Die Bildung der Differenz: Weiterbildung und Beratung im Kontext von Gender Mainstreaming (Theorie u

A primary-care based survey. Medical Decision Making , 37 , Simple models in finance: A mathematical analysis of the probabilistic recognition heuristic. Journal of Risk Model Validation , 11 , Experimental Psychology , 64 , Routledge handbook of behavioral economics. Nuevo enfoque a partir de los criterios del DSM Revista de Neurologia , 65 , Full text Garrido, D.

Language and motor skills in siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder: Autism Research , 10 , Infants at-risk for autism spectrum disorder: Patterns of vocalizations at 14 months. Can search engine data predict pancreatic cancer?

Can search engine data save lives from pancreatic cancer? BMJ Opinion , June 6 , Technology needs users who can control it. Scientific American , February 25 , Will democracy survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence? Living in terror of terrorism. Today's most interesting and important scientific ideas, discoveries, and developments pp. Wie trifft man gute Entscheidungen?

Articles in the Archive

Zur Zukunft der Medizin in der digitalisierten Welt. Technik braucht Menschen, die sie beherrschen. A theory integration program. Decision , 4 , Evidenzbasierte Kernkompetenzen mit Fallstudien aus der medizinischen Praxis pp. The psychology of not wanting to know. A simple heuristic successfully used by humans, animals, and machines: The story of the RAF and Luftwaffe, hawks and ducks, dogs and frisbees, baseball outfielders and sidewinder missiles - oh my! Topics in Cognitive Science , 9 , Authors' reply to Workman. How new fact boxes are explaining medical risk to millions.

Digitale Demokratie statt Datendiktatur. Justifying the judgment process affects neither judgment accuracy, nor. Judgment and Decision Making , 12 , Full text Hozo, I. Threshold model as a link between signal detection theory, fast-and-frugal trees and evidence accumulation theory. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice , 23 , Life cycles and adult sizes of five co-occurring species of Arion slugs.

Journal of Molluscan Studies , 83 , Estimation of the biserial correlation and its sampling variance for use in meta-analysis. Research Synthesis Methods , 8 , The Journal , 17 4 , Full text Katsikopoulos, K. When should we use simple decision models? A synthesis of various research strands. Training medical students how to extract, assess and communicate evidence from an article. Medical Education , 51 , Was tun gegen das Innumeratentum. Biospektrum , 23 , Gesundheitswesen , 79 , Fast-and-frugal trees as noncompensatory models of performance-based personnel decisions.

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes , , Zwischen Datenschutz und moderner Medizinversorgung. Wirtschaftsdienst , 97 , Meta-analysis of the effect of natural frequencies on Bayesian reasoning. Psychological Bulletin , , Diagnostic causal reasoning with verbal information.

Cognitive Psychology , 96 , Forecasting crowd dynamics through coarse-grained data analysis. Gerd Gigerenzer and Vernon Smith: Ecological rationality of heuristics in psychology and economics. Accurate perceptions do not need complete information to reflect reality. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , Heuristics are tools for uncertainty. Homo Oeconomicus , 34 , Rethinking behavioral economics through fast-and-frugal heuristics. Fast, frugal, and smart. Rational decision-making within the bounds of reason pp. Numeracy predicts risk of pre-hospital decision delay: A retrospective study of acute coronary syndrome survival.

Annals of Behavioral Medicine , 51 , Full text Rebitschek, F. Durch Digitalisierung zu Patient- Empowerment? The influence of adult and peer role models on children' and adolescents' sharing decisions. Generalization and search in risky environments. A signal-detection approach to modeling forgiveness decisions. Evolution and Human Behavior , 38 , Can facts trump unconditional trust? Evidence-based information halves the influence of physicians' non-evidence-based cancer screening recommendations. How presentation formats guide information search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition , 43 , The spatially correlated multi-armed bandit.

