The White Throne Judgment

Don Stewart :: What Is the Last Judgment? (The Great White Throne)

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What Is the Last Judgment? (The Great White Throne)

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Revelation 19 Revelation Enrich your faith and grow in spiritual maturity with the incredible Bible study and devotional books listed below. Try it for 30 days FREE. Cancel at any time. You must be logged in to view your newly purchased content. It is a throne that has been established for a particular purpose and for a specific time. This final judgment of sinners will be carried out in accordance with the strict principles of righteousness and absolute justice. In addition to the throne, John saw that the throne was occupied. John saw the Judge.

He is unnamed in this verse but from other scriptures there is no doubt as to the identity of the throne sitter. We read in, John 5: It says also in, John 5: We read in, 2 Timothy 4: On the cross He took the place of the guilty sinner, bore his sins and received all the judgment due to him and thus satisfied, by His death, every just demand of a holy God against him.

The Great White Throne Judgement

It says in, Romans Dear reader, are YOU saved? Was there ever a time in your life that you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

You can either meet Him in your lifetime as your Savior or meet Him later as your Judge. Which will it be for you?

The material creation has just fled from before the face of the judge. For the cataclysmic end of this creation read Matthew At the conclusion of the thousand year reign of Christ, Satan, who had been loosed from his prison for a short time to lead a final world wide rebellion against the Lord Jesus Revelation This will be his eternal dwelling place. Death and hell have to do with sin and a fallen humanity.

At the white throne judgment the bodies and souls of the unsaved have been reunited to stand before the throne for their final judgment.

Dear reader, does this describe you? Concerning these the Lord Jesus said, John 3: These are summoned to the White Throne Judgment. Verse 13 states events that occur before the events of verse 12, therefore we will quote verse 13 first.

The Great White Throne Judgment refers to a time in the future when all who have ever lived will stand before God in judgment, and He will decide who will be a. Mainstream Christianity wrongly assumes that the White Throne Judgment described here consists of condemning many millions who never.

These had no part in the first resurrection. Their bodies have remained in their graves for a thousand years after the first resurrection. These are described in, Revelation They have been summoned to this judgment by the command of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as it says in, John 5: Every person is made up of two parts, the body is the material part and the soul comprising the mind and the spirit is the immaterial part.

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And the Books were opened, including the Book of Lifeā€¦. History will reach its goal. Dear reader, are YOU saved? This is extremely doubtful, because the Bible says none has lived righteously see Romans 3: The throne and its description are significant in its meaning.

Resurrection is the reunion of body and soul linked again in the complete person. In this manner they appear before the Great White Throne and the Judge who sits upon it. There is a personal record of each individual sinner from birth to death. There will be degrees of guilt and therefore degrees of punishment. This book will be opened to show that the unsaved might have had their name written there but it is not.

What Is The Great White Throne Judgment?

To die unsaved, in your sins, is to miss having your name written in the book of life. Now judgment and its execution must take their course. Th ere are e ight classes of sinners described in Revelation