Grab Hold of the Past: How Understanding the PAST Adds Sparkle and Depth to Your Life in the PRESENT

There is this one picture that has this big blob of pink. Months after my mother had passed my brother passed as well. I then started seeing green. Not knowing why this would be his color, just that he loved orchids and he had tons of them. Though I had no green thumb we lost tons of them and I sent the rest packing to the college that he had started an orchid club.

Back to my brother I was in the hospital his last days and it was just an overwhelming amount excitement for me to be bless to see what I wittiness. Me being to focus I was able to see sparkles of light where he was looking. I just followed the sparkles as he did, and out of the corner of my eye I watched him in amazement. One of his last words was he saw someone he knew. He just blurted it out, it was crazy I tried to get more information from him but he was like in another world.

After he passed away he was struggling to breathe so he had a strained look on his face. My son who was around 5 asked me why he looked that way so I told him he was having a hard time breathing. Our family all gathered in the waiting room to talk about things. I returned to the room where my brother was to gather my things as I looked at him, I noticed something very different about his face. It was crazy, I asked the nurse if anyone had been in the room, she said no. I brought the family back in to see him and everyone was amazed! The coolest thing ever!

I see other colors and I just guess who it may be. I wonder how I could really find out who these colors belong to? I recently went and got a reading and there were definite things that were there that made sense. Though I was disappointed that no one in the family wanted to talk. Thank you for this blog, it makes me feel better knowing that it is what I am seeing. This is a great testimony to seeing sparkles, your psychic medium tendencies, and a loving memorial to your loved ones!

How wonderful that you are able to participate in this manner in the events. You are truly blessed. As far as knowing who the other colors are, just ask your spirit guides, and you will have an immediate knowing. It always starts friendly but then I get dark speckles or bubbles that happens every night, but I pray for those unfriendly sparkles or bubbles to disappear and they do, If I close my eyes doing pray. I may have to pray 3 or 4 times. The good vibes are white, pink-lavender, and dark blue sparkles. They may have been there my whole life but I never looked.

Very good read, I started university today for 3 years of art. As the lecture began it was all normal, and at the mention of painting, which is my chosen specialty, I felt an electric pulse go up my spine and suddenly there was floating darting sparkles everywhere. I was worried it was an eye problem, when I got home I researched it, concluded that it was not floaters , or white blood cells as some narrow minded doctors were claiming.

I found this page and others with information correlating to this. Thank you and much love. I am so glad you decided to research the topic, and not let others influence your experience! And I agree that this must represent your chosen path at this time. Thank you so much for responding to the blog post.

Also, if you are inclined, there are a few other articles in this space that might be of interest to you! I saw sparkles for the first time yesterday! But it sounds like he is very active and close by all the time. What a comfort that is! It is amazing how special the sparkles can be. So simple, but so special at the same time.

Well for the last 6 months I have dedicated every hour of every day towards spiritual enlightenment and as such I noticed a dramatic shift in my perception. For at least 5 months now I have been seeing these sparkles on everything, including my body, and when i close my eyes.

Even when I look into a mirror or into a light I see them. And when I am focusing on them they tend to coalesce into many linked moving concentric circles of varying changing colors; If I become even more focused they fuse into a semi-solid white which makes everything I see much brighter. I suppose I should mention that I also see random flashes of light and white glowing outlines around everything, including humans sometimes auric colors as well all the time. Sometimes I will look at a grid of lines such as a flannel shirt and I will always see a very intense grid of lights outlining the pattern.

Objects will also spontaneously seem to vibrate and appear to me to look more like holograms. Regardless, I hope this helped, and that no one should feel frightened if these happen to them; for me they have only brought joy and inner peace. But you have brought some interesting ideas to my mind that I will also explore. Thanks for pointing me to these posts. That is exactly my experience. It started in the bright day light outside, but then I could see them when it was shady, inside and even at night.

I noticed I see them best when I do a soft gaze, like you mentioned. The ethereal energy makes great sense to me. I hope this means that Isla will be able to see them too! It is uplifting to hear there are other experiences. Let me describe my recent encounter. I have had some tough times in my life.

I feel surrounded by his love and I believe I have just recently felt the real love and faith that taking god into my heart brings. I have never considered myself a really religious person. Did not grow up with a faith but have always believed in a higher power. I just started googling words of wisdom , reading bible verses, and started listening to music of faith in the evening on my laptop as I lay in bed.

Just this past week. And this is when I started seeing the sparkles. But I feel no fear when they are around. I feel safe and protected. Which is weird because I am a fraidy cat usually, and any creeks and unexplained things leave me frozen with fear. But I feel at peace. In fact after I see them I feel tingling all over, like a warm feeling comes over me of calmness. Its hard to describe what I see.

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All I can describe are… sparkles lol I see them out of the corner of my eye, or when I am not looking directly at something. Its in the air of my bedroom every night this week. Like Gold sparkles, or gold glitter glimmering in the air. Just one or two little sparkles. It catches my eye like when light reflects on glitter. They only last for a few seconds and they are gone. And are never in the same place twice, but seem to be in my room mostly.

Can anyone tell me what this means? Any why just now? Should I be afraid? So many questions and I just am not sure what it all means. So many people have the same questions that you do. All I can say is this: And this just happens to be the way you are aware of them. I consider it a blessing. Check out the other articles that I have posted on sparkles and children. There is lots of info there.