Why most decisions are easy in tetris - and perhaps in other sequential decision problems, as well. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research , On learning decision heuristics. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research , 58 , Full text Arkes, H. How bad is incoherence? Decision , 3 , Academy of Management Proceedings , Statistical and psychological explanations.

Strategic Management Journal , 37 , Does group size matter for behavior in online trust dilemmas? Ecological rationality of social learning. Full text Barkoczi, D. Collective search on rugged landscapes: Social learning strategies modify the effect of network structure on group performance.

Nature Communications , 7: Consistent Bayesians are no more accurate than Non-Bayesians: Economists surveyed about PSA. Review of Behavioral Economics , 3 , Decision heuristics for comparison: How good are they? Full text Costantino, G. Syncope clinical management in the emergency department: A consensus from the first international workshop on syncope risk stratification in the emergency department.

European Heart Journal , 37 , The ecology of financial markets: From analogy to application. Cognitive foundations of decision making: Grounding behavioral and neural signatures of decisions within cognitive architecture. Strategies for memory-based decision making: Modeling behavioral and neural signatures within a cognitive architecture. Die Intelligenz einfacher Entscheidungsregeln in einer ungewissen Welt. Controller Magazin , 41 2 , Full text Gaissmaier, W. Betting on illusory patterns: Probability matching in habitual gamblers.

Journal of Gambling Studies , 32 , A sampling framework for uncertainty in individual environmental decisions. Topics in Cognitive Science , 8 , Measuring graph literacy without a test: A brief subjective assessment. Medical Decision Making , 36 , Improving risk literacy in surgeons. Patient Education and Counseling , 99 , Type D personality is related to severity of acute coronary syndrome in patients with recurrent cardiovascular disease. British Journal of Health Psychology , 21 , Full disclosure about cancer screening: Time to change communication from dodgy persuasion to something straightforward.

Full text Gigerenzer, G. Towards a rational theory of heuristics. Commemorating the centennial of the birth of Herbert Simon pp. Die Kunst der Risikokommunikation. Informierte Patienten durch die Verbreitung von Faktenboxen. Das Jahrhundert des Patienten: Zum Umgang mit Risiken und Chancen.

Digitale Welt und Gesundheit: Applied decision making with fast-and-frugal heuristics. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition , 5 , The development of adaptive decision making: Recognition-based inference in children and adolescents. Developmental Psychology , 52 , Modeling the decision making mind: Does form follow function? The role of psychological heuristics in operations research. Theory, methodology and practice pp. Bias-variance tradeoffs in demand forecasting.

The International Journal of Applied Forecasting , 40 , Grasping a changing climate: Judgment and behavior in the face of an uncertain phenomenon. On the role of psychological heuristics in operational research; and a demonstration in military stability operations. European Journal of Operational Research , , On regularization and cross validation. Full text Markant, D. Enhanced memory as a common effect of active learning. Mind, Brain, and Education , 10 , Making sense of numbers about health risks: Achieving evidence-based patient choice pp. A simple tool for communicating the benefits and harms of health interventions: A guide for creating a fact box.

The power of groups in developing ideas. Creativity Research Journal , 28 , A methodology to benchmark bounded rationality. Minds and Machines , 26 , How people with low and high graph literacy process health graphs: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making , 29 , Risky decision-making is associated with residential choice in healthy older adults.

Frontiers in Psychology , 7: To screen or not to screen: What factors influence complex screening decisions? Applied , 22 , Risikokompetenz - Statistik - Transparente Information. Communicating health risks and with icon arrays: The influence of color. The diversity effect in diagnostic reasoning. Sources of developmental change in the efficiency of information search.

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Simple trees in complex forests: Growing take the best by approximate bayesian computation. Full text Stevens, J. Discounting as a last resort. Reflections of the social environment in chimpanzee memory: Applying rational analysis beyond humans. Royal Society Open Science , 3 8: Transitive reasoning distorts induction in causal chains. Process modeling in social decision making. Building the theory of ecological rationality.

