Winning Interview Answers for First-time Job Hunters (Winning Series)

How to Ace a Speed Interview

If an HR person or a recruitment consultant conducts the first interview they will focus on checking out your academic background, skills base and experience to see if what you say ties with your resume. A second interview is likely to include your future direct report and even that person's manager.

You should do additional research before the second interview and prepare to answer both the same questions again, and new questions. Plus, you should have new questions to ask. Jacky Carter, Director of recruitment firm Hays, provides the following advise on preparing for a second interview.

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Build on the information you researched first time around about the industry, the company and your potential role. You can do this by reading industry publications, news articles, the company's web site and annual report. Get to know the company by reading about its mission statement, goals, business philosophy and management style. Learning about your potential employer will help you understand the importance of the role on offer to the company's success and how to talk about your skills, interests and experiences in a way that meets those needs.

Interview questions and answers

Winning Interview Answers for First-time Job Hunters (Winning Series) [Denise Taylor] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Interviews are. Job Interview Questions & Answers: Your Guide to Winning in Job Interviews [Liz Cassidy] on This time on Job Interview Question and Answers. Shipping and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. I thought this book was more for first time job seekers.

Try to find someone who works for the organisation. This is probably the most valuable research method available. The knowledge you glean from such conversations and the fact you have gone to this trouble often impresses employers. Think back to your first interview. What main areas did they concentrate on? Be prepared for the focus on these areas to be even more intensive this time around. Look at the information given to you - brochures, presentations - and be prepared to answer questions based on what you have absorbed from them.

Reflect on what questions were asked during the first interview and which ones you found difficult. Be prepared to answer the same questions again. Advanced preparation produces stronger responses, even to the traditional questions like: General interview tips Think about what the interviewer is trying to find out from asking a particular question and how you might formulate your answer.

Remember to answer the questions consistently as the interviewer will be making notes. Also, the "behavioural interviewing" technique will probably be used so click on the links to the relevant CareerOne story.

A second interview gives you the chance to express your ideas rather than simply talking about your skills and experience as you did in the first interview. Also, be fresh - think of new examples and information when talking about your achievements rather than just providing the same ones again.

Do not let yourself become distracted. Focus and listen carefully to the interviewer at all times. Asking questions shows initiative, enthusiasm and that you are interested in the position. Some that you might ask include:.

How to Ace Speed Job Interviews

Also prepare some questions that relate directly to information you were given at the first interview. Repeat the person's name, if you are introduced, as in "Nice to meet you [name]. Be ready with your own questions to ask them. Your questions demonstrate to them your interest in the job and also help you decide if you want the job if they decide to make you an offer.

Winning the "second" interview

Also, have "networking cards" ready your non-work "business" card to give to each interviewer in exchange for their business card. Or, very carefully write down the names, job titles, and email addresses of everyone who interviews you. You may be asked what you do or to simply introduce yourself. Regardless, be prepared with your elevator pitch , focused on this employer and opportunity:. This needs to be a short introduction, so make every word count. Don't expect more than 30 to 45 seconds for your pitch. As usual, you must always act and look professional and well groomed.

Even if the time with each interviewer is very short, you are interviewing for a job.

Do your standard preparation. Google the employer and the senior members of the staff for the reputation see 50 Google Searches to Avoid Layoffs and Bad Employers. Check out the LinkedIn Profiles for the employer, the interviewer names if you have them , and the staff names you find in LinkedIn and Google.

Even though you didn't spend much time with each individual, demonstrate your professionalism and follow-through by sending a thank you to each interviewer.

#1 Reason You're Not Getting Called For Job Interviews

Write a thank you card or email that sells you for the position. Therefore, chances are not very large that you will experience a speed interview, but, if you prepare for the worst you will shine in a traditional interview venue as well! She possesses 11 top-level certifications in resume writing, career coaching, and career management; 7 first place resume and job placement awards; and has written three books on interviewing and job search including Interview Pocket RX , Interviewing: Find Jobs in all states Jobs across the state - not available elsewhere on the Web.

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What is a Speed Interview?

They may like you, but what's your opinion of them? Your questions demonstrate to them your interest in the job and also help you decide if you want the job if they decide to make you an offer. Home Job Interview Interview Preparation. Regardless, be prepared with your elevator pitch , focused on this employer and opportunity:. Remember to answer the questions consistently as the interviewer will be making notes. What are your strengths?