Hi everyone, in my never ending search for a reason or some sort of understanding for what literally terrified me on a nightly basis since my very early childhood up until I would have to say the age of 11 I have stumbled upon this blog and thought to share my experiences. I was a child who saw sparkles, and that was the only term I have ever used to describe them, and now that I am older I can better describe what they appeared to be, I would see clusters of floating moving colored light which resembled sparkles, each cluster its own color, some would be gold or purple, blue, lavender, various colors.

The clusters were never mixed nor were their colors. I would see them only at night, and every night since I was very very little and stopped before I hit my teenage years. These sparkles seemed to want something from me, that is what it felt like, like they were watching me and getting closer, and as the clusters would come closer, they seemed to grow larger, or more vivid. I suppose I will never have a definitive explanation, but my search continues because it was such a huge part of my childhood, I would like to have an answer and put it to rest.

Being little and knowing your the only one going through this adds to the distress you feel. Eventually as years went by I saw the sparkles less and less until I stopped seeing them completely, I can not remember exactly what age I was when it stopped but I do know it was right before I entered my teen age years, most likely around 10 or So if your wondering if your child will always see them all I can say is that as for me they eventually went away.

There were nights, after the sparkles had stopped appearing to me that I would feel a very light touch almost like a feather brush my face while I was trying to sleep, and oddly enough that did not scare me half as much as the sparkles always had. When this would happen I would open my eyes to see nothing there.

Well all, it feels good to know there are others out there who know and understand about the sparkles, and that I am not alone, although I do hope and pray that the parents of the children who do see the sparkles will pay attention to their kids in a comforting way, and let them know that they are not alone. Your experiences as a young child are amazing. I only wish that the internet had been around when I was a young child to help me through my years of screaming to my parents so much, that eventually they ignored me: If they had known what we know, it sure would have helped. Thank you so much for joining the comments about sparkles.

I totally understand what you are saying, I too wish the internet had been around when I was a kid and that my parents as well as yours were more able to understand, and BE understanding toward us, well now we can be there for others by sharing our experiences, hoping to shed some light for them and for ourselves as well. Thank you so much for creating this site, it is amazing to be able to connect with others regarding something so personal which I as well as others, I am sure have always thought and felt like it was something no one on the planet would ever understand and relate to.

I am going to take a look around your blog now at the earlier posts. Thank you again, and God Bless! Myself, with my daughter. Just a few days ago, my daughter was in bed and was sobbing uncontrollably because she said there were blue lights on her pillow and they were scaring her. She was swatting at them and then was pointing to red sparkles that were on her blanket.

Today she said she felt them on her skin and said it felt like ants underneath her shirt. It gave me the goose bumps. Do you have any other advice on how to calm her down and put her heart at ease when she sees them? Thanks so much, Lina. My Dad passed away in December of , he lived next door with my Mom. That night, she slept in our downstairs reck-room.

She was quietly crying and then suddenly these sparkles appeared. She described them as the white shimmers which glisten on the ocean waves-like white, small points of light. She said that they were about feet wide and almost the length of my futon that she was sitting on. She said it was a comforting feeling which allowed her to at least get some sleep. While she was pulling it over her head, her eyes were closed and this happened again. Sparkles-glistening, the same band of sparkles that occurred in hours after my Dad passed.

Coincidentally, she was feeling down and said she was crying prior to the sparkles. My question is this. If we as humans are seeing and bearing witness to all of this…why do only a few people see them and why does it happen so irregularly. What is your professional thoughts from one mortal to another? I hope you respond…thank you so much in advance for your help and insight. In order for the one in spirit to accomplish this, he has to bump down the vibration to match that of the third dimension.

At this point, what is witnessed depends on where the living person is oriented emotionally, concerning belief systems, and what might be occupying their minds. So— if the living in question is a highly spiritual person, very open to possibilities, and not clouded by societal thinking, she will witness some kind of contact. You know the saying: This is not physical seeing — although it may appear that it is physical. It really is seeing with a deeper spiritual vision I call it UltraSense.

Not everyone will see it at all — although the spirit is there, whether seen or not. And the manner in which the spirit being presents itself will be different according to the one seeing — it could be the sparkles, or a fine mist, or a depression in the bed covers, or even a figure or outline of a person. Thank you so much Melissa, just shared your response with my Mom and family. I told her she should give you call-you seem like such an amazing person, thank you once again for providing the insight. However, I can tell you that it is natural and not to be concerned. I knew someone many years ago who manifested gold fleck on her arms and face without realizing it.

It usually happened during church service. To me, it is a very spiritual event and your angels are conducting this manifestation. And watch this blog site, because I will do some research and post an article in the next month or so. It is very active! And because of that, I try to add updates to it as possible. My Dad passed away two weeks ago today. My 5 year old daughter has been increasingly complaining about seeing green and pink sparkles whether her eyes are open or shut, particularly at night. She also sees zig zags and white moving circles…would this be part of it too?

Thanks Susannah for your comments. What a wonderful gift it is for a grandfather to visit and let you know he is fine and near by. Given the timing, I would think it is the spiritual version of Sparkles. But do not rule out the medical aspect. Better to be safe…. I have seen spirits all my life, and have had many many psychic experiences. I have seen the sparkles many times also usually in front of my of me and in day light, but I was never sure what it was. I am now pregnant with my first and many times when I prey for my child or think of how much love I have for this little one, I have seen a tiny but bright blue light and it flashes.