Evaluative polarity words in risky choice framing. Journal of Pragmatics , , Learning from small samples: An analysis of simple decision heuristics. Full text Analytis, P. Psychological process models and aggregate behavior. You're special, but it doesn't matter if you're a greenhorn: Social recommender strategies for mere mortals. Mind, technology, and society pp. Full text Artinger, F. Environmental behavior and fast and frugal heuristics. Heuristics as adaptive decision strategies in management.

Journal of Organizational Behavior , 36 , SS Small Business Economics , 44 , Social learning strategies reconcile the relationship between network structure and collective problem solving SFI Working Paper No. Full text Bodemer, N. Internal and Emergency Medicine , 10 , Journal of Business Research , 68 , Learning to explore the structure of kinematic objects in a virtual environment. Frontiers in Psychology , 6: Are all spatial reference frames egocentric? Reinterpreting evidence for allocentric, object-centered, or world-centered reference frames. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 9: Observed, executed, and imagined action representations can be decoded from ventral and dorsal areas.

Cerebral Cortex , 25 , Die Kunst der guten Entscheidung: In einer unsicheren Welt brauchen wir Kopf und Bauch [The art of good decision making: In an uncertain world, we need both brains and guts]. In Union Investment Ed. Full text Galesic, M. Can small crowds be wise? Is patients' numeracy related to physical and mental health? Medical Decision Making , 35 , Brief messages to promote prevention and detection of sexually transmitted infections.

Current HIV Research , 13 , Simple but powerful health messages for increasing condom use in young adults. Journal of Sex Research , 52 , Improving risk communication about sexually transmitted infections: Introduction to the thematic issue. Visual aids improve diagnostic inferences and metacognitive judgment calibration. The impact of depression on self-other discrepancies in decision making.

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making , 28 , Revista de Neurologia , 60 , Full text Gaschler, R. Once and for all: How people change strategy to ignore irrelevant information in visual tasks. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , 68 , Impact on the social sciences. In the lab of Gerd Gigerenzer. On the supposed evidence for libertarian paternalism. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology , 6 , Decision making in the real world. Statistical inference via statistical rituals. Scientific theories that are blocking progress pp. Towards a paradigm shift in cancer screening: Informed citizens instead of greater participation.

Germany aims to stop nudging the public on screening. Wie gute Entscheidungen entstehen. Swiss Medical Forum , 15 36 , The idol of a universal method for scientific inference. Journal of Management , 41 , Risikokompetenz in der Schule lernen. Use of heuristics in environmental decision-making in relation to the Theory of Planned Behavior [In Slovenian].

Master's thesis, University of Maribor, Slovenia. Comparability of outcome frameworks in medical education: Implications for framework development. Medical Teacher , 37 , Diagnostic performance by medical students working individually or in teams. JAMA , , Natural frequencies improve Bayesian reasoning in simple and complex inference tasks.

The development of intersubjectivity: Cognitive, affective and action aspects. Reducing civilian force protection casualities in stability operations: A fast and frugal heuristics-based approach. Sociomoral reasoning in children and adolescents from two collectivistic cultures. European Journal of Developmental Psychology , 12 , Do intuitive and deliberate judgments rely on two distinct neural systems? A case study in face processing. The effect of interruptions on the diagnostic performance of residents and emergency physicians.

Academic Medicine , 90 , The amplification of risk in experimental diffusion chains. Tools for an uncertain world. A randomized cross-sectional study. BMC Medicine , Improving risk understanding across ability levels: Encouraging active processing with dynamic icon arrays. Applied , 21 , The relevance of social environment in economics decision making.

Lonely hearts don't get checked: On the role of social support in screening for cardiovascular risk. Preventive Medicine , 81 , Understanding the harms and benefits of cancer screening: A model of factors that shape informed decision making. Injury risk estimation expertise: Assessing the ACL injury risk estimation quiz. American Journal of Sports Medicine , 43 , Interdisciplinary differences in performance on the ACL injury risk estimation quiz. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine , 3 Full text Prinz, R. What counselors tell low-risk clients about HIV test performance.

