Quantic Humanism

Future Human Foster

World Humanism Stefan T From the Margins to the Core Stefan T The Character of the Manager Stefan T Humanistic management and imagination Stefan T Integrity in Organizations Stefan T Future of Business Stefan T The role of management education Stefan T Systemic approaches to the Management education critique Stefan T Human Development in Business Stefan T Banking with Integrity Stefan T Quantic Humanism is a social philosophical approach towards a more benign and sustainable society that mingles together several humanistic approaches, based on otherness and alterity, with complex theories.

In order to achieve a solid foundation for humanness, the first task deals with deconstructing Modernity—or the traditional western mindset, in order to open a space for a more humanistic way of thinking.

The Philosophical Foundations of Humanistic Management

This is the space for quantic humanism or holistic alterity. Every day is more consensus about the ongoing change from linear mindsets to complex ones. This book explores the challenges that quantum mechanics poses on our traditional paradigms and how to use some of its axioms for a more humane society. The irony is that the linear mindset was built using Newtonian physics in the 16th century, and in the 20th century the same brand of knowledge, quantum physics, found that within the subatomic world things 'occur' in a somehow irrational manner.

In a way so difficult to understand, that today, in the 21st century, intellectuals, academics, and professionals—even Einstein, cannot solve their differences. Human flourishing on the making. In every human interaction, dignity must prevail. However it is difficult to define it, since each human being is unique. Identity is to be identical to, and here is the emergence of unique and authentic characteristics of the human being, and the beings as a group.

Quantic Humanism

Quantic Humanism is a social philosophical approach towards a more benign and sustainable society that mingles together several humanistic approaches, based on otherness and alterity, with complex theories. Notify me of new posts by email. Jorge, On our behalf, thank you for the video link. QTY Add to cart. We've not found results for "future human foster", we've displayed mixed results of " future human ", " future foster ", and " human foster ". Systemic approaches to the Management education critique Stefan T

Hence, the important elements are compassion, caring, multicultural understanding, and humbleness. All these, embedded and imbricated into dignity create the space for the emergence of human purpose and human flourishing. In every human interaction, transparency must be the norm.

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Nothing should be hidden from the interaction, unless the Other feels that s he needs more quantum-time to know the person. Ethics should be based on transparency, where all the topics, interests, differences, scope, and so forth, are part of the conversation. Hence, the important elements are stewardship, critical view of the Law, honesty, integrity, fairness, and accountability.

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Every human interaction should actualize the actual mental models, and since they are tacit and hidden, it should activate the emergence of mindsets. If the animal was one day conceived of and treated as a machine, the machine became little by little a technoanimal living with technoliving animals. The machine and the animal migrants, bodies, pharmacopornographics, children of the sheep Dolly, electronumerical brains constitute themselves as the new political subjects of the animalism to come.


The Quantic Humanism Initiative is a team work. Each one of us leads her/his projects, but the results are due to an integrative synergy. In order to achieve this, . In the Quantic Humanism Initiative you will find how a group of entrepreneurs, academics, intellectuals, social activists, and researchers are working to think.

The machine and the animal are quantic homonyms. As the proliferation of technologies of death is all that the whole of humanist modernity knew of, animalism should invent a new way to live with the dead; with the planet as cadaver and phantom; to transform necropolitics into necroaesthetics. Animalism becomes then a funeral celebration; a celebration of mourning.

Animalism is a funeral rite, birth; a solemn assembly of plants and flowers around the victims of the history of humanism. Animalism is a separation and an embracing.

Queer indigenism, planetary pansexuality that transcends the species and the sexes, and technoshamanism, an interspecies system of communication, are the apparatuses of this mourning. Animalism is not a naturalism. It is a complete ritual system; a counter-technology for the production of consciousness. It is the conversion to a form of life without sovereignty, without any hierarchy.

Animalism institutes its own law, its own economy. Animalism is not a contractual moralism.

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It refutes the aesthetics of capitalism and its capture of desire by consumption of goods, ideas, information, bodies. It rests neither on exchange nor on individual interest.

Animalism is not the revenge of one clan against another. Animalism is not a heterosexualism, nor a homosexualism, nor a transsexualism.

Animalism is neither modern nor postmodern. I can state, without joking, that animalism is not a hollandism. It is not a sarkoyzism or a bleumarinism. Animalism is not a patriotism, nor a matriotism.