The 3 Cs of SuCCCess: Live the 3 Cs to be Set Free

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How many people can even define success? The 3 C's of Succcess has been referred to as a "blueprint for personal growth, happiness and success in all areas of life. The 3 C's of Succcess clearly outlines the essential elements required for anyone to define and achieve enduring success: Creativity, Character and Completion.

The 3 C's will show you how to: Read more Read less. Equilibrium Enterprises, Inc October 1, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers.

The Three C's Needed for Your Blogging Success | Basic Blog Tips

Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention well written mitch steel great book success book insightful. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. By far, one of the best self-help books I have ever read! This is a pretty short book but it doesn't NEED to be longer. Everything is here that you need and it's in a concise, easy to read layout. I find myself thinking about things in this book throughout the day a lot. There are excellent quotes referenced in this book that stick with you. I rarely finish a book as I get busy, lose interest, etc.

I finished this book quickly. Extremely motivating and well written. Great job Mitch W.

  1. The Book of Enoch?
  2. Finders Keepers: A Romantic Suspense Novella.
  3. See a Problem?!
  4. | live the 3 C's to be set free - Part 2.
  5. The 3 C's of Succcess by Mitch W. Steel.
  6. The 3 C’s Of Getting More Done With More Free Time!
  7. Infectious Ideas.

And this long, luxurious life ahead of you is going to make you depressed! Be Hard On Your Opinions A famous bon mot asserts that opinions are like arse-holes, in that everyone has one. There is great wisdom in this… but I would add that opinions differ significantly, in that yours should be constantly and thoroughly examined.

We must think critically, and not just about the ideas of others. Be hard on your beliefs…Be intellectually rigorous. Identify your biases, your prejudices, your privilege.

The Three C's of E-Commerce

We tend to generate false dichotomies, then try to argue one point using two entirely different sets of assumptions…. By the way, while I have science and arts grads in front of me: If you need proof: Please be a teacher! Teachers are the most admirable and important people in the world. Define Yourself By What You Love … We have tendency to define ourselves in opposition to stuff; as a comedian, I make a living out of it. But try to also express your passion for things you love. Be demonstrative and generous in your praise of those you admire.

Send thank-you cards and give standing ovations. Be pro-stuff, not just anti-stuff. I have, in the past, made important decisions about people I work with — agents and producers — based largely on how they treat wait staff in restaurants.

Basic Blog Tips

You will soon be dead. And you will sometimes be happy and sometimes sad. Thank you for indulging me. Hope that provides you a sense of guidance and strangely comfort ; comfort in the meaningless of it all. Assess your own beliefs and opinions regularly. Be a teachers —share your genius. Define self by what you love not what you hate. But, try to watch it at least 3x in one sitting and take notes!

This should help you understand the forces at play that both control and direct your behavior and subconscious thinking as it relates to getting things done and procrastination. While the presentation itself could use a little improvement, the message is great. A few key points, the importance of visualizing the outcome and even the steps being completed! The idea of thinking about thinking meta-cognition. Planning for resources and the process not just the goals. Recognizing and anticipating setbacks and roadblocks — actually, planning for failure and knowing how you are going to respond!

NOW is always the best time and he shares a Napoleon Hill quote to underscore that.

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Do you know how hard that is? And, speaking of great— this is a short video that beautifully illustrates the power of habit that seemingly magical force that has the ability to take what was, at first, difficult driving, shooting a basketball, playing piano, tying your shoes and, over time, through diligent practice and repetition, make it easier… seemingly effortless. In fact, I believe Tony Robbins cites a story about Larry Bird who was once filming a commercial and was asked to miss a basketball shot badly— unfortunately, he kept making his shots.

How are you developing it? They may all seem to be strange bedfellows, but they embody a basic tenet of success and goal-achievement: If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.

The Path To Blogging Success

The 3 C's of Succcess has been referred to as a "blueprint for personal growth, happiness and success in all areas of life." Readers are inspired by the message . The 3 C's of SuCCCess: Live the 3 C's to be Set Free and millions of other books . I have read many books on the topics of success and leadership, but found.

How powerful is this mantra? More PAINful advice here: You Have the Ability to see the Big Picture The difficulty you have keeping your attention on one detail for extended periods of time has a positive counterpart. Self confidence is a skill. No guessing required… see image below only here is the dilemna. There is an inverse correlation between depression and exercise. Your context-specific information need not be product-specific.