The power of simplicity: A fast-and-frugal heuristics approach to performance science. Mabuse , , Biased processing of ambiguous symptoms favors the initially leading hypothesis in sequential diagnostic reasoning. Experimental Psychology , 62 , Memory activation of multiple hypotheses in sequential diagnostic reasoning. Journal of Cognitive Psychology , 27 , How basic-level objects facilitate question-asking in a categorization task. Children adapt their questions to achieve efficient search.

The information children and young adults generate and rely on when making inferences from memory. British Journal of Developmental Psychology , 33 , Evaluation in medical education: A topical review of target parameters, data collection tools and confounding factors. When does a Bayesian approach to memory modeling help?

Die Bildung der Differenz. Weiterbildung und Beratung im Kontext von Gender Mainstreaming. Reihe: Theorie und Praxis der Diskursforschung. Smykalla. Google android books download Reputation and Judicial Tactics: A Theory of National and International Download free epub books for android Baha'u'llah and the New Era. Spanish book download Die Bildung der Differenz: Weiterbildung und Beratung im Kontext von Gender Mainstreaming (Theorie und Praxis der.

A Festschrift for Richard M. Emerging adults' commitment to effectively supportive friendships: Uncertainty, decision science, and policy making: A manifesto for a research agenda. Critical Review , 27 , Sense and sensibility of ownership: Type of ownership experience and valuation of goods. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics , 58 , The Lancet , , Nutzen und Schaden transparent kommunizieren. Das offizielle Magazin der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft e. Statistical literacy in medicine: Physicians' and patients' understanding of health statistics in cancer screening and prevention.

When the medium is the message: How presentation formats influence information search. Searching down the line: Human performance in ordered search problems. Multi-attribute utility models as cognitive search engines. Judgment and Decision Making , 9 , Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 37 , Statistical literacy in obstetricians and gynecologists.

Journal for Healthcare Quality , 36 , Do individual differences in empathy and theory of mind shape social preferences? Ulysses Publishing, in press Reprinted Goldmann Verlag. Communicating relative risk changes with baseline risk: Presentation format and numeracy matter. Medical Decision Making , 34 , Waste prevention behaviour and fast and frugal heuristics. New approaches to reducing waste generation and its environmental impacts pp. An empirical analysis of the performance of simple decision heuristics in dynamic environments. A randomized trial comparing two low-intensity psychological interventions for distressed patients with cancer and their caregivers.

Oncology Nursing Forum , 41 , EE Philosophical roots, scientific investigations pp. Modeling uncertainty in banking networks. Theory and Decision , 77 , The continuing relevance of nineteenth-century philosophy of psychology: Brentano and the autonomy of psychological methods. Phenomenal experiences, first-person methods, and the artificiality of experimental data. Philosophy of Science , 81 , Are two interviewers better than one? Journal of Business Research , 67 , Sampling of social information: Decisions from experience in bargaining.

How do physicians provide statistical information about antidepressants to hypothetical patients? The influence of skills, message frame, and visual aids on prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making , 27 , Using visual aids to help people with low numeracy make better decisions. On defensive decision making: How doctors make decisions for their patients. Health Expectations , 17 , Factors predicting surgeons' preferred and actual roles in interactions with their patients. Health Psychology , 33 , Transferring control demands across incidental learning tasks: Stronger sequence usage in serial reaction task after shortcut option in letter string checking.

Frontiers in Psychology , 5: Predicting biases in very highly educated samples: Breast cancer screening pamphlets mislead women: All women and women's organisations should tear up the pink ribbons and campaign for honest information. How I got started: Teaching physicians and judges risk literacy. Applied Cognitive Psychology , 28 , How to make good decisions.

Wie man die richtigen Entscheidungen trifft. Business Weekly Publications, in press Japanese translation: Intershift, in press Korean translation: Chungrim, and e-book Italian translation: Come prendere decisioni giuste. Raffaelo Cortina, Finnish translation: Terra Cognita, Russian translation: Should patients listen to how doctors frame messages?

