Massenets Werther: Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series

Charlotte tries to convince him that through absence, regret grows less bitter. Werther refutes her, declaring that he can never forget her. Nevertheless, Charlotte succeeds in persuading him to leave Wetzlar, at least until Christmas. Werther feels discouraged and defeated.

In his anguish and torment, he contemplates suicide—a way to find peace in heaven and an escape from foiled desires. But Werther tells her he must take the honorable course and leave forever, never to return. Sophie becomes disquieted and troubled. Sophie, in tears, announces that Werther has gone forever. The golden wedding procession emerges from the church. It is Christmas Eve. Charlotte reads letters she has received from Werther. She urges Charlotte not to cry, and tries to cheer her up by suggesting that she recapture her spirits and indulge in joys and laughter.

But then Sophie becomes remorseful that she mentioned Werther to Charlotte.

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Charlotte grieves, her tears expressing the agony in her heart. But the mention of Christmas fills Charlotte with misgivings and apprehension. After Sophie leaves, Charlotte prays to God to instill her with strength to combat her illicit feelings of love for Werther. He boldly admits that his passion for her has become so profound that he cannot remain away from her. Charlotte tells him that her father and the children have been saddened by his absence and they will welcome his return.

But Werther is more concerned to know if Charlotte has missed him. Charlotte is evasive and urges him to look around and see that nothing has changed. Werther reminds her how they used to sit side by side in this very same room and read and translate books together. She compliments him as a noble poet.

Werther points to a volume of Ossian and comments that in those verses lie his true soul: For the storm clouds bring grief, sorrow, and sadness. There are no more glories, just woe and desolation. Werther believes that her tears and trembling are confessions of her love for him. He explodes into an impassioned outburst and begs Charlotte to end her torture, her deception, and her delusions; she must admit that she loves him.

Impetuously, he begs Charlotte for a kiss.

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She tries to stop him from continuing and reminds him that she is a married woman. Charlotte prays to God for strength and mercy, but her restraint and resistance fail her: Charlotte quickly recovers and tells Werther that they must say farewell to each other and never meet again. Werther has been rejected again. As he rushes off, he concludes that she has condemned him to death, and he must die in order to end his torment and torture. Albert enters, suspicious after learning that Werther has returned.

He calls for Charlotte and finds her uneasy and distressed as he interrogates her. Coldly and without further thought, Albert orders Charlotte to give Werther the weapons. She dashes from the house, desperately hoping that she is not too late to save the man she truly loves. Charlotte arrives to find Werther alive, but bleeding from a self-inflicted bullet wound.

He prevents her from summoning help, preferring not to be separated from her in this first moment of happiness with her. Tenderly and passionately, Charlotte confesses to Werther that she has loved him from the day they first met. They embrace and momentarily forget the pain and sorrow that has intervened in their lives; Werther and Charlotte kiss for the first time. Werther tells Charlotte that he feels reborn and redeemed, and if she comes to his grave to shed her tears, it will be his greatest blessing.

In agony and anguish Charlotte cries out in desperation: He composed twenty-six extremely popular and successful operas, and in the process became rich and famous.

He displayed exceptional talent, earned admission to the Paris Conservatoire, and in , at the age of seventeen, won the premier prix after a successful piano recital. Afterwards, he pursued music studies in harmony and composition under the sympathetic guidance of the director of the Paris Conservatoire, Ambroise Thomas, renowned for his opera Mignon Massenet became one of those rare businessman-musicians who prospered and made enormous amounts of money from his art. Nevertheless, his colleagues condemned his success and smugness, and contemptuously accused him of being an opportunist who pandered to public taste.

But it just so happens that Massenet wrote melody, combined with a little modernism and just a touch of Wagnerism, at a time when most composers were trying to get beyond the old school. Therefore, Massenet was appreciated. We welcome his poor melodies because we have no others. His autobiography is a retrospective that documents his career, although it is impossible to distinguish reinvented facts from fiction. Much of its content represents an efficient and conscious attempt to weaken past controversy and create positive images of the composer for posterity; as Werther Page 17 an artist, he praises himself as a meticulous perfectionist, and in the end he proclaims himself a colossus.

He also attempts to settle many old scores by attacking a long list of adversaries, posturing himself as a person who above all else sought to please rather than to provoke. Massenet also defends his exploits in affairs of the heart.