It is often high above, once it was above my door way where my icon is. Other people feel comforted when they realize they are not alone. Many blessings with your new baby! The child is very special and watched over…M. I remember the first time I saw them. I have seen two different types: I have also seen in the blue sky, the best anyway, very billions of tiny quick moving flashes of light.

I have always been intrigued by both of these things, however, maybe the sparkles could be a result a lack of electrolytes as I can see them way better after a night of drinking alcohol. Also, I see these when I am in the sun way better. Sorry to anyone who disagrees, btw I am a very spiritual person that is the whole reason I stumbled upon this discussion, but eyes are extremely complex and sensitive sensory body parts.

Like if you look at a light and close your eyes you can see the light floating around. The same if you rub your eyes and then open them you can see them floating too. I am in the middle unsure. Two days after my beloved lab died i was looking in the mirror putting on some make up and in my reflection millions of sparkles were raining down on me. It only lasted 15 — 20 seconds. On our last walk together raindrops from an earlier rain fell from a giant oak and the sun had illuminated them making them look like rhinestones raining down. I had said to him look at how pretty that is, maybe it was his way of saying I love you.

What a wonderful story, Sally. I like the way your loving lab sent you blessings and remembrances of your time together. Thanks for posting this article. Today I saw a large static image, like the static of a TV on my wall, that was very large, and ethereal and definitely was exactly what this article is talking about. A few weeks ago I opened my eyes at night and saw tons of patterns on the wall and all over the room. I was freaked out! I want to try to keep my eyes open tonight and see what I see in the patterns.

I definitely feel like I have a clairvoyant ability that I need to develop. I was born in and believe my boyfriend and I are Indigo Children. That is wonderful Felicia! I very much appreciate your kind words, and that you enjoyed the article. All the best on your spiritual journey…M. Lasted for over an hour. What could that be. I prefer the sparkle they seemed gentler.

Thanks Anne for you comment. You have been blessed many years with sparkle spirit energy visitations. Seems that the white light flashes are different spirits. Probably because you have grown and are dealing with different things in your life than before. And I am glad you are sure that it is not a physical eye situation, but the spirit world! Hi my name is Michelle, i am 24 and have been seeing static lights sparkle everyday since i can remember.

Over the years they have changed from vivd colors and shapes to just white tiny lights… I have told many people but no one seems to take me seriously. Sometimes when i look at the sky it looks like thousands of tiny angles flying around and brings peace to my heart. I want to learn as much as I can about this and your artical helped out a lot so Thank you!!!

I love your response, Michelle! Thank you so much. If I can get your permission to quote you, I would love to use part of your response in my new book on this topic. Just reply to this comment. You can look at this blog article about the book: Also look around my blog for other articles. It just keeps growing! I gotta say, this is good to see that it is normal…when I was 20 years old…about 17 years ago I had seen a cluster of sparkles outside my shower.

I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me…the clusters was in the shape of a person some what.. I reached out to wipe my hand through it to see what would happen…. I feel like the grouping of sparkles represented a protective spirit around you, such as a guardian angel or spirit guide. Wonderful to know they are around us! I was walking to school and it was bright outside and I saw what looked like tiny bubbles and sparkles everywhere I focused my eyes at.

Would that mean it was a spirit or something? Or is that just a normal thing that happens with your eyes? You have to be aware that it could potentially be a physical thing with the eyes. If it happens at certain times, you should be able to define if it is physical or spiritual. And i did not feel protected or good or anything like that, it sort of scared me, but i guess i was just afraid because it was weird. I have been reading your articles after seeing sparkles of what looks like white flecks of light flying around.

I see them often when I am sitting outside my deck in broad daylight.. I though at first it was just my vision acting up but after watching them for awhile I noticed they are speck so light, not dust! But it does looks like dust flying around.. Over time I began to realize that without my glasses on I was actually seeing energy or spirits very easily because of my limited vision. Recently I had Lasik eye surgery to correct my limited vision problems.

For example if your field of vision allows you to see 30 ft away, look at everything that is maybe 10 ft away, or 15 ft away. Look at what is truly there and you will see. If you ask someone what color the sky is, people will say blue, but look again, its blue, pink, purple, white, gray… look at what is truly there. And for adding another manner of seeing at different distances. Yes, your body really does experience these things! We just have to allow and be aware of them…M. Edd Young April 29, hrs Very interesting explanation, My interest is a bit different. What a wonderful expression of Divine Love flowing through the windows of her soul!

Thanks so much for sharing this Edd! I too hope she sees them in your eyes! Finally , I am not nuts! When I go to bed and turn out the lights it gets hazy and the sparkles come out …..

The Truth about Seeing Spirited Sparkles

Sometimes there is color to small orbs of haziness that seem to move close to me. I can actually move the small hazy orbs that have sparkles to my husband and there they sit. When I put my arm up into the sparkle haze , my hand becomes wispy like and hard to make out my fingers and the sparkles dance all over it. And it is your ability to see with your Spiritual Vision, rather than your physical eyes. Some thing we all should remember how to do…M.

Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Cheryl Harness grew up in Independence, MO, and Buy Grab Hold of the Past: How Understanding the PAST Adds Sparkle and Depth to Your Life in the PRESENT, Can Enrich Your FUTURE and Very. With the Journal of His Exile to Siberia August von Kotzebue exhibit scarcely seem to bear any resemblance to my present self Come forth: delude my for the last time ere it be plunged into the depth below, and lost for ever to my sight. * Let me catch this last glitter l—See there that boy who hangs with fixed eyes upon .

