Fully Devoted: Living Each Day in Jesus Name (Pursuing Spiritual Transformation)


The Case for Christ Lee Strobel. Four Views on Hell Various. The Last Hour Amir Tsarfati. Freedom of the Will Jonathan Edwards. Discovery of Genesis Nelson. Devotions on the Hebrew Bible Milton Eng. Bible and Bedlam Louise J. The Message of Ecclesiastes Derek Kidner. Earth's Last Empire John Hagee.

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  • Fully Devoted: Living Each Day in Jesus’ Name.

From Eden to Exile Eric H. Sisters Of Sinai Janet Soskice. False Christ Coming Warren Smith. Memory and Manuscript Eric J.

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Studies in Biblical Law David Daube. Paul's Vision for the Deacons Alexander Strauch. The Wisdom Jesus Cynthia Bourgeault. Unbelievable John Shelby Spong. The Beauty of Holiness Joseph Blenkinsopp.

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Customers who bought this item also bought. But there is a common denominator. Fully Devoted group sessions are: Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. As you read through this passage, was there any point at which you said, 'Ouch--I have a tendency in that direction'? New Perspectives on the Nativity Jeremy Corley.

What Did Jesus Look Like? Other books in this series. Fully Devoted Laurie Pederson. Back cover copy What does it mean to do everything 'in Jesus' name'? Is that an ideal attainable only by a few 'super Christians'--or is it a way of life we can all experience? John teaches around the world at conferences and churches, writes articles for Christianity Today and Leadership Journal, and is on the board of the Dallas Willard Center and Fuller Seminary.

John and his wife Nancy enjoy spending time with their three adult children, dog Baxter, and surfing the Pacific. A life supposedly yielded to God rebelling against him! Obviously it's not supposed to be this way, yet for many, it's the sad truth. When people are not being authentically transformed--when they are not becoming more loving, joyful, Christlike persons--they often settle for what might be called 'pseudo-transformation. But if our heart isn't changing, we will look for more superficial and visible ways of demonstrating that we are 'spiritual.

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We need only to hear Jesus' words to the religious leaders of his day to know that pseudo-spirituality is a deadly disease--and a common and contagious one at that. When someone asks you, 'How is your spiritual life going? How do you define spirituality? How do you assess spiritual progress? Amidst all the confusing and distorted notions, Scripture speaks with brilliant clarity. To pursue spiritual life means simply this: To know Jesus more intimately and to live as if he were in your place.

It is to order your life in such a way that you stay connected to Christ, thinking as he thought, speaking as he spoke, and walking as he walked. Certainly, this imitation of Christ will look different for each person, expressing itself through that person's unique temperament, abilities, and circumstances. But there is a common denominator.

Bewitched by False Doctrine

At the core of Jesus' teaching is the command to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love other people as you love yourself Mark When someone asks you how your spiritual life is going, the real question is, 'Are you becoming more loving toward God and people?

This measurement is the supreme spiritual diagnostic for Christ-followers who want to please him. Doing Life in Jesus' Name What would this kind of life look like if you actually lived it out? Let's face it--you could chalk up this concept as another idea that sounds good but isn't really practical.

Yet God is inviting you to make each moment of every day a chance to learn from him how to master the art of life. Your spiritual life is simply your whole life--every minute and detail of it--from God's perspective. In other words, God isn't interested in your spiritual life. God is simply interested in your life. And every moment is an opportunity to do life in Jesus' name. Spiritual Exercise Here is an experiment for putting Colossians 3: Memorize Paul's words in Colossians 3: How would you do each of the following activities in Jesus' name? Describe the picture Jesus paints in John In this passage, Jesus has some harsh words for the religious leaders of his day.

Fully Devoted: Living Each Day in Jesus' Name, Pursuing Spiritual Transformation

These scribes and Pharisees were well versed in Scripture and considered to be spiritually 'in the know. Yet Jesus was extremely frustrated by their spiritual shallowness and obsession with externals. What specific behaviors does Jesus confront? What heart attitude s do you think all these behaviors have in common?

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What does it mean to do everything in Jesus' name? Start reading Fully Devoted (Pursuing Spiritual Transformation) on your Kindle in under a minute. Editorial Reviews. From the Author. John Ortberg is a teaching pastor at Willow Creek What does it mean to do everything "in Jesus' name"? . Fully Devoted is the overview book for the Pursuing Spiritual Transformation series by John Ortberg. the study of His word, the Bible and to apply it/live it in our everyday lives.

As you read through this passage, was there any point at which you said, 'Ouch--I have a tendency in that direction'? How do you think such distorted views of spirituality have crept into your life? In your opinion, why is it easy for people to think that acquiring knowledge, following formulas, and obeying rules will automatically lead to true spiritual maturity? According to the following words of Jesus, what must be at the heart of any concept of spirituality? Being as candid as possible, how would you assess the state of your spiritual life right now?

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