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Opera Journeys offers over Mini Guide titles available in PRINT and EBOOK formats. featuring the genesis and background of the opera, and engaging and insightful analysis of the opera story and its characters. •Werther (Massenet). Featuring over Opera Journey's Publications Navigation Opera Journeys Publications Werther – Mini Guide PDF Composer: Massenet; Author: Burton D Fisher He is principal lecturer for the Opera Journeys Lecture Series at Florida .

He had a reputation as a romantic adventurer, so he counters that accusation in his autobiography by praising and elevating his selfimage: He was also a raconteur who charmed women with his stories. He admitted that women preoccupied him, that he understood them, and that they reciprocated in kind.

Werther – Mini Guide PDF

He had a pretty way of telling his fair companion that she suggested a melody, and he would go to the piano and improvise some honey-sweet strain that really did suit the personality of the one so highly complimented. In Don Quichotte, the hero attempts to uphold traditions in a changing world; in Manon the tragic story explores flawed human character that becomes contaminated and corrupted by materialism. Massenet brought intense human drama to the stage with the subtlety and refinement typical of the French opera style. His music contains a deep poetic feeling, together with graceful, tender, charming, and flowery melodies.

French and Italian opera originate from similar Latin roots, and both are most often dominated by fiery emotions and passions—those great primal conflicts involving love, lust, greed, betrayal, jealousy, hate, revenge, and murder. French and Italian opera styles and traditions may vary, but both deliver the same underlying dramatic intensity.

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Italian opera seduces its listeners into its conflicts and tensions directly and often with declamation; it is relentless as it bares its passions. French opera is generally more circuitous and subtler, and even at times overly refined and sophisticated. Its score contains lush yet sophisticated lyricism, grace and refinement; it has been said that only a Frenchman could have written its delicate lyrical phrases and elegant Werther Page 19 orchestration.

This pure and beautiful dwelling! Nevertheless, he did indeed have a legion of envious and jealous critics. J ohann Wolfgang von Goethe — was one of the most powerful and versatile figures in the cultural and intellectual history of Western civilization. He was indeed a colossus of literature, and his literary humanism was considered by many to be an entire culture in itself.

Two of his literary masterpieces became the inspiration for French operas: German Romanticism represented a backlash to the fundamental Enlightenment ideals of rationalism; in German Romanticism, Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series Page 20 subjectivism opposed the rational. As such, it rejected conventionality, defied authority, promoted greater naturalness of expression, and praised the irrational side of human experience.

Werther (Opera Journeys Mini Guide)

Imagination was paramount; as such, many themes were dreamy, fantastic and melancholy. Aesthetic sensibility was considered a religious experience, a spiritual ecstasy that purely expressed complex emotions. The novel was written at a time when Germans were dissatisfied with the material and spiritual conditions of existence. It mirrors a generation of people living before the French Revolution who yearned to escape from their perception of an antiquated social structure. The German Romantics yearned for an idealized spiritualism that replaced mundane or material values.

German Romanticists sought alternatives to what had become their failed notions of human progress; they were seeking a panacea to their loss of confidence in the present as well as the future. Romanticists became preoccupied with the preservation of nature. Industrialization and modern commerce had destroyed the natural world, so natural man, uncorrupted by commercialism, was ennobled. For the Romanticists, the spiritual path to salvation was fulfilled through idealized human love and freedom.

G oethe was one of the powerful forces of German Romanticism. And it was a name of which Django grew proud as it bore a sense of destiny and fate. Forced into an army, they left any homeland far behind. As they wandered from Persia to Africa to Europe, they were viewed as scourge. Arriving in the Balkans, they were enslaved or expelled. Popular folklore long held that Gypsies willingly wrought the nails to crucify Jesus on the cross, which was enough to curse them forever.

Yet the Romani still today tell their own version of this legend with a twist that casts them as both victims and heroes: The Barber of Seville The Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series An entire consultant to Rossini's The Barber of Seville together with the significant Characters within the Opera, the tale Synopsis, a narrative Narrative with one-bar tune spotlight examples, and an essay delivering historical past concerning the opera and its composer, research, and insightful and exciting statement.

The Untold Story of Rock-and-Roll A brand new York occasions publication evaluate Editor's PickLong sooner than "women in rock" turned a media catchphrase, African American guitar virtuoso Rosetta Tharpe proved in brilliant type that ladies may rock. Fisher by Anthony 4. Werther Opera Journeys Mini Guide. Schnellboot by David L.

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