Weeds Do Not Belong With Flowers

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Plants of the Aster family will have either disk flowers, ray flowers, or both. When the seeds are ripe and fall away, you are left with a pitted disk that looks strikingly like a little garden plot where all the tiny flowers were planted. The flower head is typically wrapped in green sepal-like "bracts" modified leaves surrounding the disk. The true sepals found around individual flowers have been reduced to small scales, or often transformed into a hairy "pappus", or sometimes eliminated altogether. One of the best clues for identifying members of this family is to look for the presence of multiple layers of bracts beneath the flowers.

In an artichoke, for instance, those are the scale-like pieces we pull off and eat. Most members of this family do not have quite that many bracts, but there are frequently two or more rows. This is not a foolproof test, only a common pattern of the Aster family. Next, look inside the flower head for the presence of the little disk and ray flowers. Even the common yarrow, with its tiny flower heads, usually has a dozen or more nearly microscopic flowers inside each head, and the inside of a sagebrush flower head is even smaller. If we owned property where they showed up that would be a good way to replenish the supply of trees and skip that section for mowing.

I found this comment earlier but didn't remember or see how to reply. It looks like maybe it changed through the years and now it's done on the notifications page only?

How to Get Rid of Weed Trees in Your Lawn and Garden

Another tree that produces many unwanted offspring is the goldenrain tree. My house came with one in the side yard next to the sidewalk.

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Read "Weeds Do Not Belong With Flowers" by Patrice Gendelman with Rakuten Kobo. A story about positive attitudes and how they impact you and everyone. The NOOK Book (eBook) of the Weeds Do Not Belong With Flowers by Patrice Patrice Gendelman, Darrell Mordecai | at Barnes & Noble.

It scatters seeds everywhere, but the seedlings are easy to pull if caught in time. The oaks from my neighbor's tree across the street are harder to deal with. One acorn sprouted right under my oleander bushes and I didn't catch it until it started growing through their tops. All the gardener did was top it off.

I may try your trick of stripping the bark. It's only a few feet from the house. The pic at the top of the page called "Two larger weed trees, intertwined" is what is growing out of the center of my dead 'river birch' trunk junction I thought it was maybe a river birch shoot, it's now over 8ft high and I just wanna make sure it's NOT a river birch shoot coming back up I'd think any type of paint would work.

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While I've done several different things to get rid of my weed trees, I don't remember whether I did the paint method or not, but if I did, I just used any paint I had leftover from projects around the house. Yes I am having thsu problem!! I have big tree weeds growing in my backyard and along both of my neighbors fences. They don't care but I do because I have a lot of grass in my backyard and they don't. I see you are from Michigan also, so I feel more confident on the information I have read. Many people write articles that are helpful but they are located west and are unsure if the products will work for my situation.

I'm going to try the bleach for sure and paint the trucks with weed killer.

When Virtuous Flowers Become Sinful Weeds

Thank you so much!!! I want to try the paint method as my weed trees are in my hedges. What type of paint works best for this. Regarding the picture of two weed trees intertwined - what kind of trees are they? The bigger one is exactly what I have. Thanks, good article and well written.

In one house where I lived, I had a severe intrusion of weed trees. I wasn't keeping an eye on them one year. Then, when I finally went out to visit the side of my house, the whole side yard was completely covered with weed trees. The only thing that could be done was cut them down.

Afterwards, my husband placed tar on the tips of every "stump". It seemed to have worked. But, we moved six months later so I don't know if it was a permanent fix. These are all great ideas for getting rid of weed trees. I purchased a poison specifically for weed trees, but it helps to have several sunny days for it to do it's work, and generally when I apply it, it will rain a day or so later so I won't know until next year either.

I have killed several, but they keep showing up.

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If I clear them out in one spot, they show up in another. I'm not sure what my weed trees are, but they are so resilient. Once, I cut one down and covered it with concrete stepping stones. The darn thing came up in the cracks!

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I recently tried a tip from someone I know who works in horticulture. Instead of cutting down to the base, I sprayed the leaves generously with weed killer.

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After a few days, the thing started to die. This has been several months, and so far they still look dead. I have cut down some of what's left, and they haven't come back. My friend said the weed killer spreads to the roots to kill it. We shall see in the spring if they come back. If it worked, I'll be doing the same to more of the varmints! Thanks for the comments and suggestion about the photos. As far as getting rid of weed trees in your own lawn or garden just make sure you note where they are located and whether you hope to plant other things there in the near future.

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Using bleach, salt or other chemicals designed to kill these unwanted trees could also cause the ground to be unsuited for other plantings for a number of years. Sometimes, thought, that's a small price to pay in order to be rid of them for good. Unfortunately, is you use one of the means in the above paragraph, you may cause other plantings to die while the ones you're trying to get rid of still produce new seedlings at the base of the seeming dead tree.