I was curious what blue and purple sparkles were i have seen big sparkels about the size of golf balls around my angel. Mirrior and curious of what it means. I only work with the spiritual phenomena of sparkles. Thank you for sharing your experience, and blessings to you both…M. Hi i was very happy to come across this site, when i was a child even before i remeber i always saw sparkles but they was fine made me feel safe and content. Alot of occurances happened in my bedroom and on the nights that the sparkles wasnt there i felt uneasy and dare not shut my eyes, i felt there was something bad in my room if i did close my eyes my head was busyit was like watching an untuned fuzzy tv the violence of it and busyness, i was paralyzed with fear every time, and when i woke i told my parents things it would been impossible for me to know there is alot more went on but not really sparkles emma louise.

Thanks so much Emma for sharing your insights. So many people have had these experiences as a child. I am sure you have helped others with your comments…M. Im hoping someone can help me out. My 4 year old has been seeing sparkles for quite some time now and they freak her out so she chooses to sleep in her brothers room. NOW she says they hurt her. When i question her how she said they are pink sparkles that land all over her body and it hurts her.

My first impressions on this are that someone may have inadvertently asked her if it hurt, or she may be using this fear as an attention getter. You must judge for yourself, and engage her in a conversation about it. Do not comment negatively about anything she says, but open her to talk freely.

You may get your answers from her. One night when I was 6 years old I had a bad dream so I went to my parents room to sleep with them. I thought it was just a dust particle lit up by the passing cars through the side of the blinds. But dust particles would fade and slightly reappear and what I saw held its sparkling intensity the whole time and it floated very, very slowly downwards.

I was so unsure as to what I was seeing that I just laid there watching it slowly float down by the end of their bed. I then thought maybe it was just a sparkle, so I went to the end of the bed to see where it landed on floor, but saw nothing. After a few minutes when I laid back, 3 large, chunky, Casper looking ghosts came in doing a limbo train right by the bedroom door.

They had big smiles and I thought they were so cute and funny. The 3 ghosts then started crying. I then turned onto my side to try to start sleeping. When I turned I was facing where my mom puts her clothing it was a pile on a bench , this angry, witch-looking woman appeared just her head and shoulders and was trying to grab me. She had long bony fingers with long sharp nails. She would extend her arm out as far as she could with her fingers all spread then slowly close like a claw to grab me. I was so frightened and all I could do was lean away closer towards my mom. I KNOW I was awake the whole time, and I stopped squeezing my eyes shut when I heard birds chirping and knew it was morning and took a peep to see that nothing was there any more.

I have thought that maybe I was just a child, maybe I was asleep, maybe items in the room just looked a certain way…. I did doubt the whole sparkle thing too. But when I was 13 and again when I was 15 or so, I have seen the sparkle again at night as I was laying in bed but in my room by my closet, floating down very slowly again. I know for sure when of the more recent times the sparkle was red.

I watched one of them descend and fall to the end of the bed and I went to go look and saw nothing, but since I was frightened from what I saw years ago, I shut my eyes really tight and refused to even peek. If someone can please help me understand what this sparkle is it would be much appreciated. I see them when I am lying in bed with my husband, who also can see them too!

All of a sudden something is flowing above me, some times they look like they swimming in a little group also I have seen sparkles kinda like stars, Looks yellow, some times I have seen white of some kind of shape. Almost every night I see some kind of light above me, no noise or nothing. Thanks again, for your time on writing what the sparkles are! Now I know what they are and not be afraid of them, I am adult, been dealing with this since was lil kid, but knowledge more when I was a young teenager!

I thought I would be tired today but I woke up early full of energy. Therefore I am sure it is another dimension in the spiritual world. Now I no longer watch TV and play video games am connected more spiritually the more I let go of this world and worldly things. It is hard to describe the lights or energy as I refer to them, I have searched on the internet for similar stories and wow am so happy to read other people can also experience this wonder, they were the light of true reality breaking through the distorted reality which we have been accustomed to perceiving, random flashes of light and white glowing.

Thank you so much for your website and everyone for their honest comments, it has helped immensely. God bless you all x from ali in North Wales, United Kingdom. And I really appreciate your description of your experiences. Everyone sees the energies in different ways. And yours is beautiful too. You mentioned being afraid of the black color at first. But I have always looked at black as being a very sacred color for example: I started seeing the beautiful light particles again a few months ago. I say again bc I have always seen them, like you said, but blew them off.

But a few months ago while outside I kept seeing something out of the corner of my eye and I finally turned slowly and let my eyes relax, lost focus and voila! I saw the magic and I can now see it anytime I want, usually when the sun is out. I want to quote you bc you mention very true statements, at least for me! Yes, I see a beautiful pattern and they are sacred geometrical shapes. Very intricate and even the smallest pattern within the large pattern is geometrical.

When u look at the design from a large viewpoint I see bigger shapes made from the smaller shapes.

I tried to paint what I see, I could share it with you. I also started to see dark, like black, flecks a few years ago and thought I had an eye problem. Perhaps that is what a star child sees before their eyes are reopened. I am so glad you found this blog! And thanks for cosigning what I have found to be true. Together, we can get the word out, I hope. Two years ago my twin brother died from cancer at the age of We had a small memorial celebration for him afterward in Colorado, where my parents live and on the way home to Texas, my husband and kids stopped at a hotel in New Mexico.

