A Psychological Typology of Successful Entrepreneurs

New venture planning—The stages of growth. Journal of Business Strategy, 3 1 , 70 - A conceptual framework for describing the phenomenon of new venture creation. Academy of Management Review, 10, - A taxonomy of new business ventures. Journal of Business Venturing, 4, - Explorations in managerial talent.

Conceptual foundations of organization theory. Starting, financing, and managing a successful new business. Toward a multidimensional model of entrepreneurship: The case of achievement motivation and the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 14 3 , 39 - The application of cluster analysis in strategic management: An analysis and critique. Strategic Management Journal, 17, - Kets de Vries, M. Testing hypotheses of entrepreneurial characteristics: Journal of Managerial Psychology, 11 3 , 12 - Distinctions within the concept of internal-external control: Development of a new scale.

  1. Concept Mapping: Learning How to Make Them, Use Them, and Teach Them to Others;
  2. IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics and Reliability of Actuating Materials: Proceedings of the IUTAM Sympos.
  3. Second Chance.
  4. No Country for Old Men: From Novel to Film.

Activism and powerful others: Distinctions within the concept of internal-external control. Journal of Personality Assessment, 38, - Past research and future challenges. Journal of Management, 14, - Managing job stress and health: Type A and B behavior patterns and self-reported health symptoms and stress: Examining individual and organizational fit. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 24, - Google Scholar , Crossref , Medline. Family background and gender: Implications for interest in small firm ownership. Business drive and national achievement. Harvard Business Review, 40 4 , 99 - N achievement and entrepreneurship: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, - How exceptional companies bring about their own downfall.

On the use of a short vocabulary test to measure general intelligence. Journal of Educational Psychology, 52, - Organizational Measurement Systems Press. Intelligence in the United States. The 4 routes to entrepreneurial success. Evidence for the existence of a set of personality types, defined by psychological tests, that predict entrepreneurial success. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 16, 62 - The expanded horizon for achieving entrepreneurial success. Organizational Dynamics, 25 3 , 54 - A psychological typology of successful entrepreneurs.

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Can psychological factors effectively predict entrepreneurial performance? Drawing upon studies of over entrepreneurial subjects in 10 different samples. A psychological typology and its relat&nship to entrepreneurial success. JOHN B. MINER. Country View Drive, Eugene, Oregon , USA.

A psychological typology and its relationship to entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 9, - Testing an extended role motivation theory of managerial, professional, and entrepreneurial motivation and leadership using whole careers. Role of entrepreneurial task motivation in the growth of technologically innovative firms. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, - Defining the inventor entrepreneur in the context of established typologies.

Journal of Business Venturing, 7, - Role of entrepreneurial task motivation in the growth of technologically innovative firms: Interpretations from follow-up data. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, - The structuring of organizations. Power and organizational life cycles. Academy of Management Review, 9, - The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover.

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A person based theory approach. Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth, 2, 21 - Using cognitive theory to explain entrepreneurial risk-taking: Journal of Business Venturing, 10, - Locus of control and achievement values of entrepreneurs. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 52, - Entrepreneurial attributes, experience, and skills. Academy of Management Review, 17, - Entrepreneurs in high technology: Lessons from MIT and beyond. Entrepreneurial research on student subjects does not generalize to real world entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Management, 29 2 , 42 - Advanced Search Find a Library.

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A Psychological Typology of Successful Entrepreneurs

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The 15 Characteristics of Effective Entrepreneurs

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Testing a Psychological Typology of Entrepreneurship Using Business Founders

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Success in business -- Psychological aspects.