To show the photos together, simply edit the capsule, and click the checkbox that says "thumbnail. Yes, I have this problem. I keep getting new trees all the time, and my yard is not big enough for any more trees! I keep cutting them down, but I'll try taking off the bark or using bleach as you did. Thanks for the vote and the comment.

Glad you're kidding as I have enough to get rid of as it is. Yes, I have maple saplings around the house also, but they don't get started as often as the other ones. I'm not familiar with basswood. One of the trees I keep trying to kill may not be considered a weed tree; it's just growing too close to the garage to keep it around.

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Interesting, I just noticed an ad at the top of the page for a tree puller. I know I'm not supposed to click ads on my own hubs so I'll have to try to find it online later. We get weed trees all the time ours are maple and basswood. If you would like a maple or a basswood I can send them to you and you can send me a black walnut and a tree of heaven. Interesting hub and voted up. Thanks for the tips and comments. Mainly I didn't intend for all of them to have their own slide show, but I've learned maybe from you and others that is the way it's set up now on this site.

I guess the album and the slideshow is pretty much the same thing? I'll have to check out your hub again for how to make the resolution below the minimum listed. I do want all of them on the hub, but not over and over again. I did find out that when I go to my photos in my page if I delete extra photos of the same things that will help cancel any duplication on specific hubs. Responding to your last paragraph about formatting photos: You can compress that string of photos if that's what you intended into something similar to a slideshow by using the thumbnail feature.

Secondly--and I'm not sure this was your intent--if you don't want certain of those thumbnailed photos appearing in your slideshow, keep their resolution below the specified minimum. They will appear in your hub, but not in slideshows. Thanks, Marsha, great ideas, I will take a picture, it is very unique and when you cut it, it smells exactly like a weed Have you tried taking either close up pictures of the trees and leaves or cutting a small portion of the leaves off to take to a lawn and garden store. Many people that work in them can tell you what kind of trees they are.

You may want to call stores in your area first and see if they have anyone there that might be able to help you. We have a small family owned store that is a grain elevator selling all sorts of things related to lawns, gardens and even pets. They are the ones I utilize for viewing what I have to determine whether they are weeds or not. Another option would be to check out online tree sellers and see if you can match any of those trees with ones they sell. We probably have 15 weed trees on our slope, I left them there to hold the soil ion place when it rains, but eventually I want to replace them with fruit trees.

They do not look like the ones you described but I would be interested if you know of any resources where I can research what they are? Googling weed trees not helpful There are several trees that fit the description of the tree of heaven and the black walnut and the mulberry tree is one of them. The first two are the only ones that I've had in my yard, and therefore I chose to write only about them.

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I have a lot of wild cherry trees that come up every year. I can't deny it's tough slugging, but it does offer an added bonus, your body will get a little exercise. We got to find a little something positive somewhere in this dreaded task.

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Trees that are too close to homes and are not well-groomed can also destroy sections of the roof or shingles themselves. One found under a hedge would be difficult to work with I'd imagine. Now that we have identified the type of weeds we do battle with we need to know what to do to rid ourselves of them. Botany in a Day. Always make sure a chemical herbicide container is clearly marked poison and easy to read, and if there are any left-over chemicals after use, be sure to dispose of the solution according to manufacture instructions. One final option is finding a professional, or someone with a truck and chains to loosen the dirt around it and pull it out.

A good cultivator can be a little pricey to purchase but can be rented. Check with Lowe's or Home Depot to see if this option is available in your area. When the soil is cultivated and all the weeds removed, use a little diligence and check for new growth of garden weeds over a ten day time frame.

What are Weed Trees?

Because the soil is loose due to cultivating, any new weed growth will come out with little resistance. I know this is a tedious job, but nothing about garden weeds is a fun process. Once your garden is weed free, you can relax and enjoy the pleasure your vegetable garden will give you throughout the growing season. The following are some creative and effective methods to kill garden weeds and are worth trying.

Think of chemical weed killing as a last resort. Sometimes it may be your only option, especially if you have a physical disability that impedes your mobility. If this is the case, then do treat chemical herbicides with respect. When using any form of chemical weed killer, be sure to first read the instructions on the label and follow the manufactures recommended use. Herbicides are poisonous so memorize or write down the telephone number for poison control.

Also, use precautionary safety measures and wear protective clothing, gloves, eye goggles, and a face mask to cover your mouth and nose. Always make sure a chemical herbicide container is clearly marked poison and easy to read, and if there are any left-over chemicals after use, be sure to dispose of the solution according to manufacture instructions. Last but not least, wash out the chemical sprayer when finished and don't forget to thoroughly wash your hands and any other area of exposed skin.

Be sure to store chemicals in a safe place out of reach of children and do not use any container that is not approved by the manufacture. For some readers this may sound a little like "over-kill," but do keep in mind that is exactly what you are intending to do with garden weeds when using chemical herbicides.

Let's not ruin your day by ending up in the hospital for chemical herbicide treatment. Always read the manufactures instructions for best results and safety of use.