Military Menage A Trois (A Sexual Pleasure Fantasy)

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However, a few weeks ago, my Inner Child collapsed in fear and panic. I was as helpless; Janey and Sasha and I watched me sink into a well of despair. Oh my poor walking, wounded Inner Child. When will she ever find total peace? I looked again at Janey and Sasha. They held space, love pouring forth from both of them. Tears flowed freely down my face as we opened ourselves even more to one another. That rhetorical question needed no actual answer in the moment. Time will reveal more as we proceed. The invitation is there for any of us at any time to express our thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires.

My beautiful mirrors show me what I need to pay attention to. Their reflection is honest. For myself and my healing, I know I only need to internalize the love they shower on me. I think that time is the element that will allow me to integrate the love that already exists. We welcome the love and adventure. We also have others who want to join us.

Some want only the moment, to mix energies, stories, love and joy while others seek longer connections as students, teachers, clients, seminar attendees, party participants, lovers and community members. They are all intriguing.

Enjoy A Live-In Menage A Trois ~ LoveStyles – Aquarian Radio

Each path to source, to whatever we perceive as God is unique and valuable for all of us to view. My family and our trials and tribulations are but a microcosm of all that exists. Nothing in the human condition is alien to me or mine. My internal strife unhealed reflects externally and thus affects all around me. As within, so without. As above, so below.

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My personal wounds are no greater or no less than yours. My story is universal. As I heal I heal those around me. Same goes for each of us. As we each own our reactions and heal ourselves, we are in affect healing the planet.

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Every internal conflict resolved affects the morphogenic field and shifts us to an alternative reality of peace, away from the model of war that we are being offered right now. Since I am a social being, I chose my family as my place of healing and evolution.

Enjoy A Live-In Menage A Trois ~ LoveStyles

I know with the love and support of others around me who share the consciousness vision, that I can live authentically from my deepest personal truth to become my personal best and give the most I can in the short while I have to dance on this planet. I invite you to look at your hearts. What do you find? If so moved, I welcome your answers. The three of us problem-solve and work more smoothly than Janet and I have in years. Janey stays clear and centered and her few words of neutral observation help us return in mere moments to love and cooperation when Janet and I destabilize into soured interaction that would otherwise have lasted hours.

Her comment snapped me back into awareness and I was able to apologize and talk about what was really bugging me, stuff that had nothing to do with Janet. Janey brings us back to love. Janey even swims with me too. Janet had been apprehensive as well as excited that Jose and Mandy will join us in three weeks. Breaking into this strong dyadic conscious stream. I look for my break-like a sperm attacking an egg-tail flagellating.

Yet knowing full well I am the one to fertilize this waiting ripe ovum that has been waiting for my love. Breaking through all barriers. Please be the one! Be strong enough to come inside our vulnerable lives, strong enough to love and live. Transcend our spiritual egg-cause life to unfold. We have had this full month alone without other community members to get to know one another and form the bonds between me and Janet, between me and Sasha and synergistically among the three together.

It has been wonderful, interesting intense and a month long honeymoon. We stretch and purr with the kitties while having tea at our early morning check in where we analyze our dreams and plan our day. I came to this relationship with such a newfound emotional freedom and strong calming spirit. This was such a welcome addition that was easily woven in. I felt their needs so strongly. Their intensity was off the scale at times. For through the intensity, their love and joy is just as strong and my commitment, love and devotion bring me back to center and I am at peace again.

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Sasha Alex Lessin August 7, As the readership for science fiction and fantasy began to age in the s , writers were able to introduce more explicit sexuality into their work. In his novel Flesh , a hypermasculine antlered man ritually impregnates legions of virgins in order to counter declining male fertility. Theodore Sturgeon wrote many stories that emphasised the importance of love regardless of the current social norms, such as " The World Well Lost " , a classic tale involving alien homosexuality , and the novel Venus Plus X , in which a contemporary man awakens in a futuristic place where the people are hermaphrodites.

Heinlein 's time-travel short story " All You Zombies " chronicles a young man later revealed to be intersex taken back in time and tricked into impregnating his younger, female self before he underwent a sex change. He then turns out to be the offspring of that union, with the paradoxical result that he is both his own mother and father.

When Heinlein's " The Puppet Masters " was originally published, it was censored by the publisher to remove vatious references to sex. The opening scene, where the protagonist is called urgently to HQ on an early morning hour, was re-written to remove all references to his being in bed with a girl he had casually picked up. The published version does mention that the book's alien invaders cause human beings whose bodies they take over to lose sexual feeling - but removed a later section mentioning that after some time on Earth the invaders "discovered sex" and started engaging in wild orgies and even broadcasting them on TV in areas under their control.

