Inspiration for Transformation

19 quotes about change to inspire you on Transformation Tuesday

You've made amazing changes in your lifestyle, but eventually your body gets used to the same old routine. That's when it's time to change and kick your body back into gear.

Start Your Own Transformation Today

It could be adding another day of cardio or lifting, or another day of rest. When it comes to your diet, I'm a big fan of calorie- and carb-cycling plans to keep your body guessing. Tune in and listen to your body, because only you know what's right for you. I kept pushing through and saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I told myself to never give up. Positive self-talk is a fantastic way to push through the last rep or avoid overindulging in dessert. Sit down, take a deep breath, and reflect on your amazing achievements.

The Most Inspirational Weight-Loss Transformations of 2017

Tell yourself that you can do this. I'm right there with you every step of the way. Like everything in life, it will have its ups and downs.

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It's natural to have fears of failure. Remember, it starts with you, it's meant for you, and it ends with you. You'll face lots of naysayers, but you have to stay strong, have patience, and never forget why you began. It's helpful to keep a journal and a before picture. Your body will start to take shape before the pounds come off or go on.

Surround yourself with positive and knowledgeable people who protect your flame. Nothing worth fighting for is easy, but it's always worth the effort. There are no words to explain the feeling when you accomplish a goal or obtain the power to overcome doubt. You have a choice to be a better, stronger, and healthier you. Don't ever underestimate your abilities. I started my last contest prep during the peak season for work as a structural steel erector in Chicago.

I was slammed and stressed out, but I kept going, I stayed on track with my diet and worked out whenever I had a one-hour window. I ended up competing and won my pro card almost exactly one year after I started my transformation. I would not have been able to do it without the love and support of my friends, family, and amazing husband. I'm currently prepping for the Arnold Amateur Five weeks out, my cousin, who was like a brother to me, was killed in a car crash.

Heartbroken and devastated, my first thought was, 'It's over. I'm not doing the Arnold. You need a fitness goal and you must surround yourself with professionals and supportive friends and family to get through whatever life throws at you. It's something your body requires throughout life. The misconception that quick and simple processes are the best sets the wrong example and makes us lazy at all levels. Our body is the temple of our soul.

When the scale hit pounds, I made a decision to get healthy, feel powerful, and look different. I lost my first 65 pounds in six months by taking baby steps. I watched what I ate, drink more water, gave up desserts, and started doing a half hour of daily exercise like crunches and cycling on stationary bike. It was a nice and comfortable way to make my first big step. The mind will follow the body. If you fall off the horse like I did, don't worry.

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Get back on and fight harder than before. Your body will support you.

You just have to decide. I keep myself motivated by setting small, obtainable goals that I can hit in a week like losing two pounds or shaving seconds off my mile time. Teach yourself something new about your health and fitness every day. Knowledge really is power.

19 quotes about change to inspire you on Transformation Tuesday | Metro News

When you understand why you eat the food you do and what it does for your body, you will make smarter choices. Form a habit and stick to your guns. Everyone else could see them earlier, but at six months, I really felt good in my skin and nothing could stop me at that point.

I love posting new recipes on the refrigerator and trying new spices. Keep it fresh and always remember: All good things come to those who wait. Put one clean day in front of another and watch the changes happen.

When you have a cheat streak, forget about it and start the next meal off right. Controlling the dialogue inside your head yields long-lasting changes. It's one thing to get temporarily motivated and be strict on the path to transforming, but it's a totally different beast to stick with it and continuing making progress.

The going will get tough. These are the times when you must dig deep and pull out the reasons why you're transforming and staying true to your passion and drive. People will say that it can't be done, that you should quit and revert to your previous lifestyle. Let those people motivate you even more. You are not like them. Now I know it's limitless.

Transforming your body is about transforming your mind. We are capable of strength far beyond what we can fathom. All it takes is one more step, and one more rep. Now is the time to shape the rest of your life. It's tough to keep pushing when the results aren't quite there. I started eating clean and lifting weights with only one cheat meal per week.

I slowly started getting results, but when I put A big part of my motivation was taking measurements and progress pictures once per month. That's when the real proof came to the surface. I knew I was putting on muscle, so I quit being obsessed with the number. I went from 24 to 15 percent body fat while staying at pounds. Take pictures and hang on to your old clothes. I want you to get on the rides, too. They were the catalyst she needed to drop weight and stop feeling miserable about her body and self-esteem. In that difficult moment, she discovered the inner strength to transform her life: The choice was simple.

I go to bed feeling excited and accomplished. My new life is filled with first time experiences. I became the role model my children deserved. For many people, a big obstacle on the path to losing weight is finding the type of exercise that excites them to work out every day.


Not everyone is thrilled by running, CrossFit, yoga, Pilates, and other routines. This was the case for Karl Burr, who tried for three years to find a program he could stick with and shed pounds. Then he discovered boxing— one of the top workout trends this year —and everything changed. Believe in yourself, love yourself. Remember that you are worth all the work. Courtesy Joanna Wilcox iamketoincanada. Though she would initially drop some weight, she could never keep it off. A battle many people face, emotional eating is defined by having the urge to eat when anxious or stressed.

Wilcox has dramatically reshaped herself, eventually losing 60 pounds in a year.

“My wife’s courageous cancer battle inspired me to be healthier.”

For her diet, she seeks low-carbohydrate foods and tracks her macronutrient levels. She also works out regularly to tone and shape her changing body.

All of these aspects have made it possible for her to shed weight. Find a friend to commit with or surround yourself with others following a similar diet.

“I finally said ‘yes’ to gastric bypass surgery.”

Transformation Course: Lesson Inspiration and Transformation: Keep It Simple. Energy flows where attention goes. Though life for humanity on planet Earth. Transformation is crucial to living your dreams, you must rid yourself of mediocrity and step up your game to a whole new level. May these quotes inspire you to.

Finding a weight loss community where you feel supported can make a huge difference in your weight loss journey. Worried that you might be struggling with emotional eating? Here are seven tricks that really work. Though author Fred Bollaci wanted to lose weight—he still wanted to maintain the things in life that brought him joy.

Because he loved to dine out and travel, he was worried a diet would restrict this fulfilling pastime. He was teetering at pounds and suffering from sleep apnea, high-blood pressure, back and joint pain, and pre-diabetes To get his health back and track and still be satisfied with his life, he found a way to eat at restaurants four to five nights a week—and was able to even drink wine on occasion—yet still drop pounds. Bollaci worked on a plan with a nutritionist and physician.

To stay out of trouble while dining out, avoid these eight unhealthiest restaurant meals. After losing 30 pounds, he had the energy to work out—which allowed him occasional indulgences like pizza, pasta, bread, or dessert. When he dropped 50 pounds, he was able to hit the gym several times a week and start swimming, biking, and jogging. They fail to offer realistic chances for long-term success, or rather—how to eat once the weight is gone.

Start by making better choices, eating less quantity and opting for better quality, and learn to love yourself which leads to eating healthier and getting into shape. Put one foot in front of the other and simply start. Courtesy Fit Girls Guide fitgirls. In addition to providing the resources she needed to lose weight, the program offered a supportive community that made her feel welcomed, regardless of her size or struggles. The interactive online group held her accountable to her goals while still being able to care for her kids at home.

Her advice to others? Originally Published on sitename. Skip links Skip to content Skip to footer. Do you live in the Nicest Place in America? Need some major inspiration to jumpstart your weight loss goals for the year? Look no further than these motivating stories of transformation from If they can shed the pounds, so can you! Sign Up for Our Newsletters Get articles sent right to your inbox.