The Opposite of Falling

Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The Opposite of Falling 3. Costa-shortlisted author Jennie Rooney takes her readers back to the first giddying days of human flight in her much-anticipated follow-up to bittersweet wartime love story Inside the Whale. At Niagara Falls, one of the attractions is a red and blue striped hot air balloon offering rides over the rushing water. The balloon is a day job for Toby O'Hara, a young man whose nig Costa-shortlisted author Jennie Rooney takes her readers back to the first giddying days of human flight in her much-anticipated follow-up to bittersweet wartime love story Inside the Whale.

The balloon is a day job for Toby O'Hara, a young man whose night work is to continue to perfect his father's design for a flying machine. Ursula turns to the thrill of travel as an escape, and her sights are soon set on thomas Cook's famous new tour of America.

She chooses a young orphan, Sally Walker, as her travelling companion, but Sally is never going to be quite as prepared for the land of freedom and opportunity as Ursula - and certainly not ready to accept Toby O'Hara's invitation to see Niagara from a great height.

The Opposite of Falling confirms Costa-shortlisted Jennie Rooney as an author with a remarkable and rare talent. In this billowing love story, told with tender wit and a distinctive turn of phrase, Rooney's indomitable characters are lifted by small acts of bravery to find -- surprised and heartened -- that what once seemed terrifying is in fact just the opposite Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Opposite of Falling , please sign up.

Be the first to ask a question about The Opposite of Falling. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Oct 06, Carol W rated it it was amazing. I have just finished reading this delightful novel from Jennie Rooney author of Inside the Whale. This is a new author to me and I shall certainly want to read more of her work.

Set in 's and 70's, mainly in England and the USA Niagara Falls describing the early days of Thomas Cook travel and early attempts at man's desire to fly. It is written with such detail as to how the characters would have viewed early flight and the first 'packaged' holidays the reader can experience these feelings of new adventures.

Feelings that are unrecognisable today as we just book our hols online or at the travel agent. Ursula, not your typical Victorian Lady, waiting for society to catch up with her forward thinking and independent ways. Toby O'Hara, driven to get his flying machine working so he can discover "what he needs to know". Sally Walker, an orphan, companion to Ursula who wanted her to be proud of her and overcome her fears.

I loved the style of writing, the characters 'voices' and thoughts, and the wonderful scene setting. Some historical events brought together in this novel fitted easily together, women's rights, flight, and worldwide trave.

This novel kept me engrossed from the moment I started it. I just didnt want to put it down to start the dinner or put the washing out. I couldnt wait to get back to it. May 08, Maria Nicholas rated it it was amazing. Loved it - one of those books that sweeps you up in the story and you can't put it down until you've finished it. Wir haben als erstes Ursula Bridgewater, eine Ursula ist Tochter aus gutem Hause.

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Ursula begibt sich mit dem Thomas Cook auf Reisen in die ganze Welt. Die zweite Hauptcharaktere ist Sally Walker.

Leider fehlt dem Buch ein Spannungsbogen, den ich im gesamten Buch vergebens gesucht habe. Da das Buch mit gut Seiten auch ziemlich kurz ist, kann sich die Geschichte nicht richtig entfalten. Wir reden hier von einem Zeitraum von Jahren, der in diesen Seiten verarbeitet werden soll, was der Autorin nur teilweise gelungen ist. Schreibstil Der Schreibstil ist eigentlich sehr einfach gehalten und leicht zu lesen.

The Opposite of Falling by Jennie Rooney

Sie waren mir zwar sympathisch, jedoch blieben sie die ganze Zeit etwas zu blass und unscheinbar. Toby und seine Vergangenheit haben mich sehr interessiert. Durch ihn lernt man als Leser die ersten Versuche des Fliegens kennen, was eigentlich schon das spannendste an dem Buch war.

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Dennoch hat das Buch etwas an sich, was einem zum weiter lesen verleitet. Ich gebe hier 2,5 von 5 Sternen. Macht euch doch selber ein Bild. Sep 06, Carly rated it really liked it Shelves: So hatte man immer noch ein vorgegebenes Bild der Frau. In dieses Bild passt Ursula Bridgewater nicht. Ihre treue Begleiterin Sally, eine Waise, zieht sie dabei mehr oder weniger hinter sich her … Meine Meinung: Entdeckt fremde Kontinente und versucht ihrem Leben einen Sinn zu geben. Anders als Ursula ist Sally nicht sehr gewitzt, sondern eher ruhig und in sich gekehrt. Da die Autorin sehr gewitzt und leicht schreibt, macht es einem als Leser nichts aus, sich durch die Handlung tragen zu lassen.

The Opposite of Falling

Eine nennenswerte Spannung gibt es hier nicht, jedoch folgt man gerne Ursula und Sally, da beide angenehme Charaktere sind. Besonders Ursula ist eine sehr schrille Figur, deren Gedanken mich oft zum Lachen gebracht haben. Obwohl sie das Leben vom neunzehnten Jahrhundert schildert und man ihr glaubt und das Bild des Zeitalters im Kopf des Lesers entsteht, schafft sie es nicht trocken zu schreiben.

The Opposite of Falling has 99 ratings and 16 reviews. Carol W said: I have just finished reading this delightful novel from Jennie Rooney (author of In. The Opposite of Falling by Jennie Rooney. Alfred Hickling admires the forthright heroine of a tale set in the pioneering days of aviation.

All in all, I liked the book. The characters, the way they are connected and find each other, the bitter-sweet truth of Ursula, maybe not left unmarried by men, but wanting to be single Please tell us where you read or heard it including the quote, if possible. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! How a folk song became a term of derision. The participle made famous by Elvis.

And is one way more correct than the others? The story of an imaginary word that managed to sneak past our editors and enter the dictionary. How to use a word that literally drives some people nuts.

Word Origin & History

The peremptory, third-person narrative Rooney employs can seem a little pedantic at times, but Ursula's disappointment at Niagara Falls is deftly defined: Translation of fall for Arabic speakers Britannica. This is a new author to me and I shall certainly want to read more of her work. Open Preview See a Problem? Besonders Ursula ist eine sehr schrille Figur, deren Gedanken mich oft zum Lachen gebracht haben.

The awkward case of 'his or her'. Test your vocabulary with our question quiz! Synonyms and Antonyms of fall. Phrases Synonymous with fall. Learn More about fall See words that rhyme with fall Dictionary: Seen and Heard What made you want to look up fall?