Thirty years later, with changing mores, Heinlein published the book's full, unexpurgated text. In " Time Enough for Love " , Heinlein's recurring protagonist Lazarus Long - who never grows old and has an extremely long and eventful life - travels backward in time to the period of his own childhood.

As an unintentional result, he falls in love with his own mother. He has no guilt feeling about pursuing and eventually consummating that relationship - considering her simply as an extremely attractive young woman named Maureen who just happens to have given birth to him thousands of years ago as far as his personal timeline is concerned. The sequel," To Sail Beyond the Sunset " takes place after Maureen had discovered the true identity of her lover - and shows that for her part, she was more amused than shocked or angry. Poul Anderson 's novel Virgin Planet deals in a straightforward manner with homosexuality and polyamory on an exclusively female world.

Sex and sexuality in speculative fiction

The plot twist is that the protagonist is the only male on a world of women, and though quite a few of them are interested in sex with him, it is never consummated during his sojourn on the planet. A mirror image was presented by A. Bertram Chandler in Spartan Planet , featuring an exclusively male world, where by definition homosexual relations are the normal and only sexual relations.

The plot revolves around the explosive social upheaval resulting when the planet is discovered by a spaceship from the wider galaxy, whose crew includes both men and women. Until the late s, few other writers depicted alternative sexuality or revised gender roles, nor openly investigated sexual questions. By the late s, science fiction and fantasy began to reflect the changes prompted by the civil rights movement and the emergence of a counterculture.

Within the genres, these changes were incorporated into a movement called "the New Wave ," a movement more skeptical of technology, more liberated socially, and more interested in stylistic experimentation. New Wave writers were more likely to claim an interest in "inner space" instead of outer space. They were less shy about explicit sexuality and more sympathetic to reconsiderations of gender roles and the social status of sexual minorities. Notable authors who often wrote on sexual themes included Joanna Russ , Thomas M.

Le Guin , sympathetic depictions of alternative sexuality and gender multiplied in science fiction and fantasy, becoming commonplace. Heinlein 's Stranger in a Strange Land and The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress both depict heterosexual group marriages and public nudity as desirable social norms, while in Heinlein's Time Enough for Love , the main character argues strongly for the future liberty of homosexual sex.

Delany 's Nebula Award -winning short story " Aye, and Gomorrah " posits the development of neutered human astronauts, and then depicts the people who become sexually oriented toward them. By imagining a new gender and resultant sexual orientation , the story allows readers to reflect on the real world while maintaining an estranging distance. In his science fiction novel entitled Dhalgren , Delany colors his large canvas with characters of a wide variety of sexualities.

Delany depicts, mostly with affection, characters with a wide variety of motivations and behaviours, with the effect of revealing to the reader the fact that these kinds of people exist in the real world. In later works, Delany blurs the line between science fiction and gay pornography. Delany faced resistance from book distribution companies for his treatment of these topics.

Le Guin explores radically alternative forms of sexuality in The Left Hand of Darkness and again in " Coming of Age in Karhide " , which imagine the sexuality of an alien "human" species in which individuals are neither "male" nor "female," but undergo a monthly sexual cycle in which they randomly experience the activation of either male or female sexual organs and reproductive abilities; this makes them in a sense bisexual , and in other senses androgynous or hermaphroditic. It is common for an individual of that species to undergo at some moment of life pregnancy and birth-giving.

Redux" , which respond to feminist and other criticism of The Left Hand of Darkness. In these essays, she makes it clear that the novel's assumption that Gethenians would automatically find a mate of the gender opposite to the gender they were becoming produced an unintended heteronormativity. Le Guin has subsequently written many stories that examine the possibilities science fiction allows for non-traditional sexuality, such as the sexual bonding between clones in " Nine Lives " [13] and the four-way marriages in " Mountain Ways " In his novel The Gods Themselves , Isaac Asimov describes an alien race with three genders, all of them necessary for sexual reproduction.

One gender produces a form of sperm, another gender provides the energy needed for reproduction, and members of the third gender bear and raise the offspring. All three genders are included in sexual and social norms of expected and acceptable behavior. In this same novel, the hazards and problems of sex in microgravity are described, and while people born on the Moon are proficient at it, people from Earth are not.

Similarly, Poul Anderson 's Three Worlds to Conquer depicts centaur-like beings living on Jupiter who have three genders: In order to conceive, a female must have sex with both a male and a demi-male within a short time of each other. In the society of the protagonist, there are stable, harmonious three-way families, in effect a formalized Menage a Trois , with the three partners on equal terms with each other.