“In the future, we are all wonderful people.” ~Dan Ariely

You could provide some useful general tools at your web store, such as links to currency exchanges, international holiday listings, and a world time calculator. Or you could offer several shopping tools at your site that make the shopping experience for consumers more helpful. One of the best shopping tools that you can provide your customers is a link to a package-tracking service, and the FedEx web site has an excellent one.

From their Multi-Carrier Track page, a customer can track a package after it has been shipped by specifying the shipping company several are listed and the tracking number.

Another great service tool to offer your customers is called LifeMinders. The LifeMinders program enables web site visitors to sign up to receive timely, relevant tips and reminders each week about their home and garden, family, auto, entertainment, personal finance, personal events, health, and pets. People go online not just to be informed but also to interact with other people. Filling this need at your web store will help you turn shoppers into customers and customers into repeat buyers. Content can attract shoppers to your site.

But to generate a continuous flow of repeat visitors, you need to provide access to an interactive community. Community is just as important as content when planning an e-commerce site. If done properly, community features on your site will increase the number of page-views per visit, giving you opportunities to offer merchandise to your shoppers. Community features can be used to encourage customers to return to your site. Establishing a learning community can help shoppers develop expertise through the interaction with other shoppers who visit your site.

Asking questions, discussing problems, raising issues, and the general camaraderie that develops in an interactive community breeds a kind of loyalty that's beneficial to the success of your web store. And loyalty breeds repeat visits. Another benefit of an interactive community is that it can add content to your site. Discussion boards and forums, chat rooms, and discussion lists can provide content because they generate information by their very nature. You can take a short quote from one of your forums or discussion lists and post it each day on your site as fresh content, to generate interest in your product or offer.

This type of content can act as a traffic magnet, bringing continuous visitors to your site. Communities can build your business. The more times shoppers visit your site, the more familiar they are with it. The more familiar they are, the more comfortable they might be in making a purchase from you instead of some unknown merchant just a click away. Look at it this way. Visitors tend to spend longer periods of time at your site than before. The stickier the site, the more loyal the customer becomes.

Loyalty builds trust and trust is the currency of business. You should include as many interactive community tools as possible on your web site. The major tools of the interactive community are discussion boards or forums, chat rooms, discussion lists, and newsletters. The following sections explain these options. Everyone has an opinion, and most people want to know that their opinions are taken seriously. Some enjoy helping other people; others have a desire to learn more about a subject, issue, or product.

These desires cause people to gravitate to online communities.

Collaborations – Crucial to your blogging success

As word gets out that serious discussions are going on at your web store and you promote those discussions on your site, shoppers will come back on a regular basis to see what's discussed next. They start with a series of subjects or questions that readers can post their comments or answers to.

Visitors to your site are allowed to read any and all posts. But if they want to participate in the discussion, they usually need to register and get a username and password. When they register, this gives you an opportunity to collect some demographic and interest information for marketing uses. Discussion boards need to be programmed. But if you don't mind using a message board service, you can add a discussion board to your site for free!

The stickiest interactive community tool of all is the live chat room.

Content: Turn Your Site into a Learning Fountain

Don't be shy about asking visitors to your site to subscribe. The Path To Blogging Success Connections — the first step If you have a single ounce of personality, you'll find that it's not at all difficult to make connections online that can further your blogging success. It is wonderful when a good book has a simple yet profound effect. Quite important concepts mentioned here. If you make a mistake, don't worry — we all do it! Rather, the blogger should assume the role as King or Queen! What leads to them to not take action?

Having a live chat room can keep visitors on your site for hours at a time. That's a lot of face time for one web page. During this time, you could place offers on the chat discussion page pitching your products or service. You could even join in the chat about your product or product category, identifying yourself as the merchant and offering to answer any questions about your company and products you sell.

Unlike discussion boards, where you can read all the messages and remove any that are deemed unfit for your board, a chat room is an open free-for-all. To supervise a chat room would take a staff of people monitoring it 24 hours a day. To solve this problem, you might open the chat room at certain times of the day, when monitoring is available. As with discussion boards, you don't need to set up a resource-demanding chat room on your server or your hosting company's server. There are many free chat services on the Net that you can use by providing a link from your site to the chat services server.

As mentioned before, one such service is Delphi.