo ai demoni, realizzando gli alieni e i dischi volanti?

Ma ho una notizia per tutti loro: You are all sons of: What you have done to others? Now i will do to you! Mene Tekel Peres Die!: You have to scream now your desperation on my channel: Come Holy Spirit, sent to us from heaven a ray of your light, come father of the poor, come giver of gifts, light hearts Come, comforter, sweet guest of the soul, sweet relief, safe in the heat, solace in sorrow, infuse your intimate peace, without your strength?

Is for the Blood of Jesus on: Is for Body Wounds of Jesus on: Why, I am Entitled To receive all the fullness, Because my debt is paid I am divine, immortal, Transfigured and glorified. I believe Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, paid for my sins by dying on the cross and that He can forgive all my sins. We have to go through things before we are saved. It is called going through trials. It is a test to see if we can make it untill Jesus returns.

If we make it: Get in an Apostolic Church and get baptized in: I would cry for: Listen children say and forward please. In fact it is: However, it is unfortunate that he is a banker jew illuminated by Satan. This offense did not deserve! Since it is written: Prisoners free", then you must first surrendered monetary sovereignty to the people, thief of a murderess and then you can build the Temple! History has taught you nothing? This is an extermination against all: Before it is too late: But, since we missed: One god is not a partner in: I love Jesus peace be upon him We hear, and we obey.

Grant us Thy forgiveness, our Lord. God is much bigger than one religion and also of all religions put toge: What you have said is too precious! Islam holy for my not is religion, but is spirituality: Give peace a chance! And business is war. Yeah, ladies and gentleman, that's capitalism, welcome to our world. Enlightened, what is the thing that you have afraid more of best? King of kings; 2. Prince of peace; 9. Light of the world; Name above all name. Racism Satanism, to bring hatred and vulgarity on world, do for an abuse of That page of YouTube, against: Have taken on this page, the disease that they fear.

I am the metaphysics of natural law: I exorcise in all youtube again, But of your death? For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire: Because JHWH save the humble people. With you I can break any barrier. With my God I can scale the walls. YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know I was served; to hear me? Foreigners tried the my favor, paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus: But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end.

In fact, in Luke And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king, bring them here and slay them before me" Alleluia!

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We're talking about something that is: But looking at you, one sees the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan, you are both whit serious psychological problems: I have the right medicine for you: Now go to die or remove your filth, from the world. I have many atheist friends in my lists, because i have love and esteem for them: You will can not overcome, the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous, now? You will not see the ! I command in Jesus' name the destruction of all Satanism, throughout the world.

Satanists of all of your lists? And when you think no one can see you? You don't have to get all defensive towards Jesus or God; cuz the ibex mountain goat you pervert and use as a familiar object to represent satan without justification or authorization. You will stand in judgment of you himself? Hard Its not a question of cosa dad can beat whos dad up. How crazy is that? God has given me all right! Even a child can tell you: I know every secret, even yours!

On this planet, no one WILL can live according to natural laws: But you can continue to do so the pig again! Sure, we have the evidence of evolution in the same species, but we do not have a single fossil that is the passage from one species to another. Have been portrayed as false: We, refined metallurgical findings in the "coal" and "polistrate fossil", the nephillim, all these tests prove it: On all those who are responsible for having innocent blood shed, I put as seal of my power the damn symbol of Cain, on all murderers.

I'm learning to use this power in this days. Indeed, the terror is spread among Satanists, and among all the children of darkness! I received all the powers of representation of the Kingdom of God: What I establish on earth? Is immediately written and ratified in heaven!

I'm like a rod of iron, and in fact, everything I have by shatter? NWO You are already free, if you want to be free: God saints, good souls for the future of mankind for your salvation now, now destroy this site! Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Inform yourself or stay in the dark or perhaps you are: His name "YHWH", 4. The power and security that come from fear? But, Love, beauty, wisdom, do not fear confrontation, not weaken in Division: If all farmers of love, did not have a weight?

I'd enough - alone - to sink you, in what you all want to give to others. Then the enlightened come to me! Truly God has staked himself with Christ. But because Christ is risen then, everything has already been established and then your lives are really in danger. My position is for all Satanists in the world: The Holy Spirit inside me that did not is for rise up against my enemies: I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down. He loves you so much that He gave His life for you. God the Father also loves you.

He loves you so much that He gave His only Son for you by sending Him to the cross. Taking upon Himself all of your sins and all of my sins. He was judged for our sins and paid the price for our sins. Therefore our sins will never be held against us. Right where you are, you now have the opportunity to make the greatest decision in your life. To accept the free gift of eternal life by truly believing that Jesus Christ died for you. Sons of Darkness "lorenzojhwh" tells in the name of Jesus: Elijah is back and you'll need to get off the river Kishon with him where you will be executed: I linked you, to the foot of the cross, to knowledge of your opinion of damnation.

The unique character of Satan is the breaking of all morality, that exalt the freedom for to bring at the idolatry of himself: I know them both? I will ruin you and certainly have the power to do so. As cracks the open is of land, their bones were scattered on the mouth of hell. They praise his name with dancing with drums and harps, they sing hymns to him. The Lord loves his people. The praises of God in their mouth and two-edged sword in their hands, to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people: If you have sold your life to Satan in for metal, horror, porno, ecc.

Who dared to overthrow the cross, symbol of the greatest love? Who destroyed the Christian civilization and imposed evolution? Which politician has legalized this abomination? They have the first disease dangerous that is in them mind: God of Abraham exterminate these evil of illuminated by the earth face, I can see their ruin, that they can get all the depths of hell in this year.

Drink your poisons made by yourself enough: If you let Satan you will do again the experience of happiness.. Amen Alleluia God gave us men to our love, our sense of justice and equality, the universal ability to relieve the pain of men of all the our brethren of all mankind. Satan that is in the world. NoahTheNephilim 1 secondo fa [yes! Albert Einstein is creationist] In fact, the heart of the debate is between two concepts in opposite: The most illustrious exponents: Albert Einstein for the deterministic view, and 2. Niels Bohr's indeterministic one.

According to this view: Albert Einstein; per la visione deterministica; e: Niels Bohr per quella indeterministica. In quella deterministica il caso: Secondo questa visione se noi avessimo una conoscenza: System Masonic occult powers; NWO! Rimuovi Spam NoahTheNephilim 15 minuti fa in conclusione! Di Fratus Where does empirical science, where they begin and subjective interpretations, this is the question that we all, we must respond, when we speak of Darwin's theory. Albert Einstein said, with a famous phrase, "is the theory that determines what we observe.

Piuttosto che osservare obbiettivamente e senza pregiudizio tutti i dati disponibili, si cercheranno solo quelli che confermano la teoria stessa. The whole universe is recent. This is explained, largely, with the concept of gravitational dilation of time by Dr. It supports the theory of general relativity by Einstein, that: Refute the central hypothesis: Questo viene spiegato, ampiamente, con il concetto, della dilatazione gravitazionale, del tempo dal Dr.

Si appoggia alla teoria generale: Rimuovi Spam NoahTheNephilim 31 minuti fa The scientific community, arguing that the denial of the evolution of the human species is in contrast to many experimental tests. Zichichi says, that all life forms have features: This leads him to assert that there is no contradiction between the real discoveries, scientific, and the existence of a Creator or Intelligent Design.

Zichichi sostiene, che, tutte le forme di vita presentano caratteristiche: Zichichi is also the author and supporter: