Our Little Roman Cousin of Long Ago (Yesterdays Classics) (Our Little Cousins of Long Ago)

Engaging introduction to the peoples of the world through the stories of the seven little sisters: The second volume in the A History for Peter series, covering the period from the writing of the Constitution to the end of World War I. This edition contains the complete text of the original volume, but it does not include the illustrations by Leonard Everett Fisher.

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A limited number of copies are available. Order for your own use only. An engaging journey through the land of ancient Egypt, in which we learn about the geography of the region and experience daily life through a visit to Thebes and the palace of the Pharaoh. Includes a description of the life of children in those long ago times as well as a couple of the wonder stories told to them. Chapters on Egyptian books and temples and tombs conclude the volume. Elementary history of the Jews, from the time of Creation to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.

Most of the stories are drawn from the Bible, with supplementary material from Josephus and other authorities. Presents the geographical conditions of Europe and their influence on the development of the Teutonic ideal of individual liberty. Then describes the influence of Christianity and the role of the monastery in preserving culture and setting high standards. Explains next how Roman, Christian, and Teutonic ideas mingled together in the development of Feudalism and the Feudal castle.

Our Little Roman Cousin of Long Ago (Yesterday's Classics) [Julia Darrow Cowles, John Goss] on donnsboatshop.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Through. Our Little Spartan Cousin of Long Ago (Yesterday's Classics) (Our Little Cousins of Long Ago) - Kindle edition by Julia The Story of the Romans (Illustrated).

Finally, relates how the crusades united the people of Western Europe in their first great enterprise and reopened the historical roadway to the arts, the ideas, and luxuries of the East. Recounts the stories of the most important movements in the history of Europe during the Middle Ages and acquaints the reader with the most important figures in those scenes. The figures are grouped into seven periods: In the tapestry which the author weaves may be traced the history of the rise and fall of the various nationalities and the circum-stances and mode of life of each.

A story of Normandy in the time of William the Conqueror, giving a vivid picture of manners and customs through the eyes of two boys of the court.

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Describes castle life, dress, amusements, training for knighthood, and other aspects of feudal life. Attractive biographical sketches of thirty-five of the most prominent characters in the history of the Middle Ages, from the barbarian invasions to the invention of the printing press. Each story is told in a clear, simple manner, and is well calculated to awaken and stimulate the youthful imagination.

Relates the story of the making of an hour book as a wedding gift from King Louis of France to Lady Anne of Brittany and the good fortune it brought to little Gabriel, Brother Stephen's color grinder. We follow the fortunes of Harald from the time he is given his own thrall at the cutting of his first tooth, through his exploits as a viking adventurer, to his crowning as King of Norway.

  1. The Life of Paul Bunyan and the Life of Pecos Bill!
  2. Blow Me?
  3. .
  4. Our Little Athenian Cousin of Long Ago by Julia Darrow Cowles.
  5. The Employment Impact of Chinas WTO Accession (Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy)?

Then population pressures at home and eagerness for adventure and booty from other lands combine to drive some of the bolder Vikings to set forth from their native land. Sailing ever westward across the Atlantic, they hop along the chain of islands that loosely connects Norway with America in search of home and adventure. How his foster-father Angus becomes poet to the High King and how Ferdiad himself recovers a lost treasure.

Gives a glimpse into the customs and social life of the Celts, with special emphasis on their artistic achievements, including the Book of Kells and the stories of Cuculain. Relates the thrilling exploits of Rolf in the land of the Vikings: Through his trials Rolf is challenged to grow in manliness, developing courage, self-control, patriotism, and perseverance, and in the end rising above the feud that has consumed him for so long.

The story, inspired by Icelandic sagas, serves as an excellent introduction to the prevailing values of the Viking era.

Our Little Spartan Cousin of Long Ago by Julia Darrow Cowles

The thrilling story, set in England in the time of Henry IV, of how Myles Falworth advances to knighthood and through 'trial by battle' restores the fallen fortunes of his family. With breathless excitement, the reader follows the adventures of the hero, sympathizing with him in his troubles, fighting in his battles, and rejoicing in his good fortunes.

  • No. 12: Bolero (Zambra).
  • Yesterday's Classics: History;
  • Table of Contents.
  • .
  • !

Numerous illustrations by the author add to the attractiveness of the volume. Relates how Spain, France, and England struggled for mastery of the New World in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries.

Explains why Spain and France failed in the struggle, while England prevailed. Demonstrates how the new ideas, brought to the shores of America by the English colonists, express themselves in the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution, and, greatest of all, the United States Constitution. A thrilling account of Napoleon's rise to power, from his humble beginnings on the island of Corsica to emperor over half of Europe.

Focuses on his military exploits, including his victories in battle after battle, followed by his exile to the island of Elba, his subsequent return to lead the disastrous Russian campaign, his final loss at Waterloo, and his last days on the lonely island of St. Relates the story of Raleigh from his boyhood days on the coast of Devonshire, to his exploits in Ireland and his unexpected entry into the court of Queen Elizabeth.