I felt so weighted down with worry, fear and sadness that night and while everyone was sleeping, I was crying in the darkness of this hotel room when I saw this beautiful light on the wall in the form of a flower that was constantly blooming and changing colors.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and I just felt like it was my brother, trying to tell me that he was alright and that everything else was going to be fine and immediately all my worries had subsided and I felt this great sense of relief and calm. In my mind I was speaking to him and telling him I knew he was there and I asked him to make sure we had a nice day for the party. Then on the wall right at the head of the bed, I saw this brilliant patterns of color and light, mostly blues and deep purples.

I just remember thinking that it was happening again and feeling so utterly grateful for this gift and feeling like the light was love. I kept thinking that it was going to go away and I was so mesmerized by the patterns, then I decided I would reach out to touch it this time and when i did, my hand became indistinguishable, blending into the lights and colors and I held my hand up and the energy formed a kind of ball of brilliant colors in my hand and there was a slight warmth and tingling. It was the most amazing experience of my entire life.

I am a worry-wart, I always have been but this makes me less afraid of death. I believe there is only supposed to be love and what I saw was love. Thank you all for sharing your experiences! Thanks so much Kate for this lovely, and loving story! Yes, our spirits do live on. Yes, our loved ones who have passed from this earth wish to express their love and support.

And Yes, the lights you have witnessed express this love. Of course, I will keep your identity private Blessings…M. Melissa, of course you may share my story! I got back in bed, still troubled then saw what I can only describe as a purple haze shimmering just outside my bedroom, it lasted a couple of minutes and then went. I then felt the deepest sense of calm ever, the room just felt so peaceful, and I thought finally I can go to sleep, drifted off and slept solid for 3 hours.

Thanks for sharing your experience Wendy. Many other people will be comforted by it as well…M. Hello all, I find this so interesting. My first experience was while sitting on the couch watching TV. I saw this light thing flicker for about 3 sec. It was about feet off the ground at the front door.

I kind of freaked out when I saw it. Since that first time I have seen similar lights, all at around the same height, and all either during the day or with lights on in the room. Now as of late I have been experiencing missing items. Both were on the kitchen counter and both gone without a trace. As a young boy I have experienced these things. Any help woul be appreciated. Thanks for sharing your experiences Domingo. The lights are very normal and I am glad you told about them.

I am not sure about the missing items. But I have experienced it once in awhile. They always showed up later. I hope other people reading this will have some insight. Thank you for posting this Melissa. I used to lie in bed at night and watch these waves of little sparkling lights moving in such a fluid motion about my bedroom. It was never scary to me. It helped me fall sleep seeing these little lights moving about.

I always thought it was more than that though… So I just accepted it as my thing I was able to see and enjoyed the shows these sparkles put on for me. So again, thanks for posting this information… Nice to know I am not the only one to have seen these. I know the feeling your mom had.

And it takes time to truly understand what this wonderful phenomenon is… But I hope you can share it with her now…M. I have been experiencing something similar to this. It often happens right as I wake up.. Thanks Erin for your experiences. To answer your question, I have a couple of articles you might resonate with. Here are the links to the articles: I was so excited to find your articles on this subject!! I just ordered your book and can not wait to read it.

I need to give a little background, before I get to the sparkles. He can clearly see her, and can describe her in great detail. He also sees her while he is awake. Now on to the sparkles: Over the past month or so, my son has revealed to me that he sees little dots in the air. I asked him to explain. He said they range in size from a speck of dust to a grain of sand super itty bitty and are all different colors of the rainbow.

He says that they are like diamonds, in that they seem to reflect light — he explained it to me like when the sunlight is reflected off of a shiny coin. He says that there are millions of them — everywhere. He sees them all the time, day and night, with his eyes open.

He says that he has always seen them and thought everyone could. He says these drawings are colorless and like glass — see through. They are much bigger than the sparkles and they just gently fall like snow. Now, back to May. My son says that if closes his eyes and empties his mind his words! He says that she is surrounded by a glowing multi colored light — all the colors of the rainbow.

He explained it as if the sparkles were the pixels in the TV and they formed the vision of May, the same way the pixels, form the images we see on the TV — this kid blows my mind sometimes!! Upon further discussion with my son, he revealed that he sees a thin outline of color around people. He sees green around me, red around his father, violet around his sister again his words — I find it interesting that he used the word violet and not purple , and he sees blue around himself.

He gets a huge kick out of this. Is my son seeing auras? Are the sparkles connected to the auras? Can May or any spirit for that matter have an aura? He says May is the only one he sees with a multicolored light around them -everyone else those alive and kicking! He is extremely sensitive, compassionate and completely selfless.

I do believe that it is a gift from God and that is what we are telling him. I just want him to feel safe and blessed. I am really hoping that I can share some of the stories in your book with him, so he knows he is not alone and that he is very special. Yes, he is very detailed and that is so cool… He is seeing aura energy around people, yes. The sparkles are different. They are angels and spirit guides using energy in a special way so we can see it. And I have the feeling that May is a guardian angel there is assist him.

