
Is Judas in hell?

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4 Things We Can Learn from Judas

Judas meets Jesus and at first doesn't know what to make of him or whether or not to trust him. A cynical city boy, Judas makes fun of the country bumpkin disciples who follow Jesus but eventually decides to join the band, as well.

He and Jesus become good friends, even though they often see things very differently. Ultimately, Judas is convinced that Jesus needs to use his popularity and wonder-working powers to free the Jews from the Romans, and Jesus sees a larger, spritual perspective. As a friend, Judas convinces Jesus to give his disciples his miraculous powers, and he does with good results.

Finally, the Jewish leaders spy on Judas and convince him of the greater good of betraying Jesus, in order to save the Jewish people.

Definition of 'Judas'

Judas gets caught between the corrupt leaders, Caiaphus and Pontius Pilate, and Jesus. A bad movie, this "Judas". Decidedly that, a terrible movie. It hurt my innards to watch the stilted interactions between the pretty, oh so pretty Jesus and his dark, troubled It hurt in a strange way, though First of all, it's well-known that this movie butchers the Gospels, omits important events, and generally portrays the Savior as a dysfunctional imbecile who plays second fiddle to the troubled Judas You can tell he's troubled, because he wears dark clothes!

It's clear that the director and writers badly, badly wanted this movie to make an impact on the people, but these people have never heard of nuance, and instead practically force-fed the viewer the "proper" opinions. Never a good way to make a film. Instead of echoing the poignant performances of "The Passion", the performances in this movie seemed to be channeling Johnathan Schaech's other "menacing, but misunderstood" character from the movie, "That Thing You Do!

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I saw far too much of Jimmy in Judas. Growing up, his influences went way beyond metal. I wanted to be able to play it all.

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Judas Iscariot was a disciple and one of the original Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ. According to all four canonical gospels, Judas betrayed Jesus to the. Judas was Judas Iscariot, the apostle of Jesus who betrayed him. Judas is also the Greek form of the Hebrew name Judah, and may refer to.

Still, Hendrix became his primary role model. Then, Hendrix was sadly gone and somebody needed to take that forward. Downing, and bassist Ian Hill, were the first of the classic group to join, starting in , leading to the inclusion of frontman Rob Halford, in , and Tipton the next year.

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So, they were asking: From the start, Downing and Tipton had different solo styles. As time went on, Downing said Tipton began to take more solo parts, and play with more flash, leading fans to think he was the primary lead. Downing felt marginalized after Tipton formed a tight relationship with their manager, Jayne Andrews. For example, management decided not to lend a song to the Top Gun soundtrack, which went on to sell millions. Apocryphal gospels developed the point in Acts that calls the spot of his death the place field of blood.

His account appears in numerous legends , particularly in Coptic works, and in medieval literature. Although his name subsequently became associated with traitor a Judas and treacherous kiss a Judas kiss , not all depictions of Judas portrayed him as betraying Jesus.

In Muslim polemic literature, Judas ceases to be a traitor; instead, he supposedly lied to the Jews in order to defend Jesus who was not crucified. The 2nd-century apocryphal Gospel of Judas , a Gnostic text written in Greek, depicts him as a collaborator and close confidant of Jesus. According to the gospel—a Coptic translation from c. In the account of the gospel, during the celebration of Passover , Jesus takes Judas aside and reveals secret knowledge about God and creation to him, declaring that Judas is greater than the other apostles. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles.

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