We travel with him as he pursues the ships of the Spanish Armada and makes voyages to the New World in search of gold and lands to settle. We see his efforts come to naught and hear how he is relegated to the Tower of London where he spends the last years of his life. Includes the fabled story of the velvet cloak and the role Raleigh played in introducing potatoes and tobacco to the Old World.

One of the volumes in the highly acclaimed Children's Heroes series, first published at the beginning of the last century. Stories of the thrilling adventures and hair-raising escapes of Paul du Chaillu during his years of venturing into the interior of equatorial Africa, encountering animals and sights no white man had seen before. The accounts of his interactions with gorillas, snakes, and ants are especially engaging. Collection of one hundred action-packed stories, covering the range of American history, from the first visit of Leif the Lucky to the exploits of Sergeant York in World War I.

In relating the long, thrilling story of the trials and triumphs of the pioneers and patriots, the author aims to gratify the love of children for the dramatic and picturesque, to satisfy them with stories that are true, and to make them familiar with the great characters in the history of their own country. Follow the fortunes of orphan Richard Mutton as he travels to the New World with Captain John Smith and takes up residence with him in the new colony of Jamestown.

See the struggles they go through to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table while the majority of their fellow colonists shirk the work of establishing the colony for the pursuit of gold. Observe how their relationships with the native Americans change over time and how, when they are just on the point of abandoning the colony, a new contingent of colonists arrives to bring fresh hope to the Jamestown settlement. The story of the Dutch colony at New Amsterdam, through the eyes of the young lad Peter.

Relates its settlement by the West India Company under the leadership of Peter Minuit, their transactions with the Indians including the purchase of the island of Manhattan, their overthrow of the Swedish forts to the south, and their surrender to English forces in The portrait of the contrasting figures of Peter Minuit and Peter Stuyvesant enlivens the narrative.

Tales of Revolutionary times, including the causes of the American Revolution, the daring exploits of those defending liberty, the early battles, the struggles of the army, and the heroes who led the colonists to victory. Stories of the great conflict from the time Lincoln became president and the southern states seceded, through the battles of Bull Run, Shiloh, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, until the close of the war. Includes poems, songs, and illustrations commemorating the events. An engaging collection of stories for the younger child, introducing him to activities and occupations of boys and girls in the colonial era.

Focuses on children who responded with courage and resourcefulness when faced with unexpected circumstances and whose efforts played a key role in the safeguarding of their families and their communities.

Famous personages of the time, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, figure in several of the stories. Dozens of detailed black and white illustrations complement the text. Shows how the consciousness and sentiment of union gradually grew in the minds of the American people from , when the Constitution was established through , when it was decided by the Civil War that the United States is in reality an indissoluble union. Emphasizes the development of freedom: Encourages the reader to enlarge and develop the principles of liberty bequeathed to him by carefully preserving and diffusing these liberties among his fellow men.

Inspiring story of Florence Nightingale from her earliest days as privileged daughter of an English squire to her role as Angel of the Crimea.

Our Little Spartan Cousin of Long Ago

Even as a young girl her nursing talents were evident as she doctored her dolls and ministered to sickly animals. With the training she received at hospitals on the Continent, she was ready when the call to the Crimea came. Facing unspeakable filth and disorganization, she and her staff of nurses cared for thousands of sick and wounded soldiers, earning their undying gratitude. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jan 27, Julie rated it it was amazing.

Read as part of our homeschool study of Ancient Greece. Nov 08, Julie rated it really liked it Shelves: My 7yo really enjoyed this book. Will read again with the 5yo when he's older. Talisha Zerfoss rated it really liked it Aug 09, Ali Smith rated it it was amazing Apr 24, Jean Anderson rated it really liked it Jan 22, Susan rated it it was amazing May 31, Apr 04, Maggie rated it it was amazing.

Our little spartan cousin of long ago was a very realistic story. My favorite part was when the boys were chasing the fox. I did not like it when story ended, I never do.

The accounts of his interactions with gorillas, snakes, and ants are especially engaging. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Thanks for telling us about the problem. With breathless excitement, the reader follows the adventures of the hero, sympathizing with him in his troubles, fighting in his battles, and rejoicing in his good fortunes. Inspiring story of Florence Nightingale from her earliest days as privileged daughter of an English squire to her role as Angel of the Crimea. Paperback , pages. My favorite part was when the boys were chasing the fox.

I thought it funny when the boys enacted a play. It made me sad when Chartas had to give up the Olympics to stay in case of a fight. All in all this was such a good that I couldn't seem to put it down. Jenny rated it really liked it Jul 10, Stephanie rated it liked it Feb 07, DixieChick rated it it was amazing Jun 27, Evan VanHoy rated it it was amazing Jul 07, Tyrone Wilson rated it liked it Aug 13, Pavel marked it as to-read Jul 24, Margaret Chind added it Aug 20, Glorybeafarm marked it as to-read Sep 18, Susan added it May 21, Laurie marked it as to-read May 13, Michelle Brumgard added it Jan 25, Edwina Moody marked it as to-read Apr 20, Seth Holler marked it as to-read Mar 09, Melis marked it as to-read Aug 25, Goodreads added it Jan 16, Bonnie Briscoe marked it as to-read Apr 18, Stefanie marked it as to-read May 04,