And, yes, please share it with your son. Melissa- thank you so very much for getting back to me. I believe my brother, who died when he was 5 years old — over 30 years ago, is somehow involved- again very confident on this. The thing is that May is not someone that is related to our family in anyway- she has no connection that I can find. So, could it be possible for her to be a guardian angel? So interesting, but kind of frustrating, as I have so many unanswered questions.

I will certainly comment on your book once I receive and read it! Love that I have found this Blog and I too ordered your book for more indepth information and explanation. Just recently our 8 year old daughter brought them up again. She can see them as I sit next to her and it amazes me the look on her face when she watched them around the room and describes them.

She smiles and watches intently. She says they can go through the walls and through the blankets on her bed. My husband and I do not see them and my 6 year old son does not see them either. He has not talked about seeing anything anymore but our daughter is very descriptive. She said she no longer sees the red ones. She said they make designs sometimes. Why the difference and why are they not around anymore? She also described her favorite ones are the purple ones with green around them. They absolutely have a positive energy for sure as I can see the amazement and calmness she has when she sees them.

Thanks Melissa for sharing your story about Sparkles! Your children are amazing. I have a feeling that the big red ones were there for a special purpose. When that was accomplished, they moved on. Melissa- your daughter sounds so similar to my son! I would really love to chat with you more on this as I would love to have some support from someone in my shoes! Would love to share my sons story with you!

Is there some way I could contact you? If you are interested of course! Really hope to discuss this more with you- I have no friends or family that are experiencing this. There is one thing I am certain of- our children are extremely blessed! What state and city are you located in? Thanks for getting back to me! Really looking forward to chatting with you! Maybe my FB settings are set to super duper private! I switched off the lights and had a nap whilst browsing internet on my laptop…after 15 mts I woke up and i saw many sparkles in front of me…..

I sat up straight and rubbed my wide open eyes and still the sparkles stayed and and I switched on the light and switched it off again, but the sparkles remained…. It was like for about 10mts and then it was pitch black…. After that huge changes started occuring in my life which were scary like lost a job, visa rejected, but got everything immediately, like lost a job on 4th april and found a new job on 16th april…But until date I have not seen those sparkles again.

I have moved to a different hospital and place, moved house. I wonder what is your view on this…. It is interesting because you have only seen the sparkles that once — and for a really limited time frame. My thoughts on this is that you were in a very tiring state of life at that time. When you went to sleep, and woke to the sparkles, it was because of your physical energy.

How Genome Sequencing Became A Last Resort For Parents In Search Of A Diagnosis

You were in a weakened place in your life. And the sparkles, or angels and spirit guides as I refer to them, were surrounding you and preparing you for change. This I believe happens to all of us. This was a special situation, and you were blessed to witness it! I am glad that the changes have taken you to a better life experience. Dear Melissa, I am so thankful that you took time t read and reply. But, yes, I was very weak at that time, insecure and also that one week, dont know why, i had started chanting a buddhist mantra and many other buddhist prayers …it was like my duty to chant.

I am not a buddhist, still…. The whole week in the hospital, in my duty room, i used to get up, take shower, chant the mantras and then go to the ward…when i come back for lunch, i used to again chant…. I could not understand why, but yes may be, because I was afraid of the intuition I was getting…. I had been taking in the exploitaton by the employers too much and it all ended very dramatically…But again all is well, that ends well. I have moved to south west of england now and its a sea coast…. Hi i have recently experience seeing a gold sparkling cluster like glitter i have seen couple orbs in my 26 years but not many, ive heard things before an seen shadow movement not to much but i do getting feelings mainly like im not alone.

After seeing glitter the 4th time in less than a month i wondered if what i was seeing was energy? My mother is wiccan an my 5 yr old told me of seeing a ghost like 3 times maybe a year ago but wasnt sure if it was true or not. I am so curious to if this is paranormal? Because I truly think of these events you mentioned as being Normal. These things have always been happening, and seem to be more frequent, even for folks that do not believe in it! It has a lot to do with the Veil between the worlds thinning. So we are more aware of what has always been there.

Many blessings to you and your family…M. Hello I am a new massage therapist and this is the first article I have come across on sparkles googling it the best I could describe it. Just two days ago I seen a brighter and a bigger sparkle and it surprised me. What does this mean Do colors mean certain things. I have so many questions please email me thank you! If you poke around an the blog, you will fin many more articles about Sparkles. The colors will mean something to you as you get familiar with them.

I feel like each person have different thoughts about what color means to them. You can find so much more information that will help you understand this by reading my latest book: Does your Child See Sparkles? It is not just about kids, but all of us. Here are the links for the ebook and the paperback:. N things happen in real wen i say or dream it, its like i knew it b4. We all have intuitive abilities only some people never pay any attention to them. I have been seeing bubble like things in sky as a child, wen i grew up i ignored it, bt i still see sparkles of light on my eyelids wen i close it.

Hi Melissa — I found this post through Google and am so relieved to know that I am not imagining things and also that I am not alone in my experiences. It turns a pitch dark room into being light enough that I can see the outline of my hand when I hold it up. Within this glow sparkles appear — tiny white twinkling stars that seem to come and go, sometimes they are colored. I have closed my eyes and rubbed my eyes, but they are still there. It lasts about 10 minutes to 30 minutes. Tonight I really focused on the lights and the glow seemed to come together into a human like shape head, shoulders, arms with the sparkles being in the chest area.

