
But there were at least two show-stopper bugs that prevented me from flipping the switch. I really like the science fiction TV series The Expanse. In addition to a good plot and a convincing vision of human society two centuries hence, it depicts, as Phil Plait observes , a lot of good science in a matter-of-fact, almost off-hand fashion. But one scene really, just a few dialogue-free seconds in a longer scene has been bothering me. In it, Miller, the hard-boiled detective living on Ceres , pours himself a drink. Unfortunately, the effect depicted is 3 orders-of-magnitude too big.

There is an exception, of course: Well, finally, a paper from Hawking, Perry and Strominger has arrived. Cue further brouhaha …. Recently, an old post of mine about the Asymptotic Safety program for quantizing gravity received a flurry of new comments.

Will You Still Be Mine? - Miles Davis

Inadvertently, one of the pseudonymous commenters pointed out yet another problem with the program, which deserves a post all its own. This semester, I taught the Graduate Mechanics course.

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As is often the case, teaching a subject leads you to rethink that you thought you understood, sometimes with surprising results. It seemed like a straightforward question. How does it do this? After a decade, Wikipedia finally rolls out MathML rendering. Currently, only available as an optional preference to registered users. If you are running a webserver, you are vulnerable. Even if you avoid the obvious pitfall of writing CGI scripts as shellscripts, you are still vulnerable if one of your Perl or PHP scripts calls out to system.

Even Phusion Passenger is vulnerable. And, yes, this vulnerability is being actively exploited on the Web.

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Some of these look like harmless probes; others like the one which tries to download and run an IRCbot on your machine less so. For nearly 20 years, Golem has been the machine on my desk. He does praise those that help, including Newton, Hartley, Priestly, and others, but puts any notion of changing the world as more contemplative than actual.

Many of the religious images are similar to those in the Book of Revelation , including an emphasis on a New Heaven and New Earth that would eventually come. The atonement present within the poem is through the use of imagination to realise that one's self is united to the rest of humanity, known as One Life.

Coleridge's friend and schoolmate Charles Lamb wrote in to say, "I have re-read [ Religious Musings ] in a more favourable moment, and hesitate not to pronounce it sublime.

If there be anything in approaching to timidity [ Musings with uninterrupted feelings of profound admiration. You may safely rest your fame on it.

Musing Sentence Examples

However, Wordsworth emphasised that some of the best lines were those that weren't simple. But the praise was polite rather than perceptive; no reviewer was prepared to tackle the apocalyptic mixture of religion and politics in 'Religious Musings'". It remains a fragmentary poem that lauds the process by which fragments collapse into unity. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'musing. See more words from the same century.

Translation of musing for Spanish Speakers. Translation of musing for Arabic Speakers.

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By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Please tell us where you read or heard it including the quote, if possible. He does praise those that help, including Newton, Hartley, Priestly, and others, but puts any notion of changing the world as more contemplative than actual. Noun Gohmert picked up on Jordan's evidence-free musings that these accusations are a political hit job on him. Ghost Word The story of an imaginary word that managed to sneak past our editors and enter the dictionary.

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How a folk song became a term of derision. The participle made famous by Elvis. And is one way more correct than the others? The story of an imaginary word that managed to sneak past our editors and enter the dictionary.

Example sentences containing 'musing'

How to use a word that literally drives some people nuts.