An individual in that society feels a strong attachment to all three parents - mother, father and demi-father - who all take part in bringing up the young. Conversely, among the harsh invaders who threaten to destroy the protagonist's homeland and culture, males are totally dominant over both females and demi-males; the latter are either killed at birth or preserved in subjugation for reproduction - which the protagonist regards as a barbaric aberration.

Feminist science fiction authors imagined cultures in which homo- and bisexuality and a variety of gender models are the norm. The Girl Who Was Plugged In is an early precursor of cyberpunk that depicts a relationship via a cybernetically controlled body. The society lacks stereotypically "male" problems such as war , but is stagnant.

The women reproduce via cloning, and consider men to be comical. In Robert Silverberg 's novelette The Way to Spook City the protagonist meets and has an affair with a woman named Jill, who seems completely human - and convincingly, passionately female human.

Holy Shit! Incredible, Epic Sex!! (A Sexual Pleasure Fantasy)

Military Menage A Trois (A Sexual Pleasure Fantasy) - Kindle edition by Joan Wilder. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Girl Stuff: Girl On Girl (A Sexual Pleasure Fantasy). Kindle Edition. $ Military Menage A Trois (A Sexual Pleasure Fantasy) Jun 28, by Joan Wilder.

Increasingly in love with her, he still has a nagging suspicion that she is in fact a disguised member of the mysterious extraterrestrial species known as "Spooks", who had invaded and taken over a large part of the United States. Until the end, he repeatedly grapples with two questions: Is she human or a Spook?

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It reflects many parts of myself which I believe reflect many parts of our society. One gender produces a form of sperm, another gender provides the energy needed for reproduction, and members of the third gender bear and raise the offspring. I want the devotion and love of a family. All three genders are included in sexual and social norms of expected and acceptable behavior. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

And if she is a Spook, could the two of them nevertheless build a life together? Lynn also wrote novels depicting sadomasochism. John Varley , who also came to prominence in the s, is another writer who examined sexual themes in his work. Homophobia is shown as initially inhibiting the uptake of this technology, as it engenders drastic changes in relationships, with bisexuality becoming the default mode for society.

Varley's Gaea trilogy features lesbian protagonists. Female characters in science fiction films , such as Barbarella , continued to be often portrayed as simple sex kittens. After the pushing back of boundaries in the s and 70s, sex in genre science fiction gained wider acceptance, and was often incorporated into otherwise conventional science fiction stories with little comment. Chalker 's Well World series , launched in , depicts a world - designed by the super science of a vanished extraterrestrial race, the Markovians - which is divided into numerous "hexes", each inhabited by different sentient race.

Anyone entering one of these hexes is transformed into a member of the local race. This plot device gives a wide scope for exploring the divergent biology and cultures of the various species - including their sex life. For example, a human entering a hex inhabited by an insectoid intelligent race is transformed into a female of that species, feels sexual desire for a male and mates with him.

Too late does she discover that in this species, pregnancy is fatal - the mother being devoured from the inside by her larvae. In a later part, a very macho villain gains control of a supercomputer whose power includes the ability to "redesign" people's bodies to almost any specification.

He uses the computer to give himself a "super-virile" body, capable of a virtually unlimited number of erections and ejaculations - and then proceeds to transform his male enemies into beautiful women and induce in them a strong sexual desire towards himself. However, a computer breakdown restores to these captives their normal minds. Though they are still in women's bodies, these bodies were designed with great strength and stamina, so as to enable them to undergo repeated sexual encounters. Thus, they are well-equipped to chase, catch and suitably punish their abuser. Set on an alien planet, Octavia E.

Butler 's acclaimed short story " Bloodchild " depicts the complex relationship between human refugees and the insect-like aliens who keep them in a preserve to protect them, but also to use them as hosts for breeding their young. In Robert Silverberg 's novella Homefaring , the protagonist enters the mind of an intelligent lobster of the very far future and experiences all aspects of lobster life, including sex: There was no apparent pleasure in it, as he remembered pleasure from his time as a human. Yet it brought him a subtle but unmistakable sense of fulfillment, of the completion of biological destiny, that had a kind of orgasmic finality about it, and left him calm and anchored at the absolute dead center of his soul".

When finally returning to his human body and his human lover, he keeps longing for the lobster life, to "his mate and her millions of larvae ". Lois McMaster Bujold explores many areas of sexuality in the multiple award-winning novels and stories of her Vorkosigan Saga ongoing , which are set in a fictional universe influenced by the availability of uterine replicators and significant genetic engineering.