As soon as I tried to rationalise what I was seeing, it spread back out into the swirling glow again. The first 2 times I had this experience related to my dad who passed away 12 months ago next week. I was feeling heavy, overwhelming grief and had been sobbing deeply earlier in the night — the appearance of the light and sparkles gave me immediate sense of peace and calmness.

Tonight was the third time — I am feeling quite sick at the moment and also feeling the pain of the anniversary of losing my wonderful dad. I closed and opened my eyes and looked around the room but there was nothing that could have reflected or shone a light. I relaxed and then the glow started to light up the room. I woke my partner, but he could not see it. He said the room was pitch dark to him. What a wonderful explanation of your experiences. I feel your father is with you always and has the ability to share these Sparkles as a way of comforting you.

I see the lights all the time and the sparkles sometimes. I saw them again just now. So i did a google search on them again. NO glitter in the house,,,, waking up from sleeping with glitter on my or even after i takes a shower i comes out with glitter more sometimes! It been round three weeks!

They are random for me and come in many colours and absence of colour I like how you wrote that when the lights are off it looks like static that is true and it moves like a living field, outside …the source field becomes more visible. Hi Melissa — I lost my 20 yr old daughter a little over 10 months ago…I strongly believe in life after death as do all my children..

I have asked my daughter Kayla who passed to please give me a sign that she is at piece. To this day I find it hard to believe she is no longer here with me. My grieving is very strong at times. However since her passing I have been coming across blue and black butterflies a lot …If first stared when my daughter was still alive we were at a butterfly place, and this one blue and black butterfly kept trying to land on her and it did..

They may appear in a photo that has crossed by me or I have even had a friend lend me a book and there on the front cover was a blue and black butterfly mind you the book had nothing to do with butterflies. I feel these butterflies keep crossing my path from a sign from my daughter.. This is so you can try and tailor future medical surveillance and management of the disease, she adds, as well as "provide accurate advice to other family members about the chances of another child or family member being affected by the condition.

Yet, despite her best efforts, for many years Firth could only diagnose about a quarter to a third of the patients coming through her doors. Traditionally, geneticists like Firth used a process called karyotyping, which involves pairing up and ordering all the chromosomes to see if any are missing, duplicated or contain subtler structural changes.

Karyotyping remains a useful technique for pinpointing large abnormalities, but the level of resolution is limited to around 5 million base pairs. Geneticists' work became easier with the development of array technology, which enabled smaller abnormalities to be detected, with a resolution of 50,—, base pairs. However, neither of these techniques could spot tiny but often very significant changes, such as a single chemical letter being substituted for a different one. For this, you need DNA sequencing, a technique first developed during the s. The process has become progressively faster and cheaper ever since.

Even so, until very recently it was only practical for clinical geneticists to sequence one gene at a time — limiting what could be achieved in an individual patient. However, by array technology had improved and the cost of genome sequencing fallen to the point where Firth, together with Matt Hurles — who is now Head of Human Genetics at the Wellcome Sanger Institute — believed they might be able to diagnose many more patients if these technologies were systematically applied.

So, in partnership with NHS Genetics Services and several other research groups, they recruited more than 12, British children and adults with undiagnosed developmental disorders into the Deciphering Developmental Disorders DDD study and sequenced all the gene-coding regions of their DNA. They also sequenced their parents' DNA, enabling them to identify mutations that had occurred "de novo" — either during egg or sperm production or when the affected person was still an early embryo.

One of those recruited was Evie Walker. She and her parents each gave a saliva sample, and the genetic sequence of each of their 20, genes was compared to a database of 1, known developmental disorder genes. Although doing this has enabled many DDD participants to receive a diagnosis, it didn't work for Evie. Instead, for Evie and those like her with no diagnosis in the DDD study, the researchers turned to her other genes — those with no known link to disease — looking for ones containing a significant excess of de novo mutations.

This led them to the PURA gene, which encodes a protein that helps regulate the expression of numerous other genes. Evie and two other girls were found to have small deletions or spelling mistakes in different areas of the PURA gene, which the researchers believed accounted for their illness. Although the girls had similar symptoms, they weren't identical: To date, rare variants in nearly 1, genes have been shown to cause developmental disorders.

So far, the DDD study has identified 30 new genes associated with developmental disorders and has led to the recognition of 14 entirely new disorders — although the data is still being analysed and more are likely to emerge. As for Alison Walker, though she wanted a diagnosis for Evie, she underestimated the impact it would have on their lives: We didn't expect it to be life-changing, but then when it came it really was.

On the other side of the world in Melbourne, Australia, six-year-old Sarah Anderson was going through a diagnostic odyssey of her own. The first sign that something was wrong was when Sarah, at 36 hours old, couldn't stay warm, was incredibly floppy, wasn't feeding properly and would temporarily stop breathing. Fortunately, Sarah defied the odds, although as she grew older she failed to meet the normal developmental milestones and struggled to control her movements.

At 14 months she developed severe epilepsy, suffering up to 20 seizures per day, which left her exhausted and made her other symptoms even worse. Sequencing didn't provide an immediate diagnosis, but it did narrow the search to around 20 genes — one of which was PURA. The breakthrough came when a doctor from Melbourne who knew about Sarah's case attended a conference where early results of the DDD study were being presented. One slide listed the PURA gene along with other genes of interest.

