Through Other Continents: American Literature across Deep Time

Through Other Continents: American Literature Across Deep Time

To ask other readers questions about Through Other Continents , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Through Other Continents. Lists with This Book. Oct 30, Tom rated it liked it Shelves: A somewhat overwhelming attempt to blow out the fuses and study literature by using all sorts of hybrid methods including physics, religion and translation studies.

  • Through Other Continents: American Literature across Deep Time » Brill Online;
  • Through Other Continents: American Literature across Deep Time - Wai Chee Dimock - Google Книги.
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Dimock basically kicks out all the existing categories such as 'American Literature' or 'modernism' and starts from scratch. Most of it is really interesting, although miss Dimock tends to digress into oblivion. It goes to show that studying literature from an academic perspective is hardly an exact science. Nov 22, Humphrey rated it liked it.

Perhaps any book with a re-defining project so impressive and thought-provoking will necessarily feel underwhelming in its application. The Fuller chapter is, I think, my favorite. Apr 29, Cat rated it liked it. A scholarly book about American literature and how we should think about it not in terms of the nation but in terms of the planet, not in terms of the century but in terms of "deep time" that can draw unexpected links and even create simultaneity between the ancient past and the contemporary.

  1. Through other continents: American literature across deep time;
  2. Additional Information.
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  5. As a man thinketh of James Allen, in rhyme (Great books rendered in rhyme Book 2)?
  6. Steueroptimale Verlustnutzung (German Edition).

Some of this book is mind-blowing I'll admit that I A scholarly book about American literature and how we should think about it not in terms of the nation but in terms of the planet, not in terms of the century but in terms of "deep time" that can draw unexpected links and even create simultaneity between the ancient past and the contemporary. I'll admit that I am not a terribly abstract thinker, and Dimock revels in the abstract and also in an elliptical writing style that slowly swoops back to a complicated main idea Nonetheless, I find the style sometimes frustrating.

And my innate skeptic sometimes becomes frustrated with the reaching for the metaphors from mathematics, physics, and ecology.

Sometimes these metaphors are so helpful. For example, she talks about fractal geometry as a way of understanding the minute the tiny variations and patterns along a coastline or the enormous galaxies, space , and then she connects up literary history this way -- that it inheres in close reading tiny variations and then a broad understanding of genre and its mutations.

This metaphor rocked for me.

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And then other places, the metaphors would not work for me. Like talking about the crazy chronology of Robert Lowell in bending time by talking about Nero in I know I'm not being deep enough, but this is what literary allusion does, right? Sometimes Dimock's concept of "deep time" sounds to me like familiar literary concepts dressed up in new relativity clothing. This may attest to more of my limitations in conceptualizing theory than it does Dimock's.

I loved the chapter on Margaret Fuller and especially the final chapter "Ecology Across the Pacific," which talks among other things about ethical obligations to animals and cultural and experiential commonalities globally. It's a powerhouse, and best of all, it talks about monkeys.

Feb 05, Sofia Samatar rated it it was amazing. Project MUSE promotes the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide. Forged from a partnership between a university press and a library, Project MUSE is a trusted part of the academic and scholarly community it serves.

Through Other Continents: American Literature across Deep Time

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