Simple solutions for complex problems. Strategies in uncertain times pp. Stereotypes about men's and women's intuitions: A study of two nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology , 45 , The adaptive use of recognition in group decision making. Cognitive Science , 38 , Bounded rationality can increase parking search efficiency. Journal of Economic Methodology , 21 , Decision theory and rules of thumb.

Cumulative dominance in multi-attribute choice: Tying up loose ends: A method for constructing and evaluating decision aids that meet blunt and sharp-end goals. Ergonomics , 57 , Operations Research , 62 , An experimental test of prospect theory for predicting choice under ambiguity. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty , 48 , A usability study on the position of answer boxes in web surveys. Social Science Computer Review , 32 , From perception to preference and on to inference: An approach-avoidance analysis of thresholds.

An introduction to the modeling challenge. Cognitive Science , 5 , A cognitive-inspired algorithm for growing networks. Natural Computing , 13 , Symptom recognition of heart attack and stroke in nine European countries: Overcoming cultural differences , pp. Springer Full text Meder, B. No one left behind. Presenting plural perspectives Advances in Mathematics Education pp. Structure induction in diagnostic causal reasoning. Heuristics for environmental decisions.

Retail investors and financial advisors: New evidence on trust and advice taking heuristics. From causal models to sound heuristic inference. Full text Mousavi, S. Risk, uncertainty and heuristics. Behind and beyond a shared definition of ecological rationality: A functional view of heuristics. Simple heuristics and the modelling of crowd behaviours. Collective statistical illiteracy in health. Children's sequential information search is sensitive to environmental probabilities. Warum Controller auf Heuristiken setzen sollten.

Full text Neth, H. Wenn weniger mehr ist: Homo Heuristicus in the financial world: From risk management to managing uncertainty. Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions , 7 , Full text Norman, G. The etiology of diagnostic errors: A controlled trial of system 1 versus system 2 reasoning. Academic Medicine , 89 , Methodological problems and statistical artifacts.

Revealing distributional and temporal patterns of social contact. A preliminary mixed-method investigation of trust and hidden signals in medical consultation. Braving difficult choices alone: Children's and adolescents' medical decision making. How children ask questions to achieve efficient search. Full text Streck, D. Entrevista com Gerd Gigerenzer [Ecological rationality and citizenship education: An interview with Gerd Gigerenzer]. Priorities for emergency department syncope research.

Annals of Emergency Medicine , 64 , I disagree, therefore I am: How to test and strengthen cultural versatility. Innovation , 27 , The brain is not "as-if": Taking stock of the neuroscientific approach on decision making. Methods and applications Vol. Transparent risk communication in cancer screening: Reveal when it's good and when it's not. Oncology Research and Treatment , 37 Suppl. Improving evidence-based practices through health literacy - in reply. Overcoming the knowledge-behavior gap: The effect of evidence-based HPV vaccination leaflets on understanding, intention, and actual vaccination decision.

Theorie U und THE WORK: 4 Levels of Listening und Glaubenssätze

Vaccine , 32 , Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie , 64 , Illusionary pattern detection in habitual gamblers. Evolution and Human Behavior , 35 , What do consumers know about the economy? A test of minimal economic knowledge in Germany. Linear decision rule as aspiration for simple decision heuristics. Curran Associates, , Vol. The "hot hand" reconsidered: Psychology of Sport and Exercise , 14 , Envisioning cognitively suitable and representationally supportive approaches to assessing investment preferences for more informed financial decisions CAREFIN Working Paper, Social learning in complex networks: The role of building blocks and environmental change.

Social interaction and group dynamics. Compound invariance implies prospect theory for simple prospects. Journal of Mathematical Psychology , 57 , When dread risks are more dreadful than continuous risks: Comparing cumulative population losses over time. Why once is worse than 10 times Dread risks versus "continuous" risks.