Afterwards, the doctor walked up to the presenter and said: Several months of emails and telephone conversations later, Sarah's neurologist was emailed a draft of the research paper the British researchers were putting together on this new condition. It contained a photo of the first child that they had diagnosed. The photo showed a pretty four-year-old girl, with a round face, long dark hair cut into a blunt fringe, and a slightly open mouth. Even though Sarah's doctors could now give Mel a diagnosis, they couldn't tell her any more about what it meant.

Mel credits Sarah's neurologist with what happened next. At the same time, an American group published a study describing another group of children with similar mutations. Mel arranged to fly out and meet some of them. On that first visit, she met with seven other families, and they agreed together to set up a foundation.

Soon afterwards, they launched a website and began to formally register the foundation. They then reached out to any researcher they could find who had worked on the PURA gene or the protein it encoded.

Inspirational Quotes to Live By: Listed by Author -

Niessing had spent the early part of his career trying to solve the structure of the PURA protein and understand more about what it did. Mice that had been engineered to lack the PURA gene showed serious defects in their brains and nervous systems. The mice also tended to struggle with eating, breathing and walking.

It was the first time Alison had met Mel face-to-face. The DDD project isn't only playing the role of disease detective for people with developmental disorders. One interesting theme that's emerging from such studies is the overlap between these disorders and cancers — both childhood and adult — all of which are driven by mutated genes. Embryos and cancers have several features in common: And developmental signaling pathways controlling cell division and migration are often found to have become reactivated and dysregulated in cancer. Increasingly, some of the same genes — and even the same mutations — are being implicated.

For instance, mutations in a gene called BRAF can result in a developmental disorder called Costello syndrome, which is characterized by intellectual disability and delayed development, loose folds of skin, unusually flexible joints and a large mouth. BRAF mutations also drive the growth of cancers, including some childhood brain cancers as well as the skin cancer melanoma in adults.

What seems to be important is the timing of when mutations occur: Research into adult cancer has led the way in terms of using discoveries about the genetics of the disease to find new treatments for it. Many newer cancer drugs target relatively common genetic mutations that drive tumor growth, and biopsies from individual patients are tested to predict whether they are likely to respond.

Childhood cancer is more challenging, though. Often the mutations driving it are extremely rare, so you don't necessarily know what to look for. If a child fails to respond to chemotherapy, their doctors may be at a loss as to what to try next. Far better would be to identify the driver mutation at the outset and proceed straight to targeted therapy — and that's where sequencing comes in. Since , Rajen Mody at the University of Michigan and his colleagues have been sequencing normal and tumor DNA, as well as the tumor RNA the template that enables DNA to be translated into proteins , from children whose cancer has failed to respond to standard treatment.

Compared to DNA sequencing, sequencing RNA is more effective at detecting gene fusions — a common type of mutation in childhood cancers. So far, they have sequenced children's tumors. In a third of cases, they have been successful in starting patients on a pre-existing drug targeted to the particular mutation or fusion identified. Adults with melanoma often carry a mutation in the BRAF gene, and if they do, a BRAF inhibitor drug is often effective — at least until their tumor becomes resistant to it.

Yet some children with brain cancer also have this or other mutations in BRAF, for which these drugs would also be effective. The cross-over between cancer and developmental disorders means that a similar approach could pay dividends there. The , Genomes Project was launched in England in by the then prime minister David Cameron, whose own son Ivan was born with a rare neurological disorder that baffled doctors and eventually claimed his life.

The goal was to sequence , genomes from patients with cancer, rare disorders and infectious diseases, both to find diagnoses and potential treatments for them, but also, in so doing, establish the infrastructure to offer routine whole genome sequencing for rare diseases and cancer within the NHS by October this year.

So far, they have sequenced more than 75, genomes — most of them from families with undiagnosed rare diseases — and diagnoses have been returned in around a quarter of cases. One of them was a boy with severe immunodeficiency and neurological disease, who died at the age of four months. The boy's DNA revealed a mutation in a protein that transports vitamin B12 into cells. Shortly afterwards, the mother became pregnant again, and just before the baby was born they discovered that he was carrying the same mutation.

The World Of Spirit Communication

However, case reports of other children with this mutation suggested that giving high doses of vitamin B12 could overcome the problem, so this is what they did. There are potential benefits for the health system too. Caulfield cites another example: Yet, despite the optimism, genome sequencing doesn't provide answers for everyone.

Paul Arvidson's nine-year-old daughter, Nenna, is enrolled in both the DDD study and the , Genomes Project, yet neither has come up with any answers for why she is the way she is — at least not yet. For the family, the hardest thing is being unable to make long-term plans: We don't know if her condition means she isn't going to make it to adulthood, or to her teens.

We want to be able to prepare for that — to know if there are things we need to think about sooner rather than later. It may be because the DDD project looks only at the protein-coding regions of the genome and conserved regulatory sequences. In the hope of finding diagnoses for more patients, the DDD project has applied for access to the , Genomes Project's data.

But large projects that are doing whole genome sequencing — including , Genomes — are also encountering limitations. One issue is that, although it's called whole genome sequencing, there are regions of DNA that are unreadable. Also, whereas the current DNA-sequencing technology is very good at identifying single letter changes in the DNA sequence, it's less good at spotting more than just a single letter change, or insertions or deletions. For very rare diseases, it could also be that there aren't enough other people with the same sorts of mutation for it to be detected.

This will enable us to diagnose more children as the list of genes causing developmental disorders grows through our own research and that of others. With the power that sequencing brings, there is also risk.