Full text Bosnjak, M. Sample composition discrepancies in different stages of a probability-based online panel. Field Methods , 25 , Die Zukunft der Diagnostik: Von Optimierung zu "Satisficing". Meaning, measurement, and correlates of moral development: European Journal of Developmental Psychology , 10 , New frameworks of rationality. Full text Cokely, E. How to measure risk comprehension in educated samples. Overcoming cultural differences pp. A hierarchy of heuristic-based models of crowd dynamics. Journal of Statistical Physics , , Individual decision making with social cues in the internet era.

Constraining ACT-R models of decision strategies: Full text Edele, A. Explaining altruistic sharing in the dictator game: The role of affective empathy, cognitive empathy, and justice sensitivity. Learning and Individual Differences , 24 , Philosophy Compass , 8 , The folk against pure evaluational internalism. Philosophical Psychology , 26 , The virtues of ignorance. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology , 3 , Wie verbessern wir die Gesundheitsversorgung: Full text Filimon, F. How embodied is perceptual decision making?

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Evidence for separate processing of perceptual and motor decisions. The Journal of Neuroscience , 33 , Moral judgment and decision making under uncertainty. Er greift diesen Gedanken in These 7 wieder auf, um das Maschinenmodell der Wirkungsforschung zu kritisieren. Die Kernfrage der Cluster-Evaluation lautet: Warum sind bestimmte Umsetzungsformen unter bestimmten Rahmenbedingungen erfolgreich oder eben nicht. Im Rahmen des "med: Die Evaluation erfolgte mit Hilfe eines Online-Fragebogens. TERGAN betont, dass sich die wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung vorwiegend auf den Aspekt der Wissensvermittlung konzentriere und anderen Bereichen vielleicht zu wenig Beachtung schenke.

Das Projekt ist so weit fortgeschritten, dass sich bereits einige konkrete Erkenntnisse und Hinweise bzgl. Der Kursablauf sollte deshalb nicht zu strikt, aber auch nicht zu flexibel sein. Als Konsequenz empfiehlt sie eine Fokussierung der Evaluation und eine Reduktion der Datensammlung auf relevante Bereiche.

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Beides verweist letztlich auf die Frage eines professionellen Umgangs mit Evaluationen im Sinn einer Erfolgs- bzw. Dabei bleibt bei der Darstellung im Text teilweise unklar, inwiefern sich diese von "normaler" Projektentwicklung unterscheiden. Die Evaluationsergebnisse des virtuellen Gruppenraums werden detaillierter dargestellt. Als Kommunikationsplattform findet sie auch im Umfeld problemorientierter Seminare Anwendung. Das Buch ist aus einem Workshop hervorgegangen, was man ihm an manchen Stellen anmerkt. Stattdessen tritt die Frage in den Vordergrund, warum ein Programm genau den Erfolg erbrachte, den es erbracht hat.

Zumindest im vorliegenden Band wird nicht angesprochen, inwiefern bzw. Dazu kommen noch verschiedene technische Expertisen, die von der Verwaltung der Server-Infrastruktur bis zur internetgerechten Aufbereitung der Medien reichen. Es ist in diesem Zusammenhang interessant zu fragen, ob die E-Learning-Bestrebungen auf dem Niveau einer mit multimedialen Inhalten angereicherten Kommunikations- und Administrationsplattform zur Ruhe kommen werden oder ob die Entwicklung weiter in Richtung einer Kodifizierung oder vielleicht auch "Taylorisierung" der Hochschullehre gehen wird.

Theorie — Logik — Modelle. In Michael Kindt Hrsg. Multimedia an Hochschulen zeigt Profil e S. The research we should be doing. Academic Medicine , 69 6 , The Inadequacy of recent research on computer-assisted instruction. Academic Medicine , 66 8 , Szenarien, Strategien, Studium S. Computers in medical education. Von der Nachhaltigkeit hoher Erwartungen.

The state of readiness of student health professionals for web-based learning environments. Health Informatics Journal , 10 3 , Thomas LINK , geb. Qualitative Social Research , 6 1 , Art.